Tease to Please Ch. 08


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The young man in the first car had managed to circle the block three times to stare at her as much as possible. Several other cars had nearly crashed. Everyone's eyes were out on stalks, glued to her near-nakedness.

The entire experience felt massively dangerous. She hated Doctor Yamamoto and Hiro for exposing her so publicly.

Once at the delivery entrance Elise pounded on its steel door with her small fist, wishing she had her keycard with her. There was no answer from within and, just as she had expected, there was no bell to ring either. Hiro had just been toying with her about that detail. She had no option but to keep pounding until Doctor Peters heard her, all the while enduring stares from each passing vehicle.

Time passed agonizingly slowly. Several additional cars began to circle the block, their male occupants gawking at her more lewdly with each circuit. Elise turned her back to them and faced the door. She knocked on its cold metal surface for what felt like the hundredth time. She knew the passing strangers all had a clear view up the back of her destroyed skirt. Its pleats were cut so short that probably anyone with decent eyesight would recognize the lace pattern in her white panties and the fact that they tapered to a single seam between her butt cheeks.

'Actually,' Elise thought, shivering as a final drop of ice-water trickled down her inner thigh, 'my panties are so wet it probably looks like I'm not wearing any at all... like I'm out here just begging for it!'

Elise's stress level verged on panic. She could not bring herself to turn around. To face the traffic would be even worse. Not only was the front of her outfit equally provocative, she really did not want to show her face. She guessed that her current expression of aroused helplessness would only incite the men further. Instead she shut her eyes and banged on the door again.

An increasingly familiar sense of futile desperation thrummed within her.

The sudden loud bark of a motorcycle made Elise jump. Though she dared not look, she could tell it was right behind her. The rattling, belching noise elevated her sense of vulnerability to an even more acute level.

The bike engine stopped. Elise was frozen, eyes tight shut, convinced that she was about to be roughly abducted. She imagined a tattooed, lawless biker hauling her away to serve as his permanent sex slave. Days of endless rape and filth flashed through her mind.

She heard the ping and tick of the hot metal cooling behind her... then bootsteps. Her mind's eye perceived a huge, burly man dressed entirely in black leather approaching her from behind. His gloved hands were reaching out... it would only be a moment now... she had to scream before it was too late!

"Elise? Is that you?" Alex's voice intoned softly behind her.

Elise instantly spun around, eyes wide open.

"Oh thank God!" she gushed, tumbling headlong into Alex's body and wrapping her arms tightly around his jacket. "I forgot you had a bike. I've been stuck out here and... I thought... well, anyway, I don't have my key and... oh my God, I'm just so glad it's you!!"

Elise's voice trailed off as relief washed through her. She did not want to tell Alex everything, no matter how grateful she was. It would all sound too crazy.

Alex returned her hug briefly and then relaxed his grip. Elise pulled away, somewhat embarrassed about having just thrown her near-naked body against him so desperately. She crossed her arms in front of her chest to conceal her half-naked boobs. Alex dug his keycard out from his pants' front pocket.

Elise caught him glancing at her furtively as he shuffled to the keypad. He looked like he was trying to be polite, but at the same time it was clear he was struggling with the spectacle of her outfit. Elise presumed he had never seen a girl dressed so scandalously before. Perhaps at a strip club, but certainly not outside in broad daylight. As they traded places at the top of the loading ramp, she consciously straightened her posture and sucked in her stomach to make sure her shortened belly chain did not look too tight.

Alex scanned his card. The heavy metal door opened and he held it aside. He gestured for Elise to enter as his eyes raked her over once more.

"You uh.... You look nice today, Elise," he said as she preceded him into the interior hall.

"Thanks," Elise answered softly. Her panic gradually evaporated and was replaced by a level of shyness and embarrassment dictated by her ridiculously revealing attire. She glanced back over her shoulder to smile at Alex, only to find his gaze locked on her ass and legs.

The door shut behind them with a boom.

"I'm sorry you got stuck out there," Alex piped up a few strides later. "Next time you forget your keycard you should just call me. I can be here pretty quick if you ever need help like that."

"Oh... that's nice of you," Elise replied, not glancing back this time. She was very aware that Alex was maintaining his pace a couple yards behind her as they walked. The concrete hallway was long, leading all the way to the center of the lab. Elise could sense that his eyes were crawling repeatedly up and down her backside.

There was nothing Elise could do about it though. In fact, she foresaw her whole day unfolding as one long peepshow for her co-workers. But somehow that glimpse of awed lust she had just seen on Alex's face felt reassuring after her panic-attack outside. She was very grateful he had been on that motorcycle, rather than some wild-haired outlaw. She felt rescued.

Elise mulled these sentiments as she strode down the hallway in front of Alex. Her confidence soon returned. Much to her own surprise, she found herself subtly flicking her ponytail from side to side. A tentative sashay colored her gait, rocking her hips slightly more than necessary. She quickly rationalized that this was just for Alex's benefit; a sort of reward for saving her. She could not help grinning silently as she imagined the expression on his face as he recognized her bare skin between those disconnected pleats. She exaggerated each footfall in her tall heels to wiggle the taut flesh of her ass. Anything less than a little show, she decided, would be rude under the circumstances.

"Hey Elise?" Alex asked a few strides later. He caught up to her and his hand was at her elbow. Elise turned to face him.

"Yeah?" she answered softly.

"I'd love to have your number actually. Not just for emergencies like this morning, but... you know, like, 'cause I'd love to take you out sometime. If you want to, that is."

"Oh, umm, yeah..." Elise fumbled, caught off guard not just by Alex's proposition, but also by how awkward and nervous his voice had suddenly become. Alex was usually pretty confident around her, but now he seemed completely tongue-tied. It must be, she realized, something to do with her uniform.

Without really thinking through all the implications of what she was doing, Elise rattled off her cellular number. She watched Alex type it into his own phone.

"Great," Alex thanked her, "I'll send you a text so you'll have my number too."

"Um... Okay."

Elise felt at a loss for further words. She was not sure if Alex had just asked her out on a date or merely suggested that he might in the future. And... had he asked her permission, too? Not knowing what to do, Elise stood still in front of him and waited while he typed away on his smartphone.

Alex looked too lanky to be attractive, Elise thought, especially stooped-over his phone like that. His poor posture reminded her to straighten her own spine and suck in her tummy. She ran her fingers along her slender waist chain and felt annoyed by its snugness. She had not even had breakfast yet! How was she supposed to eat anything if it was already this tight?

The awkward silence between them was cut short by a loud outburst in Doctor Peters' office. The big bearded doctor charged through his open doorway a moment later, nearly at a run.

"We got approved! We got approved!" Doctor Peters yelled. He rushed up to Alex clutching a piece of paper in both hands.

"What?" Alex said, looking up from his phone.

"The attorneys just sent this over. Our PVA tissue has been approved! We can finally go public now! We've got to get Yamamoto's investors together, ASAP. I'm going upstairs to tell him myself!"

"Wow," Alex exclaimed. He seemed just as startled as Elise.

Doctor Peters jogged away down the main hallway like a bear in search of salmon. Elise and Alex listened as he rounded the corner and ascended the staircase that would take him up to Doctor Yamamoto's labs.

"What's so exciting?" Elise asked.

"Jesus. It's um... it's huge. Really big. They've been working on it forever. Even before I got here."

"Working on what?"

"PVA tissue. It's – So, that's short for pre-vascularized adipose tissue. Basically it's transplantable clones of human fat."

"Ew! Sounds gross."

"Well, kinda, I guess. Anyway there's a big market for it. Lots of companies have been trying to crack the cell-morbidity problem, but those two figured out a way to vascularize the tissue prior to implantation, and that makes all the difference."

"Uh... okay... What does vascularize mean?"

"Sorry. Tissue needs bloodflow to stay alive. You know, like arteries and veins? Otherwise it rots. They can grow small-scale capillary networks from a live sample. That's not so hard, but the main thing is they figured out a way to successfully stage those networks within cloned adipose tissue prior to implantation. It makes the whole process viable. And since it's all made from the patient's own DNA, etcetera, there's no rejection. It's all-natural, so to speak. It'll take over the market."

"The market for... fat people?"

Alex chuckled. "Yeah. Some people need adipose tissue, like, for reconstructive reasons. Other people want it for cosmetic reasons."

Elise wrinkled her nose and shook her head, clearly confused.

"Think boobs, Elise. Boob jobs."


"Four hundred thousand procedures per year in the U.S. alone. Even more overseas. It's a multi-billion dollar industry. And that's with the current crop of shitty synthetic implants. When people find out they can use their own natural tissue..." Alex cupped his hands into a ball and then made a gesture like it was exploding in all directions. "Ka-boom..." he whispered.


"Yeah. Now you get it."

"But, how will they do it? I mean, this lab is pretty big but they can't do all those surgeries here."

"Oh, no," Alex chuckled again. "They won't do anything here. They're just gonna sell the technique and the patents to some big pharma company and then move on to the next research project. Maybe they'll do some consulting work along the way, but mostly at this point it's just about negotiating for the highest possible bid. The one with the fattest residuals."

"Money, you mean?"

"Yeah. A LOT of money, Elise."


"Like, 'fuck-everybody-money.'"

Alex looked down at his phone again. "Anyway, I have a feeling things are about to get real busy. I gotta get to my desk."

"Okay," Elise replied quietly. Part of her was happy to see him so distracted. She longed to retreat into the relative privacy of Doctor Peters' office and hide. Her clothes were not feeling any less shameful with the passage of time.

As Alex walked away there was a creak followed by a boom at the far end of the hallway. It was the delivery door swinging open and shut. Jacob appeared in the distance, walking toward her.

"Hi Jacob!" Elise called to him with a wave and a smile.

Jacob said nothing at first. As he got closer, Elise noticed his eyes were wide with disbelief.

"Jesus Elise..." he began, "What the hell are you wearing?"

"Oh! Uh..." Elise stammered. She had no idea how to explain it herself. She tried to cover her little breasts, but was quite aware of how preposterous she looked. "It's, um... a hi-lo skirt. A little bit too small, I know, but..."

Jacob stopped in front of her, looking quizzically at her face. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"I just, can't imagine you actually buying that at a store. Or you even being in the type of store that would sell that."

"Well... yeah. It's kinda a long story. I, um... I should get to work."

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Oh! And ask Alex about the new patent that just got approved! Doctor Peters is super excited."

Jacob nodded and turned toward the main laboratory where he and Alex had their workstations.

Elise scampered across the hall into Doctor Peters' office. Her brain was struggling to come up with a cover-story that would explain her shredded, stapled outfit without necessarily divulging all the details of her molestation by Hiro and Doctor Yamamoto. It seemed an impossible needle to thread with a lie, but she knew that as soon as Doctor Peters saw her, he would want to know what had happened.

Elise sat down at her little desk. Her coffee mug was cold. Her tummy growled with hunger.

The next several hours passed in a flurry of activity. Doctor Peters called an all-hands meeting in the downstairs conference room. Everyone was talking at once. Flowcharts were drawn. USB-sticks and hard-drives were skidded back and forth across the table. Task-lists were assigned. Elise felt lost and useless. The men hardly even noticed her sitting atop a stool in the back corner of the conference room. Everyone else was excited, but she had no idea what to do.

As time dragged on her hunger became painful. She concentrated on keeping her legs crossed as tightly as possible so as not to flash the room. Finally an idea popped into her head; she jumped down off her stool and announced: "Hey, do you guys want me to order lunch?"

A chorus of affirmatives answered her, including calls for coffee, coke and pizza. And everyone wanted different toppings.

Elise wrote it all down and then happily escaped from the stagnant air of the conference room. She walked to Doctor Peters' office and sat down at her desk to place the order.

The afternoon was far more successful in Elise's eyes. Not only did she have food in her stomach for the first time all day, but the guys had found work for her to do; a ton of work actually. She became their designated gopher, shuttling between upstairs and down, carrying paperwork, binders, laptops and test equipment to and fro. All the scientists were furiously busy. Everyone seemed to be taking her appearance in stride, as if it were normal.

Doctor Peters had explained in the conference room that he and Doctor Yamamoto would be calling each private investor together to announce to news. All investors would be invited to the laboratory for a big meeting to hash-out the details of how to market the new patents to potential corporate buyers. The goal was to sell the patent as quickly as possible, for the maximum return on investment for themselves as well as for the investors. The longer they delayed, the greater the likelihood that someone else would come up with a competing methodology.

Elise found herself tasked with cleaning huge areas of the lab. They seemed like the rarely-used places, where dusty equipment sat stacked for months at a time. Jacob gave her some gloves and eye-goggles, and Elise wore them gratefully, but it seemed absurd to her that her eyes and hands were protected when the rest of her skin was so obviously exposed.

Alex shot her a few lustful glances throughout the day. Jacob seemed more genuinely appreciative of her labor. He thanked her repeatedly when she helped him clean up his workstation. Alex, in contrast, only seemed to enjoy it when Elise got down on her hands and knees to tidy up the cables under his desk. Elise knew exactly what he was looking at as he rolled his chair around behind her, but she could not muster the gumption for a fight with him just then. In the midst of all the excitement it seemed a petty grievance, so she let him have his look. Then she avoided him the rest of the afternoon.

Just after 4:40PM, Elise finally made it back to her desk. She stripped off her tall rubber gloves and sat down for the first time since lunch. Doctor Peters was pacing back and forth on his dais, apparently trying to wind-up a long phone call. Elise folded her arms across her desk and put her head down. She felt bushed.

A few minutes later Jacob walked into the room to say goodnight. Doctor Peters was off the phone by then. Jacob made a point to let him know what a big help Elise had been all day.

"She really went over and above," Jacob emphasized.

Doctor Peters smiled and said he appreciated the report. He lifted a white index card from his desk and shoved it into the Consequence Box.

As Jacob turned to leave, he gave Elise a knowing wink. She could not help but smile in return. Her regard for Jacob swelled tenfold.

Soon Alex stopped by to say goodnight as well. Then Hiro and Kazutoshi walked by the door, waving to Doctor Peters.

Elise began to relax. She thought about how wonderful it was going to be to get back into some normal clothes and just chill-out in Doctor Peters' apartment all evening. Her eyelids drooped. A big yawn forced itself upon her.

"Sorry," she muttered into her folded arms, not directing it at anyone in particular.

Doctor Yamamoto entered the room as noiselessly as a knife falling through water.

He was carrying a paper bag. It was precisely five o'clock.

"Oh. Right," Doctor Peters exclaimed upon noticing him. He checked his watch. "Yes, um, wake up Elise. It's time for our little game."

Elise lifted her head. Doctor Yamamoto stood in the middle of the room, smiling at her. Her heart almost stopped. Her whole body wanted to shrivel up and hide. All she could think to say was, "Oh."

It all happened very quickly. The math was simple. She had two un-negated red cards remaining, so each doctor agreed to administer one set of twenty-two spankings. Doctor Peters would go first.

Arthur felt somewhat irked by the contents of Doctor Yamamoto's paper bag; a black eye-mask, the sort people wore to sleep on airplanes, and a bottle of baby oil. A twinge of jealousy and concern ran through him but it was short-lived. His mind remained too distracted by the tumult of the day's events and the promise of a new, very wealthy, future. He set aside his concerns and led Elise, carrying her Consequence Box, and the Japanese doctor, with his bag, into his apartment.

Elise soon found herself standing atop her wooden Consequence Box behind Doctor Peters' sofa, bent over just as she had been on Friday evening. But this time she was blindfolded. And there were two of them. It was alarming.

Doctor Peters flipped aside the loose pleats of her skirt and began smacking her ass open-handed. Elise counted out the strokes in an increasingly tense voice. Her smooth bottom quivered beneath his wide hand.

Doctor Peters was hurrying through his strokes. To Elise, the whole experience seemed less erotic than it had on Friday, but just as painful and embarrassing. She wished he would slow down. She was absolutely terrified of the approaching moment when the Japanese sociopath would take over.

Blindfolded as she was, she could not see what Doctor Yamamoto was doing – or whether he was still smiling. That had been such a bad sign, Elise reflected as the smacks continued to land across her upturned bottom. He had smiled at her in the office. He had smiled all the way into Doctor Peters' apartment, and as she stepped up onto the box and bent over the sofa. He had still been smiling when he pulled the sleep-mask down over her eyes. That deranged smirk had been the last thing she'd seen.


"Twenty!" Elise called out.





Silence spread through the room. The twin lobes of Elise's ass felt huge and aglow. She was sure her skin was flamingo-pink. It stung and tingled. She desperately wanted to rub it, but instinct prevailed upon her to not move. She held still and waited. Her arms extended vertically, supporting her shoulders above the leather sofa cushions. Her long legs, still ensconced in sheer thigh-high stockings, rubbed idly together as she stood atop the Consequence Box in her pale-pink heels. She knew this motion was unnecessary, and probably wiggled her ass a bit too invitingly in front of the men, but she could not help it. Nervous energy coursed through her.