The Billionaire's Assistant


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She stared at me, her shock clear on her face. I'd opened myself to her as I'd never opened myself to another woman. I'd given her my heart, I just hadn't realized it until tonight when I thought I might lose her. I held her, waiting for her response, promising myself I wouldn't react, no matter her answer.

A single tear crawled down her cheek, then another. I felt like such a fool. Of course she didn't love me. I'd all but forced her into a sham of a marriage after I'd treated her like a possession, like I'd treated the rest of my staff until she'd shown me a better way.

"I'm--" I began, intending to apologize. I should have comforted her, not pressured her. I was making the same mistakes all over again, thinking only of what I wanted, never what she wanted. One more mistake in a long list of mistakes.

She pulled me tight. "Tonight, when you saved me, I realized what you mean to me!" she whispered in my ear, speaking over me. "I was terrified you were going to die. The man with the bat... I didn't know what you meant to me until..." She whimpered. "I think I've fallen in love with you, too."

I forced myself up to look in her eyes. She smiled at me, and I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lips. She'd seen me at my worst, and she still accepted me. I kissed her, the kiss of lovers before paling in comparison to this one. Having spoken of my love aloud made it real. I was falling for her, and I was falling hard.

I began to thrust again, driving into her, excited beyond measure. "I love you, Aubrey Madigan."

"No... Aubrey Callisto," she whispered. "I love you more."

With her words of love, her head slowly tipped back, her eyes crushed closed as she began keening softly, her rising passion washing over me like a great wave. I could feel my own rapture forming and I wanted nothing more than to experience the ecstasy of man and woman with her. I began to drive into her hard and fast.

"Yes..." she breathed.

Her quiet sigh sent my passions soaring. I wanted to please her, and keep pleasing her, until the end of time. I gasped as my own rapture began to press in against me.

Her eyes snapped open. "Come with me," she breathed. "Please, I want you to come with me."

I'd do anything for her. I kissed her, our tongues dancing as our pleasure surrounded us. Her womanhood clamped down on me just as she moaned, her arms going around my neck to hold me in the kiss. Her moan was my undoing, and I spilled into her with a ragged, shuddering groan of my own.

She released me from the kiss, and we sighed together as I nuzzled her neck before taking her lips in another gentle kiss. I needed to taste her lips, and keep tasting them, until my heart beat its last. She smiled and touched my face with her fingers. I returned her smile, unable to prevent it even if I'd wanted to.

"I love you," she whispered.

I caressed her lips with mine, wise to the game. "I love you more."

She smiled and pulled my lips to her neck. "Hold me," she whispered as my lips began to explore.

I held her as I tasted the sweetness of her skin. "Until the end of time," I breathed.

As my lips continued to explore, she began to move under me. "I want you again," she murmured as she twisted her head to offer me her lips.

I was softening, but I was still hard enough, and began to thrust again, her soft moan reigniting the fire inside me, a fire we could only dampen but not extinguish.





It had been nine weeks since the break-in. The damage to the house had been repaired, and being held in Dash's strong arms each night had prevented nightmares from forming.

He'd opened a new world of pleasure to me. He was a lover of exceptional skill, and he'd given me pleasures I hadn't imagined possible, but more, I'd fallen hopelessly, madly, impossibly in love with him. Having him open himself up to me as we made sweet, sweet, love had been like the first crack in the dam of my heart. The trickle had started out slow, but the torrent of feelings I had for him had quickly grown in size and power until the walls around my heart collapsed and were washed away. I felt renewed somehow, as if all my problems had evaporated until they were gone as if they'd never been. I'd never been happier than I was each day, and yet, somehow, each day seemed better than the one before.

Even Dash's parents had noticed the change in us and had subtly asked questions about what had happened. We'd passed it off as the break-in had made us realize just how much we truly meant to each other. It was the truth and the explanation seemed to satisfy them.

I hadn't returned to my room again except to have Dash make love to me there as part of our christening of every room in the house. I'd been reluctant to return to the room even after the window had been repaired because of the bad memories it held, but no more. Now the memories associated with the room were of him gently taking me against the glass wall as one of the rare thunderstorms pummeled the grounds beyond the glass.

I was arranging the fresh flowers Dash had delivered every day when he walked through the door. He was home far too early and my brow furrowed in concern and confusion. "Is everything okay?"

"No. Maryanne!"

"Yes, Mr. Callisto?" Maryanne said as she hurried from somewhere in the back part of the house.

"You're excused for the rest of the day."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, please go."

"Have I done something wrong, Mr. Callisto?" she asked, her face paling slightly.

He smiled at her. "No. Everything's fine. You simply get the afternoon off. I have something to discuss with Aubrey in private."

"Right away, sir."

"Dash? What's wrong?"

"We'll talk when we're alone."

After Maryanne left, he escorted me into the lounge. "Please, sit down," he said.

I felt a cold lump forming in my chest. Nothing good was going to come of this, I was certain. He pulled papers from a leather portfolio and handed them to me.

"What are these?" I asked as I took the forms. I glanced at them.

One was a check for one million dollars. Another was a transfer order, transferring 231,875 shares of preferred stock in Callisto Holdings from Dash to me. Current value, $2,000,018.38. The last form stated the previous contract between us had been satisfied. I looked into Dash's eyes as I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"That's it?" I asked, my voice quavering slightly.

"That's it."

"I thought we had something special."

"We do."

"Then why this?"

"It's what we agreed to. All debts paid."

"So, we're back to business again?" I asked as I brusquely wiped away the tear.

I could feel my heart ripping in two, but I wouldn't give this asshole the satisfaction of seeing another tear.

"I can't live with this lie any more. I have to clear the air."

I took a deep breath and hardened myself. "Pen," I snapped as I held my hand out.

He handed me a pen and I quickly signed the form. I handed him the paper with a quick flick of my wrist. He tucked the form back into the portfolio.

"Wedding ring," he said, holding his hand out.

I pursed my lips, fighting my tears as I slid both bands off my finger. I dropped them into his palm. He looked at them a moment while bouncing them in his hand. He stood and walked to the door, slid it open, then flung the two rings as far into the yard as he could. I watched, grinding my teeth so I wouldn't cry. The engagement ring was a two-carat flawless diamond, was worth more than fifty thousand dollars, and he'd thrown it away like it was nothing, like I was nothing. He turned back to me. I thought I saw two rings soar into the landscaping, but he was still holding the engagement ring, so he wasn't a complete idiot.

He crossed the room, stood for a moment, then dropped to one knee, holding the engagement ring out to me. "Aubrey... will you marry me?"

I stared at him in confusion. "What?"

"You've fulfilled your obligation and I've paid my debit. You're free to leave, but I would like it very much if you'd stayed. I want you to stay and be my wife."

I stared at him. "I am your wife."

He shook his head. "No. That was a sham. I'm asking you now, will you marry me?"

I whimpered, sniffed, and whimpered again as I smiled, touched by what he was doing, fighting to hold my tears and losing. "Yes."

His face lit up as he took my hand and slid the ring back onto my finger where it belonged. That's when I noticed his wedding band was also missing. He stood, pulling me to my feet as he did. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two gold rings. He placed the larger in my right hand before taking my left.

"Aubrey Madigan, will you take my hand? Will you be my lawfully wedded wife? Will you have me, and hold me, and forsake all others, until death do us part?"

I whimpered, completely losing my battle with my tears. "I will," I blubbered.

He carefully placed the band on my finger and slid it down until it nestled in against its mate.

I took his hand, wiping my eyes as I took several deep breaths, trying to collect myself so I could do what had to be done, what I desperately wanted to do. I sniffed, still struggling not to cry, but with joy this time.

I cleared my throat. "Daschle Callisto, will you take my hand? Will you be my lawfully wedded husband? Will you have me, and hold me, and forsake all others, until death do us part?"

"I will," he replied solemnly, and I slid his new wedding band into position on his finger.

He pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't our official wedding, that had already occurred, but this was our real wedding. I was giving him my heart this time, and he was giving me his. What the state of Nevada didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

He pulled slowly back from the kiss. "I love you, Aubrey Callisto."

"I love you, Daschle Callisto."

We looked at each other a moment, and he smiled. "We leave tomorrow for Italy for two weeks, but I don't want to wait that long to consummate our marriage."

I smiled softly, my heart swelling with feeling as tears began to trickle down my cheeks again. We'd only had three days in Miami. "I don't either." My slightly wet and soggy smile spread. "You already had the trip to Italy booked? What if I hadn't said yes?"

He looked at me as he caressed my face, his touch gossamer wings as he wiped away my tears. "The trip would have been the least of my disappointments."

I had to work hard to not sob. He took my hand and I started to follow him to our bedroom, but before I could complete a step, I tugged my hand free. There was one more thing I had to do.

I opened the leather portfolio. Inside was the original contract, along with the document I'd just signed. I removed both and picked up the transfer order and the check. I aligned the edges and quickly ripped them into two. I stacked the halves and ripped them again. I returned the shreds to the portfolio.

"We don't need those anymore," I said as I took his hand.





Mom squealed in delight. "Really?"

Aubrey glowed as she smiled and nodded. Aubrey and I were finally breaking the news. "Really," she said, her voice all but bubbling.

"I'm going to be a grandma? I'm so excited!"

We were fourteen weeks back from Italy, and she'd gone off the pill while we were there. Considering we were still fucking like rabbits, sometimes going three or four times a day on weekends, I was surprised it'd taken this long.

Mom hugged Aubrey before turning to me, throwing her arms around me and squeezing so hard I thought I heard my ribs creak. After hugging Aubrey, Dad pulled me into a hug next, and then gripped my hand in a firm handshake.

"Congratulations," he added as he released my hand.

"Yeah, well, I guess I have you to thank for this."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, you kind of pushed me into it. Had you not, I don't think I'd have ever noticed what was right there in front of me."

Dad broke into a broad smile. "You really thought I wouldn't pass the company to you if you didn't get married?"

A chill raced through me. "What?"

"Dash, you're my son. I'd never do anything like that to you. But your mother and I agreed, you needed a little push. Something to get you to start thinking about your future and not just who was the next bimbo you were going to try to bed." He held up his hand. "Yes, we knew what was going on. You really thought you were keeping that secret from us?"

"So you set all this up so I would marry Aubrey?"

Mom giggled. "Of course not! We had no idea you two had fallen in love." She smiled at Aubrey. "Though I'm glad you did. After she arrived, we knew she was covering up some of your... indiscretions... but we didn't know what they were." She smiled at Aubrey again. "After a while, I knew you were in good hands."

"Then why?"

"Because it was time to grow up," Dad said firmly. "I wasn't kidding when I said I was ready to retire, but I didn't feel like I could leave until you were ready to take over the reins. You didn't seem to be making much progress on that by yourself, so, I gave you an incentive."

"You could have just told me," I growled.

"Would you have listened?" Mom asked.

I glared at my parents a moment then softened. "No. Probably not. But what if I hadn't picked Aubrey?"

"Dash... we weren't trying to pick a bride for you," Mom said, taking my hands. "We just wanted you to settle down a little, to show some responsibility to someone other than yourself. But I think you've chosen well. I'm proud to call Aubrey my daughter."

I saw Aubrey softly chew her bottom lip. Mom and Dad didn't know about her family problems, and I could tell Mom's words had touched her.

"Thank you," Aubrey said softly.

Mom nodded as she held her gaze. "No... thank you. You've taken my baby and made him into a fine man."

"I think you give me too much credit."

"No, my dear. I don't think you give yourself enough. We tried to teach him, and deep down we knew he was a good man, but you're the one that brought that out of him. You showed him how a good man should act."

Aubrey looked down, one of the few times I'd seen her unsure of herself. "Just like his father, then," she murmured.

Mom and Dad glanced at each other as they smiled, engaged in that telepathic link they seemed to share. Since I'd married Aubrey, really married her, I was starting to see Mom and Dad differently than I had before, and I wondered if Aubrey and I would become like them.

I was a husband, and soon I'd be a father, but she still absolutely rocked my world when the bedroom door closed. I could no longer imagine life without her at my side. So much had happened since I'd hatched my ill-conceived, and as I now knew, unnecessary plan to secure my inheritance. What had started with the biggest mistake of my life had turned into the best thing to happen to me.

I smiled as I pulled Aubrey into my side. I'd gone from cad to husband, and soon, to father. I smiled as I kissed her quickly on the lips, her kiss never failing to excite me.

Father... the word echoed in my head. I smiled, Aubrey on my arm as I followed Mom and Dad into the kitchen. Two years ago, I couldn't conceive of having a child. Now, I was looking forward to the adventure.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fantastic story!

Though one thing that’s always really confused me is why I’m situations like this he has her stop being his personal assistant after they marry.

She always, not just in this story, goes from spending almost 24/7 with him. To seeing him in the evenings while he now spends all his time with someone else.

It’s very made sense to me why you would do that for any reason; other than “as a high society wife being a PA is now beneath her” doing it for the social optics thing.

Aussie1951Aussie19518 months ago

That was one of the best if not the best story I’ve read on this site. Well done. But I also agree with one of the previous comments people like him usually have a shit load of security wherever they go. Especially their home…..

Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literate12 months ago

Sweet, sweet story I think I’ve read it several times now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A real romantic masterpiece! I always come back to this story every once in a while. An enjoyable read as always. IW

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why does a story this good have less that 30 comments in a year?

It is not perfect and there are editing mistakes. But it is a beautiful 5/5 Romance with a great plot, well developed and growing characters and shows how a person can grow and come to understand how to love in a way that makes for happily ever after.

The setting up of a cancer help charity also gives it social significance.

(There should be a quarterly contest for the stories that bring the most social significance to the readers.)


dgfergiedgfergieabout 2 years ago

Love and romance, that was missing from my first marriage of 13 years. But then who is really mature enough in their 20s to make decisions as momentous as getting married and having children? You never really appreciate what you have until you lose it or it's taken from you. This was a true love story.=, it brought a smile to my face and almost a tear to my eye. It is amazing the quality of stories on LIT and of course their authors and their editors, kudos to you all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Undeniably one of the best romance stories on Lit!

rbloch66rbloch66over 2 years ago

Very enjoyable story! Thank you.

hornier_bastardhornier_bastardover 2 years ago

I normally ask for a sequel to stories, because so much is left unanswered... but in this case, I don't think it's necessary. There are things you could develop, but nothing is left hanging. Thanks very much for that!

If you do write a sequel, I'll definitely read it, but I think this works just fine!

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

Nicely done, I think the stalker issues prevent it from being too Hallmark, but otherwise very much so, 5 from me because I enjoyed it! Thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Any plans on doing a sequel with this lovely couple and maybe their children? It was a lovely read btw.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved Dash and Aubrey together! And I love how Dash come to his senses. I imagine him as a well-built, muscled young man with a bit of a hairy chest to pleasure young Aubrey. Keep them together, and they seem "fit" together so nicely!

USMCVetUSMCVetover 2 years ago

I was hoping it would end that way. Thank you!

dawg997dawg997over 2 years ago

I really liked this story, and the writing was easy to read.

Character development was really good, too. These people were believable and relatable.


Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Nothing basically wrong with this story. Some minor issues re plotline and explanations but nothing to affect enjoyment of the story. Worth 5⛤ from me.

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