Taming Tawnee


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It was hard for Will not to love it. Not only did it feel fabulous, just watching Tawnee take him in her mouth like that was supremely sexy. She definitely knew just how to work him. It wasn't all that long before he felt his orgasm building and he was getting ready to blow.

"Oh damn, that's it," he hissed.

Knowing what that meant, Tawnee smiled around his cock, quite pleased with herself in being able to make her brother cum so quickly. It was nice to get his first orgasm out of the way so they could settle down to some real business. She moved a little faster and soon felt him releasing his load, spraying the back of her throat and the roof of her mouth, groaning with delight. Satisfied that he was done, Tawnee smiled, stood, and peeled off her night clothes before joining him on the bed.

"That was quick," she said, leaning in for a kiss.

"Sure was. You're awfully good at that," Will replied, smelling his sperm on her breath. He wasn't sure how other men reacted to such a thing, but it was just another thing that he found to be sexy. "Do I get to do some licking now?"

Tawnee thought that sounded like a fine idea. Giving head was fun and all, but getting eaten was even better. Especially from her brother, who was fairly skilled at it. "Yes, please," she replied, rolling to her back and spreading her legs.

"Oh, so polite, I like that," Will said, with a grin and moving into position between her legs.

William had developed a real knack for pleasing his sister orally. Partly from all of the practice that he had, partly from just enjoying it so much. He had learned where to lick and how much pressure to use with his tongue to really excite her. He suckled and toyed with her labia while her pretty little cunt took on a blushing hue. She spread her lips for him, exposing her clitoris and willing him to take it into his mouth. It was hard for Will to not just go after it with frenzied passion, but he knew that Tawnee didn't like that as much as she did when he kept things slow and steady.

He worked his way toward the prize slowly and deliberately, tracing around her erect clit before pressing against it with the tip of his tongue. Tawnee whined with delight as his lips clamped down on her pulsing, pink nub. Will did this for several moments, then thrust his tongue inside of her, then back to her clit. Tawnee couldn't help but thrust her pelvis toward her brother's probing lips, making his task a bit more difficult, but far from impossible. Even though it was a little harder to hit a moving target, that only meant that things were going well, so spurred on by the encouragement, Will kept at it. She came against her brother's face, stifling what would have been rather loud cries of passion by burying her face in his pillow.

Finished with screaming, Tawnee pulled her face from the pillow and ran her fingers through Will's hair while he stretched his jaw. "Oh god, Will. Thank you. I needed that," she told him. It had only been a couple of days since her last orgasm, but it felt like forever when she really wanted one.

"You're welcome," he said, sliding up beside her on the bed, his stiff penis brushing against her side. One thing that Tawnee liked about starting their sex off in this manner was that after cumming, then eating her, Will was always harder than hard again. There was only a few brief moments between feeling his tongue inside of her to feeling his cock inside of her. Splendid progression.

Tawnee turned on her side and reached behind to line her brother's cock up to her slick entrance. The two slid into place, fucking slowly from the spooning position. She liked being on her side like that, even though it was difficult to keep any sort of a decent rhythm going for long. From there, Will pushed her onto her back and climbed on top, pounding into her missionary style. It was always the most exciting time for Tawnee, when she realized that Will was really getting into it and beginning to lose himself to the act of coupling. She was doing the same, feeling another orgasm building inside of her. Everything seemed so natural and easy with her brother, it was like he could make her cum as easily as pouring her a glass of water. Tawnee bit down lightly into his shoulder, moaning as another wave of pleasure took its grip.

Providing his sister with such carnal delight was nothing less than pure joy for Will. Who wouldn't be favorably impressed with bringing such pleasure to a beautiful woman? When he found himself to be right on the very precipice of climax, Tawnee was just coming down from hers. He let loose his second load of the night while kissing her deeply on the lips, then they lay together, content and spent for the moment.


Sitting in the cafeteria, Tawnee gave Symphony a brief summary of her trip to Springfield. It was getting tiresome for her to repeat the story, it was boring enough the first time that she told it. She thought that next time that she did anything that people wanted to hear about that she would just make a video and post it to YouTube, then tell anyone that was curious to look it up. It would certainly save her a lot of time.

They paused, eating for a bit once Tawnee had finished, then she spoke again. "So, Will tells me that you two seemed to hit it off pretty good. I take it that you're not sick of him yet."

Symphony brightened at the mention of Will. "Oh no, I'm not sick of him, at all. It's amazing how much we have in common, really. It's nice to be able to have a conversation with someone that you really like, you know?"

Tawnee smiled. "Yeah, I know. Good for you. Got your classes about wrapped up? Ready for break?"

"Yeah. Will got me a ticket to go see you at graduation. That's okay, isn't it?"

"Sure, but you don't have to go just because Will wants you to. I can't imagine that it would be very exciting for ya," Tawnee said.

"It'll be fun. I think that it's exciting that you're graduating with honors, Will told me about how hard you've worked. He's pretty proud of you, you know. I think that you're like one of his heroes or something," Symphony said.

Tawnee laughed, though it did make her feel good to hear that her brother was bragging about her. "He probably told you to say that, didn't he? I mentioned the other day that I was thinking about giving him my car when I get a new one and he's been trying to butter me up ever since."

"Well, look at you, that's so nice. He didn't say anything about that to me, but I guess that could be his plan. Is it working?" Symphony asked.

"Yeah, I'm a sucker when it comes to compliments. Besides, he's gonna need something to drive you around in this summer. I don't want to see you two having to date over the internet or something," Tawnee said.

"He'd be able to drive up and see you, too," Mony pointed out.

"That's true."


The day of the ceremony had arrived and passed. Tawnee wasn't nervous or emotional at all until she heard her name to be called to go to the podium and receive her diploma. Then it was as if everything was hitting her all at once. Tears filled her eyes and she was having a hard time getting her legs to work, as though they were suddenly refusing to hold her weight. Though disoriented and weak, she made it through as if she was watching the whole thing play out like an out-of-body experience. She remembered looking out into the crowd and seeing her parents and Will (Symphony too) clapping wildly, and wondering to herself why everyone was so excited. It wasn't like graduating was a surprise or anything, at least she had always planned on doing it. Perhaps they didn't believe that it could ever happen, though more than likely, as Janice pointed out time and again, they were just extremely proud.

There were enough parties to go to that weekend that anyone that was in Tawnee's class was lucky to survive to see the following Monday. She, herself, had opted not to partake in any such wild partying. There were only a few days before her interview, and Tawnee was opting to spend as much time with her family as she could. Her father took her out and treated her and the family to a lavish dinner at a place with things on the menu that even Will and Symphony couldn't pronounce. They played croquet in the backyard on Sunday and had a barbecue, all in all, she really enjoyed her last weekend home.

Come Monday, it was time for Tawnee to take her first tentative steps out into the real world. She wasn't doing it alone, though, Will was there by her side for moral support. They awoke at the unheard of hour of four in the morning to make the drive up to Springfield. Tawnee had just enough time to check into her motel room and freshen up a little before it was time to head to the office for her interview. She was beginning to feel the same way as she had on the stage at graduation, jelly-legged and nervous as all hell.

"The worst that can happen is that you won't get the job," Will reminded her. "Then we can just throw some eggs at the place and go home."

"I've been waiting for this for months, Will. Turned down two other interviews because they all but promised me a position. If I don't get the job, it'll be bad. Like really fucking bad," she told him with a frown.

"You're worrying too much. You're beautiful, and you're smarter than hell with the papers to prove it. What else could they want?" Will asked, putting a hand on her back. "If you can watch a zombie chew someone's face off and suck their brains out through their eye sockets, and laugh about it, answering a few questions out to be a piece of cake."

"I'd kiss you, but I just put on lipstick. You'll ride over with me, right?"

"That's what I'm here for," he told her. He was rather nervous for his sister, as well. Will knew what a big deal this was for her. He also knew enough not to say anything that would reinforce any of her fears.

It wasn't a long ride from the motel to the office. Tawnee had told Will that the town was tiny and boring, but as far as he could tell, it wasn't much different than theirs. The streets were full of people trying to get to work on time, being baked and blinded by the morning sun. There were coffee shops and traffic lights, it didn't seem like it would be that big of an adjustment for her. It wasn't like she was going to be moving into a starving third-world village or something.

Tawnee pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine after finding a spot. She looked at the time on her phone and let out a sigh. "Well, here it goes, I guess."

William took his sister's hand and kissed the back of it as he had grown so fond of doing. "I love you, I think you'll be just fine."

Despite her brother's tenderness and encouragement, Tawnee still found the walk up to the building somewhat difficult. She took a deep breath, and decided to get it over with one way or another. Besides, like he had said, what was the worst thing that could happen? She wouldn't get the job. Sure it would mean that everything that she had worked for over the past four years would now mean next to nothing, and she would have to go home and live in shame, but it could always be worse, right?

Neither Will nor his sister had any idea as to how long the interview would take. As he sat in the car for the first hour or so, he took that to be a good sign. He figured it would only mean something bad if he had seen her walking right back after just going in. Going into the third hour, he was wondering what the hell was going on. It didn't seem possible that she'd be interrogated for so long. Maybe there was a lot of people and she had to wait her turn. Maybe she got sick and was laying in there on the bathroom floor, puking her guts out. Maybe a terrorist had seized control of the building and was holding everyone hostage. There was just no way for him to know for sure. All he could do was scan the grounds for any sign of her, and check his phone for any messages. As it was, the only call that he had gotten since he'd been sitting there was from his mother, who was just as anxious as he was to find out what was going on.

Lounging back in his seat and dozing, Will didn't see his sister approach. She tapped on the window to wake him on her way to the driver's side. Tawnee slid behind the wheel while her brother rubbed his eyes.

"How'd it go?"

"It wasn't as much of an interview as it was an orientation, I would say. Sounds like they pretty much had their minds made up, as long as I showed, I'd have the job. I start tomorrow," Tawnee informed him, then smiled. It wasn't so much out of happiness, but plain relief. She had no idea what she would be walking into when she'd first stepped into the building.

"Tomorrow? Holy cow, Tawnee. That's great! I mean, are you ready for that and all? Where are you gonna stay? What can I do to help?" William had pictured things going a little slower, even if she landed the position. Still, the company had been waiting for her to finish school for months, they probably didn't feel the need to wait any longer. They seemed to want her even more than he did.

"I guess I'm ready, I don't know. Not really. Glad that's over with, though. They're gonna put me up in a hotel until I can find a place, right down the street from here, I guess. Between you and me, I kinda get the impression that they're desperate to have me. The place is right full of old geezers and they've been dropping like flies. They couldn't stop praising me up and down, and they haven't even seen me work yet. Hope it's not too good to be true or some shit," she said, starting the car.

Will thought that if the place really was full of old geezers that they wouldn't mind having Tawnee around, even if she couldn't make her way through the alphabet. He imagined that praising her up and down wasn't all that they were doing, but he kept that particular opinion to himself. She was smart and qualified, and had a pretty good chance to land the job before any horny old men had the chance to meet her. It was just their good fortune that she turned out to be hot.

"So what are you gonna do? Gonna go back home, then come back?" he asked.

"Fuck, I don't know. Got to go back to our room first and check out of there."

Tawnee was kicking herself a little for not being prepared for such a situation, but she really didn't expect to be beginning work the next day. She was only packed for a one day trip. If they drove home and back, it would be deep into the night before they got back, and that was if they really boogied. She was still thinking about the situation after they cleared out of their current lodgings.

"Why don't you just stay here? You got your credit card, go get something to wear for tomorrow and I'll drive home. You can walk to work, right? It'll kill ya to go all the way home and back. I can go and grab a bunch of your things and you can get a decent night's sleep, I can, too, and I'll be back tomorrow afternoon or so," Will suggested.

"That would be awesome, Will. You really wanna do that? That's an awful hassle to have to go through for me."

"Sure is," he agreed. "But, I don't mind, really. It's not like you're just moving across town, it's gong to be a pain in the ass no matter how ya go about it. There's no sense you getting all worn out. Besides, I don't really have anything on my calendar besides sleeping in and maybe playing some video games. You need to be rested up so that you can be fresh to impress the geezers."

"You're a sweet boy, Will. I won't ever forget that," Tawnee told him. She didn't relish the idea of having to stay there alone, without a vehicle, but the idea was sound, not to mention it would make things pretty easy on her.

Will thought about coming back with something witty, maybe sarcastic, but the mood wasn't quite right for that. Instead, he kissed the back of his sister's hand and stayed quiet. The inevitable end was taking place in front of his very eyes and Tawnee was being set loose out into the world. Luckily, they had gotten most of their crying and worrying out of the way long before the moment happened, but still, it wasn't what he would have described as a joyous occasion.


With the help of her father, and Will, Tawnee was able to secure a place of her own within a couple of weeks. Her new job was about what she had expected it to be. Boring for the most part, long hours, as well, but she was good at it and didn't really mind the hours, especially when she got her hands on her first pay check.

Despite what she had told her brother, there were actually a couple of people around the office that were close to her own age and Tawnee was able to make a few friends here and there. It made things a bit more bearable, though she found herself missing her brother terribly at times. They spoke on the phone quite often, but it wasn't the same as having him there. It was a shame to have to give something up that was as wonderful as what she and Will had, but that was just the way things had to play out. It just wouldn't have been fair to Will to try and hold onto him. Besides, Symphony was keeping him pretty busy, and Tawnee had been getting the google-eyes from a guy that one of the office girls had introduced one night over drinks. It would be a pain in the ass to have to train another man, but she had needs.

In the back of her mind, she had always pictured her brother coming up to spend a few nights with her every now and then during the summer, but it just didn't turn out that way. He went to see her a few times, but when he did, he had Symphony with him. It was sign enough for Tawnee that they needed to give things a rest. They both knew, individually, that there was something between them that would probably never totally disappear. It may have faded from sight for the time being, but it would still be there, even if it was hidden away in some dark corner of their minds. If need be, they would always have each other. In the mean time, they had their separate lives to live.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

That lying, cheating, selfish slut Amanda, ugh women like her need to die in a fucking fire, seriously. Surprised she ended up being friends with her again.

Anyway, other than that, I liked this story, for the most part, and the character of Tawnee. A tough, bitchy exterior that encases a good soul. I liked the development of their relationship but I wasn't a fan of the constant "this can't last forever" hints and sentiments. It felt like they were giving up before it even really began, and weren't fighting for the relationship at all. That was kind of a downer. I kept hoping it wasn't going to be a depressing end - we have real life for that; we come here to escape from that, right? - where they end up going their separate ways but alas, it wasn't to be. Shame as well as it was really good in the first half or so. Not sure why the author went that direction with it but I guess it's their story to tell.

Personally I just felt like there wasn't much of a real connection or love there if they would give up so easily, Tawnee in particular. Not once that I can recall did either character show that they were truly fighting for their relationship to survive. It was just gloom and doom and resignation. "It is what it is." Bullshit. You fight for what you love, but I guess their connection wasn't all that strong sadly. To me it just felt very unrealistic. Well I guess not every incest story has a happy ending, but they bloody well should. I mean what's the point in writing an incest story where they don't end up together in the end? Feels pointless to me.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 2 years ago

Let me begin with stating for the record that my vote was 4/5.

That being said, I agree with the previous comment that real life is miserable and most of us come here to escape from that misery.

You wrote yourself another way out and I'm sure that you didn't even realize it. You have stated before that you start writing with your ending already in mind before you put the first word down. I can easily infer from what you have said in response to comments on your stories that you write with blinders on staying totally focused on your objective come hell or high water. But I'm going to throw out a happier ending for you anyway.

You made Symphony an only child. She said so in a lunchtime conversation with Tawnee. Children who never had brothers or sisters growing up are more likely to have a favorable opinion on brother/sister incest than someone who actually experienced having siblings. Tawnee harbored some small amount of jealousy towards Symphony because she was besotted with William, but Tawnee's end goal was still to get them together.

You could have written a happier ending where Symphony starts picking up clues from watching the siblings interact and figures out their real relationship. She pulls Tawnee aside for a private conversation, assuring her first that the secret is safe but the truth needs to be shared with her to avoid issues with William in the future. After Tawnee comes clean with Symphony, Symphony assures her that she and William will still be able to be intimate for special occasions because she wants Tawnee to be the sister that she never had. William and Symphony eventually marry and have their nerd babies from Tawnee's imagination. Tawnee visits them one Christmas and Symphony kisses her on the cheek saying that Tawnee should sleep with William that night instead of herself.

That's where you should have ended the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

If I wanted a miserable ending, that’s what real life is for. Fiction is supposed to be for us romantics to escape from all that crap. I kept hoping that somehow Will and Tawnee would be able to pull it off, that love would triumph in the end. Silly me. I wish I could give negative stars. Instead, I’m forced to give one at least one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Crap ending that deserves ONE STAR

14 pages of shitty drama for a shit end

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No Taming Tawnie....she was still a bitch right to the very end!! The brother was too good for the bi-polar bitch....she deserves the likes of Amanda

Burning_HereticBurning_Hereticover 2 years ago

Well, you write the story you wanted to write. I respect that. So I'm gonna' give it the 2/5 score I want to give.

In real life, love can (and often does) burn hot and then fizzle out like a wet fart. It sucks. That's why we invented fiction.

I wish I'd skipped to the end to once you started hinting at the way it was going to pan out, but I figured that you wouldn't want to spend fourteen pages writing a wet fart. Fool that I was.

Now, here I sit, having wasted almost two hours on this story, glad only for the small mercy that this was the first of your stories I've read and that I won't have to waste anymore time on this wet fart fiction of yours.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I liked this story a lot, but I agree that the ending could have been better. It felt like you ran out of things to say and just quit. I would love to read a version with an alternate ending.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

I love a happy end having been cheated of my own in a similar relationship back in the past

I saw the trajectory of this tale on page 11 and skipped to the end to confirm it. Sadly l was right.

No need to read on,

Scores 2/5, disappointing plot.

Tiku21Tiku21about 3 years ago

Sigh...it was long and there wasn't things like third party orgies or s*hit like that but I hoped for a happy ending same though as 'gametime279'

gametime279gametime279about 3 years ago

Well written, ending was a bummer. I know that this story took a more realistic path than most, but i think the reason so many people complain is because we read these stories to escape the cold sober reality of the world. Especially the people who take the time to read the longer stories and not just the short word porn, we're usually going to be hoping for a happily ever after, because maybe we don't get them in real life. Still a 5 star writer and a 5 star story, but like someone else said I'd love an alternate ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Alternate ending

I enjoyed the story line as the characters had build up. But ending was extremely dissapointing. Seems they spent so much time coming to develop their relationship and you killed it off at end with what seems like an easy out. Maybe consider posting with an alternate ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story, bad ending

Great story till the very end. Felt very let down. It felt like you were over it and just gave up on the storyline. You did so good getting me invested and then it was like seeing Amanda. With Doug-a knife in the back. Would love to see you do a revised with a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The ending just killed it for me: :( ... And why the hell would he bring his gf with him when he went to visit his sister?!? You just get in the habit of visiting your sister, for the whole weekend, once a month! Stay at her place, she knows not to make plans that weekend, and smartly never lets some guy move in with her! You get to have your cake and eat it too, at least until you both get married, then it gets a bit more tricky. Weekend camping trips! Afternoons out but having to find hotels that are low rent enough that you don't have to put a credit card up for deposit, hehe. ... Or just say, FUCK IT!! And move in together in that distant town and let the family think whatever they want!

On her job interviews... Turned down two other interviews?!? Her parents are white collar, aren't they? Wtf are they doing, trying to help her fail? You don't turn down interviews, you go to them, if they aren't interested then fine, if they are, you tell them you have a few more interviews scheduled and give them some general dates and tell them you will keep them updated! If they're really interested in you then they will wait. Most Corporate positions take a good while before they fill or backfill, hell I've seen some go over half a year, easy. Unless they are trying to FasTrack it.

* It was sort of like taking an ice-pick to the liver. Even if you saw it coming, someone told you that it was going to happen, it didn't make it any less painful. *

ROFL! Now there's one I've never heard before! Lol!

* If she had her way, she'd stay with Will and be his sex slave, but that just wasn't in the cards. *

Oh man! Now that's my kind of sister, hehe! ... But yes it's in the cards!! Get a close job!! Hell, work the system, girl!!! ;)

* Somehow it just so happened that one of the things that she had for the moment was something that she just couldn't hold onto forever, and it was one of the most delightful things that she could imagine. What a bummer. *

Sure you can! Just live together, have Will get himself fixed (shipped), let people think whatever they want about you both, deny any creepy accusations (while smiling inside) and live happily ever after. Hell, maybe even adopt kids if you want, just make sure you two have rooms on the other side of the house and for the entry into the Hall that goes to your two rooms, install a door where there would normally just be an open entry way. Put a fingerprint lock on it with the type of latch that automatically locks when the door closes and q spring arm that pulls the door closed automatically!

The reason is to keep the kids out of your rooms and keep, keep them from using the adults bathroom, keep their friends from nosing around when they visit, and for a clincher, because you both keep firearms in your rooms and this is easier security than locking them up and not being able to get to them quickly if you need them, but keeping the kids from being able to touch them!

Now you can raise the kids and still sleep together every night!! Yay!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Anticlimactic downer

Depressing end. I just want them to end up together, instead the story fizzled out. Needs a second chapter showing them happy together, living in Springfield or somewhere else where nobody knows they are brother and sister.

alo0ozalo0ozabout 4 years ago
a big NO

why...just dont like it.would have loved it if it were a incest romance. bring them on.

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