The Agency Ch. 22


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"Enough stalling," Michelle said to her reflection, "I'm sure I'll get more comfortable being topless as the day goes along."

Michelle looked back at the boxes and note for a moment before leaving the bathroom, it was impossible that Bernard had left the note and items there. She had assumed they weren't alone on the boat, but not only were they not alone but someone else onboard knew she wasn't a genetic woman. While that was an unforeseen wrinkle, there really wasn't much Michelle could do about it now, her bag was somewhere with Bernard and it wasn't like she could just leave. Walking up the stairs, she found Bernard in the same room she'd left him, holding two large glasses with straws and a very big smile.

"You look quite incredible!" Bernard said as he handed Michelle a glass. "It's a very European community," Bernard was barely able to lift his eyes from Michelle's chest, "you won't feel out of place dressed like that."

"Thank you." Michelle replied, still feeling self conscious.

"I do hope you like rum!" He said holding up his drink.

"I guess we will find out!" Michelle answered before taking a sip. "Ohhh, this is delicious," she said taking another sip, "a girl could get in trouble with a few of these!"

"Don't worry," Bernard said reassuringly while taking Michelle's hand, "you'll be safe with me."

Bernard led Michelle back toward the helipad, then down a set of stairs to another deck level. This one had several lounge chairs set up, he escorted her to one of the chairs, motioning her to have a seat. In spite of her body parts tucked where they were, the seat was plush enough that Michelle felt quite comfortable. A small table next to the lounge chair was a perfect spot for her drink, after another long sip.

"I'll gladly rub lotion on you my dear," Bernard said as he set his drink aside, "then we can discuss your finances."

"Finances?" Michelle suppressed a giggle, since starting at the Agency she knew she had money in her bank account, but truthfully had no idea what the balance was! "Okay, that sounds interesting." For the first time in her life money had no longer been an issue, so she'd barely checked her account. It was a very new and different feeling for her, even more new and different than having breasts!

"Lie still," Bernard said as he approached with a bottle of lotion, "I'll have you all set in a jiffy."

Bernard started at Michelle's feet, slowly and methodically massaging the oil into her skin. It was quite relaxing to be honest. Michelle felt as if she were living in the lap of luxury and being pampered at the same time. Looking to her left, she noticed another yacht, smaller than Bernard's, with two topless women moving about. Michelle felt a bit more comfortable about being barely dressed at that point.

"You have lovely skin," Bernard said as he moved up Michelle's thighs, "so soft."

"Thank you." Michelle replied, taking another sip and leaning back in the lounge chair.

"Do you have a current investment portfolio Michelle?" Bernard asked as his oiled fingers slid right up to the edges of her thong.

"No, not really," Michelle replied earnestly, "I've never really thought about investing."

Michelle stopped short of explaining how she'd previously been destitute. She found herself wondering if Bernard would have ever pictured himself in her position prior to meeting Ms. Allison? Based on the private plane, helicopter and massive yacht, she assumed he'd struggle to understand her previous financial situation.

"Well, if you want," Bernard said as he slid further up her body with his hands, "I can start a portfolio for you, and set you up with some lower risk options." Michelle had to suppress a giggle as Bernard's hands glided over her taut tummy. "I'll put something together with a bit of seed money," he continued as his hands slowly roamed to her breasts, "and once you've yielded that in return, I'll take that back, but it will set you up for success. What do you think?"

Bernard's hands slowly massaged Michelle's breasts, but she wasn't about to stop him either. "Seed money?" She asked, wondering what and how much he was talking about.

"Sure," Bernard replied, reluctantly moving his hands to her shoulders, "with today's market I would go with half, and once you've earned a half, I'll take mine back. Just to get you going that is."

"Um, half?" Michelle asked, trying not to sound like a dope.

"Yes dear," Bernard replied, coating Michelle's arms and smiling warmly, "half a million to start."

Michelle sat dumbfounded. She understood Bernard was rich, he'd given her an ankle bracelet covered in diamonds for just walking to his car just this morning. But now he was going to let her basically borrow half a million dollars to get an investment portfolio started?

"I'm sorry," Michelle finally managed to find her words, "so you're going to put half a million dollars into an account and invest it for me?" Bernard nodded, with a bit of a grin on his face. "And once I've earned half a million of my own dollars, you're going to take yours back?"

"Exactly." Bernard replied warmly. "I help all the girls like this," Bernard said, releasing her hand and sitting back slightly, "the stocks are low risk but low yield, so it will take about a year depending on market variables."

"Okay," Michelle's voice fluttered slightly as she spoke, "I'm sorry, I just have never thought of that much money belonging to me before."

"I'm not saying you'll never have to worry about money again," Bernard said before taking a sip of his own drink, "but it will be less of a concern, and if you leave it long enough you can certainly live off the interest with the right financial moves."

"I know I'm all oily and all," Michelle was fighting back tears at the realization of financial independence, "but can I hug you?"

"I would never say no to a hug from a beautiful woman!"

Michelle threw her arms around Bernard, burying her face into his shoulder and neck. It was useless to try to hold her tears back. Just 6 or 7 months ago she'd been able to splurge on a crappy delivered pizza, now she was going to have a financial portfolio and could potentially become a millionaire! How was this even possible? She couldn't wrap her mind around that amount of money being tied to her name.

"I'm going to go change," Bernard said slowly extricating himself from Michelle's hug, "only one of us is ready for a day in the sun after all." Michelle quickly wiped her eyes, hoping her mascara didn't run. "There is some crew on the boat," he said as he got up, "but they won't bother you."

"Thank you." Michelle replied, unsure what she was truly thanking him for at the moment.

Trying desperately to clear her head, Michelle sat back under the Caribbean sun, taking another long sip of her rum concoction. The occasional breeze and smell of sea air as well as the sun and rum made the combination quite relaxing. When Bernard returned, he was wearing a pair of long shorts and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. Michelle was impressed that Bernard actually looked more fit than she expected him to be. As Bernard sat, Michelle couldn't help but notice the bulge in the front of his shorts as he took a seat on the lounge chair across from Michelle.

"I think I'll need help rubbing lotion on my front in a bit," Michelle said in a sultry tone as she slowly stood up, "but I do think I need to show my appreciation for this trip and the bracelet you gave me."

"While that's not necessary," Bernard replied as he raised his hips and slid his shorts down, "I won't say no, but I do have one request."

"What is that?" Michelle asked as she put her left knee down on the lounge chair, getting ready to settle between his outstretched legs.

"I prefer you take your time," Bernard replied, sliding his shorts down his thighs, exposing his hard cock to her, "oral sex should be an event after all, not a means to an end."

"I agree." Michelle smirked as she lay between his legs.

Bernard's cock wasn't impressively large, but wasn't all that small either. Michelle estimated he was roughly 6-inches. Cradling the shaft in her left hand, Michelle supported herself with her right arm before lowering her mouth to his body. Swirling her tongue around Bernard's shaved ball sack, Michelle enjoyed the saltiness of his flesh. Gently rubbing the underside of his cock with her thumb, Michelle continued to lavish and savor him, making sure to live up to his want of an oral event. Michelle had managed to lick every inch of his cock and balls before finally lowering her mouth onto him. Reveling in the low moan Bernard let out as she pressed her nose to his lower abdomen, Michelle could feel a presence behind her. No one was touching her, but she knew someone else was there.

"Hello Ralph," Michelle heard Bernard say, "let's go with a tray of fish tacos, and that special tray that you do my friend." Michelle heard the unseen Ralph agree. "Does that sound good my dear?" Michelle mumbled around Bernard's cock, fully content to let Ralph gander at her ass while she continued to lavish her host for the weekend. "You are quite talented," Bernard's voice gave away that he was close to cumming, causing Michelle to work his cock harder, "oh yes, quite talented in deed!"

Michelle felt Bernard swell in her mouth, his body tensing under her hands, before the first hot blast entered her throat. He let out an adorably sexy moan while filling her mouth with his cum, Michelle smiled as best she could while drinking up every drop he had to offer. Michelle softly lay Bernard's flaccid cock on his abdomen before sitting back up.

"If you want," Michelle said, giving Bernard a sly wink, "after you've recovered for a bit, I'm sure I could use some help with lotion on my front as well."

"I would be more than happy to oblige." Bernard replied warmly.

Ralph returned several minutes later with lunch, placing the trays on a nearby table. Bernard approached Michelle, extending his hand to help her to her feet. Michelle enjoyed the attentions of Bernard's gentlemanly ways, of course, he was also a client happy to get his way, as a result his hand cupped her bare bottom while they walked to that table. They enjoyed light conversation over lunch, where Michelle found out more about her host. With lunch finished, Michelle was escorted back to the lounge chair where Bernard happily massaged lotion into the front of her body.

"My breasts certainly won't burn," Michelle giggled as Bernard lovingly massaged them, "I appreciate the attention."

"I'm a man of simple tastes my dear," Bernard replied as he finally pulled his hands from Michelle's chest, "I do hope you don't find them too off putting."

"Not at all!" Michelle replied, lightly touching his hand. "What girl doesn't like to be pampered and looked after?"

"None that I've met so far!" Bernard replied with a chuckle. "Tonight, we will have a pair of couples over for dinner," Bernard said as he returned to his lounge chair, "you'll find them very friendly."

"Will I get to wear more than I have on at the moment?" Michelle smirked as she replied.

"I will have a nice outfit laid out for you," Bernard replied warmly, "something stunning to fit your figure."

"I can't wait to see what you have picked out for me." Michelle wondered how much of her the outfit would cover.

After a few more hours tanning, where Bernard made sure Michelle would routinely flip over for a nice even tan, he announced it was time for her to get ready. Michelle made her way down to the main cabin where the bathroom vanity now contained an array of makeup and the shower was stocked with shampoo, conditioner and her favorite razors. Obviously, Bernard had thought of everything. Michelle removed the black thong before stepping into the shower. She was amazed at the water pressure, which was almost as good as her condos! As she stepped out of the shower, Michelle wrapped herself in a large towel and began brushing out her hair.

Michelle decided to do a quick upswept hair style, knowing it was best to keep her hair out of the way for when Bernard wanted her to feast on his cock again, which she knew would be soon. Walking out into the bedroom, Michelle saw her outfit for the evening laid out and began to wonder which of the ship's crew was in charge of her wardrobe and bathroom items? Michelle stepped into the snug fitting hot pink thong, which was followed by a pair of sheer pink pants more suited for a genie than a dinner party. Regardless, Michelle put them on, snapping the cuffs at her ankles which gathered the flowing material surrounding her legs which overlapped but was open on the outside of each leg. Michelle picked up the top, which had a hidden front close clasp, that lifted her breasts slightly pushing them together. The hot pink material of the bra had a couple pieces of sheer material dangling from the sides. Finally, Michelle stepped into the 5-inch heels that had been left for her.

"Not exactly boat shoes," she said looking at herself in the mirror, "but I'm sure he won't mind!"

Michelle made her way back up the stairs to the large living room where Bernard awaited her. "What do you think?" Michelle asked as she slowly turned around.

"I think you look amazing!" Bernard replied, handing Michelle a drink with one hand while cupping her ass with the other.

"I should have figured the slits in the legs had something to do with that!" Michelle giggled, turning her body to welcome his touch. "When do your friends arrive?"

"They'll be here soon," Bernard replied giving Michelle a firm squeeze, "just a couple old friends and their wives."

"Sounds fun" Michelle said anxiously, taking a long sip of her drink, "I assume their wives are..."

"Much younger than them," Bernard chuckled, "yes they are." Michelle subtly rolled her eyes at his response. "They are natural," Bernard paused for a moment, "well, they were born women." Giving her butt another quick squeeze, Bernard continued. "You have nothing to worry about with them my dear," he said as he slowly extracted his hand from her bottoms, "I've made them both their fortunes, and they indulge my particularities."

A few minutes later a pair of men in their 50's, accompanied but a pair of women in their late 20's who wore little more than Michelle had on. Both men were cordial to Michelle, trying not to look like they were overtly checking her out, and both women gave her a quick embrace and air kiss. At least with the two women around Michelle didn't feel as underdressed as she had before their arrival. Ones dress had so many cut outs it barely contained her large false breasts. Michelle felt happy that Ms. Allison had selected the plastic surgeon who'd done her breasts.

The conversation seemed to have minimal range, the men mostly spoke about the market and deals they'd made, potential upcoming deals and how they'd spent their money. The women seemed completely bored by the conversation, while Michelle tried to make sense of how they did what they did. She'd barely made it through algebra in high school, math was a foreign language to her, and these guys were speaking hedge funds, dividends and market valuations. Michelle wondered if there was a book to dumb things down for her. The one thing she could do was help Bernard deliver drinks to his guests. The men, and one of the two women seemed to enjoy watching Michelle bend over to hand them a beverage. As she sipped her cosmo, Michelle cared less and less about the looks she was receiving.

Whenever Bernard finished making a drink, he returned to his chair, where Michelle either sat on his leg or the arm of the chair. Neither one was terribly comfortable for long, considering she was essentially sitting on her caged boy parts, but her buzz helped with that as well. Bernard made sure to lightly touch her back or caress her butt out of the view, for the most part, of his guests as well.

"Well," one of the gentlemen finally said, "we should really get going, Jack and I are up early to go fishing for swordfish!"

"You two have a good time," Bernard replied, getting to his feet, "I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves."

"What are you up to tomorrow?" The other asked Bernard.

"I may play some golf," he replied casually, "or I may take Michelle here shopping."

"How lovely!" One of the women replied.

"At least if you go with her," the first man sarcastically interjected, "you can limit what she spends!"

"Oh I'd never put a limit on that," Bernard replied, casually walking his guests off the boat while fondling Michelle's ass, "the spending of significant others is what keeps me in business!"

Michelle stifled a chuckle, wondering if any of his guests caught the casual dig at them?

"Oh, they know that already!" One of the women replied.

"Have a great night," Bernard waved as they exited the gang plank for the dock, "thank you for coming over." As he waved, Bernard gave Michelle's left cheek a firm squeeze. "Don't worry my dear," he said letting up his grip, "tomorrow night the guests will be far less droll."

"Sounds fun!" Michelle replied subtly running her fingers over Bernard's crotch.

"Business obligations always come first," Bernard said, pushing his crotch forward into her hand, "then the fun, you seemed quite comfortable tonight, I'm glad you didn't let the women intimidate you."

"Attractive women used to intimidate me," Michelle replied, squeezing Bernard's growing cock through his shorts, "then I became one and evened the playing field!"

"You did in deed my dear!"

"I'm a bit tipsy," Michelle said softly, "I'm so glad you're here to hold me up!"

"Anytime!" Bernard replied, cupping Michelle's breast with his free hand.

"Feel like going to the cabin so I can show you some appreciation for a wonderful day?"

"I'd like that very much." Bernard replied with a smirk.

Michelle and Bernard transformed into a pair of teenagers, giggling and laughing as they darted across the deck toward the stairs. Once there, Michelle slowed slightly, giving Bernard ample time to fondle her from behind, before walking down the steep stairwell in her 5-inch heels. Which, thanks to his deft hands, Michelle did topless.

"I'm wondering if your infatuated with my boobs!?!" Michelle teased as she reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to face her host.

"While I know they aren't real," Bernard answered, cupping Michelle's breasts with his hands as he did, "they are also simply perfect!"

"I appreciate that you enjoy them so much," Michelle giggled as she opened the bedroom door, walking them inside together, "I contemplated bigger, but I didn't want it to seem like I was copying Babette."

"While I appreciate a fine pair of breasts," Bernard replied, walking Michelle toward the bed, "hers are a bit too big even for me."

Michelle sat on the bed, which put her breasts closer to Bernard's crotch, but allowed her to undo his belt. Freeing his belt, Michelle undid the button and zipper of his pants, allowing them to fall to the floor. Bernard slowly stepped out of them, while Michelle happily kicked off her heels.

"Why don't you slide up onto the bed," Bernard softly instructed, "lie back on the pillows."

"Okay!" Michelle eagerly replied, quickly moving herself into position.

Bernard crawled onto the bed behind her, positioning himself between her legs, before laying down so his face was breast height with Michelle. Taking his hands, Bernard pushed Michelle's breasts together, lavishing her hard nipples with kisses, licks and soft nibbles. Michelle moaned softly, more out of instinct than the actual feeling of what he was doing. Even though her breasts were not nearly as sensitive as an actual woman's, there was something truly erotic about Bernard enjoying them. Michelle let her fingers run through his hair as he kissed them, squeezing him with her legs.