The Bitch


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I paused for a moment, if nothing else to take a breath. Maria was crying openly now, but to be honest I just didn't give a damn. All the pent up frustration, and anger were finally coming out, and I just let it spew.

"Tom, wait a minute."

"And how about the twins birthday? You always had the birthday parties at your parent's house, but every time I tried to call them to say happy birthday, I was told that calls from me were not being accepted and then I would be hung up on. How many of the little things have I missed out on? Robby or Stella coming home with a story about how their day went, but I wasn't able to be there to hear about it. By the time I was able to see them they had forgotten about it. How about just cuddling with the twins on a Sunday morning, or just taking them to the park. Maybe I could have been there for them when they had a problem at school, or with a friend. But they will never remember that, because I wasn't there. Oh, and let's not forget that they were told not to tell me anything about you or what was going on in your life. So now my kids are having to keep secrets from me. I took them shopping for your Christmas and birthday, and never got a single thank you -- or maybe you just didn't want to acknowledge that I existed. Teaching Robby and Stella to throw a ball, or how to bat. I try to do what I can, on alternate weekends, but there isn't the closeness that develops from coming home and playing catch in the evening while dinner is being cooked. You get to teach Stella how to cook, and I hear about it all the time, but I don't get to do any of those things. I didn't get to taste the first cake she made, no matter how bad it might have been it still would have been pronounced wonderful. When I went to their school functions, it was only because the twins told me that something was coming up. I was never told that they had something special happening. I was never a part of the teacher's conferences. I never got to make approving noises when they brought home a good grade on their schoolwork. All of this because of that bitch of a mother of yours, and because you refused to talk to me."

I paused again, because I was spent. The venom from two years of frustration and anger had finally come out, although I had one final thing to say.

"And last, but certainly not least, I have never even kissed a woman since you and I first dated in college, and I certainly have never gone to bed with one, even to this day."

"Tom, I didn't know, I really didn't."

"Yeah, but you didn't try to find out either."

We were saved by Julie walking in and announcing that Robby was being moved out of recovery into ICU, and that we could see him as soon as we got up there.

We both headed for the elevator, although I did stop by at Estella and Pablo's table.

"Robby is out of recovery, but you will not be allowed to see him, and as far as I am concerned, you will never see either of the twins again."

Estella sputtered something, but I ignored her, and headed for the elevator.

Just before I went into Robby's room and went to the nurse's station and told them in no uncertain terms that Ramon, Estella and Pablo were not to be allowed in to see Robby under any circumstances. Maria winced when I told her that, but didn't say a word.

Maria and I made nice while we were with Robby, and finally the doctor came in about 6:00am, and told us that we had to leave, that Robby needed to sleep more than anything else.

I took Maria home, although we didn't talk much. Maria was still trying to say she hadn't known, and I was still pissed enough to just not respond much at all. I did tell her when I dropped her off that I would pick her up that afternoon so we could go see Robby, if that was all right with her. She told me that she would appreciate it, got out of the car, and just before she closed the door, she told me she was very, very sorry.

We got back to the hospital about 6:00pm, and when we walked into Robby's room it was piled high with flowers, DVDs, toys, almost anything you could imagine. After hugging and talking to Robby for a minute, I left Maria with him, and went out to ask the nurse where all this stuff had come from. Before I could however, Julie showed up and told me that when Bob had told the construction crew what had happened, they had all, as soon as they got off work, gone down and bought this stuff and brought it to Robby. They had to stop one man from bringing in a new bicycle. They apparently had wives, kids, and entire families trying to make my little boy's life a bit more pleasant. The nurse piped up at that, and told me that every single one of the adults had given blood, not because Robby needed it, but so that any other kids that needed it could have a chance. The last of them were still waiting to give blood at the blood at the blood center. It was enough to make you want to cry. I did cry.

The next few days were pretty bad, although Robby was improving every single day. Maria and I talked, and a few things were gotten out that would have been no big deal if it weren't for her mother. But it was obvious that we weren't just going to jump into bed with each other, fuck for a night or two, and then resume our marriage as if nothing had happened.

Robby went home from the hospital, and Maria made sure that I knew that I was welcome at any time. Not only to see Robby, but to see Stella.

Ramon did show up once, shortly after Robby got out of the hospital. I happened to be there at the time, and when the doorbell rang, Stella jumped up and said she would answer it.

I was in Robby's bedroom at the time, just spending time with him, something I hadn't been able to do for so long.

I heard Stella answer the door, just like she had been taught, then Ramon apparently barged in. Maria asked Ramon what he was doing there, and after a few moments of conversation, which I couldn't hear, Maria told him to just leave.

"But Maria, we have made such beautiful love together. You can't just throw that away."

"As a lover, you are a selfish pig. I had what most women would give their eye-teeth for, and because of my mother, and my own stupidity, I lost that. Now get the hell out of my life."

I started to get up and go out, but Robby grabbed my hand, and said: "Dad, let Mom take care of it."

I sat down, and Robby told me; "Mom cried every night when she thought we were asleep after we got back from Spain. It finally stopped awhile after you and Mom were divorced, but she started again when I got out of the hospital, and I don't know how to stop it. Ramon wanted us to call him 'Daddy Ramon', but Mom wouldn't allow it."

Christ, out of the mouths of baby's. Although neither of the twins was a baby anymore.

Ramon left and nothing more was said by either Maria or me.

The next several months were hard. Robby took awhile to get better, even with a child broken bones take weeks to heal. Broken hearts take longer.

I was making extra sure that Stella wasn't feeling left out, and so every day that I came over to see Robby; I took her out to walk in the park, or to go do something special, something to make sure she knew she was loved by her daddy.

Maria seemed sad sometimes when I came over, but I didn't say much to her. I still hurt too much. I wanted to take her in my arms and tell her how much I loved her, but every time I had that feeling, I would remember how hard I had tried to talk to her, and I would just turn off emotionally.

One day when I was taking the kids for a walk, Robby still walking with a bit of a limp, Stella told me that she wanted me to be her daddy again.

"Stella, I will always be your daddy."

"I know, but I want you to be home with us. I want to be able to talk to you at night, I want you to kiss me good night and tuck me into my bed. When I have a bad dream I want you to be there so I can snuggle up to you and make it all better."

"Me too Dad. I want to have you not just come to my games, but to take me home and show me what I can do to be a better ball player. I know I can't play very well right now, but when I can, I want you to show me what to do."

There wasn't much I could say, I didn't want to say that their mother was the cause of this, blaming their mother wasn't my idea of a good idea, but I really didn't know what to say other than that their mother and I had decided to part for reasons that they really didn't need to know about.

I was coming over to Maria's condo almost every night, supposedly to see Robby and Stella, but really I was coming over to see Maria as well. It had been almost four months since Robby's accident, but I still wasn't comfortable with Maria. The kids loved it, we went out, walked in the park; walked along the beach, whatever it was that tickled their fancy. I had bought a very nice digital camera and we took pictures along the way on our walks. Stella was great at composing photos, but Robby didn't seem to care very much about picture taking, he just liked being out with his dad. In any event, it was great fun for the three of us, and I was feeling like I was a part of my children's lives again. The twins had asked Maria to come along with us in the evening, but Maria told them no, that this was my special time with them, and she didn't want to interfere with that.

Thanksgiving was coming around, and Maria asked me if I would like to have Thanksgiving dinner with her and the children. Of course I wanted to, and I told her so.

I really wanted to try to start up with Maria again, but somehow I just couldn't. Ramon was long out of her life, and as far as I knew, Pablo and Estella had not seen the twins since my blowup in the hospital. Neither of the twins ever mentioned Estella at all, and I didn't know what Maria had told them. I had mentioned it to Maria, but she just said that she had told her mother that she wasn't welcome in her home, and left it at that. I didn't think that Pablo had much, if anything, to do with Estella's attempts to completely derail my marriage, but I wasn't going to dig into the morass of Maria's family dynamics.

I was a little surprised to hear that Maria had invited Susan, Ralph and their kids for Thanksgiving also, but Susan didn't seem to think that anything was out of line, and in fact was thankful that she didn't have to put the whole dinner on for her family.

I had more or less thought I would ride over to Maria's with Susan and Ralph, but Susan told me that there really wasn't enough room in the SUV with all the food they were bringing, so I agreed to meet them there. I got there about noon, or a little before, and Maria was running around the kitchen like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to get every thing done. When I asked what I could do to help, she just smiled a bit, then told me to take the kids to the park for a couple of hours, and let her get everything else done.

The kids told me while we were at the park that Maria had spent most of the night before, and all of the morning cleaning the house, and cooking. I hadn't paid a lot of attention, but when I thought back on it, I did think the condo had that extra special shine that a home gets when it has been cleaned top to bottom. Stella told me that Maria had seemed happier the last few days, and had even gone shopping for new clothes and things. Stella proudly announced that Mommy's new bed had been delivered yesterday, and that she even got to help put the new sheets on it this morning.

That puzzled me a little, why had Maria bought a new bed? Although I really hadn't seen it for more than a moment or two when passing by the open door to her bedroom, I didn't think the bed was that old or worn out. The damn thing couldn't have been much more than a couple of years old at most, because she had bought it right after we were divorced, when she moved into the condo. I knew, because I still had our old bed, and Maria hadn't moved out of her parents' home until after the divorce was final.

The kids seemed to be particularly happy, and finally told me that they had a special secret that they couldn't tell me until after dinner. There was much teasing, and giggling, but they steadfastly refused to give me any hints about the "secret".

The kids and I got back to the condo about 2:30pm or so. The house was filled with good smells, and Maria gave the kids a kiss, then dashed off to her bedroom to take a shower and get dressed. Susan and her clan arrived almost immediately, and Robby and Estella took them off to play in their rooms, leaving Susan, Ralph and I to fend for ourselves.

Susan started in on me almost immediately. "So when are you going to try to patch things up with Maria?"

"I would love to, but every time I think about it, I remember that she simply didn't trust me enough to even try to talk things out. Then I wind up shutting down emotionally, and it doesn't get anywhere. I guess that I am still in love with her, but it hurt me so damn much when she wouldn't talk to me, and then made my access to the kids so difficult, that it was like she was deliberately trying to destroy any relationship I might have with the kids."

"And Ramon? How do you feel about that?"

I thought for a minute, then said: "Ramon isn't an issue. We were divorced before he ever showed up on the scene, at least I think so, and it wouldn't be fair to throw that at Maria. As far as I know, Ramon hasn't been around at all since shortly after Robby got out of the hospital, and that one time she just threw him out."

"Okay, so you got your feelings hurt, and Maria didn't use perhaps the best judgment in dealing with your so-called affair. Do you really think that Maria hasn't been hurt by all this as well? Her mother lied to her, and in fact, as you well know, that damned report from her investigator, was nothing more than a complete setup. I told you that within days of you showing it to me. When I took it to the ethics committee, he finally confessed that it was a complete setup from the word go. The blond was his secretary, and the report had been written before Maria even left for Spain. The only thing they had to do was e-mail the photographs to Estella, and they were done. Do you really think that Maria hasn't been almost destroyed by her mother? Do you really think that Maria hasn't been punished enough? She has done everything she can to bring you back into the children's lives, but you can't get past the point of her stupidity, which she has repeatedly blamed herself for, to look at the future. You're still in love with her, or at least from my viewpoint you are, and I have told her so. You haven't dated, even when I have tried to set you up. You work incredibly long hours just so you don't have to go home to an empty house, the only bright spot has been since Robby was hurt, and you go over to Maria's to be with the kids. Except you aren't really there to be with the kids -- you are there to be with Maria. You just can't or won't recognize that. Grow the hell up little brother. You are completely blowing a second chance at a good woman."

I really didn't know quite what to say, but before I could come up with an answer, Maria came out from the bedroom, dressed in a simple skirt and blouse, which showed her off wonderfully. I wasn't sure, because Maria's breasts were such that she had never really needed a bra, but I was almost sure that she didn't have a bra on. Even at 33, and after nursing two children, she still had the firm, high breasts of a 17 year old. I'm not quite sure what that was due to, other than very good genes.

Susan and Maria disappeared into the kitchen, and a few minutes later Ralph and I were called in to do our duty with carving knives on the turkey and ham.

When we were finally seated, the wine was poured (at least for the adults), and Maria stopped everything when she asked the twins if they knew what their Mom and Dad had been doing on this day 11 years ago. Of course they had no idea, so Maria told them that was the very first Thanksgiving that their parents had spent together, and that we had spent the majority of the day moving her into my apartment.

Stella immediately noted that our wedding anniversary was after Christmas, and Maria just smiled and told her that was true, but that our real anniversary was Thanksgiving Day.

Things got a bit quiet for a moment, then Maria told everyone to start passing the food so we all could eat. There was the traditional turkey and ham, yams, and from Maria's heritage, tapas of various types, all in all a wonderful meal, and far too much to eat.

Dinner was over, and we all started cleaning up, although once Ralph and I had carried in the dishes from the table we were immediately banished from the kitchen being told that we were just in the way, and that we should go watch the football game.

The kids were off playing games, and along about 6 or 6:30, Ralph was called into the kitchen by Susan to load some of the leftovers into the car. There was a whispered conversation that I couldn't hear, but really didn't pay any attention to.

I offered to help Ralph, but he told me in no uncertain terms that he was just fine, the kids were helping, and I was to stay put.

Ralph got the kids into the car, and Susan came out and gave me a kiss.

"Remember what I told you."

I was completely blank on whatever it was that I was supposed to remember, until I got outside with Susan. Ralph was already in the car, Susan's two kids were strapped in, but so were the twins. Susan hugged Maria, whispered something in her ear, and got into the car before I could say much of anything, and the twins hollered "Surprise."

Ralph simply grinned at me, and called out that they would bring them back on Sunday afternoon. With that they were gone, and I was left standing there with Maria.

"Tom, I would really like you to come in and talk with me for a few minutes. The twins are gone, and I think we really need to have a talk we should have had almost two years ago."

I agreed, although I was having thoughts about doing very unpleasant things to my sister.

We got into the living room, and without asking Maria went and poured two glasses of wine, bringing one to me, and then settling in her chair.

"Before we really start Tom, I need to apologize to you one more time. I was absolutely wrong in not giving you a chance to talk things out with me. I was being as much of a bitch as my mother was, and there is really no valid excuse for the way I behaved."

I nodded, not really seeing where Maria was going, but I nodded.

"When mother came over to the house to pick us up to go to Spain, she asked to borrow my cell phone. She made a short call, then hustled us out to the car. I didn't realize that she had not put the phone back in my purse, and didn't until we got to New York. When I did, I called you and asked you to call my mother because I didn't have my cell. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but now I think that it was deliberate, she didn't want you to be able to contact me.

The first few days in Spain were fine, but I was very frustrated and upset that you weren't calling me, but I assumed that you were so busy with work that you just couldn't call given the time difference.

The days passed with still no word from you, although I had tried to call your cell several times, sometimes I left a message, and sometimes I didn't. Again, it wasn't a major big deal, but I was certainly unhappy with you.

Then when I called and asked why you hadn't been calling, I got nothing. With hindsight I know I should have tried to give you another number, but I really didn't have one. I suppose I could have given you my father's number, but that didn't seem to be something that was needed. After all, you had my mother's number.

Then mother came up with the investigator's report and photographs. I can't tell you how devastated I was. Here I was sheepherding two six-year-old kids around Madrid, and you couldn't even be bothered to call me, and were apparently having the time of your life with some blond bitch.