That Highway 60 Drive


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"Dad, I won't wait for them to do an investigation while he's still beating on Robin. What's worse he threatened William. If he wants to beat on someone I'll give him another target."

"Be careful son," Dad warned me. "You come between a man and his wife and you could end up in jail."

"I might, but he won't be hitting Robin for a while or William either."

Dad looked at me hearing the anger in my voice and seeing the hard look in my eyes. He nodded and repeated, "Just be careful son."

"I won't stand by while he beats on Robin. I won't put up with him threatening my son. And I'll be damned if he's going to use my child support payments for his own purposes."

"Well...I'll be here if you need me," Dad told me.

As I was leaving, my Mom stepped over to me. "Will, you have to get Robin out of there. I know she's not your wife anymore but she's still your son's mother. Don't let that ass keep abusing her."

I almost smiled. My mom never said an unkind word about anybody. For her to call Clifford an ass showed how upset she was.

"Okay Mom, I'll bring Robin back with me. Can she and William stay with you until we get this settled?"

"Of course they can stay with us. Bring her home Will," Mom ordered.

I started the two hour drive on Highway 60. Thankfully there didn't seem to be any Highway Patrol troopers on the road that evening. My big Ford truck ate up the miles and I pulled up in front of Robin's in just over an hour and a quarter.

Walking up to the door I tried to calm myself. I was just going to offer to take Robin with me, I told myself. But I almost hoped Clifford would try to stop her.

I knocked and Robin opened the door. She was surprised to see me standing there. I was surprised to see the black eye she was sporting.

"Where's William?" She asked.

"He's at my folks place," I answered. "After what he told me today, I won't bring him back here."

From back in the house I heard Clifford yell, "Who is it Robin. If that's William tell him to get his butt in here."

"Robin, get in my truck," I ordered softly so only she could hear me. "I'll take you to our son."

"But my things, William's things," she protested.

"Leave them. We can replace them." Looking her in the eye I said, "I won't leave you here with that piece of crap. Get in the truck." She gave me a small smile and scurried to the truck.

Clifford came from back in the house and saw Robin get into my truck. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked. "That's my wife."

"Not for long asshole. I'm taking her out of here and she won't be back," I told him.

"Damned if you will. I'll kick your ass first," he said.

"I'm not a woman that you can slap around," I said as I motioned for him to come ahead. "C'mon let's party."

Clifford was about 6' 3, five inches taller than me and he outweighed me by at least 30 pounds. I guess he thought with his size he could bull his way over me. But when he threw a punch and tried to push past me, I hit him with a short right hand. He fell backwards into the house and went down holding his nose as blood sprayed all over him.

"Get up, I enjoyed that," I taunted him. "Let's dance some more."

He roared, stood up, and charged me. A left jab to his chin followed by a fist into his gut put him down. And this time he was slower to get up.

I motioned for him again and he approached me more cautiously. I let him grab my shirt and pull me in close so he could use his height and weight to his advantage. I rammed the top of my head into his chin and I put a knee into his crotch. Clifford let go of my shirt and started to slump. I stepped to the side and bounced a punch off his chin.

Clifford went done hard and I stepped toward him. Stop it, I told myself. You'll kill him if you keep this up. Instead of doing more damage, I bent over him. "If I ever see you around Robin or William, this will be like a love tap. You leave them alone

He spit some blood and said, "I'll have the cops on you before you get out of town."

"Maybe so but think about this," I suggest and tapped the side of his nose. "Who'll believe that a little guy like me beat the hell out of a big guy like you? And if they do and I get arrested, I'll get out of jail sometime. I've got no police record, not even a parking ticket so I might even get probation. Either way I'll be back for you. And the next time I'll put you down for good."

"If you kill me you'll get life or the death penalty," he whined.

"It won't matter much to you, now will it?"

Grabbing his hair I shook him. "Do you hear me Clifford? Do you understand?"

He nodded as all the fight went out of him.

"Say it, say you understand," I ordered and tapped the side of his nose again.

"Oh hell, stop please. Yes I understand," he cried.

I bounced his head on the floor and walked to my truck. Robin was huddled in the passenger seat. The big Ford started with a roar and I spun the tires as I floored it. I took a little longer getting back to my parent's house than I had on the trip to Robin's. The whole way I watched in my rearview mirror for the police. I never saw a one; I guess Clifford took my warning to heart.

When I pulled up in front of Dad's place, William came running out. Robin jumped out of the truck before it came to a full stop. Dropping to her knees she pulled William to her. I stood and watched them with tears in my eyes.

"Have any trouble son?" My dad asked.

"Nope, I persuaded Clifford that Robin should come with me and that was that," I answered. My dad looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I think the broken nose I gave him may have helped him with his decision." Robin and William were so involved with each other that they didn't hear me.

My dad gathered Robin and William and took them into the house. Mom was at the door waiting and took Robin in her arms. "You poor baby," Mom said and led Robin into the kitchen.

I knew that Robin and William would be okay with my folks so I told them I would see them after work tomorrow. "We can discuss what you want to do and how we can get it done."

Robin looked at me in surprise. "But we're divorced, I left you. Why would you help me?"

I smiled at her. "I won't leave my son or you in that situation. You can decide what you want and I'll, I mean we'll, help you," I told her pointing to Dad and Mom. I kissed Robin's cheek and said, "See you tomorrow evening."

The next evening I entered my parent's house. Dad met me at the door and handed me a beer. "You might need this when you hear Robin's story," he said and pointed toward the kitchen.

Robin and Mom were seated at the table. "We have already eaten so sit down sonny and I'll get you some dinner," Mom told me.

I nodded, smiled at Robin and sat down. Mom slid a full plate of food in front of me. She'd made my favorite; meatloaf with grilled onions, mashed potatoes and milk gravy. A big freshly baked biscuit with butter spread in the middle. Good thing I don't eat like this every night, I thought. I'd be so big I'd have to use a wheel barrel to push my belly around.

"Where's William?" I asked as I dug in to the plate with enough food to feed a small city.

Mom sighed and then laughed. "Your father decided that the boy needed a new Xbox 3 something or other and took him out to get one this afternoon."

"We haven't been able to pry William loose from it; nor your dad," Robin added. "In fact when your dad brought you that beer is the first time he's been away from it."

"You should stop by for meals more often," Mom suggested. "Every evening would be good."

"Thanks Mom but I've got my own place and I work a lot of evenings," I replied. Seeing her disappointed look I said, "Let's compromise on twice a week. I'll let you know which days I can be here each Monday."

"Please come as often as you can," Robin said. "William would love to see you more."

"Just William?" I asked. Then realizing the pressure I was putting on Robin, I said, "Sorry, that wasn't fair."

I heard Robin say in a very soft voice, almost to herself, "Me too."

Clearing my throat I asked Robin, "What do you want to do now? You want to go back to Clifford and get some counseling, or you want him arrested, or do you want out of there?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet," she answered. "All I could think about last night was getting out of there before he could hurt me again."

"Okay, you think about it for a day or two and when I come back for the next dinner we'll talk about it. I'm going to see William for a few minutes and then I've got work to do. See you guys on Wednesday."

Mom tried to kill me with food again when I came to dinner Wednesday after work. I took a shower and changed into jeans and a polo shirt that I'd purposely left at my parent's. This time it was a pot roast with baby Red potatoes, fresh corn cut off the cob, and green beans cooked with bacon.

After dinner Mom shooed Robin and I out of the kitchen. "You two go into the den to talk. William and your father are already back at that video game so you've got all night if need be. Robin be sure to tell Will about the pictures I took of all your bruises and black eye before they faded."

Robin and I took our coffee into the den and sat on the sofa. Her black eye was now sickly green and yellow in color. I turned to her but before I could ask her plans, Dad came into the room.

"Excuse me for interrupting," he said. "Just one thing and I'll leave you alone." We both nodded and he continued, "It's really none of my business but Robin if you decide to leave that asshole you can stay with us until hell freezes over if you want." Robin started to protest but Dad held up his hand and stopped her.

"We've got five bedrooms and nobody to use them. You and William can have your own room without crowding us. Besides I'll get to spend more time with my grandson," he said. "Sorry, I wanted you to know you wouldn't be on your own."

Robin got tears in her eyes, stood and walked to my dad. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Dad," she said with a smile.

Dad patted her on the shoulder. "Got to get back. William and I are about to defeat the Galactic Warlord."

She chuckled and rejoined me on the sofa. Robin turned and nodded at me as if to say 'let's get to it'.

"Why did Clifford start abusing you? Was he always like that?"

"No, he seemed to be a good guy when we first met and when we were dating," Robin replied. "He was good to me and to William." She stopped looked down at the floor and said softly, "I guess it was my fault that he changed."

"Why would you say that? It wasn't your fault. No matter what you did or said, it wasn't your fault," I responded with more than a little anger toward Clifford. "There's no excuse or reason for a man to hit a woman."

Robin smiled and patted my arm to calm me down. "I think Clifford got jealous. He once said something about what a loser you were to have let me go and I sort of teed off on him." She looked at me with a grin. "He knew you and I had gotten married because I was pregnant with William. I told him that not many men would have faced his responsibilities like you did."

I nodded and had to smile. It's always nice to hear that someone understands when you do something right and thinks highly of you.

"We had a little spat about you. I told him you were a good man and a great father," Robin continued. "That evening I told him to never bad mouth you again. I think that night was the start of it."

My mom knocked softly on the door and came into the den. "Thought you might like some more coffee," she said as she set fresh cups of coffee on the table in front of the sofa. She picked up the empty cups and left, closing the door behind her.

"William would come home from his visits with you and tell me about the good time he'd had. Or he'd come back a little peeved because you wouldn't let him get away with anything. William would sometimes complain that it was like having me look over his shoulder."

Robin grinned. "William complained but he was proud that he had two parents that loved him enough to make him behave. None of this set well with Clifford. Then he lost his job and things got worse. She stopped and sighed.

"I offered to go back to work but he didn't want me too. When I tried to argue with him, he got really mad. That was the first time he hit me. Everything went to hell after that."

"It's none of my business, but why did you marry him?" I asked.

"After we split up I got scared. I'd never been on my own before." I started to protest and she put her hand on my arm again. "I know. You were always there if I needed you but it wasn't the same. I was juggling raising William and my job. I had to make all the decisions by myself and I was overwhelmed." Robin took a deep breath.

"Clifford was nice to me. When we started dating he would do little things around the apartment and offer suggestions to some of the everyday problems that I was facing. When he asked me to marry him, I thought why not. I didn't love him the way I had you," when Robin said this she looked to see my reaction. "But I was fond of him and thought we could have a good life together.

Robin sighed again and hung her head. "Once the newness of the relationship wore off, I realized that I'd made a mistake. I decided to try and make the best of it. Not because I loved him but because I didn't want to be alone again."

"You should have talked to me. You should have told me how close to the edge you were."

Robin shook her head. "Maybe but I couldn't come running back to you. I, we'd, made our decision to separate and there was no going back. At least not in my mind."

I nodded. "Okay, it's in the past. What do you want to do now?

Robin shrugged. "Only thing I know is that I can't live with Clifford anymore. Guess it means another divorce because I won't put William in jeopardy."

We were both quiet sipping our coffee. After a couple of minutes I decided what needed to be done.

"Okay, we'll call Mr. Kline, that attorney that handled our divorce," I told her. "He'll draw up divorce papers for you against Clifford and see that he's served. Then you and William can stay with my folks until you get back on your feet or if Mom has her way you'll stay forever," I added with a grin.

"Clifford will never agree to a divorce. He's too proud to admit he can't handle his woman."

"This is a no fault state and he will sign the papers unless he wants be charged with spousal abuse." Robin raised her head at that statement. Will said, "We'll tell him to sign or you'll bring charges against him."

Several days later I was in my truck on the way to Clifford's house. Robin was seated next to me. Following us in his patrol car was Deputy Sheriff Boyd Jenkins. Boyd and I had grown up together, gone to school together, and before he became the law, got drunk together. He was a close friend. Boyd was also 6' 6 and 265 pounds.

When we arrived at Clifford's, Robin and I followed Boyd to the front door. Boyd didn't knock, he beat on the door with a big ham like fist. Clifford threw open the door but stepped back a little when he saw the giant lawman.

"Are you Clifford Sims?" Boyd asked. Clifford nodded. Boyd handed him a large envelope and said, "You've been served."

Clifford looked down at the divorce decree and when he looked up he noticed Robin and me behind Boyd. "You bitch," he yelled and took a step toward Robin.

Before I could get involved Boyd put a big hand in Clifford's chest and pushed him back. "There is also a court order in that envelope. It states that you will allow Mrs. Sims to gather her and her son's belongings. It also says you will stay 500 feet away from her and William or face arrest. I suggest you go sit down until Mrs. Sims is finished."

"I won't sign," Clifford almost shouted. "I'll fight it until you come to your senses."

Boyd looked at me and shrugged.

"Clifford if you don't sign Robin will have you arrested for beating her," I told him barely containing my anger. "We got pictures of her injuries and a sworn statement from William that he saw you hit his mother." I stopped and took a deep breath. "Just sign the damn papers Clifford."

Robin spoke for the first time. "I'm not asking for anything much Clifford. You can stay in the house, keep the furniture and whatever money is in the bank. All I want are my things and out of this marriage."

He looked at Robin and saw the determined look on her face. Clifford sort of wilted and stepped back away from the door. He went into the living room and sat down.

Robin, Boyd and I packed the things she wanted to take with her and within an hour loaded them in my pickup. Clifford watched and stared at Robin with hate in his eyes. A couple of times he started to speak but didn't. Robin was already in my truck and Boyd watched as I brought the last box to the door.

"Clifford," I called. He looked up. "Remember what I told you. If I catch you around Robin again, I'll....well you won't like the consequences."

"You heard him Deputy. He threatened me."

Boyd gave Clifford a small smile. "All I heard was some good advice Mr. Sims. I suggest you take it." Boyd shut the door behind me.


Robin and William lived with my folks for almost a year. I was over for dinner at least twice a week and spent several weekends there. I got to spend more time with my son, which was a good thing. Robin got her old job back and found a condo that she could afford. I helped with the down payment. After all William needed a nice place to live.

Mom was very sad to see Robin and William move out. She was even sadder that they weren't moving back in with me.

I got to spend a lot of time with Robin and we even went on a few actual dates. After a while we realized that the reasons we'd split up were still valid. Our marriage was based on William. We had loved each other but weren't in love with each other any more and couldn't force it. Robin will always have a place in my heart, but not as the woman I wanted to spend my life with.

About six months after getting her own place Robin started dating again. I knew the guy very well. It was Boyd Jenkins. He came to see me before he asked her out saying he felt funny about dating my ex. I assured him that it would be okay.

They've been dating for about six months now. I don't know if they'll get married but they both could do a lot worse. They're both good people and deserve to be happy.

I decided that I needed to move on too so I've been dating a few different women. Nobody special but at least I've starting the recovery process. Hopefully I'll find someone to care for soon.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just sad.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A statement by a 7-8 year old about spousal abuse especially post divorce will have any weight in court?

Otherwise good straightforward story.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Great story about good people.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The sainthood is in the post

deependerdeepender12 months ago

A good story well told. Thank you.

fredbrownfredbrownalmost 2 years ago

You sure put a twist into the ending, it surprised the heck out of me - and I suppose the Grandparents too!

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

A very good story. I like it. AAAAAA+++++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This story is a fine example of the myth of Romantic Love and the dangers it poses to relationships. Each person has their own mythology of love, based on their personal, family or cultural experiences. However, it is thanks to the media, cinema, literature, etc. that these beliefs have invaded the mental framework of society intensely, introducing in it ideas such as true love lasts forever, that there is only one person in the perfect world for us.

Both characters in this story have bought in to the myth that love has to be this end all burning passion for one another. These two people could have a good life together except for each being blinded by the romantic love myth which keeps them apart. Love is deep and long-spanning; passion is fleeting and superficial. Love is a very tender feeling; passion is intense. Love can sustain a relationship; passion cannot. True love is what comes after the Honeymoon period (once the Pheromones losses its effect on each other) . So, if you fall into the trap that love is just that "Hunka Hunka Burning Love" that Elvis sung about about you'll keep leaping from person to person always looking for another person that meets you mythic expectation

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Read all your stories , to bad you stopped writing sometime ago. You do have a natural talent for story telling.

imhaplessimhaplessover 3 years ago
Good story

5* from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

That's a good man right there.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago
Bupid Stich

Spineless quitters.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago
Good story

This might be your best writing of all. Love the story.

LucasredLucasredover 4 years ago

Refreshing to read a story that doesn't have either a reconciliation or a new woman just waiting for our hero. Sometimes life just goes on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

To the anon below me...fuck you, you worthless pile of shit. To say that a woman deserved to be assaulted and beaten because she didn't go to counseling with her ex husband is disgusting. You're a worthless douchebag who I hope gets the shit kicked out of you. In fact, come visit me, I'll be happy to put you down.

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