Teacher's Pet


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Pam's second orgasm was explosive.

A minute later, Sabrina slowly pulled the dildo out of Pam's pussy.

Sabrina said, "I think that's enough for now. Do you feel like being my Pet for the party?"

"What party?"

"Just a few friends of mine I've invited over," Sabrina said soothingly. "I promise, your only purpose will be to hang on my arm, and give something for people to stare at. They won't be able to touch you."


"I promise, darling."

"Okay. I guess."

Sabrina smiled. "Very good, darling. Wait there a minute." She went over to the door and pressed a button.

Less than a minute later, the same lady Pam had seen earlier, came back in the room. She said, "Yes, Miss Barnes?"

"Get Pamela ready for the party. Have her wear the outfit we've prepared for her. Make sure she's comfortable."

"Yes, Miss Barnes."

Sabrina lowered her voice so that only her assistant could hear. "You may stimulate her if you wish, but do not penetrate her. That's for later. She's just had four big orgasms."

"She's in good hands, Miss Barnes."

Sabrina smiled. "Just what I wanted to hear." She turned to Pam. "This is my associate, Linda."

Pam waved. "Hi."


"Go with her. She will get you ready for the party."

The woman went over to the ottoman. She was brunette, her hair a lovely chestnut color.

Linda said, "Here, let's get you on your feet, sweetheart."

Pam stood up, or tried to. Her legs were unsteady.

Linda said, "Oooh, a little shaky, are we?"

Pam sheepishly said, "Yeah...."

"Not to worry, sweetheart. Come with me. I'll get you ready."


* * * * * * *

Pam looked in the mirror, absolutely astounded that was her, and absolutely afraid of what would happen if her parents ever saw her like this. They would probably freak.

No "probably" about it, Pam decided. They would freak.

Her only consolation would be that telling them she wouldn't be writing a best seller any time soon would come in a distant second.

Her 'outfit,' if that's what she could call it, was a very tight-fitting, practically painted on, strapless black leather dress, so short it barely cleared her butt cheeks, with a peekaboo opening right between her breasts, and sky-high black patent-leather peep-toe pumps on her feet.

Linda had done her hair and makeup. Her black hair was slicked back and put up in a tiny bun.

There was a knock on the door. Pam jumped horribly but said, "Come in!"

She was relieved when Sabrina came in, wearing a black leather skirt suit instead of the catsuit, but with the same pumps.

As soon as Sabrina came in, she smiled, as she stood behind Pam and put her hands on the girl's waist.

"Pamela, my darling, you look beautiful."

"Thank you, Miss Barnes. Linda did most of it."

"Yes, Linda is quite good."

Sabrina ran her hands smoothly up and down the girl's body, then cupped her breasts briefly, and released them.

"There's just one more thing you need." She took a black leather collar and gently put it around Pam's neck, pulling it snug but not too snug, and buckled it.

Sabrina caressed Pam's neck. "Consider this collar a part of your wardrobe for tonight."

Pam gulped. "Yes, Miss Barnes."

"Pam, darling, you are doing very well. I'm very pleased with you so far, and I can make your life very pleasant if you please me."

"Yes, Miss Barnes."

"Very good. Now, there's a person coming to the party tonight that you will be very interested in getting to know. Her name is Rebecca London, and she's the president of the web services company that created my website."

"Really? Oh my god, thank you, Miss Barnes!"

Sabrina smiled. "Yes. I'm going to introduce you to her this evening. She's staying for brunch in the morning. If all goes well, she will hire you for their summer internship program, and eventually you could get hired on permanently. So you need to be a good girl for me tonight. Okay?"

Pam turned around. "Yes, Miss Barnes! I'll do whatever you want!"

Sabrina kissed her. "Very good, darling! Come now, let's get you ready to make your entrance. The party will be starting soon."

Pam looked herself over. "I think I'm ready to go."

Sabrina laughed. "Not so fast! Before we go up, we need to think up a safe word for you...."

* * * * * * *

As Pam walked up the stairway, holding hands with Linda on her right and Sabrina on her left, for stability's sake, still none too sure footed in six inch heels, she could feel the eyes of everyone on her.

Secretly, this was what she always wanted, to be the center of attention. Although, in her dreams, she was usually wearing more clothing than this.

Then Pam saw what sort of "party" Sabrina was throwing -- everyone there was wearing some kind of latex or leather outfit.

Ironically, Pam relaxed. At the very least, she wasn't the most oddly dressed person in the room any more. In fact, she looked quite sleek and sexy in her shiny smooth black leather.

She tried to remember all that Linda had taught her about walking in heels - legs slightly soft, hips and shoulders back, chest out.

The three women finally made it to the top of the stairs.

Sabrina said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you all to meet Pamela. She is my Pet."

All the guests applauded politely.

As the three women proceeded across the room and over to a glossy black latex sectional couch with lots of ottomans, Pam met the eyes of several people, both male and female.

As they arrived, a fourth woman was waiting for them, wearing an equally shiny and skin-tight black latex cat suit and matching heels, her gorgeous brunette hair spilling down her back in a cascade of curls.

She stood up and said, "Sabrina. You look gorgeous."

Sabrina giggled. "Why, thank you, Rebecca. You don't look too bad, yourself."

"What, this old thing?"

The two women laughed, then hugged and kissed like friends and lovers.

Sabrina said, "Rebecca, please, have a seat. Shall I have Linda bring us drinks?"

"Yes, that would be lovely. I've had a long week."

A chilled bottle of champagne was promptly brought out in a bucket of ice, with frosted champagne flutes, and the two ladies imbibed a generous measure.

Rebecca finally said, "So, is this lovely creature the Pet you spoke of?"

Sabrina beamed and said, "Yes. This is Pamela, my Pet. Pamela, this is Rebecca, the lady I spoke of who can help you."

Pam eagerly said, "It's so great to meet you!"

Rebecca suddenly said, "Sabrina, can't the child have a glass of champagne? It doesn't seem quite fair."

Sabrina looked sheepish. "Yes, of course she can. Get yourself a flute, Pamela."

Once Pam had a glass of champagne in her hand, the two women resumed their conversation.

Pam realized the women must have been talking about her, because Sabrina leaned in close, and the brunette kept glancing at her.

Suddenly Rebecca said, "Why don't we do her together? You've already popped her cherry, I assume."

"Yes, I have."

"So, let me be the next woman to taste her."

"Be gentle."

"You know I will."

Sabrina turned to look at Pam. "How about it, darling? The three of us, together?"

Pam swallowed. "If I use my safe word, you have to stop."

"Absolutely, darling. That's what the safe word is for."


Hesitating only a little, Pam stood up, and moved to sit in between the two older, more experienced women.

At first, things went slow. The two women took turns just kissing Pam at first, who could tell even with her eyes closed who was kissing her.

Pam didn't remember who was the first to touch her breasts, but she looked down to see one of the women had put her hand on her breasts.

It didn't take long for things to progress quickly after that, especially after one of the women unzipped her dress.

Rebecca was playing with her left breast, and Sabrina was on her right. The party guests stood in a semi-circle, a respectful but still close distance, and made it pretty clear who and what they were watching.

Pam could feel her breasts becoming sensitive. Then she could feel her pussy getting warm and wet.

As Rebecca sucked on Pam's left breast, she reached down with her left hand and began to touch Pam's pussy.

"Oh my," Rebecca said. "Your pussy is quite moist."

"Yes," Pam gasped, jumping at Rebecca's touch.

"Are we getting you all hot and bothered?"


Rebecca slipped off the couch, and seconds later, slipped in between Pam's legs. She had never tasted such sweet, tender, young pussy before.

Carefully, Rebecca lightly kissed the delicate skin around Pam's pussy, before she snaked her tongue out and touched it to Pam's sensitive clit.

Pam gasped. "Oohhh!"

Sabrina said, "Yes, does that feel good?"

"Oh my god! Yes!"

Down in between Pam's legs, Rebecca continued her delicate probing. Only when she could see moisture seeping from the girl's entrance, did Rebecca ease her index finger inside with one hand, and with the other, make her clit pop up so she could lick it easier.

It didn't take Rebecca very long to locate Pam's G-Spot, along the upper part of the vaginal wall. She made a come here gesture by crooking her finger. At the same time, she flicked her tongue over Pam's clit.

Pam began to buck her hips like an untamed horse trying to shed an unwelcome rider.

Sabrina urged her on. "Yes, darling! That's it. Come on. Doesn't that feel good?"

"Oh god, it feels fucking wonderful!"

It didn't take Pam very long at all, under Rebecca's ministrations, to have a powerful and, most of all, loud orgasm.

The party guests actually applauded, murmuring between them.

Rebecca sat back down next to Pam. "How was that, sweetheart?"

Pam just said, "Come here."

The two women kissed for minutes on end. More murmuring passed between party guests.

Sabrina said, "Rebecca, now that you've had a chance to taste her, would you like to fuck her?"

"Yes. While she's still wet."

Sabrina had Linda go get her favorite dildo, nine inches long and smooth black latex, while the two of them kept Pam aroused.

Once Linda arrived with the dildo, the three ladies moved the action to the large round ottoman nearby. The party guests crowded around to get a good view of the action.

Rebecca put the dildo on, while Pam got on all fours and stuck her beautiful brown ass high in the air. Rebecca got behind Pam and held the girl's hips steady.

Sabrina slithered underneath Pam.

Pam was comforted by Sabrina's presence, reassured that the brunette woman, Rebecca, wouldn't hurt her with Sabrina nearby.

Rebecca was good. She slipped the latex cock inside Pam's pussy so smoothly, she didn't feel any pain, even when Rebecca pulled back, and made her first of many thrusts.

Pam gasped out loud at the first thrust, but quickly got used to the size and length inside her.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

With the combination of Rebecca's fucking from the back, and Sabrina's licking from below, Pam had an even more intense orgasm than before, prompting genuine applause from the party guests.

The three women kissed and caressed for minutes on end.

* * * * * *

Later, once the guests had been seen to, and Pamela had been shown to her room, Sabrina had a more private conversation with Rebecca.

"So, what do you think of her?"

"I think you have found the ideal Pet. I'm a little jealous, actually."

"Why? You never wanted a Pet. Or so I thought."

"Only because running the company leaves me little time to myself."

"Just say the word. I can find you one."

Rebecca smiled. "Thanks, but no, thanks. I'll just share this one with you. Bring her to brunch with you and I'll interview her then and there."


"Now, can I go to bed?"

Sabrina laughed. "Yes. Go to bed. Good night."

"Good night..."

* * * * * *

The next morning, Pam slept late, but found a gorgeous white dress and matching heels for her to wear.

The dress was short sleeved and knee-length, beautifully slimming without being too tight, while the heels were still quite high, but she could walk in them.

A half an hour later, after hair and makeup, Pam found herself in the casual dining room of the house, seated next to Sabrina again, across from Rebecca. Even though Pam was starving, she made herself eat slowly.

Rebecca said, "So, Pamela, Sabrina says you have quite the natural ability for computers and web pages."

Pam launched into a discussion of the courses she had taken so far and the projects she had completed in school, both by herself and with others.

Rebecca was a perfect audience, not interrupting once. Once or twice, though, she slipped a wink to Sabrina.

"Wow, Pam, it certainly sounds like you have quite the affinity for computers. How would you like to work for me this summer?"

"Oh my god, seriously?"

"Seriously, Pam. How about it?"

"I would love to! Thank you."

Rebecca smiled. "Good. And thank you. It's not often that Sabrina brings me such a qualified candidate. And, if you do well this summer, there could be a job waiting for you after graduation."

Pam squealed to indicate her excitement.

Once the pressure had been lifted, the three women enjoyed brunch, then Rebecca departed, saying she had to get home, but promised to get in touch with Pam within the next week.

That left Pam alone with Sabrina.

Sabrina smiled at Pam. "Well, it looks like you're on your way."

Pam blushed. "Yes, definitely. Thank you so much."

"It's nothing, darling. However, we have to get you home, too."

Pam chuckled. "Yes..."

"It's going to take a bit of work to get you in there unnoticed, but I think we can do it. Besides, you have homework to do this weekend."

Pam waited for the other pump to drop.

Sabrina quietly said, "You might think you have no talent for writing. But I want you to do your best from now on. Even if it's terrible writing, as long as it is your own writing, I'll read it. Okay?"


"But, if I catch you turning in another student's work as your own again, all bets are off. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Professor."

"And I want you to apologize to Jimmy Waters. In person. I'm correct in assuming he's the only person you've stolen from?"

Pam cast her eyes down to her plate. "Yes, Professor."

"So, on Monday, apologize to him. You don't have to go out of your way. But I want you to apologize to him."

"Yes, Professor."

"Good girl."

After a few minutes, Pam said, "So.....what's next?"

Sabrina smiled. "For the rest of your time at this school, I'll be your sponsor, of a sort. In return, you must do exactly as I ask, and know it's for a good reason. Okay?"


"And that's going to include being my Pet at more of these parties."

Pam swallowed. "Yes, Professor."

"Good. Now, let's get you changed back into school clothes, and get you back to your dorm. Linda will take you back."

"Yes, Professor."

* * * * * * *

Pam counted herself extremely lucky that she didn't have to explain where she had been for the last 24 hours or so. Nobody would believe her anyway.

Half the students were off visiting their parents, and the other half were off enjoying the beautiful spring weather, so nobody had even noticed she had been gone, and it was easy for Linda to sneak her in.

She had completely forgotten that Frankie was visiting her parents. But it gave Pam enough time to change into her pajamas, a tank top and her favorite bottoms, take off all the makeup, and start work on her creative writing homework, so that by the time Frankie got back to the dorm, Pam had been home a couple of hours, and her work was well along.

Frankie came bouncing in, tossed her handbag on her bed and said, "You're still here."

Pam laughed, "Don't sound so surprised!"

"Did you have fun?"

"Oh yeah, it was a blast. Speaking of which, someone told me Professor Barnes called you into her office Friday."

Pam scoffed. "It was just a question about my homework. You remember when my parents took me to that seminar."

Frankie's face fell. "You mean, you didn't get called out?"

"Called out? For what?"

Frankie huffed. "For your plagiarism, silly."

"Sorry. Professor Barnes never mentioned it."

Frankie hmmpphhed.

Pam said, "Sorry."

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BillyslateBillyslateover 4 years ago
Quite A Nice Dicipline Story!

I am typically not a fan of BDSM type stories, however occasionally read one that is quite nice, especially when the primary focus is on developing the storyline and not necessarily causing pain or humiliation.

Teacher's Pet is one of the type discipline based or Pet stories that I occasionally enjoy, and was very interesting reading. The storyline was slightly creative, well written and fun to read. This is one of the few BDSM type lesbian stories, which I enjoyed in it's entirety and am eagerly anticipating reading Pt. 02.

Definitely a 5*-STAR Rating!!!!

redlion75redlion75over 8 years ago

why was this not in the les group?i would like to see more of these 2 but in the les section and keep her as a les instead of fucking half the town for the prof.

jetpacksamjetpacksamover 8 years ago
Very Interesting Beginning.

You must, of course, continue.

So many fun variables in play here.

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