The Alien Invasion The Fannie Zarco Ch. 04-06


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"Lucky for us we discovered that the human eggs needed conditioning before the eggs would work properly with our men's sperm. We are also very selective as to what eggs and what sperm we use in the artificial insemination process. We found that with this treatment there is no danger to the earth woman when a birth results from the union with one of our men. I realized our methods may seem harsh to you, but we are thinking of the continuance of our race. We try to pick small out of the way places like Xellidon so that our operations will not be discovered. We also do not take more that one woman at a time; and we try to give something in return as you will soon find out."

"What did you use on me to enslave me?" Fannie asked

"Enslave is such a harsh word," Kara answered. "Lets say diminish your power to resist. It is a very special tool. One of the things that we found out that with the decrease in egg production, the women on my planet lost their interest in sex. When the decrease first began, the men had to work harder and maintain their erections longer in order to in pregnant us. Soon their sexual desires increased at a phenomenal rate as did their erections. When our females lost the desire for sex and our males became oversexed so to speak and a real problem arose. The men on my planet were incensed and blamed our sex the for our Race's predicament. So they invented that little tool that was used on you. It was originally designed for the explicit use on the women on my planet. They wanted to control our actions in everyway, but not our minds. However, the tool could not solve the problem of infertility of our women. Lucky for earth women, earthmen cannot use it. It can only be used by a male with our genetics and it will not last at the setting our men use. We are not interested in slaves just making sure that our race continues. In the beginning, our men did keep a few earth women for their amusement, but it didn't work out. Our men have found out that although some earth women do have good stamina they cannot keep up with them. That is one of the reasons we do not keep earth women too long. It is better for our men and you earth women to be rotated in as fast as possible." Then Kara asked, "Anything else?"

Fannie commented "I'm just an egg farm huh. What do you have to do to as you condition my eggs before you harvest them?" She asked.

"This I think you will find it pleasing. Go lie on that couch and spread your legs then I will show you" said Kara.

Then a naked Kara knelt down between Fannie's legs and Fannie felt her tongue enter her vagina. All of a sudden, something completely alien happened. Kara's tongue seemed to become millions of tiny tentacles exploring the inside of Fannie's cavity. These tentacles continued to explore until each one found a sensitive nerve ending and attached itself. Then the tentacles begin sending pulses of pure pleasure to those nerve endings. Before Fannie knew it, she was awash in the most exquisite never-ending orgasm that she ever felt. She became lost until her mind could no longer stand the intense sexual stimulation and she passed out.

When Fannie came too she got up to her feet, she found Kara already was up and dressed and waiting for her. "So did you find it pleasing?" Kara asked.

All Fannie could do was to nod her head and then she asked "Why were you naked?"

"Simple," replied Kara, "you earth women gush so much what you call cum that I'm usually covered in the stuff. Therefore it is easier if I'm naked them I can clean myself quickly." With a grin, Kara went on, "You are now ready for the next phase of the collection process. Oh by the way," Kara continued, "we also found that what I just did to you not only conditions the eggs, but also seems to heighten an earth woman's sex drive and for a short period of time she becomes what you call a nymphomaniac. It seems that the juices from in our mouth acts as an aphrodisiac; but don't worry when that happens to you, you will be taken care of. Oh by the way when the women of my race use our tongue on an earth man, he becomes almost our slave and will do our bidding." Then as an after thought Kara added, "Only the earth men unfortunately."

Fannie was taken into another room and told to lie on the platform in the center. She looked around to see that she was surrounded by Kara, the three now grinning Alien men.

"Slide down to the end of the platform and raise you legs" Kara ordered.

Fannie obediently complied.

Kara dropped down and began to operate some sort of machine. Soon Fannie felt a strange sensation between her legs and heard a buzzing sound. As the same time she began to feel sexual tensions within her body begin to build. It was as if her vagina was directing her body.

She began to squirm trying to control the need that was growing within her. She heard excited laughter from the three men standing around her. It was as if they knew what she was going through. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter between her legs and her breath became ragged. It was as if someone was sexually teasing her and it was slowly driving her mad. Finally, in desperation, she moaned "Kara I can't stand this any longer, I need to be fucked."

Kara told her calmly, "Just a little longer."

Fannie began to groan, her desires were now out of control, if she did not get fucked now she would explode.

At last, Kara finished and told her she could get off the platform. It seems the three men were all undressed and ready for her. Fannie could not wait any longer and jumped into the arms of the nearest naked green male. As soon as she did, she felt a huge dick enter her. Her body immediately reacted, her vagina just expanded to accept the huge member. She became a wild woman and rocked up and down trying to get some relief. Finally, she was able to find some release as she had her first orgasm since the one with Kara. She quickly pushed the Alien male down on the floor and mounted him like a horse. She began to ride his huge prick up and down using him as much as he thought to use her. Soon both were groaning in sexual delirium. They both climaxed at the same time. Fannie could feel her sexual desires rising to new heights. Quickly got off him, slid down between his legs and found that he was still hard. She began to suck him determined to satisfy him, as she did one of the other males took her from behind. Soon she was lost in the throws of fucking with her mouth and being fucked in the rear. All three climaxed at the same time. This time, however, Fannie found the taste of their sperm tantalizing. She wanted more.

Just after the one fucking her from behind finished, the one she was sucking pushed her over and mounted her and began fucking her. She looked up and saw Kara and one of the other watching them. Before she could cum, the one on top of her dragged her over to the wall and again chained her there. Soon he was pumping in and out of her ass while the other two Aliens were laughing and masturbating. Fannie was in sexual overdrive. Nothing seemed to satisfy her. As if on cue, they all exploded, the two masturbating covered Fannie's body with their cum, while the in her ass filled her up.

Fannie screamed at that, "Is that all you got!"

The redheaded Alien picked her up, put her on a nearby cabinet and then stepped back to look at his prize. Fannie smiled at him feeling the cum begin running out of her cunt and ass from her pervious exploits. He walked over to her, lifted her legs, shoved himself deep inside of her, and began to pump in and out. Almost on cue, juices began to flow from her cunt. She was in heaven lost in the throws of pleasure. He spread her legs as far back as they could go to get deeper into her continuously slamming his huge cock in and out. Fannie felt as if his huge cock had gone all the way into her throat. She screamed in extreme ecstasy and again almost passed out. His sperm hit her with such force it seemed to rock her insides. A strange feeling of loss hit her as she her sexual high began to subside. Sensing that she was finished, the Alien turned and walked away without a word.

Fannie climbed off the cabinet and stood there alone covered in sweat and cum. The she felt the sickening sensation that she had been used. They took her back to the preparation room.

There Kara was waiting for her. Kara looked at her and said, "Now it's my turn."

Fannie just looked at her, "I don't have the energy," she whispered.

"Listen to me you little bitch," Kara snarled, " either you suck me until I say stop, or I will chain you back up and beat you until your fucking mind is nothing but mush, your choice."

With tears beginning to fall from her cheeks, all Fannie could do was just nodded her head and say, "You win."

Kara lay down on the couch. Fannie walked over between her legs and knelled down. Then she began to suck trying to remember everything her Mother and taught her. To her surprise, she found that Kara's clitoris was twice the size of her Mother's and her vagina was twice as small. Fannie quickly began to suck and nibble on Kara's clitoris since it seemed to be the most important. Fannie's administrations drove Kara's body into huge spasms. Fannie continued to suck on the clitoris, but she then stuck her thumb into Kara's cunt and her finger up her ass. Then she began to rock them in and out and the same time she began to bite on the clitoris. In a short period of time, Kara began to scream and her cunt began to spew a huge flood. Although Fannie heard Kara beg for her to stop, she only increased her efforts. Kara's body finally gave a tremendous jerk and a tidal wave of juice shot out of her cunt covering Fannie from face to knees.

Fannie got up, turned away from Kara and growled, "Earth women are not the only ones that spew a load of what we call cum. How did you like that Bitch?"

Kara staggered to her feet and with tears in her eyes said, "Fannie you are the first to ever make me feel like that. I will let you on a little secret. A large portion of the women on my planet prefers sex with each other. You are a very special person and I am truly sorry for what we had to put you through. If I had known," Kara stopped mid-sentence and then walked way. Before Fannie could reply, everything about her began to become distorted and then her mind went blank.

Chapter 6 Pregnant

A. Fannie and Zarcoff

Fannie awoke in the same place that she was abducted from and she was naked. She staggered to her feet and started for home.

As Fannie slowly walked, her thoughts began racing through her mind. She reviewed what she just went through her abduction, having her eggs harvested; and her sexual rampage, all which weighed on her mind. Fannie mumbled to herself, "What can I tell Zarcoff, he would not believe me no matter what I said. He is so sure Aliens were a figment of the imagination." Finally, Fannie decided to just forget the whole thing and try to pick up the pieces.

Fannie no sooner got home when she felt this hug boiling in her stomach that just had to come out. She ran to the toilet and began to throw-up. "No." she thought "it can't be." Fannie grabbed her pregnancy kit and used it. There it was positive. She began to cry.

Zarcoff no sooner got through the door when Fannie burst out "I'm pregnant."

"That is great," Zarcoff exclaimed.

"No you don't understand I was kidnapped by Aliens and raped and now I pregnant by them." She screamed.

Zarcoff shook his head and asked, "Fannie why are you lying to me? If the baby is not mine, why don't you just admit that you have a lover and that he got you pregnant instead of making up all this stuff about an Alien abduction?"

Fannie cried, "Zarcoff why won't you believe me? I love you I never wanted to get pregnant by anyone but you. I wanted to have your baby."

"Fannie, I just don't understand you," Zarcoff said as he turned and walked away.

That night Fannie moved out of their bedroom into the spare bedroom.

Within weeks, Fannie grew very large. This seemed only to convince Zarcoff even more that Fannie's "Lover" was responsible and she was covering up. No one could grow that big over night. Fannie's and Zarcoff's relationship began to deteriorate and there was nothing she could do about it. In addition, Fannie was forced to quit the newspaper. She knew that Zarcoff would tell everyone of her claim to be made pregnant by Aliens. She could not face the ridicule from the office staff or the destruction of her editorial reputation.

Fannie delivered a very healthy girl in three months after the abduction. Fannie named the baby Xena. Because the birth happened so fast after the abduction, Fannie knew there was nothing she could to convince Zarcoff of what happened.

Fannie and Zarcoff began to fight constantly over Xena. Finally, they both decided to live separate lives. Fannie devoted herself to the raising of Xena.

Fannie did the only thing she could do and that is turn to the other women who where abducted and seek their advise. She was quickly accepted into the group and began to spend most of her waking hours with them. Fannie found out that they all raised their children almost as a commune. They were the parents, the teachers and they were always on the lookout for the quote special children unquote. As predicted Xena in a few months rapidly progressed from baby to toddler

In no time, Xena grew from toddler into a beautiful teenager.

Xena quickly adapted to being a teenager and became the leader of the group. She seemed well adjusted as far as Fannie could tell.

Zarcoff ignored Xena's fast development. It was as if he did not want to acknowledge anything strange or Alien about it. However, he at least accepted Xena as Fannie's child and tried to establish so kind of livable arrangement for the three of them. At least he would treat them as civil as he could, but with no affection.

Fannie did try to get things back to normal. She even went out and bought the sexiest outfit she could find hoping to seduce Zarcoff. She put it on and came into the bead room. Smiling she said, "Darling I do love you, please I want to feel you arms around me. I need you fuck me like you use to."

He just looked at her and said, "You lied to me Fannie, I will never touch you again. I will support you and Xena but that's it. If you want to be fucked go back to your lover." Then he turned his back on her.

Fannie just stood there and cried. Then she walked out of the bedroom back to the room that she and Xena shared ever since the abduction.

B. Zarcoff and Mary

Earlier in Fannie's pregnancy, Mary stopped by to congratulate Zarcoff and Fannie on the happy news of their child. She walked in and said "I'm on my way to one of Harold's clubs for a special event." Before she could say anything else, Zarcoff interrupted her.

Zarcoff groaned, "Before you say anything Fannie says the child is not mine. She claims, would you believe, that she was abducted by Aliens and impregnated. I don't understand why she is lying like this."

Mary looked at him and with sorrow in her voice said, "Zarcoff I'm so sorry. Fannie is my daughter, but I don't understand this. She seemed to be so in love with you I just can't see her with somebody else. Yet why tell you this fantastic story unless that someone is so different that you would know that is not yours."

Mary walked up to Zarcoff and began to caress his cheek and said softly. "Zarcoff if there is anything I can do please let me know."

Zarcoff took her in his arms and said, "Mary I have always wanted you from the very start. The only reason I married Fannie is that I knew you would not marry me and she was a good substitute.

Before Mary could breathe, he kissed her. Then without a further word, he took her hand and walked her down to the basement.

Once downstairs, Mary immediately dropped down on her knees. Then she looked up at him with a smile on her face took out his hard cock and began to stroke it. Although she tried to avoid this, she knew that she would do what ever it would take to satisfy his every need. Even if it meant fucking him while he was still married to her daughter.

She then put his hard cock into her mouth. "Oh how I missed the taste of this." She moaned to herself. In a short period of time, she felt Zarcoff's body jerk and then a flood of cum entered her mouth. They both stripped off their clothes and stood there. Mary finally asked, "Do you still like my body."

Zarcoff just stared. "You have the sexist tits, ass and legs of any women I know. Fannie does not even compare to you."

Mary threw her arms around him almost knocking him over. "Zarcoff fuck me now," she begged.

He shoved her to the carpet, pushed her legs up on his shoulders and then shoved his hard cock deep into her wet cavity; and then, slowly began to pump in and out. Mary was in delirium.

Zarcoff dropped her legs and began to pump faster and Mary dug her heels into the carped to give Zarcoff more leverage. She moaned as her first orgasm in a long while hit her hard. She rolled Zarcoff over and mounted him. She was surprised to find that his cock was still hard. She began to ride him for all she was worth. Within a short period of time she was in the throes of an orgasm. Zarcoff rolled over and picked Mary up and carried her over to the cabinet. He placed her ass on it and pulled her towards him sticking his dick inside of her as he did. Then he began to pump up and down by rising on his toes. Mary was in heaven. Zarcoff spread Mary's legs and began to pump in earnest and they both exploded in a sea of cum.

They both slowly got dressed. "Mary I want you and I will not let this end. I will support Fannie and the new baby, but I do not want to fuck that whore of daughter of yours again. You are mine and you know it."

Mary shook her head in agreement. "I am yours; I will do what ever you want, fuck me, beat me, order me fuck other women, or fuck other men. I have no willpower other than serving you."

Crying Mary once again dropped to knees and pulled Zarcoff's cock out. She smiled up at him and kissed it. Then she gently began to make love to it making sure that she kissed and sucked every inch sending sensations of pure pleasure up and down Zarcoff's spine. Never had he felt such ecstasy from someone sucking his cock before. All too soon, his body betrayed him and a tidal wave of cum flew out his dick into Mary's mouth. I was so large that she could not handle it and it flowed down her chin covering her dress and heels. She put his cock back into his pants, staggered to her feet and without a work went up stairs. All Zarcoff could do is follow her.

As Mary reached the door, she turned and looked at Zarcoff and said "This dress is covered with your cum and I love it. Come to me tomorrow at my house and I will fuck your brains out if that is what you wish. I will have chains hung from my ceilings so that you can beat me and fuck my ass, if that is what you wish. I have no life except to please you Zarcoff Hunter. And when I get to old to fuck, I will help you find someone to replace me so that I can at least watch you fuck them." Mary then turned and walked out the door.

The next day Zarcoff showed up at Mary's house and said "Here I am."

Without further ado, they were in each other's arms. They quickly removed their clothes and then Mary dropped down to knees and began to suck on Zarcoff's now ranging hard-on. She did not care about anything, all she knew that here was her master and he was in need.

They staggered over to the couch and began fucking each other lost in the thrills of their lovemaking.

Mary got up from the couch and staggered into the bedroom saying "I think it will be more fun on the bed, don't you?" Zarcoff followed and they began where they left off.

Zarcoff smiled to himself and thought; "Now I have someone to replace Fannie in the sex department. As far as I'm concerned, Mary is a much better fuck that Fannie any day of the week." He liked having Mary taking care of all his physical needs. From that day forward, Zarcoff would spend what little free time he had with Mary and would only occasionally return home.

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