Teacher's Pet Ch. 01


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"Where are you going?"

"It's been an hour. We're through."

He grabbed my wrist, loosely but with the obvious intention of keeping me there.

"Please don't go. I really need your help."

"Ron, there really isn't anything else I can do now except continue to quiz you and that's going to get old very fast. You just need to do the work."

"Please!" he begged, his grip on me tightening. "I can't fail this class. You gotta help me."

"And so long as you're disciplined enough to do the required studying, you won't fail."

He looked a bit stricken but I held firm. I couldn't stay there with him any longer. The memory of his erection was still with me and I had to get it out of my mind. I needed a change of scenery and fast. The realization that I was intent on leaving must have hit him.

"Would you like me to walk you somewhere? It's after dark now."

"No thanks, I can manage," I replied as I walked to the door.

Surprisingly enough he followed me there and loosely grasped my shoulder before I walked out. I stopped and turned to look at him. He wrapped me in a tight embrace again and whispered a thank you in my ear before releasing me and stepping back.

My head was nearly swimming as I walked out. Had he provoked me just to get the spanking? Anything was possible and considering his reaction when I initially threatened corporal punishment, I had to move this up beyond possible to probable.

Why would he do that? What was he doing now? Could he possibly be pleasuring himself while still enjoying the sting that I knew had to be inflaming his behind? If he was, what was he thinking about? Was I a part of his fantasy and if so in what capacity? Lord, there were too many things to think about. I considered going back to my apartment and sending that email to Dr. Donigal and Coach McKinley after all. I certainly couldn't continue to tutor him after this incident, as any respect he'd ever had for me would be gone with his first post-spanking climax. I'd no longer be the doctoral student assigned to tutor him. Now I'd be the kinky woman who had fulfilled his kinky fantasies.

But I didn't go home. Instead I found myself outside my favorite bar. It was a spot not frequented by too many of the students who seemed to prefer the newer and trendier brewpubs. I, however, really liked this place for its history as well as its ambiance.

Chuck, co-owner of The Brakes, greeted me as I walked in. While I could hardly be called a regular, I'd been there often enough that Chuck and Tim, his brother, knew me and knew which imported beer I favored. I climbed on a stool and dropped my bag at my feet. Before I even had a chance to order, an amber bottle appeared in front of me. I smiled my thanks and raised it in a toast to his efficient and courteous service.

The thing I really liked about Chuck and Tim is that they had the uncanny knack for knowing when you wanted to be chatted up and when you wanted to be left alone. I wasn't really sure what I wanted that night and it seemed Chuck was aware of that as he started to walk away but then turned around and looked at me. A strange look crossed his face but then he turned away again.

I looked at myself in the large mirror behind the bar, wondering if I'd broken out in purple polka dots or something. In the dim light of the old building, I couldn't really discern anything that looked out of the ordinary so I gulped down my beer and tried not to think about the situation I'd just gotten myself into. Shortly before I was finished with the first beer, Chuck was handing me a second one. It was another uncanny knack of his. I smiled again and took a long pull off the bottle. It was a short time later that the beer and nature took its course. I left the beer on the bar and asked Chuck to stow my bag behind it while I went to the ladies room.

What I found there surprised the hell out of me; a large damp spot in the crotch of my panties. I knew I hadn't peed in my pants so this could mean only one thing. I was as arroused by spanking Ron as he had been. At first I tried to blow it off and tell myself it was a natural reaction to seeing a physically fit, well-endowed man in a state of arrousal but I knew better than that. Visual stimulation wasn't particularly arrousing to me. I'm much more of a hands-on kind of girl. I had to really be involved in the act to get turned on.

I certainly couldn't deny that I'd been involved in spanking him. It was my hand on his back that held him down; my other hand that had done the spanking. Admittedly, the belt had done most of the contact but my knuckles had grazed across his skin a few times. It was hard to believe that such a benign act could do this to me.

While I was an undergrad, I'd dated a guy who was very involved with power exchange and control. I'd enjoyed it too but always in the submissive role. This was the first time I'd ever taken a dominant position and I had no idea that it could be so exciting.

After finishing my business, I returned to the bar and finished my beer. Chuck handed my bag to me and I fished out enough money to pay for the two brews and a generous tip as well. He looked a bit puzzled when I told him I didn't need any change and asked me what the occasion was.

"Self-discovery," was all I said as I walked out of the bar.

For the next two days I immersed myself in my own educational pursuits. I had students in my own classes who would be taking midterms and I was also doing research for my PhD. By Monday morning I had pretty much managed to put Ron out of my mind. I supposed I'd have to see him after the mid-term but if he did as badly as I feared, it was possible that there would be nothing more for me to do.

Tuesday night my phone rang just as I sat down to grade my own students' exams.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Cindy, this is Emily Donigal. Do you have a moment?"

"Sure. How can I help you?"

"I was just wondering what you'd done to Ron Matthews?"

"Done?" I asked, stalling for time.

I had no idea what she was referring to. Had he told her about our discipline session? Was he filing a formal complaint? Oh God, what had I done?

"Yes, I just finished grading his mid-term. He got 88% correct."

I stared at the phone for a moment, not entirely sure I'd heard her correctly.

"An 88? That's wonderful."

"Yes, it is. Much better than I expected. I just wondered what you'd done to light a fire under his butt."

I stiffled a giggle, knowing that would surely let the cat out of the bag.

"I just impressed upon him the message that his scholarship and spot on the basketball team were in jeopardy."

"Well I suppose that must have done it. I really didn't think it was possible for him to put forth the effort."

"Sometimes, they just need a little extra motivation." "They sure do. Jocks are the worst but you seem to have found th trick. Thank you, Cindy."

I had to laugh at her expression of gratitude. "Actually, I think it's Ron who should be thanking me."

She shared a chuckle. "And I'll be sure he does."

After I hung up the phone I giggled for several minutes. A part of me wanted to break open a bottle of something and celebrate my victory. I was half way to the fridge when I realized that the victory wasn't entirely mine. Though I had apparently found the way to motivate him, Ron had, in the end, done the work. He should be celebrating too. I grabbed a few bottles from the icebox, put them in a plastic grocery bag and picked up my keys and purse as I headed out the door with my package. Though it wasn't really a long walk from my place to his, I chose to drive it. I didn't want to waste any time getting there.

Minutes later I was standing at the door to his apartment, just about to knock when I realized just how rash I'd been to come over like this. I had no idea if he was even home and my presence might not even be welcome if he was studying for other finals. I was just about to tuck tail and creep back down the stairs when the door opened.

"Cindy!" He seemed truly shocked to see me standing there.

"Uh, hi," I said, suddenly at a loss for words.

"I didn't expect to see you tonight. I just heard a noise on the stairs and came to see what was going on."

At that moment I began to see just what a bad idea this was. "Look, I really shouldn't have come over. Just go back to whatever you were doing and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I turned to leave but his hand reached out and caught my arm before I could move.

"No, you came over here for a reason. You might as well stay and at least tell me what it was."

He practically dragged me into the living room and motioned for me to sit down. I did and then stammered for a moment before finally blurting out my message.

"I just talked to Professor Donigal. She said you got a score of eighty-eight on your mid-term."

His eyes got big as he processed the information I'd just shared.

"That's a B?" he asked.

"B+," I corrected.

He stood up and danced around in a little circle. I thought he couldn't have been any happier if the basketball team had just won a national championship. I held up the shopping bag and let the bottles clink against each other.

"I thought you might like to celebrate."

He stopped for a moment and looked at me. Then a serious expression came over his face.

"But it's only a B+."

"Ron, that's a great score, especially considering where you were earlier in the semester."

"Yes, but it's still not an A. I should have done better."

"Okay, well, there are still three more exams. You'll get better with time."

Then I saw a twinkle in his eyes.

"I think I should be punished."

Oh my god, this couldn't be happening. He really had been turned on by that spanking and now he wanted another one.

"Oh no! I really shouldn't have even touched you the first time. Doing it again would be nuts."

"Please, Cindy. It really did wake me up and realize just how undisciplined I'd been. I could use a reminder."

I shook my head and shrank back into the corner of the sofa.

"No," I said, shaking my head emphatically.

He stepped closer and leaned over me, putting one hand on either side of my body.

"Do you really want to see me fail some other class?"

"Ron, this is completely inappropriate behavior."

He grinned mischievously. "I know. What are you going to do about it, Cindy?"

His words taunted me. In my brain, I knew it wasn't a good idea. In fact it was a really bad one. My body, however, remembered its previous reaction and started in again. I could almost feel myself getting damp in the panties as I thought about the last time I'd spanked his lovely ass.

"Oh, all right, but this time it's going to be different."

I moved to the center of the couch.

"Now, drop you pants and come here."

I grabbed his arm to pull him close to me. Within seconds his sweat pants and underwear were at his feet. I pulled on his arm again, this time directing him across my lap. As much as my body enjoyed the previous performance, somehow I knew that we'd both be happier with a more intimate position. Ron didn't resist and within seconds was face down on the couch, his pelvis directly over my lap.

I began to slowly and teasingly spank his behind. I could feel his cock twitch from where it dangled between my thighs. That slight increase in contact arroused me even more and I paid extra attention to where my hand was landing. I tried not to hit the exact same spot twice in a row but there is only so much butt to spank and eventually I couldn't help it. His years as an athlete left these twin globes quite lean and trim.

As his cheeks turned red and the color darkened, his prick grew and hardened even more. The memory of it distracted me momentarily and I let a blow fall very awkwardly. I quickly got my attention back to the here and now and used my left hand and arm to reach across him and pull him closer to me. My right hand continued to spank him until it was sore.

I could tell he was enjoying this and I didn't want to stop but didn't think I could continue so I switched to my left hand. I was less coordinated this way but he didn't seem to notice. I sensed, rather than felt, that his hips were rising and falling with each blow and as I paid more attention, it seemed almost like he was humping my thighs.

I let my hands continue almost automatically while I thought about his reaction as well as my own. I was very aware that the short denim skirt I wore allowed his penis to fit snuggly between my bare legs. I could feel his pre-cum drying on my thighs and it gave me a thrill to know I was exciting him so much. The dampness in my panties was growing worse though I wasn't experiencing any other symptoms.

After a few minutes I could hear him begin to moan and the tension in his thighs increased. His hips moved faster and I subtly began to squeeze my legs together around his hard, fat cock. A part of me wished I could actually see it as it pistoned up and down but I contented myself with concentrating on the sensations it was creating in me.

With the few moments of rest I had given it, my right hand had lost its numbness and I put it back into use along with the left. He obiously found this appealing as I drummed on his ass, making it more and more red as I went. His moans grew louder and the force of his pelvis as it moved on my legs became almost unbearable. I didn't stop, however. I knew what he was building up to and I wanted him to experience that release. I also wanted to experience it with him.

While I could only speculate that he'd masturbated after I spanked him the first time, it was apparent that he was going for satisfaction now. A part of me felt like I was exploiting him but I knew that he liked it as much as I did and I decided to egg him on.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you, Ron? You love being over my lap."

He grunted in acknowledgement.

"Having your bottom swatted turns you on. You can't deny it. I can feel it."

A long low moan escaped his lips.

"I can feel you. Your cock is so hard. You're about to come, aren't you?"

I saw him nod his head at the same time a muffled 'yes' floated to my ears.

"Come for me, Ron. Come on my lap. I want to feel you."

He groaned again and began to piston his hips even faster.

"Do it!" I urged. "I wanna feel your come on my thighs."

That's all I needed to say. His moan became a shout and the even rhythm of his thrusts turned into sharp irregular plunges. I'm not sure what surprised me more, the force with which his orgasm overtook him or the massive volume of semen. I suppose I should have expected the latter, given the size of his testicles but still I was caught unawares and his climax seemed to continue for a long time. I'd never thought of basketball as being all that aerobic but it was the only reason I could think of that he had such marvelous breath control. The noises he made were continuous and I didn't detect him taking another breath.

I knew he was done when his body went completely limp over my lap. Ever since assuming that position, there had been some tension in his muscles but it was all gone now. Overcooked spaghetti had more tensile strength than he was demonstrating right now. As before I let my left hand rest on his back, feeling for the slight rise and fall of his body as he recovered from the intense experience he'd just been through.

"Breathe, Ron," I encouraged. "I don't want to try to explain this to the paramedics."

His breathing was shallow but almost spasmodic which reassured me that he saw the humor in the situation as well. Finally he took a long deep breath, exhaling slowly and then turning his head to look at me.

"Wow, that was amazing."

I blushed at his compliment.

"Thank you," I said, not knowing how else to respond.

"Oh no, thank you! I think I'll be able to study properly now."

"Yes, but will you be able to sit for your exams?" Mischief sparkled in his eyes.

"I'll consider it a welcome reminder."

"You do that. I'd hate to see what would happen if we had to repeat this little discipline session."

I could tell that there was mischief answering his in my glance. For all I appeared to be teasing, I knew that I'd be spanking Ron again for some misdeed, either real or imaginary. Whereas once it seemed like the wrong thing to do, now that we both admitted to our love of it, I saw no reason not to continue.

I gently rubbed his fiery hot, reddened buttocks for a moment, savoring the heat that came from them, feeling the wet, sticky fluid that was beginning to adhere to my legs. and wondered just how long it would be until I got to do it again.

"Hmmmm, I wonder if I can get my brother's old fraternity paddle," I mused.

Did you love it? Like it? Hate it? Please let me know what you think. This stuff won't get any better if I don't get feedback. Oh, and please remember to vote.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Simple, but good, very good. The ambivalence makes it stand out.

gspanker051gspanker051about 14 years ago
Teacher Pet

Good Story keep writing. I like him being spanked and mastrabating on her lap. I liked her panties being wet

SusanGSusanGabout 17 years ago
Good but .......

A bit too drawn out I felt. But the actual spankings were great.My crotch was pretty similar to hers during them

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

This was great,can't wait for the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
Backhander for Teacher

You deserve 100 - just for that last line. A good fun story , not too serious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
good story

I loved this story!!

Dragon9Dragon9almost 20 years ago
Good interaction

Good mental interaction and internal conflict balance. Enjoyed the start of this story at least I hope this was the start as I would sure like to see it extended. Can see a lot of avenues for this to travel down. As an old submissive basketball player I can relate. Also was a teacher in the USAF and had to tutor unmotivated students. Couldn't carry out what I wanted to do to motivate them though

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