The Appraiser


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She knew I wasn't kidding and went and put on her bikini. We styled her

hair and headed for the beach. I told her not to worry as we would be at

the beach at the bar and the girls already saw her last night. We sunned

for a few hours and his tan was coming along beautifully. I bet he

wouldn't be going topless anywhere for a long time after this week.

Those tan lines were going to last along time.

We went back to the house and I gave Brenda a skirt to wear with her pink

bra and put her to work cleaning house. I figured she would be busy for a couple hours between cleaning the kitchen and bedrooms and doing laundry.

I spent about an hour on the phone with Mary mainly discussing how we

could feminize Brenda in a more permanent way, but one that wouldn't

affect her job. At least not for the short term.

When I hung up with Mary I immediately called Linda and talked about the plans I made with Mary. She said to count her in and she would get the needed supplies together before she left work. I called Carol and let her know the plans. She had a client at the salon that would be happy to help, and she said she would call Amber and tell her of their plans.

Brenda finished her chores and I let her change and sent her out to the

package store and told her she could go shopping on her own but to be

back for dinner by 7:00.

She asked if we were going to the bar again tonight and I told her we would probably just party at home.

I had Brenda change back into the denim mini and tank top for dinner. The rest of the girls strolled in after work, and Carol had brought her friend, Lisa, with her. After introducing her to Brenda we had a couple drinks and a couple joints before dinner and then relaxed on the patio.

Carol said she wanted to try a full makeover on Brenda and I told her

that might be fun. I told Brenda to go with her to her office. Amber and

Lisa went with them as I went over our plans with Linda. She assured me

that everything would go smoothly and she had everything they needed in

the cabinet in Carols office.

When we entered Lisa had just finished setting up a video camera. Brenda wanted to know what it was for and was told it was to have a copy of the event for his wife. He still didn't now what we had planned. While she was seated I reached around and started playing with her breasts and kissing her neck. She complained that she was getting excited and an erection would be a bit painful sitting in the salon chair.

I told her she would have to suffer for a little bit and kissed her,

again driving my tongue deep in her mouth. Before she knew what was happening Lisa and Amber had secured her hands to the chair. She pulled away from my kiss and asked what they were going to do.

I held a joint for her to toke on, and explained to her that I talked to Mary today and we were going to make both their fantasies come true. And, give you one of the sexiest nights you will ever have.

I reached down and found her tucked back sissy clitty and wiggled it between 2 fingers like it was a real clit. She melted into the seat as our tongues danced together in her mouth.

Poor Brenda had no idea what was coming. I held the joint for her to toke again. That helped calm her even more and as she exhaled, she realized

that Amber had cut through the lock and chain at her back.

Carol flipped a lever lowering the back of the salon chair and after adding stirrups to the corners, Carol pulled her feet forward and secured them to the supports that now appeared out of the front like an OB-GYN exam chair.

We cut of her skirt then her pretty panties and let her cock swing free.

Brenda said she hadn't been unlocked in quite a while and and wondered if

Mary said it was okay. I assured her that Mary said it was and that it

was even OK to play with it. Amber caressed her nipples and her sissy cock started to get hard.

It was pretty impressive for a cock as it reached about 8 1/2" long and quite thick.

"No wonder she keeps it locked," I told her. "Wouldn't want that getting out too much".

I untied her right hand and told her to start stroking it. Carol and Lisa joined Amber caressing and kissing her all over and I kept up a pretty one sided conversation with Brenda, passing her a joint and getting her hot.

"It's nice watching you play Brenda. Not as pretty as a woman but fun.

Keep stroking it honey but don't come yet. I bet it feels so, so good."


I stroked it with her and squeezed a bit. I scooped some precum and wiped

it on her lips.

"Oh yeah Brenda it's so hard and big. Yeah baby, stroke it for Gayle. Yeah, show these dykes how a big cock works. Stroke it like you'll never have another chance. Make it real hot. I want it to come like never before. This is your chance to to be a real man."

"Come on. Make it so hot for us Brenda. You have 5 hot lesbians watching you stroke it for the last time. Make it hot for me. My panties are soaked just from watching you. Here lick my panties for me.

I straddled the chair and lowered my crotch slowly to her mouth.

"Smell my pussy Brenda. Don't you wish you had one like it. Yes, yes, lick it baby oh yeah. Now stroke that cock. Do you want to come for us Brenda. Hmm, yeah lick me more, oh yeah Brenda that feels so nice. Yeah now lick my ass for me."

I turned around so she could tongue my rear.

"Oh that's a nice tongue Brenda. Now I can watch you stroke your cock. Oh yes, stick it deeper in my ass. Clean me all out. Now stroke it harder

Brenda. Keep that tongue deep in there. Now cum for us Brenda. Come on stroke it, stroke it, yes cum, cum like never before or again."

And she did, she came in huge gobs into a bowl that Carol held under her

cock. She was twitching and panting and her tongue was still buried in my

butt. She finally started to come down a bit and i gently got up. I

stroked her nipples and whispered to her to open her mouth. Carol poured

her come into his mouth and I put my hand over it and told her to swallow. She obeyed beautifully as I retied her hand.

She asked to be let up but I told her no.

"You had your fun and now it is our turn."

She was almost crying, saying that Mary wanted him kept locked up and worried about the broken chain.

I told her not to worry, and Mary and I had talked about what we were doing tonight and gave her total approval.

Linda appeared in her sexy Halloween style nurses outfit and held up a syringe. A look of fear came over

Brenda's face and I told her that she had her fantasy, and now it was time

for her wife's.

She started to squirm and try to get loose as Linda approached him. I gripped his balls very tightly, encouraging her to remain still. Linda stuck her in the arm and I explained that it was just to help her relax a little.

As the drugs took effect, Linda set up her equipment. I told Brenda that

she would never need that silly chain again, as we were going to fix it

so she would look prettier in her panties. She tried to talk but I held

her mouth shut. I told her not to worry as we were not going to remove

any of her male parts.

I took my wet panties and stuffed them in her mouth and tied them in

place with a stocking. We angled the mirrors so she could see what we

were doing. I watched as Linda gave Brenda a shot in her crotch to numb

the area a bit. She took another hypo and pulling her ball sack tight

stuck it straight into Brenda's testicles, one by one. Brenda almost

fainted at the sight, but Amber was quick on the draw with smelling salts

to keep her alert.

Linda gently tucked Brenda's balls up into her pelvis and I held them in

place for her.

She explained to Brenda that the reason for not needing the chain would soon be apparent. She stroked Brendas' perineum then her cock asking if she could feel it. Brenda shook her head no and Linda started on the next task. She took a scraper from the tray that looked like a small cheese grater, and scrapped the skin up on the her perineum and then on the bottom of Brendas' flaccid penis.

Brenda was warned against squirming and did her best to remain still. I'm sure she was worried about causing more damage to herself by moving.

Soon, Linda pulled Brenda's cock back between her legs and looked to be

checking how it would fit. She then applied a heavy coat of Dermabond surgical cement to the bottom side and pressed it down to her perineum. After holding it firmly in place for a few minutes, when she let go, Brendas cock stayed in place.

She took a suture and placed 6 or 8

stitches along each side. She said they would dissolve in about a week and were just there to help hold it all together until the skin had a chance to heal.

"It should all grow together nicely, and in about a week Brendas cock would be part of her perineum.

She took the extra skin from the now empty scrotal sac and pulled it over

the cock covering all but the head and its shiny gold ring. She used the

rest of the bonding agent and a few more stitches to attach this in

place. She held the mirror for Brenda to see her work.

Brenda's eyes went wide as she saw her now totally emasculated crotch.

Linda picked up one last syringe and gave Brenda a shot in her butt cheek.

"That's a slow release estrogen shot with testosterone blockers. It will help keep her from getting hard for awhile until my handiwork has a chance to completely cure."

Brenda was softly crying as Linda put her equipment away and Carol cleaned

her crotch. I stroked her face and whispered how she was a brave girl to

take it so well. I told her I couldn't wait to see how pretty she would look in her bikini now.

Carol said she and Lisa had a present for Brenda for being so good. Lisa

opened a box and pulled out her tattoo gun.

A stunned Brenda could only watch as Lisa moved to her crotch and turned on her gun. 45 minutes later she had tattooed a lavender butterfly and "SISSY GYRL" in pink letters

across her crotch.

We Slowly released Brenda from her bonds and let her touch herself. She

seemed amazed at the work that was done. In less than 3 hours she had

become a permanent sissy. Lisa bandaged her art work and I slid a panty

girdle on Brenda to help keep everything in place.

I took Brenda to her bedroom and told her she would have to remember to thank everyone for their wonderful work. Before opening the door I gave her a gentle kiss and told her how proud I was of her, and how pretty she now looked. I told her that there was a special surprise waiting in her bedroom and that I would come back and check on her later.

Chapter 3

I slowly opened the door and let her enter. She didn't know that Mary had

watched the whole transformation on the TV in her room.

Brenda would soon learn that Mary and I were old friends and playmates from many years ago in the city. We got back in touch online, and after a few months of planning had put this whole weeks' activities together. (Well some was ad-lib but not tonight's events).

Mary loved playing with women but also loved Brenda. She encouraged her cross-dressing and loved making her into her sissy. She wanted her to have her male parts in a working but unusable manner. She believed this kept her hornier and willing to accept her control more than having it removed would.

In fact she told me often of how Brenda loved being a sissy so much she actually begged to have it locked up and how she wanted to always have a smooth pretty crotch like a woman. And, that she wanted to be Mary's sissy forever and always serve women.

Well I think Mary and I have succeeded. And with her pretty sissy tattoo she can't go back to being a boy even if she had Linda's work undone. She would be shamed into submission by any women she might try to make it with. Either way Brenda will never get to use that cock with a woman again. I'm so hot just thinking about it. I need to grab Linda for some sex now. I think

I'll let Mary and Brenda tell you the rest of the tale.

Chapter 4

Brenda was amazed to see me when he came into the bedroom. Without talking we hugged for a couple minutes and when we released I saw tears in her eyes. I kissed the tears off her cheeks and told her I loved her even more after watching her go through her operation tonight.

She thanked me for being there for her, and wondered how I got there and

what was going on. I told her the story of how Gayle and I me,t and how we pushed things into high gear when I told here where she was going to do the conference.

I told her how I came 3 times while watching her in the chair and that it was time to get her tongue down there and get me off again.

It felt so good I actually came twice, and then licked my essence of her face. We lay in bed and held each other and I asked her how she liked her changes. Brenda said she was kind of shocked and wasn't sure how she felt about it being permanent.

I reminded her that she had her yearly physical coming up the next week and she could always ask her doctor about reversing it. She had forgotten about the appointment and expressed concerned about what the doctor would say when she saw her tattoo and all the changes. I tried to put her mind at rest and told her how much sexier I thought she was now as we drifted of to sleep.

Gayle woke us in the morning and we had a nice breakfast. It was time for us to head home soon. Before we left Linda checked her handiwork one last time, pronouncing it fit and pretty. Brenda blushed as we packed her car. We were soon on the way home.

The drive was uneventful with Brenda driving and me teasing her about never being more than a sissy ever again. I told her how sexy she looked and how I was looking forward to the hormones starting to increase the sensitivity in her nipples. I told her she would soon be needing to wear a bra daily too, and how I looked forward to shopping with her for a few new ones.

She complained that it would affect work relationships if they grew too big. I teased that she could quit her job and get work as a maid if she thought it would be a problem.

I didn't tell her that she wasn't given enough to create any changes except a little sensitivity in her nipples. That way she would always be on edge about when they would start to develop.

The next few days went by fairly normally. Thursday morning was her doctor visit and I decided to go along. The nurses did the normal checks and told her to put on a gown and relax for a few and the doctor would be in.

Dr. Greene (Mandy Greene) came in and started Brenda's exam. When she pulled up her gown she saw Brenda's new tattoo and flashed me a big smile. She said she liked the new tattoo and wished more men had them.

We laughed and she asked me about it. I told the story of how she got it and she smiled and pulled Brenda's panty girdle down to see Linda's work. Mandy asked me if she could have a orgasm with it like that and I told her she could but she would have to rub it like a clitty. Mandy laughed at this and Brenda turned 5

shades of red. She asked Brenda what she thought and Brenda said she wanted to go back to normal.

Mandy examined Brenda's tucked back cock and lack of balls for a good 8-10 minutes. She pulled and prodded and furrowed her brow a bit.

She turned to Brenda and gave her the news. There has been too much healing

already and she didn't think it would be wise to take it apart. She explained that doing so might leave her disfigured and even if not there

would be a major loss of sensitivity.

"If you came in a few days ago

Brenda, I may have been able to give you your penis back. And your testicles may not drop back down again either, I'm afraid you will remain like this now. And, with that tattoo you could never go back to being a man. You just need to get used to being a sissy for the rest of your years dear," she said with a big smile.

Brenda started to softly sob when told this. I told her she was acting like a baby not a proper girl and to stop before I start treating her like


Mandy asked me if Brenda had been having any night time accidents since the

operation and I told her that she had not but had been getting up at night

to pee. Mandy said that the new location of her balls would probably put extra pressure on her bladder and as the testosterone blocker wore of their size may increase a bit. She said I may want to consider keeping her diapered for bed to prevent accidents.

She offered to come by the house to see Brenda on a regular basis to check her progress. She said she had some things she could try to help Brenda adjust without doing anything radical like SRS. She said SRS would be out of the question because Brenda would never be able to pass that well with her broad shoulders and manly face. She said Brenda would be best kept as the sissy she is now.

Mandy and I stepped into her office to talk while Brenda dressed. Mandy told

me she would love to come by and try some hypnosis on Brenda and help her be more of a sissy for me. I thanked her for her help and promised to have

Brenda serve her needs if she ever wanted her. She laughed and said she just might do that.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I really felt bad for the guy, but the damage done by the crazy dykes could have been undone. It may have required skin graphs, but if you can make a dick a pussy, that mess could be fixed. Good story worthy of more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story… but the permanent damage seemed to be a bit overboard.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

Wow. Not sure how to rate this. Very hot story but the disfigurement was very disturbing.

Very close to man hating although it was hot to be dominated by 4 lesbians

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

LOL! And when Brenda went to a lawyer and then the police the women became Big Bertha's Bitches in prison. Too funny for words!

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationabout 3 years ago

The story is hot and well told.

Because of the twist at the end, with Brenda/Bill clearly not on board with what s/he was stuck with, the story would be more accurately categorized as Non-Consent/Reluctance.

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