Tattooed and Screwed

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An Aroused Teen's First Sexually Satisfying Tats.
10.2k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 01/23/2023
Created 05/15/2022
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An Aroused Teen's First Sexually Satisfying Tats

Approximately 10,200 Words


Donald Mallord

Copyright by dmallord, 2022, USA. All rights reserved.

Story Sequence

This story is one of seven related stories. It captures a moment in the life of WicKed and her father's incestuous relationship. The previous stories in this series, if you are interested, in the background details about the current plot development are:


Daddy Schumacher had just flipped his little eighteen-year-old girl's life upside down. It was supposed to be a 'road trip' to visit an old family friend. Well, that was a half-lie! Or, you could even say, it was a half-truth. No matter how you spun it; it was a total fabrication. Schumacher's half-and-half lie was a deceptive ploy, created on a wing and a prayer moment. Its intent smacked exactly like an intervention plan. Such plans catch the hapless victim completely unaware.

Ray dropped his daughter off to spend time with a former lover—for a psychiatric intervention! Dr. Marie Johnson took gorgeous Katrina Schumacher under her wing for treatment. Ray hoped Marie could undo the conjugal rights transferred by a dying mother to her daughter. Kat, or Kitten, as her Daddy calls her, had made a death-bed promise to take care of her father's needs. Come hell or high water, she was going to honor that promise! She slipped into her father's arms in a dream state, losing her virginity on her eighteenth birthday. Ray Schumacher had some reservations about severing his daughter's promise. After all, sex with Kitten felt good. Although, he knew it could be problematic!


Arriving Home -- After the Drop Off

Ray Schumacher arrived home, quickly forgetting his promise to call Dr. Marie Johnson. First, he arrived late, due to a storm blowing across the northern part of the state. Secondly, that same storm had washed a yearning eighteen-year-old virgin into his arms and then into his bed. Any thoughts of calling Marie to get an update on the psychiatric intervention situation had blown away in the winds and taking the virginity of his neighbor's daughter. It wasn't until the following morning; that Ray saw the blinking recording light on his answering machine. Only then, did he remember to call Marie back. Nervously, Ray snatched up the phone and dialed Marie's number.


Ray's Conversation with Marie

"Hello, Ray. I thought you got lost going home!" Marie teased, as she answered.

"No, smarty pants," I joked, "I barely got in last night. We had high winds blowing the rain so hard that it sounded like Niagara Falls against the windows. It took almost two extra hours to get home and out of the storm."

I detected the concern in Marie's tone as she chastised me. "Well, glad that you-all didn't wash away! Still, I was up late. It would have been okay to give me a call anyway. You promised ... and you know what your daughter says about promises!"

My voice broke for a moment. Kat was vehement about promises being kept; her mother had been the same way. 'A promise made is a promise kept.' It was that simple for Katelyn and Katrina. Break one—and you might as well consider yourself banished for all times.

"Ah, um, yes, I know! But -- the storm was so bad, I even had to rescue our neighbor's daughter! Jackie, came over looking for Kat, to keep her company. And with the thunder and lightning, and having to try and calm her down, one thing led to another. Then, I forgot to call you.

"Marie, it hit me first thing this morning; when we got out of bed, that I hadn't called you back. How's everything? Did you get that genie back into the bottle, yet?"

I felt guilty about adding a half-lie to what I told Marie. I got carried away. I should have told her the truth. That I'd slept with Jackie, another eighteen-year-old virgin, last night.

Marie would have understood the situation—she and I had practically lived that same experience when we were that age. She'd been eighteen and Katelyn, my future wife, nineteen when they fell in love. It wasn't something you went around bragging about in a rural farm community, back then. Kate was already at the university and had come home for the summer Marie and I graduated from high school. She had expressed an interest in 'trying boys' because of peer pressure at the university.

Marie wasn't about to let any boy get between herself and Katelyn. Not one that would potentially hurt Katelyn. It had to be someone she could trust and certainly not someone at the university if things didn't work out.

As the lucky step-cousin living with Grandma Johnson that summer, I was a natural choice. Marie gave her permission to Katelyn to 'try me out'—so losing our virginity, with one another, that way felt pretty special. Marie, however, kept faithful to Katelyn. It was girl-on-girl for Marie. I never pushed Marie's boundaries, although I wanted to ... at times. Marie understood my needs — she was okay with fellatio; and good at that, too! I think, perhaps, Katelyn got the better end of the deal; she had sex with Marie and rode my cock, too!

We formed a throuple, bonding with one another for four years of college. And, in the last year of studies, I married Kate. It effectively dissolved our throuple relationship. Katrina was born that last year.

By that time, Marie had diverged into medical studies. With a new baby, nicknamed Kitten, Kate and I 'became adults.' Kate entered the teaching field and I started an accounting business in a small town upstate.


Marie had been listening, on the phone, to my ramblings about the storm and my excuse for not calling her back last night, but quickly cut me off—in high alert mode.

"Wait! Ray, Kat is here, now! Say hello!" Marie chimed in, to give me a heads up—not to stir the muddy waters about Kitten, while she was within earshot.

"We're fine, here, Daddy," Kitten chimed in, having slipped into the conversation. "No storms this far south. Marie is going to fly me into the city this afternoon. My first plane ride! Going to do some girl shopping. Need us to buy you anything?"

She sounded so chipper, that I couldn't help but smile, "It's so good to hear your cheerful voice; you seem in good spirits -- seems like a week already since I left; not just yesterday, Kitten."


How Damned Ironic Is That?

As I listened to Kitten's conversation, my 'Daddy' conscience had that sharp pain sensation. It came as I heard about the flight to the city, Kitten so happily mentioned. It would be her first airplane flight, ever. Under normal circumstances, that would be a memorable event. Under the current circumstances, she didn't know the destination wasn't for a girls' shopping spree. It was just Marie's cover story for something much less pleasant. I didn't know the details, just knew that Marie flew to the old Johnson homestead on the weekends to destress from her work at a specialized psychiatric intervention hospital. She ran clinical studies related to incestual relationships. Marie's flight back to the city, today, would put Kitten into that hospital, as a new patient.

How damn ironic that I found myself needing Marie's help, in her field of studies for the past nineteen years. Had Kitten known of her true destination, no amount of horse wrangling would have been able to rope her down and stow her away aboard that flight, south to the city.

Kitten's relating of her anticipated shopping spree was followed by Marie's sweet melodious voice coming back on.


"Ray, you're off the speaker. I shooed her out the door. I didn't want her talking to you for any length of time. Fortunately, the twins were already here to take Katrina for another riding lesson. I had already told them -- just riding, sans sex -- we have to take off in two hours. I have a long staff meeting at the hospital. So, I'll have an intern keep her occupied for a while. Maybe get Kat out to the city, with the intern, to do that shopping she's so eager to do...then we'll start work.

"Ray, remember that crazy tattoo idea, 'So WicKed?' Well, that's on the list, so be prepared!"

Marie filled me in about a few pieces of the morning session with Kitten. Things seem to be on track. Although she didn't elaborate, from what she did tell me, it seems Katrina's promise may be susceptible to modifications -- a good sign according to Marie.

"Okay, Ray, so how about giving me a call again Friday afternoon; by then I should be able to tell you if it's okay to come and pick up Katrina?"

"Okay, Babe! I'll call about two-ish then. Love you!" I'd blurted that out, spontaneously, to a voice that sounded so similar to Katelyn's that it was just a reflex call out. Something Kate and I had said to one another for years.

"Love you, back." Marie chuckled as she hung up.

Really? Did I just actually blurt that aloud? 'Babe' and 'Love you!' I felt some nervousness about that. Wasn't it still too soon to pick up after what just happened? Kate's passing was less than a month ago. What was that about?


The Flight to the Hospital

Dr. Marie Johnson's Inflight Probing

I stowed my medical journals for Katrina and Ray aboard my twin-engine Cessna. I had named her Songbird, after an old television show where a cowboy rode horses and flew a plane. Sitting on the porch swing, I waited for the girls to return from their afternoon ride down to the lake.

I watched Katrina practicing some moves learned during her lesson with the girls as they returned. The twins used that riding time to teach Kat to guide the roan, with pressure from her knees while leaning left or right. Movements that allow a rider's hands to be free to work a lasso while galloping alongside cattle -- not something that's done often here on the farm. But it is often used out west where the Martinez girls grew up on ranches; like Katrina's daddy.

Ray's early life, up to sixteen, had been molded by the western ranch mores and folkways. He used to live out in Arizona and just appeared in my life one day out of the blue. My uncle brought his mom home as his new wife. He brought Ray too, of course. Ray's daddy had passed away from a heart attack the year before. He became a step-cousin and seemed to be just a 'hick boy' thorn in my side. As teenagers, I had found his manners and beliefs amusing, rustic, and at times damn right funny. But he did improve once his mom married my uncle and came to live here with us. You might say he grew on me, after a while. Ray didn't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was polite.

As the twins filled me in, Katrina was not very talkative. She seemed preoccupied and a bit moody. I needed to find out what went on during that ride from her on the flight to the city, or if this was about something else.

Aboard the Songbird, she seemed more talkative. Especially after finding out, I regularly flew back and forth from my hospital in the city to Grandma Johnson's old farmstead. I spent some time explaining my flight protocols before we taxied out to the lane that leads down to the lake. I prepped her for her first flight experience. Then got her buckled in, and showed her how to use the headphone communication system. Without it, the noise level in the plane could get very irritating while yelling back and forth. Without the headphones; it was not going to be very conducive to another therapy session. That time alone in the plane was 'captured time.' I planned to exploit it and burrow into Kitten's core beliefs.

As we picked up speed and became airborne, Katrina looked down and asked, "What's that house in the woods by the lake? Daddy never mentioned another house on your property."

"I built that for special patients when they need some time away from a hospital setting. When they do, I bring them out here for some peace. No phones, no television, no Internet -- just fish and bugs," I informed her, "I built it a few years ago, so your Daddy doesn't know about it. The fewer people who do, the better."

Katrina looked questioningly over at me and asked, "So ... I shouldn't tell anyone, even my Daddy about it, then?"

"I'd really appreciate your promise not to tell, Kitten," I answered, hoping to have her buy into making a promise to me, like the one she made to her mother.'Building trust one bridge over troubled waters at a time,' I thought.

"Kind of like your house, Marie," Kitten snarked, "no television, just a radio, no Internet, and only one old push-button phone. Are you one of your own special needs patients?"

I hesitated to respond, but thought 'in for a penny in for a pound,' and decided to give her a little background information. It was a bit like going fishing at the lake. Toss out a baited line, wait for the nibble, set the hook, and hopefully reel in some useful information.

"When I was a special needs patient, my Grandma let me stay in the room you have now. I didn't live with my parents for a couple of years. One day, I may tell you about that, but not today!"

Katrina stared at me. I could see the puzzled brow look. But she was respectful enough not to ask more about what I just told her. I wasn't about to reveal my past to her now; it took me over twenty-four years just to build up the courage to tell Ray. Even as I told him this weekend, I nearly felt myself falling apart, again. Dredging up old memories of Katelyn and me at the lake wasn't easy.

"Kitten, something's bothering you. Did something happen on the ride with the girls, today?" I broached the somber mood I noted, as the girls had unsaddled and put away the tack. I had noted that Katrina purposely separated herself as she brushed down the horses.

"Remember what Daddy said when he called?" she asked me.

'Here it comes,' I thought. I hoped she hadn't caught what I heard. But I should have known someone with her intellect would always be acutely aware of language nuances. At this moment, I wished she were not so brilliant -- I had access to her school testing results and they are off the charts: in the top two-percentile ranking.

"What did he say?" I asked, hoping for a different answer than the one in my mind. But, as it turned out, it was exactly the one I was afraid she had picked up on.

"When we got out of bed this morning ..." That's what Daddy said, Marie. "When WE got out of bed this morning ..." He didn't say, "When I got out of bed this morning." Her recall was spot on and her analysis matched mine from earlier.

"Katrina, how do you feel about him sleeping with your neighbor's daughter?" I asked, in as calm a manner as I could. I'd seen the scowl explode across her face.

"He didn't just sleep with my neighbor's daughter! He fucked Jackie, my best friend! And he probably fucked her cunt more than once last night, knowing how his goddamned dick always keeps going and going. He's probably fucking her again while we are up here in the clouds. I feel ... pissed ... betrayed ... I guess." Her tone ran from rage to near calm, toward the end of her response. I thought I was detecting another small crack in her armor. She'd slipped into that calm appearance state, to shield and protect her moral compass. It was the same one that kept her grief at bay.

"I guess, I should have expected it in some ways, though," she went on. "If I'd gone home Sunday with him, that wouldn't have happened. Jackie and I had talked about finding someone for her to fuck, before she went off to college this fall. But we hadn't found anyone she liked to do it with, yet. Her itch to fuck, got scratched—by the last person I expected to scratch it."

She drew out the words. She seemed to be savoring them. As though she was exploring the ramifications for her and her daddy -- karma playing out in the wings of some unnamed drama.

"Katrina, I recall you told me Saturday morning, with great confidence, the bottom line is, 'You can fuck whomever you want, no matter who they are or what their position in life is, and still feel good about yourself. Even if others disagree with your behavior. It's like a democracy, not everyone has to be in total agreement.' Do you remember that?"

I asked her to test -- to challenge -- her previous view, in light of her Daddy's dalliance with Jackie. I was looking for a crack in her belief system that I could exploit as a means of driving a wedge between Ray and Katrina on a permanent level. Ray requested that severance. From my own experiences with Ray, I knew his sexual thoughts were like a bundle of tangled fishing lines. Most of the time, her daddy thought with that 'head' in his pants. This time, though, he seemed to be thinking of Katrina's future. Yet he left it in her hands for a final decision. He just wanted to make sure she had clarity of vision before she made up her mind.

Kitten was silent, unusually quiet, for a while. She was deep in thought before responding.

"Yes, I remember what I said, Marie. I still agree with that view. It doesn't mean that I can't get pissed with Daddy a little. I just have to know that they both wanted it. Like, no one got forced into it. I can live with that. Is that a bad thing, Marie?"

"No, baby. That's not a bad thing. I was just making sure you had not changed your mind about everyone being able to fuck anyone. Whenever they felt like it, that's all," I answered.

All that wrangling and I couldn't put a dent in her belief system. And I'd have to add another note to her file; as I just confirmed that her belief system remained firm, even though it wobbled for just a few moments. When it came to her Daddy; she remained steadfast.

"So ... Marie, how are you feeling about Daddy right about now?" she prodded, changing the subject on me rather quickly.

This little tigress was gaining confidence! She had a knack for picking up, rather quickly, on my techniques. I had to get better at concealing my inquiries; or else I would have to sharpen my resume. One day, she might be pushing me out of my practice!

"I feel ... pissed ... betrayed a little too, Kitten," I smiled. "After all, he just fucked both of us the night before! Right when we seemed to have some sense of a new relationship developing between your Daddy and me.

"Kat, I never felt I had some sense of ownership over your daddy. Your mom and I accepted sex as a gift from one another. Sometimes the gift comes in the form of love with sensual sex as a reward. And sometimes it's just 'fucking' — that's sex for just the physical coital bliss feelings only. Your father liked both, and so did your mom. By the way, your mom was bi-sexual; just in case you didn't know. After you were born, she stayed true to your father."

Kat's facial expression twitched a bit. It had that sly, trademark, arched-eyebrow look growing across her forehead. I could tell something smirky was about to erupt into the conversation. It was a clear 'tell' whenever she thought of something sassy to say.

"How about you, Marie, are you bisexual?" she tossed that out ever so casually.

I smiled and responded, "My predilection is female. I just liked girls, that is, until you brought your daddy to me, again! I have to admit, for a man, he does a pretty good job of satisfying a woman. Your parents and I accepted our hedonistic living style when we were young like you. I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to change or rebuke your daddy; he has always lived that way.