Testing My Son in Law

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I visit my son in law to make sure he cuts the mustard.
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Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy it, and I would love to hear what you think. Mica xx West Yorkshire, England.

Also thank you for all the kind emails about my name and my origins, I have replied to you all, for those that don't know, my name is pronounced 'MEESHA'. X

I decided I needed to go and check out my son in law Mikhael, make sure he was looking after Mica properly, I have had no adverse comments from Mica, but, well, a mother likes to check things out for herself. I messaged Mica to say that I was coming to stay for a few days, she replied with a huge yes and said that would be fabulous. Gushing?

I caught the train to Leeds, gosh what a big station, so easy to get lost, and then a local train from Leeds to a station nearer to them, but still a ways away. My Uber picked me up and then it was a thirty minute car journey to Mica's house. When we arrived, I waited for the driver to open my door and retrieve my luggage from the boot. I approved his fee and added a tip and he drove off, hopefully a happy man, who can tell?

I wheeled my luggage to the front door and opened it.

"Only me," I called as I entered, pulling my case in with me.

"Hi mum," Mica called as she came down the hallway from her kitchen. "Oh you look fab mum. It is so good to see you and we are delighted that you have come to stay for a few days."

We hugged for a moment and then practicalities stepped in.

"I am desperate for the loo and a cup of tea. In that order." Well I was.

"You know where the loo is, and I'll go and put the kettle on."

I dived into the loo, pulled my knickers down and sat, oh the flood gates opened, wow such a relief. I took my knickers completely off, I wanted to 'breath', and I was wearing a mid length dress so all would be fine, no one would know. The knickers, clean but sweaty, went in my handbag; I would deal with them late. I flushed, washed my hands and went through to find Mica in the kitchen.

"How was the journey mum?"

"Oh, you know, the train was busy and noisy, even though I was in the quiet carriage, people still use their phones. No respect some people. The Uber driver didn't seem to speak much English, so luckily no small talk, but he was very polite and I awarded him a tip."

Mica laughed, "Oh mum, you tipping someone, it's never been heard of."

Cheeky girl.

"Shall we sit in the conservatory mum?"

I picked up my tea, in a mug, I ask you, a mug, and head off to the conservatory, Mica sat on the small sofa, I sat next to her.

"How are you mum, really?" She asked, sipping her tea as she looked at me.

"I am fine Mica, fine."

"No worries living alone?"

"Goodness no, I can come and go as I please, I only have to worry about myself."

"Not lonely?"

I smiled, It was actually more lonely in a house where all my son wanted to do was shag me and my husband seemed to use my body to wank into. There was little conversation.

"Oh baby, I have the internet, how can I ever be lonely, so many men wanting to date me!"

"Oh mum do be careful, there are some bad people out there, they are predators."

"Oh piffle, I am experienced enough not to sign away any money no matter how needy they sound, I am not stupid." I mean really? How daft does she think I am. I am not giving anything to anyone.

"Afternoon Masha," Mikhael said as he walked in.

"Afternoon Mikhael, how are you, are you looking after my daughter properly?"

He sat down opposite us in the armchair. I knew exactly what I was doing, I put my heels together, this had the effect of moving my knees further apart. I smiled.

I could see his expression change, almost to shock, I smiled even more.

"Er, yes Masha, of course I am."

"Glad to hear it, make sure that you look where you should and keep her as your focus." That should puzzle him, and it, frankly, tickled me.

We sat and chatted for a while, all the time my dress managed to inch a little further up my legs. Mica wouldn't see anything untoward, but Mikhael would have a ring side view.

Eventually I thought it time to change things.

"I am going up to have a shower if you don't mind, I am all sticky from the journey."

"Yes mum, no problem. The towels in the bathroom are all fresh, we have our own ensuite, so you can just use the bathroom exclusively for you."

"Thank you Mica. Right, If you will excuse me." I stood and went towards the hall, Mikhael rushed past me.

"Let me take your bag up Masha," he said as he grabbed my bag and carried it up to my room.

"Thanks you Mik, just leave it on the bed, I will sort it."

He smiled and left, leaving my door ajar as he went. I smiled inwardly as I flipped my case open. I grabbed my toiletries bag and headed to the bathroom and put the toiletries bag on the vanity and grabbed a towel and went back to my room, leaving my door open.

I stripped, my dress, my bra and my holdups, and hung my dress on a hanger and put my bra and holdups on the dresser. I pulled my knickers from my bag and put them on my laundry bag that I take everywhere with me. I could put them inside later, for now they could stay on view. I wrapped the towel around me and headed to the bathroom, leaving its door half open and my bedroom door fully open.

In the bathroom I put the towel on the loo seat and turned the shower on. I put a shower cap over my hair, no need to wash that today, and squirted gel into my hands and lathered my body ensuring I kept my back to the open door. I knew what I was doing. I couldn't show all the goodies straight off. I washed up and under and ensured I was thorough between my cheeks. Boobs washed and then a thorough rinse.

I stepped out of the shower onto the shower mat and patted myself dry. Satisfied that I was dry, I draped my towel over my shoulder and walked naked to my bedroom. Again leaving the door open I decided my toes needed extra drying. I stood in front of the vanity stool and lifted my left foot up, leant forwards, and diligently dried between my toes. I knew what anyone would see if they were stood behind me. I then dried between the toes of my right foot, a smile on my face as I caught a glimpse of Mikhael in the vanity mirror.

Deciding that I had given him enough of a view, I stood up and walked across the room, pushing the bedroom door shut as I went. I knew that he would have had an excellent rear view of my fanny. I wondered if he got turned on, or did he think it a trap?

Tea was a meat pie with mashed potatoes that Mica had made, rather tasty and the gravy helped it slip down nicely. After dinner we sat in the lounge and watched some TV, I was wearing only a skirt and top, I am sure my nipples would have shown, if anyone cared to look. Mica said she was going up, I said I would follow and Mikhael said he would lock up and then come up.

Mica said goodnight at the top of the stairs and went into her room, mostly pulling the door to behind her. I went to the loo and then across the landing to my room, again leaving it mostly open. I pulled my top off and wandered around my room for a bit before unzipping and removing my skirt. I sat naked on the stool, facing the mirror, sideways onto the door.

I opened my vanity case and began to slowly remove my makeup aware in my periphery of being watched, again I smiled inside. I deodorised beneath my boobs, which necessitated me lifting each boob in turn and rolling my roll on across my under boob.

I closed my vanity and slowly stood and moved into the bedroom then came up behind my bedroom door which I closed almost to. In bed, naked as always, I lay and listened to the noises of the house. Soon I could hear the unmistakable sound of intimacy coming from my daughters room, the quiet slap of skin on skin, the grunt of full penetration, the gasps of pleasure, the muted cry of orgasm.

Good. I got out of bed and looked through the gap in my door and watched as Mikhael came out of their room and went downstairs. When he came back, I stood in his way, he looked at me and I sank to my knees and sucked his dick into my mouth. I licked and sucked and his dick stiffened under my ministrations. When it was fully hard I released him and stood.

"Now go and fuck her properly," I said and returned to my room, my door open, my ears listening.

"What?" I heard Mica say, "again, oh Mik," and this time the sounds were not muted, the slap of pubis on mons were loud, the gasps at penetration almost grunts, and the temp increased, faster and faster, and then a loud scream as an orgasm erupted and a grunt as ejaculation occurred. Smiling I lay back and then it was morning.

"Morning mum," Mica said as I went into the kitchen. "What would you like for breakfast, we've pretty much most things."

"Oh I think coffee and toast and marmalade would be perfect." I answered.

"Coming right up mum. How did you sleep?"

"Oh, fine baby, once I am off a nuclear bomb wouldn't disturb me." Possibly true, but I never really get off very quickly, so my daughter screwing her husband, or vice versa, wouldn't have been anything of a disturbance.

"Oh good, not disturbed then?"

"No baby, not disturbed." After all, I was already awake.

Mikhael came into the kitchen, looked at me and seemed lost for words.

"Morning Mik," I said, "Sleep well?"

"Er, yes Masha, thank you, you?"

"Oh out like a light, no worries."

He seemed to wander around like a lost sheep and then grabbed a coffee and rushed out of the room, I paid him no heed, my plans were in a good place. I turned back to Mica.

"He treats you good?"

"Yes, of course, why?"

"I have no grandchildren, does he fail in the bedroom?"

"Mum!" She exclaimed and shook her head.

"I have heard that the orgasm helps his sperms get to your womb, does he make you scream Mica?"

"Mum. We have no problems in bed, and we will have children when we are ready."

I shook my head in mock disapproval. Frankly, I didn't care if they gave me Grandchildren or not, I just to make sure that Mikhael was giving her a good shagging and that she didn't want to go looking elsewhere for satisfaction. That would end up in disaster.

"I may go and see Leo today, unless you had any plans?"

"No Mum, do you want me to take you and drop you off? I won't come in, I only saw him the other day."

"If you don't mind, Leo can bring me back or I'll grab an Uber."

"Right mum, you text him and tell him you are on your way and I'll just finish tidying the kitchen."

I went upstairs and showered, and then in to my room, shutting the door behind me, Mikhael had seen enough of me for now, I had further plans for him. I wore my Basque, my favourite white one. It holds my boobs and has suspenders for my stockings, and I thought it gave me a good shape. It is a sod to do up by myself though, all those hooks up my back, but I managed. Then matching knickers and then my stockings. A simple fitted dress of pale blue satin and my white heels finished it off. I found my present for Leo from my luggage and put it into my handbag.

Leo texted back that he was in and looking forward to seeing me, and I was ready and Mica drove me over to Leo's, about a fifteen minute drive. She didn't park, she just pulled slightly off the road. I kissed her cheeks and she was gone.

"Mother," Leo said as he embraced me on the doorstep, "Mica not coming in?"

"No baby, she has other things to do and said she only saw you the other day, so she just dropped me off."

"No problems mum, come in."

I went in and realised that he had probably spent all the time since I texted tidying up, good on the surface, but, no, not really, a mum can tell.

"Tea, coffee?" He asked.

"Only if that is your choice Leo." I said. I opened my handbag and passed him my present. "For you baby."

His eyes lit up, and a smile grew on his face.

"Oh mum, thank you, you can take last months away with you if you could."

He turned the clear bag around in his hands, examining the contents, five pairs of my worn knickers ready for Leo to use when I wasn't around. I would usually send him them through the post, and he would return them, obviously enjoyed, and I would wash and launder them and then re-wear them and send them back to him, full of the scent and flavour of me.

"So, as I said, if tea or coffee is your preference, I had hoped that you might have something else in mind." Well, I did, and it wasn't drinking from a mug.

Leo walked over to me and his mouth met mine and we kissed. I could feel his fingers on the catch and then the zipper of my dress which then began to feel very loose. I stepped back from his kiss and my dress fell to the floor, I stepped out of the puddle of satin and stood posing for my son.

"Fuck mum, you are as gorgeous as ever," he said as he stared at my specifically chosen attire. My Basque shaping my boobs better than any plastic surgeon could, my knickers tight and outlining my shape and my stockings adding a sheen all the way down my legs to my Christian Laboutin heels with their red soles.

He stepped to me and kissed me again, this time a hand roamed my bust, seeking my nipples hidden behind lace, and then slid down over my stomach to rub the front of my knickers.

"Upstairs." I said and followed him as he led us to his bedroom. The quilt already pulled back in preparation, hope wasn't necessary, he knew as soon as I sent the text and then Mica didn't come in with me. He knew, it was mumma time.

I sat on the edge of the bed, Leo knelt before me and eased my heels off, and then ran his hands up my stockings, unclipping them, and rolling them down one at a time, adding them to the pile of my shoes. He stood up and pulled his polo off, his chest tight and a perfectly toned stomach. His hand went to the waist of his shorts and pulled them and his boxers down in one movement.

His dick looked magnificent, jutting forwards and up, his arousal so great that his foreskin slightly pulled back revealing the tip of his dick, peeking out, ready. He knelt between my legs and his hands roamed around my upper thigh, brushing against my tight knickers, fingers tracing the crease of my sex before slipping into my waist band and easing them down my legs.

He took my knickers to his face an inhaled deeply, "Oh God Mum, you smell divine," and then he ran his tongue over my gusset. "Oh the taste mum, the taste."

"Well baby, you have the source right here in front of you, fresher, wetter, waiting, wanting."

I lay back, my legs over the edge of the bed and closed my eyes, a breath exhaled over my valley, my legs eased further apart, widening me, my lips parting, my very essence bared for his enjoyment.

A tickle of pleasure as his tongue dabbed at my clit, a tremor through my body as his finger explored my entrance, pressures built in my groin, my heart seemed to skip and my breath caught. Oh my, two fingers eased their way inside me, parting, closing curling, feeling my bumps, sliding over my ridges and then my buttocks clenched as my clitoris was nipped between teeth and a chin pressed into my valley, flattening my lips, his shoulders forcing my thighs apart.

His fingers started shagging me, his other hand beneath me, parting my buttocks, pressing at my crinkle. Leo loves to take all of me and his gift improves with every visit, I hoped he was getting plenty of practice between my visits, with Mica perhaps?

A pop and his fingers found their way inside, to rub through my membrane at his fingers in my fanny. The sensation was almost overwhelming, the pleasures increased and grew, my pressures threatened to release, to blast through my body, I needed to hold on, not yet, let it build, let it grow. He pulled away, fingers leaving me, empty, voided.

His hands held my legs and flipped me over, a pressure and then he was in, stretching my sphincter, deep in to my bowel, filling me, the slap as he hit my buttocks echoing around the room, my son's bedroom.

I was happy for the relief, my pressures had been building too quickly and my orgasm would have arrived too soon, have been weakened, him using me this way eased those pressures.

As he was using me his hands worked on the clips down the back of my Basque and as the last clip was released, he eased it away, soon I would be naked. The slaps slowed and I felt him ease out and I felt the gape, the cool air as it filled the space vacated by his dick. He rolled me over again, my basque staying on the bed to be flicked onto the pile of my clothes on the floor, now I was truly naked, nude before the gaze of my son's eyes.

"God mother, I shall never tire of this sight."

I was happy with how I looked, I kept myself in trim, gravity tried its worst, but my boobs didn't sag too much, not bad for a double D at my age. My stomach was only very slightly rounded, and my mons stood proud with the gash of my valley bisecting it, neat but plump outer lips, inner lips hidden until my legs parted. I kept a very small thatch, triangular in shape, just above my mons, just for old times' sake really. It had a few grey ones, so I had to decide, embrace or shave. I was favouring shave.

He crawled up between my legs, over my breasts and kissed me again, his mouth open, his tongue searching, his dick pressing at my valley. I reached down and with my hand I guided him to the correct spot, he flexed his hips and penetrated me, hard, deep, his balls resting on my perineum, my pressures grew, my electrics began to build. He arched his back away, our kissing abandoned for more basic actions.

He withdrew, slowly, his foreskin relaxing and covering him again, so sudden had been his penetration I hadn't even noticed it move. Almost out, almost but not quite, that infuriating moment, not out, not in, he seemed to hover, to wait, and as I breathed out his dick drove inside me again, his pubis slamming against me and what little breath was in my lungs shot out of my mouth and I gasped.

My body began to stiffen, I knew I was approaching my release, but I wanted it to build more. Leo was speeding up, his pushed deeper, his withdrawals almost complete, my clitoris being pressed, pushed within me as his stroke reached my depth. I could hear my gasps just moments after his slaps, the symphony of sex, this time the act of a mother and her son, resonating around his bedroom.

I clenched my fanny, my muscles working on his dick, squeezing him, trying to slow him, he just grunted and pushed harder, my clitoris pounded and warmed, my pressures building to overload. My toes pointing, my heels pressing into the mattress, my fingers clutching at the sheet and I heard myself scream, a long high pitched shriek and my pleasures exploded through my body as my orgasm erupted and my back arched and locked, me in a bow on the bed, Leo pumping, pulsing, ejaculating, flooding my womb with his seed.

Almost as quickly as it came, my body relaxed and I fell back to the bed, Leo and his weight on top. I gasped, trying to draw breath, my lungs craving relief. Leo rolled to one side and chuckled.

"Jesus mum, you sure do cum hard."

"Only with you baby, only with you." That obviously wasn't true, but a boy needs his ego massaging every now and then.

I had a shower, making sure I cleaned inside and out, and Leo did up my basque for me, makes life so much easier. Once we were dressed Leo dropped me back at Mica's and I opened the door and went in.

"Only me," I called.

"In the kitchen," Mica replied, "tea coffee?"

"G and T if I can."

"Oh, Leo hard going?"

"Ha baby, no, just as expected. I'll have a G and T with you and then I will go and put something a little more relaxing on."

"Go and sit in the conservatory, I will be through in a minute."

I went through and sat on the small sofa, the sounds of raindrops on the conservatory roof pleasing to my ears. Mica came in and passed me a glass and then sat next to me.

We talked about my life in Leicester, did I have any prospects, was I okay, was I seeing men, getting company, all the usual personal stuff. I complained how Tesco kept dropping stuff that I liked and that I was shopping more and more in LIDL, but that more single men seemed to shop in Tesco.