Terrorized Again and Again


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With a defeated sigh, I carefully lifted a hand and felt the great heaviness pulling me. I compensated by shifting my weight to my legs and back. My whole body shook as it quickly tired from the strain. I opened my knees slightly and began stroking myself.

He walked behind me to get a better view. "That's it. Yes." He said to himself. "Now don't you dare cum without asking permission first."

I have always been able to orgasm easily and was already fairly close. Suddenly I felt the pitchfork handle easing slightly into me. I let out a shrill scream.

"Looks like you have a choice...you can pull away from my friend here, and fall to your death...or you can push back on him while you cum."

I shifted slightly and allowed the object to enter me. "I'm going to cum," I told him panting.

"No...ask permission." He said, as to a child.

Now shaking, panting, sweating, I yelled out "May I please fucking cum, sir?"

"No." He replied smugly. "And stop touching yourself, you filthy whore!" He reprimanded, throwing the tool aside.

I reclaimed the floor and again struggled to find the balance and strength to hold myself from the pull. All my muscles screamed in pain and I knew I couldn't hold myself much longer. "Please fuck me!" I begged him, just wanting to get it over with.

"As you wish." He replied as his hot member entered me. I let out a moan.

Already sensitive, and now filled with his thick penis I cried out "I'm going to cum! Please, may I cum?"

"No. You'll hold it and you'll wait for me. It's the only polite."

I was so incredibly close and the pleasure was so intense. I knew I couldn't hold on any longer, but I feared if I didn't obey, I'd soon find myself hanging at the end of a rope. I pushed back against him, taking him in deeper. My adrenaline went into overdrive and I found the strength I didn't know I had. Not only strength to hold my orgasm, and strength to acquire another inch on the game of tug-of-war, but I began thrusting myself into him, faster and deeper. "Cum in me! Cum!" I screamed.

I felt myself begin to climax without permission and I somehow found the strength to silence the animalistic cries within me. He finished slightly thereafter in a great groan. The twitching of his muscle inside me further aroused me.

When he finally withdrew, I felt a hard slap suddenly strike my ass. "That's for coming without permission." He said, trying to catch his own breath. "Don't think I didn't notice."

I shook violently as my body gave up the fight against the sandbag. "I'm going to fall!" I screamed, sliding forward.

He quickly grabbed the rope and pulled it back, giving me some slack. I sat a few feet back and slipped my fingers under the noose, looking at him for permission. "You can take it off." He said. So I did. He released the rope and a moment later I heard the sandbag hit the ground with a great thud.

I looked at him again, wondering about the gesture that just saved me. He looked tired and I watched as his breath finally returned to a normal rhythm.

The bright morning sun now lit the room. He turned again to look at me, perhaps figuring out what to say next. I got a good look at his eyes then. Beautiful crystal blue with a single, large, black flex on his left iris. I knew this to be an incredibly rare birthmark. It was then that it came back to me. The first man I had given myself to in the barn, he wore a bandana over his face, but I could see his eyes. The man in my room that drugged me. He wore an old man mask, but I could see his eyes. I looked at him again and he could see that I knew.

"It was you!" I said, "It was always you!"

He smiled bashfully and shrugged his shoulders. He looked down at the loose straw and lazily drew a squiggle through it with his finger. Looking up again through an awkward sideways glance he said "We have a nice place, the wife and I. Good jobs. We're good people, you know. We just ...would feel that our family would be more complete if we had a son."

I smiled back. "I'll try my best." We shared a little laugh.

He stood, brushed the dirt from himself, and carefully made his way down the ladder. I looked down at him. "I'm sorry about your nose," I said.

"I deserved it. I was kind of rough with you. Sorry about that."

I nodded.

I watched as he dressed and walked to the barn door, stopping in the threshold. He paused and looked up at me "Take care of yourself?"

"I will," I said giving a little wave and a warm smile.

He was gone and I felt my heart flutter with happiness. I placed my hand gently on my tummy and whispered to it. "If you could please be a boy, there's a couple out there that would love to raise you."

Chapter 4

I gave him a couple of minutes before I climbed down the ladder. I found my robe, shook it out, and put it on. I casually walked out the barn door and closed it gently behind me.

I turned to the house and set my intention of tending to my baby girls. I came around the corner and stopped in my tracks. There was a car in my driveway and a woman held one of my girls on her hip. She spoke to the child sweetly and played with a small stuffed toy. After all this time, I had started to believe they were abandoned and I had bonded with the girls. I felt a great pain in my heart and took off running toward the house to stop the woman.

The woman heard me coming and looked up. She called urgently into the house for her husband. "Quincy!!"

I came to a halt, a dozen or more yards away and stood silently.

The man stepped from my house holding my second baby. "Martha you shouldn't be so gruff." He said kindly "You'll startle Grace and Hope.". He looked at his wife who had eyes locked on me.

"Look." She told him quietly, and he did.

I stood there, looking at the couple, and grieving for my babies, but I did not move.

"Get in the car, Martha." He said finally, keeping his eyes firmly on me.

She hurried to the car, opened the back door of the Cadillac, and carefully strapped the baby in a car seat and closed the door. She then got into the passenger seat, closed her door and buckled her seatbelt. Next, the man slowly walked around to the other side of the car and did the same, watching me like a hawk. He started the engine and put the car into reverse. Slowly, they backed down the long gravel driveway.

My heart pulled me forward. I ran a few steps and then stopped again, looking as they turned onto the street. My knees gave out beneath me as I watched the new family disappear from view. I waited and watched. Maybe they would be right back? I stared at the emptiness at the end of my driveway for a long time, but they didn't return.

Then, I questioned if any of this was real. Did I seriously just stand there and allow those strangers to take my babies?!? I tore into the house to look for them, but they were in fact, gone. Standing in the nursery, I placed my hand in the crib that my girls shared. It was still warm. Grief overtook me and I passed out.

Chapter 5

Nine months later when the labor began, I sent the obligatory message to my representative. Within an hour, there was a knock at my door. Confused, I made it to the door between contractions. When I opened it to see who it was, a foot was shoved into the opening. I looked up and my heart skipped a beat. The familiar face stood before me. This time with a female companion. The man wore the costume of a mad scientist; long white lab coat with off-center black buttons, long black gloves, and a long plastic apron. He carried a large, black doctors bag. The woman wore a provocative nurse's outfit that included a skirt that was way too short and a top that her breasts practically fell out of. She had on high heels with thigh high stockings, a stethoscope around her neck, and a little white hat with a red plus on the front. Surgical masks covered both of their faces.

Completely caught off guard, and with no current ability to fight, I hesitated a long time before conceding to let them in. Another contraction caused me to double over.

The man spoke, trying his hardest to sound like a proper Englishman, but he just sounded stupid. "How far apart are the contraction madam?"

"I don't know. Two or three minutes?" I never really paid attention before. I'd just relax and let it happen when my body was ready. Labor and delivery always came easy for me, and this time was no different.

"Jolly good. You'll be ready to push directly?" He asked.

"Yes. I was just about to lay down."

"Lovely. Please do so. We will need to examine you thoroughly" He crooned.

I was definitely not in the mood for the antics, but I turned and walked to the bedroom anyway. I slipped off my pajama bottoms and climbed into bed.

"Tisk. Tisk. That will never do. No, we need a full body examination, not just your trousers madam. Please be a lamb and cooperate won't you?"

Shaking my head in complete annoyance, I did as he said. Then I laid back on my bed and braced for his abuse. His "nurse" opened his black bag and retrieved pieces of rope. "Wait, what's that for?" I demanded. No reply. She took my wrist over my head and I saw that she planned to tie me to the headboard. I jerked it away from her and shot up. "No way!" I said loudly. "I accept that you're here in these ridiculous costumes, ruining my private moment so you can witness the birth of this child. I accept that you'll take the child from me and I'll never see it again. But I'll not stand by and let you abuse me while I'm giving birth!"

"Madam I am shocked and insulted at the insinuation! Clearly, you are ill with delirium and must be knocked out." He reached into his medical bag and withdrew a syringe. "For your own safety, you understand." He said sweetly. He took off the cap and began preparing the medicine. I had seen him do this before, and he was not bluffing!

"No! Not that! I'll surrender! Please just don't drug me. It's not good for the baby. I'll do whatever you want. Please!" I laid back and thrust my hands out to the corners of the bed.

"Well then...Cheers!" he replied. The nurse proceeded to tie up my hands and the doctor re-capped the syringe, keeping it nearby. Another contraction bit into me and I moaned low and long until it passed.

"Lovely!" He said, cheerfully "Let's just take a peek at how far we are dilated, shall we?"

The nurse pulled something from the bag I'd never seen before and brought it closer. "Open." She said.

"Wait. What is that?" I questioned nervously.

The doctor was busy at the foot of the bed. He pushed my knees open and began working several fingers into me.

I looked down at him. "What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Open" the nurse repeated slowly.

The doctor put all his fingers together and began working them all in at once. I screamed out at the plain and the nurse forced a ball gag into my mouth. I thrashed about but she was able to secure it behind my head.

I began kicking and fighting as I screamed. The two stepped back and let me wear myself out. The doctor shook his head. "How unfortunate." He said calmly. "The delirium is quite advanced, isn't it?" He thought for a moment. "Perhaps a spot of shock therapy would do?" He withdrew from his bag a small box with wires coming from it. I watched in horror as clips were attached to my sensitive nipples as I sucked in a gasp. A velcro strap was placed around my neck, holding a circle of metal in place. The two stood on either side of me, examining their work. "Jolly nice job, nurse!"

He looked at me. "You'll be much happier in a few minutes, my dear. You see, when this device senses any kind of tension, a surge of electricity will flow through you to discourage further misbehaving. It has proven to be a splendid training tool."

Without further delay, another contraction occurred. As my body tensed for it, so the electric device did its job. My whole body was forced into rigidity. A long quiet groan was heard in my throat for the duration.

"Capital!" He declared. "Now on with the examination!" Again he pushed my knees up and began forcing his hand in me. The pain was incredible and as the strain increased, so did the electricity that forced me to freeze and bare it.

"You are fully dilated, my dear. I insist that you push the child out at once!" Annoyed that this man had no clue what he was talking about, I was one step ahead of him: I already recognized that was in the pushing stage.

"Nurse removed the power source. At this stage, shock therapy would only impede her ability to push." He explained. "But keep them handy in case she becomes unruly again."

"Yes, doctor!" She replied.

As always I had an easy time with labor and delivery. The only part complicating it was my lack of freedom. Still, things moved along swiftly and I soon felt the infant crowning.

"Nurse... it's time." The doctor said, withdrawing an instrument that looked like huge salad tongs.

My eyes became wide. "What is that?!?"

She pulled a blindfold from the bag and I began resisting again as she came at me. Despite my best efforts, my vision was blocked and the blindfold stayed securely in place. I yelled in protest. I needed to see my baby!

Labor advanced and I groaned again as I felt the head start to emerge. The woman sat beside me, put her hands at the top of my belly, and began kneading downward, hurting me. She treated me like a tube of toothpaste and forced something that was absolutely not necessary! An uncomfortable sensation was felt as the child seemed to be pulled from my body. "Stop! You're hurting it!" I cried, but my words were not distinguishable through the ball gag.

A minute later, I felt a burning emptiness and heard the child's strong, healthy, cry. Momentarily forgetting my restrictions, I smiled and cried tears of joy and relief. "It is ok? Is it a boy? Can I hold him?" I said unclearly.

They ignored my mumbles and admired the infant with great excitement and joy. I heard the child carefully cleaned, quieted, and loved. I heard the two of them congratulate each other, tearfully smiling and laughing.

...Then, the man finally told the woman to take the infant out to the car and said that he would pack up and be out momentarily. My heart broke. Weren't they even going to let me see it or hold it?

...Finally, slowly, the "doctor" returned to his character and acknowledged me. Standing at my side, in a solemn tone, he stroked my restrained hand, lovingly. "I'm a sorry madam," he said slowly in his bad accent, "but the child was stillborn."

"What?!?" I screamed. "No, it's fine! I heard about it! Give me my baby! Bring back, my baby!"

"Yes, yes, grief is a terrible thing... completely natural... but look at the bright side: you are young and healthy and you can have many more children."

I began screaming again.

"I'll give you something now for the delirium." He said softly.

"What?!? No!"

A burning pinch in my hip and darkness soon followed.

When I woke, all my restraints had been removed and the happy new family was long gone. It took me several weeks to come to terms with what happened. In the end, I was able to recognize that I got exactly what I asked for: I survived an intense fantasy, and some family became complete. Though the price seemed to hurt more this time, I was still resolute that I wouldn't have changed a thing. The man's words were meant to sting, but I knew he was right: I could... and would... have many, many more babies... if I had any say in the matter. For me, completeness was felt whenever my fear ...and my belly ...was stretched.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very good

Horror and pain ain't my thing but I greatly appreciate this series.

Real world(tm) horror is difficult. That made it so perfect when the wiped husband went from a half ass act into a demented henchman plot. The baby stealing stuff made me think about people who wants to live horror and thereby seeks its scars.

It helped my casual sensibility that it was an entertainment front for a surrogate scheme. Compensating surrogates is a controversial subject that this story solves by providing the surrogate with unique experiences unrelated to money. It's a rather cool way of sharing interests and descendants, a modern kind of barter.

To the co-readers that were offended by 'the deathtrap situations' I applaud the writers work and your immersion. Beyond the "don't do this at home" is a desire to protect a fictional heroines life.

Will the third episode "Terrorized a Third Time" be "in print" again? Please.

EugeneSelfishEugeneSelfishabout 5 years ago
Getting better and better

This episode was epic, especially with the horror of a mother having her infants snatched away mercilessly. Rarely is such emotion explored in the stories on this site.

Two minor critiques: 1) When using electro-stimulation, there are certain locations which are particularly risky/dangerous to place electrodes near, particularly the heart, the spine, and the brain. Using nipple clamps can be dangerous since current can pass through the heart. Using anything around the neck can be dangerous, as the spine runs through it. So, all three of the electrode placements in the story were potentially life-threatening, and it was not apparent that the 'doctor' was bluffing about them. 2) The scene with the noose was also particularly dangerous, and again it was not apparent that the 'brother' had any safety precautions put into place in case something went wrong. On movie sets and in stage plays, one is never supposed to put a real noose around anyone's neck. They should always be fakes or break-aways. Accidents happen.

The story would have been a bit more satisfying if it was revealed at the end that the doctor/brother had already foreseen these risks and made it so that the heroine was never really in danger of death.

That being said, they both *were* tense and harrowing predicaments, making me fear for her life! 😨

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