Tales of My Slutty Sister


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She slipped her arms around his shoulders as she kissed him harder. Cole dropped his arms and put them around her waist, pulling her slender body against his. Samantha moaned and her fingers ran through his hair, her nails lightly caressing his scalp.

He got his hands under her shirt and slid them back up, his palms gliding over the soft smooth skin of her back. Samantha flicked her tongue across his lips and when he parted them, she slipped it into his mouth.

His tongue met hers and they played over each other as they opened their mouths wide, their kiss turning deeper and more passionate. Cole was as hard as he'd ever been for her and gripping the bottom of her shirt tugged upwards.

Her arms dropped and her hands caught his wrists. She finished their kiss with a quick peck to his lips, then leaned back and pushed his hands away.

"Just a kiss, so you know what its like." Samantha was no longer smiling. "Everything else you already know what it feels like because you made me keep doing it."

"And I'm sorry. I thought you believed me?"

"I do, and that's why I wanted to give you a taste of doing it the nice way. The way you might have gotten it if you came to me like you did just now."

He'd been looking down, and she took his chin in her hand, lifting his head until their eyes met.

"You're my brother, and even though you hurt me, I know you were confused and frustrated and maybe denying there was more to this than just sex. I will forgive you, Cole, but its going to take some time to forget all the shitty things you said and did to me."

"I understand." He nodded into her hand.

"I let you kiss me so you could see what you could have had. I'm not saying we could have been something. I'm not sure how far I would have let you go if I was the one who had an actual choice, but there's a chance I could have given you what you wanted to make you feel better."

"But you went the other way and bullied me into what you wanted. That little kiss which I know you really enjoyed is my way of telling you that you fucked up. Call it my payback that I made sure you know what you lost because other than a brotherly hug or kiss on the cheek that's the last time you'll ever touch me."

Her eyes were filling up again and this time it was her who looked away.

"Get it?"

"I got it," he swallowed against the emotion rising in his throat. "I...I just want us to be okay."

"We will be, but even though I'm choosing to forgive you, it hurt, and you need to give me some space and time to forget all this and pretend it never happened."

"Whatever it takes," he whispered. "I just want to be able to know my nieces or nephews."


"Something in that e-mail. I want us to be family forever and be auntie and uncle someday."

"God, Cole, where was all these nice thoughts before?" She wiped at her eyes. "You're making me think there could have been some kind of weird thing between us, but happy weird."

"There still..." He caught himself. "I threw that away the first time I blackmailed you and made you get me off. This mess is all on me, and I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you...us kind of."

"We'll get past it." Samantha gave him a weak smile. "But I don't want to talk anymore. I was good in the beginning, but now I feel like crying not laughing, and I want to do it alone."

"Right." He stood up. "Night, sis."


Cole walked to her door, and had just opened it, when she spoke behind him.

"Your big sister loves you, Cole. Always have, always will. But just never in that way."

"Thanks." Cole whispered hoarsely, quickly leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

He wiped at his wet cheeks as the tears fell.

His sister still loved him, and that was all that mattered.

Author's Note: To anyone who made it through this mess, you're probably wondering what the fuck was this about? I wrote Tales of my Slutty Sister because I am obsessed with my big sister and wrote these stories to blow off steam and share my fantasies with people who have the same kink.

I changed our names, where we live, work, and go to school. The version of 'Samantha' in this story is not true. My real-life sister is smart, hardworking, sweet, loving, and the best big sister a loser like me could hope for. Because I am a loser. I'm the one always in trouble, the one who works a crap job because I didn't want to go to college because I have no idea what I want to do.

I've had one girlfriend in my life and that's because my sister all but asked her out for me and taught me how to be good to her. A few days ago, my sister found my stories which is why they are now all deleted. Reading those stories broke her heart because of how badly I treated her in them.

I portrayed her that way because I'm a petty jealous jerk who took my own insecurities-and sexual frustration over my desire for her- out on her. This story is both an apology to her, and a warning to anyone like me. If you want your sister, and decide to write about her for some catharsis, it is a great way to get it out and have some fun with the great readers here.

But don't be like me. Even in fiction show your sister, or mom, or dad, or whoever you write about here, some respect. Show you love and appreciate them as much as you lust for them. Respect them, and yourself, by having some class. In other words, don't be that guy because I'm that guy and I can only hope 'my Samantha' can forgive me the way story Samantha could.

Goodbye my friends, it's been a lot of fun.


Cole leaned back from the computer and released a long sigh. It was two am, and he'd started the story at midnight. A good couple of hours of power writing, especially considering he'd stopped a couple times because he'd teared up more than once.

He'd gone to bed a little after ten, waiting for the folks to call it quits and head up. Cole had taken the blanket downstairs and washed it and tossed it in the dryer. If mom looked for it in the morning, he'd tell her he spilled juice on it after they went to bed.

Cole had gone upstairs, and still wired from the hot and risky scene with Samantha on the couch, he'd gone online. The first thing he'd seen was the e-mail from Literotica notifying him his stories would be deleted in 24 hours and if he changed his mind to contact them.

He'd felt a wave of sadness that all that work would be gone. The site had been good for him, not just getting out his dirty thoughts, but he was liked there.

He had made it on the top lists and people liked and commented on his work every day. Seeing e-mails complimenting his stories and asking for more were like little doses of confidence and self esteem and made his day.

Cole had looked again at a few of the comments criticizing him about the way he abused his sister in the stories. Samantha's emotional conversation with him had proved them to be right, he'd hurt her, and doing that to her bothered him more than he'd realized.

It had taken all the good feelings his stories created for him and turned them to shit because in a sense they'd come at the cost of Samantha's feelings. On the other hand,...the last two days he'd pretty much lived his stories.

Samantha had turned from justified anger and tears into a character from Taboo Stories. The dry humping orgasm on his knee and letting him jack off on her was surprising to say the least. But it paled to what had just happened tonight.

Cole brought his fingers to his nose and sniffed them. Talk about the old joke about never washing your hands again. Samantha had literally shoved his fingers inside her, then jerked him off!

What was her game? Had she done a 360 and was now turned on? She had to be, why else would she do that with him? Maybe in her mind she was screwing with him not only didn't diminish his lust for her, it had increased it because every waking moment was now spent with wondering how far she'd go.

Blow job? Letting him eat her, sex? Or would this be the end, and she'd just toyed with him like a cock teasing girl would to a guy she was only semi interested in? Regardless, seeing the e-mail from the site made him think about how crappy he'd treated her there and he wished he would have taken the more 'loving' taboo approach.

She'd still be mad, but maybe feel less cheap. Cole had said he was sorry, but she'd still been angry and hurt and he was sure his words didn't mean squat. Not to mention Cole was lousy with words, at least speaking them because he seemed to have the knack for putting them down in written form.

That had given him the idea for some closure for story Cole and his sister. He'd felt bad his stories would just vanish and his fans would have no idea why. But what if he wrote a send off chapter?

It would go up the day after the others vanished, but it would be on the new story lists and any fans who had signed up for alerts would be notified it was there. Cole had sat up and opened up a word document and stared at the blank white page, tapping his fingers lightly on the keyboard.

He would write it as a confession and apology and toss in something that would steer anyone away from the way too obvious way he'd written about their real selves. He knew he'd get a lot of flak with there being no sex in the chapter, and even more because of the sad ending of no more sibling fucking.

That flew in the face of what that site thrived on, and that was pretty much incestuous fucking where many stories didn't have an ounce of a plot, but just sex. Other stories had depth and conflict, but still ended in fucking and good old fashioned taboo family fun.

This was a pisser of an ending to a sex filled series, and one that had more realism than most. How dare someone throw in real repercussions of dubious consent incest? It would be his swan song, and a lame one to most of his readers.

It was mostly for his sister, but if anyone did get his warning, and the story helped them not to be the shithead he was, then it would be worth it.

Cole's finger hovered over the submit button. Would posting this piss her off? It shouldn't, He was using it to dispel the thought "Cole and Samantha' were real, and showing he knew what a dick he'd been.


Cole decided to send it to her and ask if it would be okay to post his apologetic farewell. He clicked on her e-mail address in his list and attached the story with a quick note.

"Samantha, I'd like to post this last story. My others will be gone before it comes out, but I wanted to kind of say goodbye on the site and apologize to both story sis and to you. I want it to serve as a message that anyone like me should not be like me. Look and let me know, if it bothers you, I won't do it."

He clicked send, and shutting his laptop down, went to bed. His last thought before he drifted off was of the story, and what it would be like to kiss his sister, a simple act he'd never once included in his stories or thought of until the other night.

There was an old joke that doing something lame would be like 'kissing your sister', as in it didn't count or wasn't a real kiss.

Something told Cole, kissing his sister would be damn amazing.

Chapter 10

Cole opened his eyes to his cell ringing on the nightstand behind him. With a groan he rolled over to see it was eight am. Who the hell would call him now? Mom and dad had both left for work already so he doubted it would be them.

He hoped it wasn't work. He was working the noon to nine shift, which he enjoyed because he could sleep in. He could always use a few extra hours if someone called out, but he hadn't fallen asleep until three.

Cole picked up his phone and squinting his still blurry eyes at the screen saw it was Samantha. What the hell was she doing up, she worked the night shift today.

"What?" he grunted into the phone.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine!" She chirped in his ear. "You answered me the same way on Sunday, after last night, I figured you'd be a little nicer."

"Sorry," he paused and cleared his throat as his voice sounded as thick as his head felt. "Was up late."

"I know, you sent that e-mail just before three."

The e-mail! His head cleared and he sat up, his heart now racing.

"I sent it right after I wrote it. I didn't think you'd be up this early to see it though."

"Was up late myself. Lot of things on my mind these days." Samantha paused. "You want to talk?"


"Mom and Dad aren't home, and you don't work until noon, right?"


"Let's talk while we have some time without worrying about being interrupted."

"You want to meet downstairs? I'll make pancakes?" Cole offered.

"You do make awesome pancakes," she laughed. "Can't make anything else, but somehow they're great."

"Then I'll make you some. I'll toss some chocolate chips in."

"Maybe you can make me breakfast later. For now, just come to my room."

"Give me a minute."

Cole ended the call, then shut the ringer off in case work did call. This conversation was more important than a couple extra hours. He climbed out of bed, and after donning a pair of shorts and a faded Bruins t-shirt, left his room.

He stopped to use the bathroom and brush his teeth and gave himself a couple of sprays of deodorant, so he didn't seem as gross as he felt. He knew it was more than caring about hygiene but stalling as much as he could because he had no idea what Samantha was going to say to him.

He wet his hair and quickly ran his fingers through it before taking a deep breath and whispering to hui's reflection. "Well, here we go."

Cole went down to Samantha's room and she called out 'come in' when he knocked.

As soon as he walked in, he froze.

Samantha was wearing the "Purrfect" night shirt he'd put in the story.

Seeing him staring, she laughed. "Nice touch? I forgot I had it, but I guess you didn't. Like it?"

"Its cute." He closed her door and went to sit in the chair by her desk, but she waved him over, patting the side of the bed next to her.

"Am I cute? Girl next door cute?" She beamed at him. "Or am I gorgeous? Can't be both can I?"

"You are both, like now, you look cute. But when your hair's done and you're dressed up, you look amazing. Like a woman."

"I am a woman dummy," she sighed. "You can dole out a nice compliment, but you need to know what to stop."

Cole sat down next to her.

"I mean you look more mature, like a woman, and not my sister."

"Little better."

"What did you think of the chapter? Can I post it?"

"If its important to you to say goodbye to your fans, then that's fine."

"It is. Sounds dumb, but that site made me feel kind of important. People there liked what I wrote, and I got a lot of compliments and good feedback."

"You deserve it, you're a good storyteller. You know, if you wrote about things other than sex, you could make some money on it."

"People make money on that stuff; I just didn't think anyone would pay for it."

"Really? Then why don't you write some stuff without the characters being us and make some money?"

"Cause I'm not that good, Literotica is a wank site mostly."

"Cole, you're a good writer. I saw you're on a lot of the popular lists and other stories get the shit bombed out of them and all kinds of nasty insults. You don't get those."

"No, but..." he frowned. "Why do you care?"

"Because imagine how good you'd feel if people paid for it."

"Maybe, but you wouldn't care I still wrote that kind of stuff?"

"Like I said, as long as its not about me. You could try other stuff too, plenty of other kinks. You do have a knack for a good sex scene."

"You're busting my chops."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"I came here to talk," he reminded her.

"Did you really get that e-mail?"

"That?" He shrugged. "I did get one the day you went off on me that made me realize what I did wrong, but it wasn't that detailed, and they never mentioned losing a sister over it. I was going to start the story just with Cole and Samantha talking, but it didn't seem like a full story. That and Cole hadn't shown any regret, so I needed a foil to give him cause to have those feelings."


"That's like a plot thing. The letter could have been less detailed, but I like to embellish, but sometimes I get self-indulgent because I like writing."

"It was a good touch, believable."

"I still get caught up in show versus tell, I try to show, but I end up in tell mode. Better than I was though."

"You should hear yourself, Cole. You sound passionate. You sound excited. Why don't you check out some writing courses? You write great with just raw talent; you learn the ropes, you'd be awesome."

"I don't know. That costs money."

"Mom and Dad would pay for you to take courses, and you know it."

"I tell them, hey I like writing porn and I want to get better?"

"Write a couple of regular stories and show them,"

"Never wrote anything that wasn't dirty." He sighed.

"Writing is a gift and you have it. You could write whatever you wanted to. I know you can."

"Samantha why are we talking about this? We have more important things going on than my writing."

"You're important to me, and that look on your face when you were describing writing is the most enthusiasm I've seen from you in a long time. I don't like that you think you're a loser. You don't feel like a loser writing, so fucking write."

"That's a pep talk." He grinned. "Big sis style."

"Big sis wants you to be happy and find your place and have some goals."

"Okay, I'll try to write something non pervy. Thanks for letting me upload the last story."

"Last free story. You're going to take those stories you deleted and change the names and not make the brother such a dink and sell them. You won't get comments, but you'll get money, much bigger compliment."

"I have to find covers, I'll check into it, there's people on the site that sell I can ask them for some help."

"There you go then."

"What about us, Samantha." He gestured to her. "You got me confused, you were so mad the other night. Then you were crying and telling me I broke your heart. Next day you're humping my leg, and last night...well, you know."

"I do know, I was there." Samantha put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin in her palms. "Have to tell you, Cole, I'm a little confused myself."

"Talk to me then, I mean, if you can trust me."

"I doubt you could repeat this conversation to anyone. You know what its about, and I'm sure you're confused too."

"Is it about the way you've been acting?" Cole asked. "Because I got to say you went from wanting to kill me to living out one of my stories pretty quick."

"You're right, I did," Samantha agreed. "I'd say it's messed up, and I guess to anyone else it would be, but you started this so maybe you'll understand."

"Being that I'm the one who spent the last six months wanting my sister, you're right; I can't judge anything you're feeling."

"When I found those stories I was pissed, seriously pissed. Not just mad, but when I skimmed a couple of them, I felt...dirty. Like what did I do to get you to see me like that? Then I got mad again because it wasn't my fault you got your wires crossed."

"No, it was all me."

"You saw my real reaction. How mad I was, then how hurt I was you made me into a damn cumslut which is what you called me in a couple of them."


"I know you are. Been thinking a lot the last couple days and know you were taking out some misplaced anger on me, and pretty much writing base desires and not thinking about me as a person, just an object."

"But for some reason, and I did tell you this, I searched around the site because I found it hard to believe brother sister stuff was that big. I skimmed a few more stories and got more pissed because a lot of them had a lot of affection."
