The 150th Slave Pt. 01

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The Sex Slave lottery continues.
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Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/12/2015
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"The 150th Slave" requires a bit of explanation. Although it can be read alone, it is basically a sequel to "Sex Slave Lottery." The reader should probably read Sex Slave Lottery first. Also, if you did not like Sex Slave Lottery, you are unlikely to like 150th Slave, so don't waste your time.

A twist is that I have written two completely separate endings to The 150th Slave. Parts One to Three are common to both endings. The Original Ending was conceived first and consists of two parts.

After reviewing the substantive comments on Sex Slave Lottery, I realized that some readers who were thoughtful enough to provide comments that indicated what they liked and did not like would be unhappy with the original ending to The 150th Slave. Because the Bolrian Lottery Corporation always seeks to please, a new alternative ending was written that is a harder and less romantic than the original ending. You can read either ending separately depending on your taste, or both if you like this stuff.

Finally, there will be the "Concluding Nonconsentual Postscript - A Bolrian Melodrama." It is in the nature of a prequel to Sex Slave Lottery. It explains more of the history of the main characters. It will have more melodrama and violence than sex.


The 150th Slave

Just how did I, Laurel, come to be nude in the East European Republic of Bolry presenting absolutely everything to a studio audience and internet viewers around the world? How was a partner in a large New York law firm persuaded to take the risk of becoming a sex slave for life or as long as the Bolrian Lottery Corporation (BLC) wanted to keep me? What happened after I did this incredible thing?


My Life before the Lottery

I am going to try to explain why a supposedly sane and intelligent woman could have gotten into my current situation. Not that I really understand myself.

During the lottery nude round interview in my first lottery, I deliberately misstated a few facts. I thought I could later pretend the nude person who looked just like me, was not me. The lies were pointless but I was so flustered that I was not thinking clearly. Anyway, I was only 34, not 37, and had really only been married once.

I was not a virgin when I met Jim shortly after we started at the University of Constitution Law School. I knew I was attractive to men since I developed all my curves (DD cups) at age 14. It is stupid that so many men care about how much fat there is around a woman's mammary glands, but I was not shy about using my looks and occasionally my body to get ahead. It did not hurt to sleep with the chair of the committee of the local charity that awarded the scholarship that put me through undergraduate school. I worked hard for grades during college. I had sex only maybe 100 times, despite being constantly approached by guys in my classes or the dorm. I did go to bed with one prof who gave me a recommendation letter. It was a pretty good experience and served multiple purposes.

I had had nothing much, though, but vanilla sex before I met Jim. In high school and undergraduate school, sex had been very satisfying only a few times. Jim, though, would tie me up, read textbooks to me and finger my trigger until I went crazy. He taught me about oral sex between sessions on criminal law. Sometimes it went the other way, but I would have to say that I overwhelmingly was the follower with Jim the aggressor in all our sex play. He said I had an incredibly spankable bottom and worked a lot spanks into our lovemaking along with a lot of other dominant moves. We had sex at least once a day even sometimes during my period. I got tied up more than a few times. Sometimes I was taken up the butt. Sometimes we played out rape fantasies. Sometimes I was naughty and I had to be "punished" with so many orgasms in a day I could not believe it.

We got married just after we graduated. It was a fairly small wedding. Both of us had divorced parents and grew up in New Jersey suburbs. My parents had not spoken for years before our wedding. They barely were civil during the ceremony. Neither of them liked Jim. They pretty much went back to ignoring me and leading separate lives afterward.

Both Jim and I got high-paying, high-stress associate jobs in Manhattan after finishing law school. We were at different firms. The work immediately took a toll on our relationship. We went weeks without seeing each other. It did not really shock me when after two years he said he'd fallen in love with another associate at his firm and wanted a divorce. It hardly mattered as I had been working 70-hour weeks and getting most of my sexual relief from battery operated toys. Of course, I'd cheated myself a few times after being in some other city for days with nothing to do but proofread securities disclosure documents. Meeting strange guys in bars in strange cities involved a lot of risks but I did that.

My second "marriage" was really an affair that lasted three years with a senior partner at the firm, Ferguson. I thought of it as a marriage as it went on so long. I wanted to marry the guy and just be a woman for a while. Ferguson hardly needed to practice law anymore as he'd made so much in the past and invested really well.

The elegant dinners with Ferguson were nice. The sex was surprisingly good for a while. The big problem was that I could not talk him into leaving his wife. After two years, I finally told him that we were just friends and I had to go in search of something more real in the New York meat market. Actually, by that point I had developed a hatred of the guy that I think went beyond the fact he'd rejected me. Also, the notorious biological clock had started ticking. He said we'd never be just friends but he understood. I think he understood but never accepted.

My efforts to find someone in the market did not go well. Most of the young guys were too soft mentally or too fond of themselves. Most of the older men were too married. Just for relief, I went to bars again and went home with guys I did not know well enough. I was never exactly raped but things did happen that I would not have invited if I'd been asked. Still I kept it up until the workload increased. I decided that I just could not take the risk of not being able to come to work on Sunday if necessary. So my sex life faded to a trickle.

While I was sleeping with Ferguson regularly and a few other senior partners occasionally, there were naturally all sort of rumors about what a scheming bitch I was. The truth was somewhat less juicy although I will admit that I influenced a few hiring decisions with my ass and got an assistant or two I did not like fired using my breasts and oral skills.

To be fair, I was made a non-equity partner only after I put in a huge amount of hours at the firm. Being a partner brought in more money but meant I had to generate new business for the firm if I wanted to be a real partner. So, in addition to all the hours I was doing, I had to scrape around for business. I did manage to get some business that another partner, F. Mann, suggested I pursue. A Texas firm that had a few good software patents wanted to purchase a New Jersey company that marketed specialized software. I got the Texas firm, owned by a guy named Walker, to switch a lot of its legal business to my firm.

Yes, I slept with Walker. It happened during my first trip to Texas to meet with the senior management of the firm. There was never any question of marrying Walker. He made clear on the first date that he had no intention of ever marrying and just wanted female conversation and sex. We had sex that night. The sex was a lot like what I'd had with Jim only a lot rougher. Walker teased, bit, pinched, spanked, and forced me to have so many orgasms in a night that I was utterly exhausted. The following day, I was so sore I could hardly walk. I knew he'd have done more with and to my body if I had let him. Fortunately, all I had to do that day was fly home. I had an associate, a big dumb beach boy type named Jacobs, carry my bags. I had packed too much stuff.

From somewhere Walker knew Mann. I did not know where at the time.

Before the night with Walker, I had not had any sex life for months unless you count the vibrator. I have to admit that around the firm everybody pretty much considered me an anal compulsive, abusive bitch and I heard jokes behind my back about how "Laurel really needs to get thoroughly fucked so she quits fucking us." I had to work the associates assigned to me hard to get the work done but Ferguson and Mann said I worked everyone hard even by the firm's standards. Not that they really cared. They did care that I sometimes seemed a bit too cold to clients. The legal assistants in the firm and copy room guys were respectful but cold as I frequently caused them to work late and screwed up their personal plans. Guys in the office or elsewhere who hit on me deserved to get squashed. Ferguson said I was pretty dismissive even to guys who were just trying to be polite and do their jobs.

I know the legal assistant who did much of my work, Leslie, hated me but she was free to find another job if she could. An associate, Chiara, without complaining out loud, was mad because I had made her work one day although she'd said she had to go to her sister's wedding shower. Yea, so what? I let her take off for the wedding rehearsal and wedding. A third year associate and I spent 40 hours over a weekend getting the papers done for a real estate deal.

Viewing the Lottery

About three months after my trip to Dallas, Walker came up to New York to do business and stayed over the weekend. Saturday, I went with him to his hotel room. After we tore up the sheets, Walker asked me if I wanted to watch a very unusual Internet program at Mann's Condo that started at 3:00 AM because it was being webcast live from overseas. He said it would be very educational and would help client relations. I was tired but it did not look like I was going to get much sleep that night anyway. I agreed to go with him to Mann's. We showered and got a cab.

I had been to Mann's fancy midtown condo before, (one of three or four he owns in various cities). Three other people were there. Mann had a date, Kat, who looked like either a model or a very high priced escort. I assumed the latter as she was not nearly skinny enough to be a model. In fact, her breasts were a little larger than mine. The others there were a very tall man in his late 40s who was introduced as Mr. Schwarzhof and a very tall woman in her late 30s looking good in a tight leather mini-skirt, low cut black blouse and very high heels. She was introduced as Paula and spoke with what sounded like a German or Scandinavian accent.

After introductions, we sat in Mann's media room to watch the program that called itself simply "The Lottery." Mann explained that this was broadcast from a strategically important former Soviet republic, Bolry. Bolry was now independent, but was being run mainly by former Soviet officials.

The program started. It was novel to say the least. Having lived in New York for 8 years, I thought I'd seen about everything, but not anything like this.

There was a large studio and a studio audience off camera. Production values were very good. First, the camera zoned in on a very attractive woman I thought was about age 40 in a tight business suit that displayed her figure and legs well. She was standing in front of a long row of women seated with a number from 1 to 100 on the left and a number between 0 and 95 or so on the right. The woman introduced herself as Svetlana and introduced her co-host, Yegor, who was wearing an Armani suit. Yegor immediately began cracking jokes that must have been better in the original language than in translation in subtitles.

The women obviously had been chosen for their looks and seemed to be between 20 and 40. Svetlana spoke English very well and explained what they were doing both in English and some Slavic sounding language. She explained that, "to diversify the Bolrian economy, the great leader, Pyotr Toltski, and his deceased brother had developed the Lottery as an international entertainment for a very select clientele." She explained further that one of the 100 women was going to become a "lifetime sexual pleasure provider" who would spend many years or perhaps the rest of her life entertaining wealthy men with her body, mind and spirit. She would be a pampered consort but without any rights in Bolry other than to be free from pain and physical harm. A man who paid enough could even impregnate a woman of his choice and decide how to provide for the child's upbringing. Some of the women might even become pain slaves who could be bound and abused for the amusement of clients, without causing permanent damage, of course. Svetlana also said that each of the women came to Bolry by choice in exchange for receiving a substantial sum of money at the end of the evening unless she became a slave. Lifetime sexual pleasure providers have no need for money.

Svetlana explained that the choice of who lost was made at random by what they called "The Lottery Machine." The number on the left of each woman's chair is her number. The one on the right was how many times she had participated in the lottery before. Svetlana mentioned that it was the 125th lottery and that the Lottery had then been going on every two weeks for over 4 years and that in a few months they were going to hold a special lottery to celebrate the five-year anniversary.

Yegor explained that there would be a series of rounds. Of the 100, 24 would be selected to continue to be at risk. The other 76 would receive their money and could watch the rest of the lottery or just go home. The 24 ladies would disrobe to a swimsuit for the second round. The third round the 12 who remained will be topless and the 6 appearing in the fourth round will be nude and will be shown and interviewed about their lives and how they felt about having a 1/6th chance of becoming an escort for life or maybe a pain slave. The final round would be two women who would be thoroughly measured and displayed before the Lottery Machine picked the woman who would become a lifetime pleasure provider and available to provide services to lottery patrons.

Paula looked like she'd seen all this before and was eager for the action to begin. Kat expressed doubt that this was really happening. I said that, if this was really happening, I was not sure whether it was a fancy prostitution racket or some sort of expensive BDSM Club. I also said that it was degrading of women. I was sure it must violate various laws and treaties. Walker suggested I keep my opinions to myself.

One the side, I told Mann that it was probably a violation of the firm's sexual harassment policy for him to be showing me this. He answered that it was clearly a violation of firm policy and the ethics rules of the New York Bar for me to be sleeping with Walker. I asked him how he knew I had slept with Walker. I doubted that Walker was such a cad as to "screw and tell." Mann said that the associate I had taken to Texas had guessed. I asked that Jacobs be fired. Mann said that was not so easy.

Anyway, while Svetlana and Yegor spoke, the cameras displayed the women who, other than being very attractive and well dressed, had little in common. They came from all over the world.

The Lottery Machine did an obviously silly display and 24 numbers appeared in a row. Large numbers of women looked pleased and headed for the doors. Others looked embarrassed and began to peel down to a bikini swimsuit. Most seemed okay with it. I thought of how I would feel in that situation. I pretended to be less interested than I was.

After a bit more talk by Yegor, the Lottery Machine's big showy button was pushed again and the camera scanned each of the women as they watched the numbers come up. Most of them were trying to smile as I guessed they'd been told to do. After 12 were chosen to go on, they walked with the hosts to another part of the stage and took off their bikini tops.

I'd assumed that all of the women were sex workers of one sort or another. So I thought the 12 picked to be in the topless round must be very good actresses to look so embarrassed about showing their breasts. They did hold up or jiggle their breasts on command from Yegor. This caused some of the woman to turn red even as they forced a smile. I said, "This is getting really strange," and Kat squirmed in her seat. The three guys ogled the breasts of women standing thousands of miles away and looked at Kat, Paula and me as though they could see through our blouses.

I should have walked out then.

After more talk by Yegor and Svetlana and close ups of the women, the Lottery Machine was set off again. 6 numbers went up. If the six women going to the next round were sex workers, they were either good actresses or very modest sex workers. They looked really distressed. Svetlana announced that there would be a 20-minute break during which existing "inventory" would be shown. She actually used that word to refer to women.

The show came back on with a display of the pictures of the over 120 women in the inventory. The action moved to another section of the hall where six women were completely nude standing with their legs spread wide enough to see their lower lips and their arms initially tightly behind their backs with their breasts jutting forward. Kat, who'd I'd assumed was an escort said that the show was way over the top. She was not sure she could keep viewing. Mann said it was getting close to 4 AM and she might wait until the sun came up. I said it was disgusting but admitted it was strangely fascinating. Paula said something like that she knew how the women on display felt. "It is kind of fun." I felt something too in my loins and I was not sure I liked it or what it said about me. Kat squirmed in to her seat, went to the bathroom, came back and watched.

The six women had on forced smiles. Yegor began bizarre interviews of naked women displaying their bodies. None of the six said she was a sex worker. All of them at least said she had a normal vocation. Two of them were from Bolry and there was one Frenchwoman, an English professor, an Indian woman and a girl in her mid-20s, Ashley, who said she was an art student from Tennessee and a disciple of the Lord.

The first of the Bolrian women was the second wife of the great leader Pyotr Toltski ("nice divorce settlement," I thought). She'd been in over 60 lotteries and subtitles had her saying that she had made a lot of money in the Lottery but still had a lot of debt. She volunteered that no matter how many times one participated in the Lottery one was still scared and excited if one got down to the 12 or the six. Yegor joked about Toltski's third wife being a very good escort for life. He was sure that wife #2 would be as good a fuck.

The other Bolrian woman was younger and said that this was only her 5th lottery. She said there just weren't good jobs for young people in Bolry and that surviving a number of lotteries was her way to get ahead. After Yegor said that there were now a half dozen women from Bolry who'd thought as she did and were now providing sexual services full time, the woman said she knew that and was willing to live with whatever happened. At least that is what the subtitles said.

I thought I could see why the Frenchwoman was there. She had pierced nipples and labia and seemed to be seriously into some form of masochism. This was her 10th lottery. I thought she was getting paid to do what she would have done for free in a basement in Paris. That is not what she said though. She said that a rich older man she had met at a club persuaded her to do it and that she could use the money because her career as an actress had not taken off. She admitted that the club was based on a "Story of O" theme and that she'd found earlier lotteries thrilling. She insisted she was now scared to death of living the O story without even a lover to save her. (I guessed she had not read to the end of the "Story of O") Paula said she thought she had a very pretty smile. Walker said her body was "just incredible."