The Basement Chair


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Tanya was shocked when, instead of David appearing, a woman stepped into view - a woman Tanya had never seen before. A woman with fiery red hair, a malicious gleam in her eye, and a sneer on her lips. The woman stared at her, silently, her eyes scanning up and down. Tanya realized the video feed was allowing the woman to see most, if not all, of her nude body. Feeling her face reddening, she frantically clicked both the left and right mouse buttons under her fingertips. Nothing happened, except the woman laughed, and it was an evil laugh of triumph.

"Clicking that mouse will do nothing now, slut!" she hissed. "It's only job was to let me know you were ready."

"Who... who are you," Tanya asked nervously. "What do you want?"

The woman's lips stretched into a sardonic grin, letting Tanya get even more nervous. Finally, she said, "My name is Keegan. And, as to who I am..." She leaned close to the camera so her face loomed. "I was David's steady girlfriend... until you came along, BITCH!" That last word was spat with such vehemence that Tanya flinched in the chair's restraints. The volume of the word was such that the vibrator buried inside Tanya's cunt buzzed briefly to life, making her flinch for a completely different reason.

"We were so good together!" Keegan claimed. "We shared common interests in computers, and hardware design. I taught him how to build many of those devices there in his house. We played with them for hours." Her expression turned wistful. Then it hardened again. "We were doing fine together, until YOU came into his life. You took him away from me! Once he met you, he tossed me aside like garbage." She glared. "Well, you walked into my little trap, and now I'll have my revenge."

"You mean... you mean it was you that left those envelopes with the notes?" Tanya asked, incredulous.

"Sure," Keegan replied. I knew he'd be out of town for the week. It was simple to open that primitive door lock. I can duplicate his handwriting well enough to fool a casual glance. And I know his style of teasing, and kinky play."

Tanya was mad with herself at how easily she'd been duped. But she was a lot more worried than mad. "Does this crazy woman live near here?" she wondered. "She has to have been close enough to visit the house, and it must've been right after David left on his trip. I wonder what nasty things this woman can do to me in an hour?" Her eyes flicked to the timer, checking what time remained.

Keegan saw her eye movement, and laughed mirthlessly. "Checking the timer, are you, slut? I have a confession to make. I lied when my instructions said the timer was set for an hour. And that's a fake countdown that you're seeing. I'll leave you guessing as to how long you'll really be trapped." She actually rubbed her hands together gleefully. "You ruined my life, so now I'm going to ruin yours, you high and mighty harlot. Or rather, you're going to ruin your own life," she cackled.

Suddenly, the formerly dim basement became brighter, the new lighting focused on Tanya, cuffed into the chair. Feeling even more exposed and embarrassed by being lit up, she struggled against the cuffs, but it was hopeless. They wouldn't yield one bit. Her heart was hammering in her chest, as adrenaline raced through her bloodstream.

Keegan continued, "I'll get off the screen now, so I can show you what your audience will be able to see." Her face was replaced by an image of the restrained Tanya. And it was a live image, because every movement she made in the chair was clearly displayed on the screen. At the same time, Keegan's words 'your audience' echoed in her mind. "Audience? People are going to see this?! No! No! She wouldn't!" Tanya screamed in her mind. She whimpered as she squirmed.

Seemingly oblivious to Tanya's emotions, Keegan continued to narrate. The frontal image of Tanya was replaced by other views - side, overhead, and various closeups. "The side views will be especially nice for watching those ugly tits of yours bob and weave as you struggle. The overhead view is great for giving them a good look at how your chair is positioned. This closeup of your face will reveal your state of mind - shock, crying, tears, and so on. This frontal closeup of your tits will show how your whorish nipples are reacting. And this closeup of your cunt... oh my... its already messy, showing your nasty, sticky juices smeared on your puffy, obscene pussy lips. If I zoom in a bit more... like this... I think we'll even be able to see your swollen, throbbing clit, each time you cum." She giggled insanely.

"Each time I cum?" Tanya thought. "What does she mean... oh my god! My vibrator! If she can produce enough sound... I'll... I'll... Nooooo! And before some audience? What audience is she talking about?"

Keegan spoke as if psychic, "I suppose you're wondering who'll be observing your performance?" She laughed evilly. "I thought it would be wonderful to reveal to an important group of people just what a slut you are!"

Hardly daring to breathe, Tanya listened, her stomach twisting into knots.

"It's amazing the amount of information you can get about a person simply by hacking into their phone," Keegan shared. "Let's see here... I have a list of your co-workers... your family, of course... some other names, whom I assumed are some recent important clients of yours. It's a real treasure trove, bitch!" The image switched to a closeup of Tanya's face, showing her shock, and the trembling of her lips.

Tanya shivered like ice water was coursing through her veins. She was horrified. "Please... please, Keegan. Don't do this," she pleaded. "I didn't mean to harm you. I didn't even know about you!"

That was the wrong thing to say. "Oh! So I'm not even important enough to be acknowledged, huh? Stupid, mindless bitch!" There was a series of clicking sounds. "There... messages to all those people. I wonder how many check their messages quickly? We'll soon see. Let's get this show on the road... we're going live on the web in... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ACTION!"

The loud sound of Keegan's voice buzzed the vibrator again inside Tanya, making her squirm in reaction. Now scrolling across the bottom of the screen was her name, and other information about her. There was also a counter that currently read '1' at the bottom right of the screen.

"In case you're wondering, slut, that number on the bottom right is the current number of viewers. You have one viewer, and that's me. But I expect it will change fairly soon. Meanwhile, let's get you nice and juicy." Music started coming from a speaker in the basement wall. Something that had a heavy beat to it. The vibrator inside Tanya's cunt sprang to life, stimulating her intimate tissues. Each beat of the music created an extra intense throbbing sensation deep in her core. In spite of her mental state, her body reacted and her pussy began lubricating. It wasn't long before she could smell her induced arousal.

Keegan was switching the camera views slowly. When she reached the facial closeup, she must've seen Tanya's nostrils dilating. "Ah... smelling your nasty cunt now, are you, whore? Too bad the viewers won't be able to inhale your cheap stench. They'll only be able to see and hear you, once I add the audio to the feed, which I'll do when I'm done talking to you. After all, I don't want them to hear my voice. But I'll still narrate a little, with text displayed on the screen. And don't worry about David seeing this. I'll send him a notice later, once the show is well underway. And I'm recording a copy for him, as well."

At that moment, the viewer counter switched to 2. "Ah... we've got our first viewer. I wonder who it is? Your Mommy? Daddy? Boss?" She giggled merrily. Terrified, Tanya turned her head sideways, screwing her eyes shut from the humiliation. Keegan commented, "Nice profile you're displaying, bitch... but you may as well open your eyes... there's a camera in front of you over there, too - remember?" Tanya opened her eyes and saw the red light on the active camera, staring into her face. She turned back to face the computer screen and saw the text admonition to the viewers: 'turn on your sound if you want to hear her' and she realized that Keegan was done talking. She also realized that her thighs were quivering, because the incessant stimulation from the vibrator already had her on the brink of cumming. In vain, she tried to close her knees, and the extra contraction of those muscles proved to be her undoing. The powering of those muscles triggered her climax.

"Oooohh shit!" she cried out, helplessly straining and bouncing in place as the pussy closeup showed the fresh gush of wetness pooling on the chair seat. The fluids streamed down the gentle slope, to drip into a container on the floor. In the back of her mind, a realization was forming. David had sensed how much Tanya needed to cede control to relieve the pressures of her workload. But he hadn't done anything to humiliate her like this, and, at some level, she was dimly becoming aware that adding humiliation was like putting whipped cream on an already delicious pie. Her body was responding more viscerally to the stimulation this way!

The music dropped to an almost inaudible level, and the vibrator stilled. Tanya was catching her breath, looking at the screen, whose counter read '5' now, and the message 'that was the slut's first cum... want to see another?' was the current text.

Tanya barely had time to register that message and the fact that three new people were now watching before the music level surged to new heights, now with a heavy, rapid drumbeat. Before she even had a chance to draw a deep breath to scream, the powerful stimulation caused her to convulse in a sudden orgasm! It was breathtaking in its intensity! She'd never experienced anything like that before... but then again, she'd never been in a situation like this before, either.

The music stopped. Sweating and panting, Tanya focused on the screen again. The viewer count looked like it read '111' but when she managed to focus her eyes, it really read '11' - now 'did you see how she jiggled around as she came?' appeared. That was followed by the messages 'those floppy tits of hers were really crashing together' and 'go ahead and tell your friends - all viewers are welcomed' appeared next, along with a reminder about how to tell them to join the stream.

Tanya was mortified, wondering who was watching her naked body as she did such lewd things. Her mortification increased when 'yes, she wrote all that on herself - her true feelings revealed' appeared. One of the closeup cameras started panning over her body, showing 'use me' on her tits, 'slut for cock' on her tummy, 'fuck this' on her mound, and that obscene attempt to draw a penis penetrating a vagina. She watched, mesmerized, as each of the drawings was beamed to who knows how many family and friends. But she mentally debated with herself, arguing that the embarrassment came from her prior ways of thinking. Could she be getting this turned on if she really, truly, absolutely detested what was being done to her? Her legal mind offered 'probably not' as its verdict.

Next, the camera returned to one of her nipples, zooming in until the nipple filled the screen. Low volume music returned to the room, and the vibrator started purring softly. The text read 'watch how her nipple reacts' as the music got a little louder, and louder still. Tanya moaned as the vibrator gradually switched speeds, getting faster and faster. Her body responded again, and her nipple started inflating. Part of its elevation was due to her areola, whose tissues drew together, crinkling its surface, and thrusting the nipple forward. The rest of its stiffening and enlargement was due to the fresh, hot blood flooding its internal structures, making it swell. And swell. As the music reached a crescendo, it felt to Tanya that her nipple was going to explode. But her cunt exploded again, with a climax that made her gasp with her eyes rolling back in their sockets. The camera was able to stay focused on the nipple because the collar around her neck prevented her torso from moving very much.

Almost in a faint, Tanya was oblivious to the new screen messages 'the horny slut just came hard once more' and 'I know you want to see what her cunt was doing during that' and 'so here is an instant replay' all appeared. Then the taped feed from another camera, giving a closeup of Tanya's cunt was played, and it revealed that she'd cum so hard that her pussy had actually squirted. This must've galvanized a string of phone calls and texts, because the current viewer total quickly climbed to 53. Then 72. Then 107!

Coming to her senses, Tanya groaned weakly, "Please, someone help me. I'm trapped in a basement at..." but before she could give the location, the sound of a marching band at full volume blasted over the speaker. Tanya shrieked as the vibrator ravaged her cunt while a mild current passed through her body from the metal restraints, and she fell unconscious as if she'd been poleaxed.

When she came to, the screen was still saying 'sorry folks, I cannot let you help my toy escape until her time of punishment is over' as a warning to Tanya not to try that again. The helpless woman tried to eject the vibrator from her pussy by sheer muscle control... and failed, weeping with frustration.

Keegan next set up a very complex shot. When she had it to her liking, the screen had four windows on it, from four different cameras. Top left was a tight shot of Tanya's face. Top right was a closeup of her chest, with both tits showing. Bottom left was a side view of her torso. Bottom right displayed a tight shot of her clit, and labia. Her labia were so engorged that they splayed themselves to the sides, revealing both her pee hole and vaginal opening, with the obscene vibrator protruding from it. Again Keegan forced Tanya into another toe curling orgasm, reveling in her shrieks and screams from the intense pleasure!

Luckily for the hapless woman, Keegan was so pleased by the lewd images she'd captured that she allowed Tanya to rest for a full fifteen minutes as she streamed the replay of that orgasm over and over. It was rather bizarre and surreal to see a woman's body, wracked by orgasm, for a solid fifteen minutes. But Keegan rationalized that the viewers would want to study all four windows intently.

After the fifteen minutes, Keegan decided to use another five to ten minutes showing that same orgasm, but in slow motion. It was a riveting display, allowing nuances to be observed. She giggled merrily to herself when Tanya's vocalizations dropped several octaves as her voice was slowed down.

Next, she decided it was time to let the helpless woman simmer. Adjusting the sound selections and volumes, she kept Tanya stimulated to the edge of an orgasm for over an hour and a half. Ultimately, Tanya was shrieking, crying, and babbling, "Please let me cum! Please! Please! I need to cum! Ohhhh! It's too much! I need to cum!" Those cries were intermingled with nonsensical sounds of despair and desperation.

Keegan luxuriated in the sound of that pleading for a good fifteen minutes, watching the viewer count rise. Then she began raising the volume in tiny increments. Grunting with effort, Tanya thrashed in her restraints, straining. The cords stood out in her neck, and her lips were drawn back in a grimace as she sought release. Finally, like a dam bursting, her lower body gushed out her cum as she yelled, "Ahhhhhhhhhh! AAAHHHHHH! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Her orgasm was magnificent! Just seeing it turned Keegan on so much that she started furiously fingering herself. She was so busy cumming that she neglected to lower the volume.

Tanya was floating on a cloud of orgasmic bliss. She was experiencing multiple orgasms - more in a row than ever before, due to the incessant stimulation, blending with the now inescapable, and therefore delicious, humiliation to which she was being subjected. She'd never felt such a complete loss of control. Nothing existed but this moment. Her hair was damp with her sweat. Her body glowed with it. She smelled it, along with the ripe scents of her sweat and her cum fluids, and savored all these mixed scents.

Dimly, she was actually feeling grateful to Keegan, in a way, for helping her discover these new things about herself. About her reactions to such humiliation and total loss of control. During more lucid moments, she began to wonder if further such 'ordeals' would yield the same reactions. She hoped David would understand - that he wouldn't be disgusted.

Keegan had a renewed sense of power over Tanya now. She toyed with her like a cat playing with a mouse. She teased her to the brink of orgasm, and held her there, teetering, not quite cumming for longer and longer periods of time, easing off, leaving Tanya babbling with need, begging and pleading for another release. Of course, occasionally she'd grant the bound woman what she sought, letting her cum, so she wouldn't get so discouraged that she'd give up her entreaties. This went on for hours.

Somewhere during that portion of the ordeal, Tanya's bladder demanded its own form of release. She tried to hold back - to stop it - but to no avail. Her pee hole jetted a yellow stream of urine down the tilted seat bottom, and most of it ended up in the container on the floor. Keegan knew this had to happen, sooner or later, and she immediately switched to what she thought of as the 'pussy cam' which had a tight closeup of Tanya's cunt. The feed from that camera went out live, and again as an instant replay, with the words 'the slut is pissing' displayed on the screen.

Tanya thought that the act of urination was a lot more private than sex. She didn't even let David stay in the bathroom when she had to pee. The fact that a large number of people were getting such an intimate view of her genitals as she pissed was extremely humiliating to her. But even though she blushed from her cheeks to her neck, the relief from emptying her bladder was extremely pleasurable. The fact that she could experience pleasure, even while strangers watched her urinate, made her wonder if she also had a heretofore untapped vein of exhibitionism.

Meanwhile, Keegan set up a split screen shot to catch Tanya's reaction to the next part. The left side of the screen was a closeup of Tanya's face, while the right side of the screen showed the feed from the camera on Tanya's left - it showed her torso and head from her left arm upward. The words 'watch very closely' appeared on the screen.

Tanya hadn't noticed the tiny nozzle affixed to the left wrist cuff. A pump motor started, and the fluids from the floor container - a mixture of her fresh urine and her former cum juices - were forced up a tube and sprayed right into Tanya's face! The shocked woman's eyelids flew up and her eyes bulged as the pungent fluid struck! Worse than that, Keegan put the vibrator into high gear, and Tanya's mouth opened, forming a large 'O' shape as she went into orgasm! Piss entered her mouth, and, rather than choke, she reflexively swallowed before closing her mouth again.

The piss/cum spray struck her closed lips now, and cascaded down her chest and tits. She was drenched in the strong-scented fluids as the screen advised the viewers 'she just swallowed some of her own piss' - just in case they were confused about what had just happened. Once the container was emptied, the pump turned off, and Keegan switched to instant replays of the action, again and again. Tanya just had to sit there, streaming with pee as her body experienced post-orgasmic twitches. The embarrassment faded rather quickly, because Tanya was now experiencing what's been called 'sub-space' by various submissives. She was helpless to resist, so she'd entered into a realm of acceptance.

Keegan noticed the change in Tanya's body language - the look she'd seen on some of her submissive friends, in the presence of their Dominants. She'd achieved what she wanted. In her opinion, Tanya'd been punished, and her spirit was transformed, if not actually broken. Now she'd have to live with how she'd reacted to this entire ordeal. Therefore, she turned off the vibrator and released the restraints. Tanya had been in the chair for almost twelve hours. The computer screen went black, except for the message 'end of transmission' on its display. Keegan was still watching Tanya, even though the rest of the world was not. She wasn't surprised when Tanya just sat there for over ten minutes, recovering, before reaching down and pulling the vibrator out of her pussy and wearily getting to her feet.