The Blowjob at the End of the World

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A short tale of the apocalypse.
  • February 2022 monthly contest
750 words
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The television was showing a montage of famous sites from around the world; the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel tower, the Great Wall of China, Disneyland. Jill sniffled and wiped her nose on her finger. In a few minutes, she thought, it will all be gone.

Roger pulled her closer and she rested her head on his shoulder.

The anchorman reappeared on the screen. "In these final moments," he said in a sonorous voice, "The world prepares for the comet's impact, and, in the view of most scientists, the cessation of life on the planet earth."

The image switched to a succession of crowd scenes; at the Vatican, the mall in Washington, the beach in Rio De Janeiro.

"They're showing the people," Jill said, "But it's not just us. This is the end of giraffes and kangaroos and dolphins and hummingbirds."

Roger nodded. "And it's the end of the Beatles and Beethoven and the Mona Lisa and the Statue of Liberty."

"At least we're together," Jill said, snuggling tighter against him.

Roger kissed the side of her head. "I wish though, that we had come up with something special," he said, "something symbolic. I kind of imagined we'd sit outside and watch it like it was a sunset."

"It's raining."

"I know, but still, I feel we should've done something. Maybe something religious, something about God."

"The god who is killing all the giraffes?"

"Yeah, fuck that, i guess. But like you said, when the end comes we will be together"

"I like to think that even when the world ends, love goes on."

Roger chuckled.

"What could you possibly find amusing right now?" Jill asked.

"I'm sorry," he said, "It was just a funny thought."


"It's not just the end of all those other things. It's the end of butt sex and blow jobs and all that good stuff."

Jill sat back and looked at him. "That's something we could do."

"Butt sex?"

"I was thinking blowjob. I've always loved sucking your cock. I like the idea of it being the last thing I do on earth."

"That sounds good to me," he said, glancing at the countdown clock on the television. There were just over ten minutes left.

Jill stretched out on the couch as Roger unbuckled his pants and pushed them below his knees. She took one more look at the television. They were playing Mozart's Requiem, while showing more sights from around the world.

She fought back a tear and lowered her face toward Roger's lap. His cock was pointing straight up. She kissed the tip, then wrapped her lips around it's head. She was determined that his last blowjob would be the best he ever had.

He gripped a handful of her hair and bucked his hips upward as she took more of his cock into her mouth. She tried to swallow, gagged, and tried again. This time, she managed to take it all, feeling it bump against the back of her throat. Roger moaned loudly as she raised her head and released his cock with a loud pop. She wrapped her hand around the shaft and stroked it, while swirling her tongue around the rim.

She drew in a deep breath, in anticipation of swallowing it again, when suddenly, she was distracted by a loud roaring sound. This is it, she thought, wondering if it would all be over in an instant. She put her lips back on his cock, expecting the noise to built to an overwhelming crescendo, but it continued and began to somehow sound familiar. She heard a voice and looked up at the television, expecting images of flame and devastation.

To her amazement, the camera was panning a sea of jubilant faces. She stared, her jaw dropping, her hand still gripping Roger's cock, as the screen quickly cut to crowds dancing in the street of Paris, then Tokyo, then New York.

"Scenes from around the world," the anchorman intoned, "As we learn that the scientist's calculations were inaccurate. The comet has missed the earth, ladies and gentlemen."

His voice shook as he added, "We are going to be alright."

Jill jumped to her knees, crying in relief as she wrapped her arms around Roger and hugged him.

"We are alive" she sobbed, "The world isn't ending!"

But when she leaned back to look at him, his expression was one of distress. He glanced down at his still swollen cock, then back at her.

"Aren't you going to finish?" he asked.

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Hardrider56Hardrider5626 days ago

Funny ass story. Good one.

JustSomeWordsJustSomeWords5 months ago

Damn, that was funny! And unexpected!

Djmac1031Djmac10318 months ago

It's funny 'cause it's true. Exactly any man's reaction.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Apparently the author is an optimist! It's doubtful all the astronomers and astrophysicists in the world would get something so critical to life on THAT wrong. :o) Optimism is good. 3 stars

fastbreakplayerfastbreakplayer10 months ago

Roger has his priorities. No guy I know ever turns down a free BJ.

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNo10 months ago

Hell yes! The orgasm at the beginning of eternity! Get with it, girl! It's a family tradition. God started it all with a Big Bang. Lol.

Codoc24Codoc2412 months ago

Hey, a man's got to have his priorities. LOL I actually misinterpreted the title. I kinda thought, "end of the world" was something like "end of the road" or "end of the tunnel". Didn't think it was literally the end of the world. Not a complaint, my bad.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

Not with a bang but a whimper!


AlinaXAlinaXover 1 year ago

This is fun and nicely written, although the combination of Mozart's Requiem and lusty sex is a conflicting concept (for me, at least), and no way could scientists' calculations be that wrong...

annabellebritoannabellebritoover 1 year ago

Funny, typical guy response at the end!

RoperTraceRoperTraceover 2 years ago

Roger should have turned the sound down on that live news report until the eagle was set free.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 2 years ago

Great work, Melissa. Disneyland! Haha! And some may miss the satire of being more disappointed about the abrupt end than the aborted end of the world but that’s their loss. 5*.

Auden JamesAuden Jamesover 2 years ago
Underwhelming Disaster

The story works insofar as I’m probably wondering a similar thing as the guy: where’s the punch line or point of it? Okay, the guy might be a little flustered by the pent-up release, but that he cares more about cumming than the just thwarted end of the world comes across as rather tired to me, you know, the old, old joke about men thinking and caring about nothing else but . . . Not all that funny, methinks.

Apart from that the text is quite competently written, though I found the unnecessary doubling of “loud” and “loudly” in one sentence rather jarring for some reason. “Butt sex” strikes me as a rather queer word choice too in the situation given, but I don’t know, it might have been intended to be funny too. Didn’t work for me, alas.


Lmcswain60Lmcswain60over 2 years ago

So funny but true. I would have asked the same thing!

sheeversheeverover 2 years ago

good . funny . O'Henry (as per Whippet) would certainly have come up with a double barreled red herring double twist with pike ending .. but the ending was good because it is funny for the poor fool ..hehe!!

Whippet_DarlingWhippet_Darlingover 2 years ago

Best humor I've read since O. Henry!

teedeedubteedeedubover 2 years ago

Find 'party' replace with 'blow job'.

Great story!

l8lastnightl8lastnightover 2 years ago

Well, it would be diificult for Roger to dance around and celebrate like everyone else in his "condition". lol I really enjoy stories like this and well-written, too. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

fun ny story .. very good . would like to praise the story as a logged in follower

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