The Black Cloud Ch. 02

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Siren escapes. Ward punishes her and makes her his slave.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/10/2010
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--- Chapter 2: Attempted escape, and punishment ---

I gasped air. Water. Fresh water! I plunged my head back into the blessed, muddy, warm liquid and just drank. I was alive, I would survive! Water!

Finally I sat up and looked around me, laughing for the first time in what seemed like years, my full belly wobbling as I did so, dirty water flowing down my face. The little stream I was lying face down in was just two feet across, but it had been more than enough for me to drink to overflowing.

The stream was running in a small sandy, stony ditch that led down to the sea. The color of the rock was a pleasant, light brown, and the landscape was dominated by wide flats with the occasional towering crag or low hill.

The only vegetation to speak of were clusters of thorny bushes here and there, and some ancient olive trees spread across the flats, their asymmetric trunks and dark green and white-gray leaves only augmented the feeling of being in a quiet, desert land.

The coast we had landed on was one long, inwardly curving beach of coarse sand, slighter lighter than the rest of the landscape. From the sea the ground sloped slowly upwards toward some higher, steeper hills. A small distance above those hills loomed the dark cloud, creating a shady region that covered most of the interior of the land, except for a belt of sunlight here at the shore, some hundred yards wide.

I had a feeling we were on a an island created by a fiery volcano, such as I had read about. Only there was no mountain cone of impossible height, nor flames and molten rock being spat out. There was just the great, black cloud billowing outwards over the hills, dark and ominous. Was this a fire-peak just waiting to erupt? I shuddered.

I did not like being trapped on an island like this. It was probably uninhabited as the Sea of Seven Perils were known for being largely unmapped, and mainly populated by monsters such as sirens.

Not that it was any chance of me seeing her as some dreadful, evil monster ever again. Her heartfelt remorse at what she had been part of had touched me as, I had to admit, her skillful hands.

I found myself thinking it would actually be pleasant to have her around me. She could help me explore the island and the mysterious cloud, find shelter, and, most importantly now, food. And maybe we could do what she had suggested. Make love. Oh Gods, yes! Make love with a true goddess.

I turned around to face her, and found out she was not there. There was no sign of her anywhere on the open beach, and there were no tracks following mine to the little stream. I squinted. There was no-one over at the small boat, which was lying on the beach by the sea a little while away. Hadn't she come along to drink? She had got to be thirsty as well.

That was at least what I had firmly thought, when she had made her little joke about mating as we had reached the island. I had all but ignored her, jumped out of the boat, scanned the area fervently, having eyes only for any sign of fresh water. When I had seen the ditch I had run over here as fast as I could, crying for her to follow me. Had someone taken her instead?


I walked back to the boat, eying the dark cloud suspiciously, and solved the mystery at once. Footprints, of small feet made by a light person, were leading in the opposite direction of where I had run to find water. The forefoot, I noticed, always having dug deeper into the sand and soil. Siren had run away from me.

She had run in the direction the current was going. I could now clearly see the water flowing along the coast, the waves not obeying the light breeze at all. Demon-currents and sleeping volcanoes, what a place!

I stood staring at the prints for a few minutes before I reached a decision. Siren ought to be let free to run. Clearly, in my eyes at least, she had absolved herself from her past misdeeds by her remorse. Also, I had no hold upon her. I had taken her from the islet that was her home and brought her on this hopeless journey, and she had repaid me by giving me the first, true sexual experience of my life. I ought to have done what any decent, true Gray Knight was honor-bound to do: Let her be free to run, shrug, and concentrate on my directing own life, seeking a way of the island and take up my post at the frontier town of Gnarlstraits.

I didn't. I think it was the feeling that had consumed me as she lay across my knees and I thrashed her, that decided it for me. It was not just giving the physical pain, though seeing her squirm was exciting enough. No, it was how empowering it had been to bend her to my will. To force her to accept that my way was the only way. I wanted to feel that feeling again! I wanted to hunt her down and thrash her with my belt until she begged me to let her be a good, good girl!

As in a fever I attached my sheathed sword to the belt and clasped it around my belly. Then I set off, following the tracks of the run-away Siren, my hunger for the moment forgotten, the black cloud just a wisp of smoke to me, my manhood pointing straight up - eager to catch up with the woman.


It was, in the end, all too easy. She had evidently no concept of how to hide from a pursuer, and she, a creature partly of the Element of Water, had stayed near the ocean. I would have hidden in the hills where the darkness of the looming cloud and the hard soil might have daunted the searching eyes of someone following me. But she left tracks all across the wet sand, her soaked feet creating beautiful footprints every time she passed over any of the few, low headlands along the way.

So, it was merely a question of time. And since I was following a small woman who was not very strong, who was used to have the power of her magical hair to help propel her forwards, it did not take very long before I caught up with her.

I had just climbed another headland to see yet one more beach when I noticed her now walking along on the sand, her left foot limping slightly. The sword-belt was chafing my naked skin, the sand and small stones slightly smarting and burning the soles of my feet, but I grinned and jumped down onto the sand, running towards her as fast as I could.

She must have heard me, for she became startled and turned around to face me. To her credit she did not attempt to run anymore: She was smart enough to know when the game was up.

"Listen Ward, I-" she began when I came closer, holding her hands up.

"You!" I shouted.

"Ward, I did not really mean-"

"You bad!"

"Don't take off your belt! Please!"

"You, you run!"

"Yes, I ran! I want to get back to my home, my people." There was anguish all over her lovely features, and her big, slanted eyes were full of fear. Fear of me. "I swear I won't sing to call me to me ever again! I know it was wrong, Ward, and-"

"For run," I growled, shaking the sword-belt and cursing myself for not being better at speaking the language, "ten of this!"

"Ten!? No, Ward, please! You hurt me with that damned belt!"

"Hands on feet!"


"Hands!" I went over to her, grabbed her right hand, "on!" and pushed her back forwards with the other, "feet!" making her bend over.

"You want me to take it like this? Curse you, Ward! Curse you!"

"You move, again," I said. My tone was aggressive, manly, dominant, but inside I felt a strange mixture of lust and triumph. I got to teach her once more! Yes! She would soon plead for mercy!

"What do you mean?"

"You move, I use this again. Then ten and one. You move again, ten and two."

"Oh by the powers of Wind!" she groaned, her legs shaking a little as she stood in that uncomfortable position.

"By power of me," I said tersely.

Then I raised the belt and flailed her buttocks with it, putting my strength behind the blow. The leather made a wonderful cracking sound on her tight skin, and she yelped loudly in pain. But she did not break away from her stance.

"Call one!" I ordered, high on lust and power.

"What? What do you mean? Oh. One!"

Slowly she counted out the strokes as I delivered them on her bottom, creating a sense of macabre rhythm. Crack! "Eww! Two!" Crack! "Eww! Three!"

After number six, when a drop of blood was released, she did beg me for mercy.

"You no call. Six again," I replied, and to her horror gave her the sixth stroke a second time.


When she finally cried out "T-Ten!" and was allowed to fall forwards onto the sand, weeping and gingerly touching her bloody buttocks, the euphoria of power drained away from me.

What had I done? Had I damaged her permanently? Would she carry scars? Would she look at me with anything but hate from now on?

I crouched down beside her and touched her shoulder. She savagely hit my hand away and growled. I persisted by stroking her roughly cut hair and in the end she allowed me that, too tired and anguished to fight.

"I hate you Ward! I will kill you. You are evil!" she managed to say after a while.

"You run," I mumbled bashfully.

"Of course I ran! You captured me! You thrashed me! You did not want to mate me! What is it to you if I run?"

"You no run. You are mine." I stood up.

"What!? Yours? Like a pretty shell at the shore that you can take with you? Who decides that?"


"Oh yes? With what authority do you do that?"


"Hah! Show me your authority."

I tossed the belt on the sand beside her face. She saw and smelled the blood on the leather, and her eyes become ever darker as she hissed up at me: "You filth!"

"You run, I use belt. Me Aut...," I stumbled over the word. "Me authority. You run again?" I picked up the belt.

"No, Ward. No, I will not run again," she sighed, closing her eyes.

I sat down at her side again, struggling with how to express myself. I knew exactly what I felt, knew exactly what I wanted.

"Siren. You are mine."

"As long as you can catch me and hurt me, yes," she muttered.

"If you no run, if you be good, no belt. I be good. If not, I use belt. You no like belt, so must you be good."

"Yes, I can understand that, thank you!"

"Good is... Do what I call."

"You want me to do what you tell me?"

"Yes, do what I tell. That is you be good."

"Wonderful!" She slammed her fist into the sand. "Just great."

"I be..." I fought for the right word, "I be captain. You be sailor. I tell, you do."

"Yes, very nice. You are the master, I am the slave. Very well. Don't smile at me like that, Ward! You think this is funny?"

"Me master, you slave," I said, savoring the words. I knew their meaning, and while the Gray Knights were vehemently opposed to slavery of any kind I could not help relishing the sound of the word. My slave.

"Yes, I got that!"

"Now I done teach, and you learn? You learn all now, be good now?"

"Yes, master Ward. Oh dear. What a marvelous life there seems to be ahead of me!"

"Mar-Marvelous?" I did not know the word.

"I am being ironic, Ward. Irony. It's something that you idio- Argh! Never mind. I mean, I just think my life will be very bad from now on, with being a slave and given a taste of the belt whenever I step out of line and all." She wore a brave face, but misery shone through the cracks.

I understood most of what she said. "No, no!" I interjected hastily.


"Siren... Siren, I be good."

"Yes, of course," she chortled, "I am all ready to believe that!"

"No, I be good. Yes. You be good slave, you be... Smile. You smile."

"Smile? I will be a happy slave?" her big, black eyes stared incredulously at me, her mouth wide open.

"Yes!" I gave her a huge grin.

She didn't reply, she certainly did not grin back. She just began weeping bitterly. As I sat there, patting her head, I realized that this would take time. Lots of time. I hoped she would be good, I really did. But I knew that while I had no wish to thrash my slave again, I would do it with zeal if I had to.


The sun was burning, the wind was hardly blowing, and I began to feel thirsty again as I sat beside Siren and comforted her with soothing noises and by stroking her short hair. She was so beautiful, so incredibly lovely. Slowly her crying abated, and finally she turned her head around, looking at me.

"You do not seem evil, Ward," she said, her big, black eyes strangely penetrating. "I do not know what to make of you. Well, I do not know what to make of humans in general, and men in particular. The ones that we sang for never spoke, and were always ready to mate. Are you a typical man?"

I did not understand all of what she said, and just nodded sagely to encourage her to like me. Or just not hate me as much.

"Then I just hope it will be more mating than thrashing in store for me when I meet your people. You think so, Ward?"

Again I nodded. Rather mate that thrash yes, very good.

"I hope the other men I will make love to will look like you!"

"What?" I said, finally realizing what she meant. "No, no!"

"What did I say?" she said hastily, pulling away and grimacing in pain. Her butt really had to hurt.

"Mate other men? No! No! Mate me only!"

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm sorry. I can't mate with other men? We were always sharing the men between us when-"

"No!" I felt my face redden, and I was suddenly furious. She was mine! "Mate me only! If mate others, hundred with belt! Hundred and hundred and hundred!"

She looked at me with an open mouth, her black, slanted eyes expressing confusion and fear mixed up. Then, slowly, I could see how she realized what was going inside my mind. Her eyes glinted mischievously and her mouth turned into a dazzling smile.

"Of course..." she giggled. "I am your possession!"


"I am your thing."

I nodded, my breath quickening.

"I... I am Ward's thing," she said and actually looked embarrassed, but then her sly expression returned. "If you stop thrashing me, then I will mate you. If not then, well..."

"If no mate, many belt," I replied, not knowing if that was a threat I was prepared to go through with.

Her smile disappeared, and she looked down on the sand. She truly seemed a goddess where she lay, her golden skin glowing in the sun, her supernaturally female curves so close to me, so close...

"Ward. I will make love to you, in fact I want to touch you right now! And I will stay with you and talk more with you, even though you are a barbarian and cannot speak many words. Most of the time you seem like a good man, and I understand that you were angry at me for what I and the sisters, I mean us sirens, did to the men. And I know that my tongue is sharp at times, my sisters agreed with you there. But I promise I will be nice. But, Ward... Please, Ward. Please no more belt?"

I considered this for a minute as I studied her black eyes and perfect face, the pleading look she gave me. Yes, I wanted to feel her touching me again, and I wanted to get to know her and be friends with her. But, she was mine! She was my slave. Oh by the Antlered One and all other Gods, she was my slave!

"If good, no belt," I said slowly. "If bad, then belt. I master, you slave."

She nodded, looked away, and sighed. "Then I guess I can't promise you anything. But, Ward, I need to touch you."

"N-Need?" I squealed.

"Of course. I have always mated men, that is what I do. When I am with you, I always think about making love." The look she gave me was dead earnest, in fact she looked a little desperate. "When you captured me I wanted to make love, in the boat I wanted to make love, and now I want to make love. Even when you are being mean to me. You look so good, and you are a man, and well, I just need to."

I was unable to do anything but mumble dumbly. She was a siren, not a human woman. Did that mean she wanted sex all the time?

"Please, come here, Ward?" she said and patted the sand in front of her head. "I cannot move, because for some reason my buttocks hurt," she added with a touch of venom in her voice, "as if some monster had mistreated me."

"..." I begun, feeling my manhood swell. I wanted to be touched, but I also had to consider our desperate situation. "Siren. Where we are? I no know. Why is current?" I made a movement with my hands to indicate the water's unusual behavior. "What this?" I pointed at the looming, always swelling dark cloud. "And... Me hungry, me thirsty. You want eat? Drink?"

She shook her head slowly, averting her eyes from me. Oh no! Did she take this as another snub?

"You no drink boat, you no drink here? You want drink?" I certainly knew I needed something soon after my run to catch up with her.

"I drank just a few days ago, and had some food as well. I don't need anything, except to touch you," she said calmly. "But I agree that I do not like the look of this place. Somehow it does not feel right, Ward. That strange cloud should not be up there, and the current is all wrong."

I nodded. She had last drunk a few days ago? A few days? If so, then sirens were strange creatures indeed. "Come. We see," I grunted. "You walk?"

"No," she smiled serenely. "Someone decided to thrash me until I cried. I cannot even move from pain! Still, my master knows best. Of course, he cannot even speak properly, but he know best. He will have to carry me, but he surely, surely knows best."

I laughed. I put my chin to the hot sand and laughed like a madman. She called me master, even if she was mocking me, and she was joking. I laughed as I began to fall in love.


Finally I mastered myself and gingerly picked her up in my arms, making her sob in anguish in the process. Soon she was hanging on my lower arms, buttocks up, and I tried to walk as steadily as I could. Thank the Antlered One that she was so light!

I continued walking in the direction she had been fleeing, following the strong current. It was time to get to the bottom of, or rather around, this island. We could never leave it if the current would always be pulling us back.

"What is this thing?" Despite having to be carried and having her skin pulled at now and then it seemed as if Siren was in a very cheerful mood. She was lifting and looking at my leather sheath, in which I kept my weapon.

"Sword," I replied. That it had been forged by the Master Smith at the Academy especially for me, given to me at my dubbing, and that I was expected keep it with me at all times was too hard for me to express with my poor grasp at Marine.

"It is long," she giggled, "and hard. And dangerous to a poor siren!"

I laughed nervously.

"And so," she added, "is this!"

I squealed as her right hand grabbed my sack. She squirmed a little in my arms, and soon I could see her eyes were intently staring at my private parts while her hand was slowly coaxing it into a standing position.

"Ward?" she asked.

"Yes," I groaned, for at that instant the rising head made contact with her large breasts which were hanging down between my arms.

"Ward..." There was the unmistakable sound of pouting in her angelic voice. "If I am to make love to no man but you..."

I grunted angrily.

"...then you must promise to make love to me many times every day, whenever I want to..."

Her fingers made a circle of pleasure which moved up and down my shaft, simulating that activity which I had never experienced. I wanted to shout "Yes!" but bit my lips and managed to croak out "I want, we mate."

"But Ward..." she sulked, letting go of me. "I need this. Bad."

"I call when mate. I master, you slave."

"You won't even promise me this little thing?" her fingertips tickled me seductively.

"I master!" I shouted.

"Are you sure?" said the voice of honey on silk, and Siren began to sing softly.

It was the curse-song of the sirens, the sound of which made a man's blood boil and made his brain think of only one thing. But she was not part of the choir of sirens. She was alone, and so the spell only served to make me gasp and sweat.