The Bridge


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When I got the kids home and settled in, I went to what had been our bedroom and placed a call to Felix Rodriguez.

"Hey, Lyle how are you," he said answering.

"Not so good Felix, I need your services," I said.

Felix was the best family lawyer I knew. He was good both as a lawyer and a man.

"Oh, what's the problem?" he said,

"I need to file for divorce."

"No way, it's not good to kid about things like that."

"Way, Gloria had a fling with Gabriel Zilo. You know, my boss."

"Shit. I am truly sorry. What do you need me to do?"

Felix and I discussed it for about an hour on the phone. I made an appointment for late Tuesday afternoon to get the ball rolling.

The phone calls kept coming from the mountain. Apparently her parents had called. The messages were conciliatory. Gloria's alternated with Gabe's. No threats now.

"Hey, man if I've made a mistake here I apologize. I don't want anything that happened this weekend to affect our working relationship. That would be bad all round, if you understand where I'm going," he said.

Then about five in the afternoon.

"Lyle, Lyle please call. Something has happened here. The bridge is out. We are all trapped. Call. I need to hear from you." My wife said.

Tuesday morning first thing, I called Steven Pender my old associate. We agree to meet for lunch at a modest sandwich place in one of the malls.

"You sure about this?" Steven asked between bites at a pepper jack tuna sandwich.

"Already done. I have officially resigned," I said.

As if to emphasize the fact, I received a call from Donna, my secretary at Countryman.

"Lyle, they're saying you resigned, but you need to come in. All hell is breaking lose here. Something is very wrong," Donna said.

"Sorry, no can do. I don't work there anymore. I suggest you call Gabe."

"They say he is trapped in the mountains. Something about a bridge."

"Gee sorry to hear that. Well, don't worry. I'm sure it will all straighten out in the end."

"Something I should know about?" Steve asked.

"No, nothing that concerns me any longer," I said.

"Well, if you're sure I think I can improve my last offer by 10k per annum. If you can start right away."

"Is tomorrow too soon?"

"No, that would be great," Steve said.

I started at Pender and Associates Wednesday morning. I was just getting settled in Wednesday afternoon when I had a visitor.

"Where is my money? You prick," Gabe Zilo said.

"What money are you talking about?"

"You know, the operating funds."

"Sorry, perhaps you should talk to the company accountants."

"If I do, I will have you prosecuted for embezzlement," he said.

I only smiled at him. He had found a way off that mountain, but where were the operating funds?

"You think you're some wise ass lawyer, but you're just an asshole who can't satisfy his wife. She had a real good time with me, and I'll be tapping her pussy whenever the mood strikes me," he said then stormed out.

The following day I heard from the police. They called and asked me to come to the station to answer some questions.

"Sorry, I just started a new job. My time is very limited but feels free to put your questions in writing, and I will get back to you."

The officer who was calling tried to explain that that was not how they did things, but I explained right back that I was a lawyer, and I did things in writing or not at all. We went around for a few minutes and then he hung up.

I knew the police would have to verify a charge of embezzlement before they could act. That would mean tracing the money. I expected they would find it in the company account where I placed it within a few days. That should end the matter. It would simply be a civil case after that, and a poor one at best.

I was wrong it took them two weeks to find the missing funds. By then Countryman was in very serious trouble. Its credit had been entirely shut down by the banks, and it would need an infusion of new capital to get restarted.

Gloria showed up late Friday night with both our luggage from the trip. Her key didn't work because I had changed the locks. I met her at the door. She did not look so well.

"Please, Lyle let me in. If not for my sake, then think of the kids," she said.

"No, I won't because you don't live here anymore. I parked your car on the street. I assume you still have the car keys," I said.

"Do you hate me that much?"

"YES!" I said and closed the door.

I figured she would go to her parents. I had Felix serve her the restraining order and petition for divorce there. Those few days of grace the bridge had given me had paid great dividends. Felix got her restrained from accosting me and I received temporary custody of the kids. It took her two months and probably every dime she could scrape up to recover the momentum. By then the divorce was well advanced and all we had to do is work out the details.

Gabe Zilo was not so lucky. Countryman Real Estate had to shut its doors. It stopped doing business just after Labor day. The following week, I had a visitor.

He was sitting in my visitor's chair as I returned from my third closing of the day. He was deeply tanned and looked to be in good health. He was a bit underdressed for the early northern fall that had set in.

"Bernie, how are you?" I said.

"I'm good," he said craning his neck to scan my meager office.

"What brings you to the cold north?" I asked sensing this was no casual visit.

"Well, It's like this—Ah—well. Florida is teaming with sharks, and very few of them are in the water. Thought it best to return to what I know," he said.

"Oh. I guess, it's good to have you back," I said not sure what else to say to his admission or what he wanted from me.

Bernie could read the question in my eyes.

"I dropped a good size chunk of change down there. I'm going to have to start over and start small, but it seems I'm in luck. This company I use to own seems to be available," he said as a smile cracked his face.

I looked at him and smiled right back, "Yea, it is isn't it."

We both broke our laughing.

"So what do you want from me, you old pirate," I said.

"Well, it's like this. I need a partner. At my age, the bankers figure that any business I start will not have any continuity. And, well, you and I made a good team. So what do you say."

"I have very little money. I'm going through a divorce you may have heard," I said.

"Yes, I heard that," he said.

I wondered how much he had heard. The story got around.

"Look why not let me cut you in for 10%," he said.


"Be reasonable you just said you have no money to put in."

"I'm betting neither do you. But I'll settle for 45%," I said.

"Look 25% that's fair."

"But not enough. 40% and the option to buy another 10% in ten years."

"Ok, I just hope I live that long," said the man I knew intended to attend my funeral.

Bernie and I went back into business. We bought every lot that Countryman had owned at a discount from the banks that now held them, using the same bank's money. I thought we would struggle but we were soon doing a very steady business, building and selling houses. Life moved on and so did my divorce. It was mostly a fight over custody and visitation.

In the end, we worked out a complicated joint custody and visitation arrangement. That is why on Christmas Eve I was returning home to a dark and empty house. Gloria had the kids for Christmas Eve. I was to have them Christmas Day. Because Christmas was on a Sunday, they were to go back to her on the Monday, which she had off. The kids hated these arrangements.

As I approached the house, I saw a figure sitting on the steps. They were shrouded against the cold and the light snow that was falling. I was on top of her before I recognized my former wife.

"Gloria, what are you doing here?" I said.

She did not look all that well. She was even thinner than the last time I saw her and her eyes looked hollow and vacant. She had clearly been crying at some point in the recent past.

"I want to come home," she wailed.

"Where are the children?" I demanded ignoring her plea.

"With my folks. They want to come home too. We want to be a family again in our little house. What you've done to us is not fair."

"I didn't do anything."

"Oh yes, you did. I made a mistake. Ok, it was a bad and hurtful mistake, but it was just one mistake. You're the one who destroyed our family," she accused, with anger creeping into her voice.

She made a conscious effort to calm herself. "I told myself I would not lose my temper but please understand, I have anger issues over this," she said.

"You have anger issues!" I was astonished.

"Don't act the innocent. You are anything but. You just happen to come out way ahead of anyone else? I'm no fool, Lyle. You were never a saint. I know I hurt you, but that was never my intention."

"Really, you expect me to believe that you thought having sex with another man right in front of me wasn't going to cause me pain?" I said.

She turned away. My words had apparently cut deep. I could see her wipe her hands across her eyes although she now had her back to me. It was apparent she was crying.

Her voice was low and filled with pain but steady, "I was always the fat girl, the last one asked to the dance; I had to accept whoever asked. I was a good girl, so I spent a lot of my time fending off crude assaults. I was waiting for the right man all through high school and most of college.

"When I met you, I knew I had found the right man. I was a virgin when we married. I didn't make a big fuss about it but I thought you knew. You are no prince now and you certainly weren't then. You were just an ordinary guy, but I loved you with all my heart. Yes. You were a bit smarter than most, and more ambitious, but we were always broke.

"I learned to live with lower expectations because I loved you. It hurt me to see you struggle so hard. Then Gabriel came along and things seemed to get better. He was everything a woman wants in a man. For once the prince wanted me. It was flattering. After the Christmas party, he kept calling me. It wasn't serious, just flirting.

"You know, the kind of things that beautiful women get all the time. It was not like I don't get hit on, but not by the handsome, powerful elites. He said nice things about you and how lucky I was to have a great guy like you."

"I'll bet he just fucking loved me," I said.

"He did. He said how hard you worked and how he wanted to reward you. I knew what he was saying, that if I was nice to him, he would take care of you. I guess I let him convince me that you would benefit if I gave in to him. That's true but so is the fact that I wanted him. It was like I had this crazy buzz in my head that was driving me toward him.

"I was caught between hoping that something would happen on that weekend and fearing that it would. Once we got there, all my resistance began to fade. I turned to you. I did. I asked you—"

"What! Are you kidding? You told me you were going to bed with him."

OK, OK. I didn't come out with it directly, but you knew what was happening, and you didn't say no," she said turning to me. The tears ran down her cheeks to drip from her chin. Her nose was running.

"I believed in you. As I said, that night, we had sixteen years together. How could you do that to me," I said.

"But that's exactly the point. We loved each other. It was only a fling. Nothing in comparison to what we had before and would have after."

"Are you so crazy that you believe that after hearing you scream in pleasure for him we could have anything together?"

"OH SHIT, you can't be that stupid. That was all an act. I wanted to be good for him. I put on a show. Men like that, need and expect it. I never behave that way in bed, and you must know that after sixteen years of making love to me."

"What I know is what you did. How you humiliated me. You took the golden boy over me. The assholes who contribute nothing and take everything. Powerful, is he? Well, where is he now? What happened when the crisis came? I'll tell you. He folded. We live in a society that supports the few over the many on the myth of some secret genius that they possess. Tell me how did the genius get off that mountain so fast?"

"He called for a helicopter. By then he knew you had done something to the business. It was pretty obvious you burned the bridge. He though you stole his money. The others began to panic. Paula kept saying this could not be happening. That it was not the way things worked.

"When the helicopter came there was only room for Gabe. The rest of us were abandoned. I guess the National Guard eventually installed a temporary bridge to rescue us. Sharon and I rode back together. By then her husband knew the true story. She was in trouble like I was. Poor Robin's fiancé broke off their engagement.

"Glen and Ken were both in trouble, but I guess they got out of it with Paula's help. I guess only Gabe and us ordinary people truly bore the brunt. But hasn't there been enough pain?" she asked, looking at me hopefully.

There was a lot of truth in what Gloria had said. I was not entirely innocent. I had worked for Gabe but, unlike the rest of the world, I was never taken in. I knew the truth but refused to admit it to myself.

"I can't get past the way it went down. They have nothing but false promises. If you look hard, you see the trap. Yet, no one looked. The illusion is so much better than reality. We battled through hard times but they were getting better. What you and Gabe took from me was the security of my home. I can never recover that because those bastards proved that what I had believed in was an illusion. You and I were an illusion," As I said this I stood up moving towards the door of the dark and barren house.

She refused to give up.

"Answer me this," she said, "Are you better off alone without me or would it be better with me and our kids around the Christmas tree tonight?"

I looked at her. It would be so easy to take her into my arms, to love her, to bring the kids home to sleep in their own house Christmas Eve, and to pretend what had happened never happened. But all I could say was, "I don't know. That's a good question but I have no answer to it."

With that, we turned away from each other. What's in our past can't be changed. We must live for our future.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Good story, but I agree with a lot of the comments. Needs more. Hopefully the author will do that. Too much was left up in the air. 5 stars

medicationtime1medicationtime14 days ago

Serves the bitch right. If he takes her back he would be a true cuckold

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Didn't feel the angst, rage and feeling of extreme betrayal. Too analytical and lacking in real emotion.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

The ending was a bit more abrupt than I like to see…a little more pain by the perpetrators would be nice…a follow up story would be appreciated! Zuzus_Petals

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

The illusion is that the pain actually keeps us clinging to the past, yet the children are our future?

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Not really finished.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt13 days ago

Well? Next? Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Still my favorite!

RodzzzRodzzz15 days ago

Shouldn't there be more?

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Just total horseshit

desecrationdesecration22 days ago

"Trying to separate the real and eternal from the illusions." Perfect summary of the human quest. I hope you include the welfare parasites, bureaucrats, union organizers, entertainers, NGOs, religions, diversity shucksters, lobbyists, and special interest groups in your list of people living off the sweat of those who labor.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Could have been a good story, but letting the so-called wife character get away with the statement that she just made a mistake is just poor writing. It doesn't matter how you spin it, she was intentional, she was deliberate, she was evil and narcissistic. It wasn't a mistake, it was infidelity, it was adultery. She chose her feelings and an inane desire for excitement over her whole family. Call it what it is, in reality and in your characters. Take a stand for something. And especially letting this scumbag Predator get away with no damage, other than some money, is pretty bad.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Really good story enjoyed the read.

I liked the complexity of the husband's revenge.

There are 2 silly things that many of these stories use because husband loves wife: 1-My husband will not divorce me. 2-A one night infidelity will not ruin our marriage. Love is used for the excuse for the right to cheat. In fact, the woman is really blaming the man. Because you love me, I should be able to do this cheating. Crazy Silly!!! LOL

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Every reading reinforces the 5* stars this story deserves. Might be 1 of the top 50 stories on LWs. Had me shaking w/ suppressed motions to slap punch kick all the shitheads in the story. MC not perfect but here was a perfect role model for an American conservative male. rk

Kilty11Kilty11about 1 month ago

Just read this story again. I believe this is the consummate story of this nature. While the MC was able to exact revenge doing it his way, I can’t disagree with Buster from 14 days ago. It sounds good to do all the money things and cripple the bad guy financially,but the vast number of us would have gotten physical much sooner. It’s an ass whipping I would have to take. She may still fuck him, but she would never be able to say she misunderstood my feelings about it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

How could he take seeing her sitting on another man's lap? That's insane. Im not saying Burn Her and go insane, but he has to straight up walk up and tell her her behavior is egregiously inappropriate. The MC allowed shit to progress too far.

Or maybe he wanted to see the extent to which his wife would betray and humiliate him? Would she stop without his interference? Maybe he wanted to see how much of an illusion she truly was.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiverabout 1 month ago

Great story. Third time reading it. Every time I come to the same conclusion. I want to know what happened after he answered the final question about being better off or not.

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69about 1 month ago

I just re-read this story for approximately the 6th, or 7th time. I still is a great story that gets my blood boiling. Actually, I’ve read George Anderson’s “February Sucks,” which is considered by many as one of if not the best story of this nature on Literotica. I agree “FS” is truly a fantastic story which I have read quite a number of times. I’ve also read every on of the MANY sequels done by other authors (I actually stopped counting at about number 54. I think by now, the number should be in the 70’s or 80’s). I mention this only due to the fact that after just re-reading “The Bridge” again, I began to feel that it’s even better in a number of ways that that fantastic “FS.”

I’d like to direct my comments to what Buster2U said 14 days ago, I believe that Lyle answered Zilo and his wife using his head, rather than his fists. Rather than go off and do something stupid hat only someone lacking in intellegence would do, using his fists, rather than his brain, Lyle did just the opposite. and caused Zilo and his ex wife, Gloria more pain and payback than any physical beating could do,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Only problem I had was with his arousal. Most men when they are being cuckolded would either beat the piss out of the guy and/or planning to hurt his family jewels badly.

Mike (died of cancer after remarried beat the guy and gladly went to jail.

Others depending on kids took the short/long way to destruction

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitabout 1 month ago

One solitary star, -because the story cut-off before it fas ended (narrative interruptus)? So we might well be suckered into believing "that's-all-folks" only to discover a second-chapter, sequel or epilogue that totally turns it all on it's toes, negating all before it! -Quite a favourite trick of many Litter-Rock authors, especially those who CAN write a rattling-good BTB yarn, but cannot help but give it the timid RAAC reversal, as their "piéce-de-submission" and fete of defiant compliance!


Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars. I just can not see myself as the main character in so many of these stories. Had I been walking around a party and found MY Wife sitting topless on another guys lap it would have been like Hiroshima. I would have exploded on the guy that was my former boss up to that point and hurt him as bad as I could. No Stopping me. I would be so pissed. Sort of like in Halo, the last battle between the Covenant monster and the Spartan. LOL That guy would have been 1 sorry muther fucker. But then I have always been very good in that respect. I understand that Not everyone can or will do what I have so easily done before. But it is hard for me to understand ANYONE not doing exactly that. Just thinking of that stuff fills me with adrenalin. LOL So seeing a character ignore his wife and his boss disrespect him so much and NOT doing anything about it is hard for an action guy like me to identify with. Much less letting the wife walk hand in hand with his boss into his boss's bedroom. Both would be in traction from that one. LOL Regardless, this is a powerful story. He laughs last. Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I see some people commenting that he 'never told her no'.

A man shouldn't have to tell his wife not to fuck other men...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

One of my favourites. At least eight stars, if not nine. Regretably I can give you only five.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

very clever plot

desecrationdesecration2 months ago

"We live in a society that supports the few over the many on the myth of some secret genius that they possess." Yes, except that most of the many contribute nothing either. Great literal "burn" story. I see it more as symbolism than literal. If people wanted literal... pragmatically realistic... divorce fiction, they would find it is nothing but loveless marriages, splits that kill the golden calf, lonely kids on drugs, child-abusing stepfathers, and DUI-related accidents.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The amount of people who think this story is good is sad. No wonder so many crap writers from this site end up on Amazon and their books fail hard. The MC in this story doesn't act normal in any way. No man is going to allow the things his wife did unless either they had an open marriage or she did it behind his back. Most normal men would have stopped it at the dance his wife and boss kissed at. This guy didn't like it but never told his wife off. That is cuckold behavior in a story, when he supposedly doesn't want his wife cheating. Does any of the readers telling us this is a good story see this fact? Apparently not. This story is so bad it doesn't deserve one star. It is not a BTB story at all it's a cuck story.

It goes to show the low standards readers have on this site If you think this story is good don't become an author you will fail.

Just_WordsJust_Words2 months ago

Such an excellent 5***** story!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Anonymous saying reconciliation is good with conditions:

Really? She never once apologized in the last scene. She tried to deflect blame onto Gabe instead of admitting she was at fault 100 percent for destroying the family. She also made the excuse of how she wanted the "prince" and Gabe wasn't it.

Can you honestly say you would get back together with her after her bling non-apology? Could Gave ever trust anything she said ever again? She already broke the biggest promise she made to him and admitted he wasn't enough.

Is life better without her? He won't know until he gives it a chance, but chances are it will be because he won't have to worry about where she is every day or who she may think is better.

Reconciliation with conditions? That's an enablers and cowards way out. But if that's the way you want to live your life... I certainly wouldn't enjoy waiting for it to happen again. The trust is completely gone and can never be rebuilt.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A sad story. 5 stars.

mndhanson017mndhanson0173 months ago

To the anonymous from a day ago, she should have thought of that before hopping in bed with another man, there is no room for reconciliation, she knew what she was doing, she was not drugged nor drunk. So yeah, he's better off without her as her whole behavior was disrespectful to him and their marriage, so those 16 years, 2 kids, she should have thought of that first, but she didn't and she pays the price, actually, they all do because no one wins in a divorce, certainly not the kids and also taking her back only gives her more control because she has proven that she could do it again.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No she showed what she was when she had the opportunity. giving a hurtful loathsome person like her is shortening your life span and you are lucky to be gone while you have more time to rebuild.

People who truly love you do loving things not horrific life destroying things to you.

!6 years?

Not even a hundred years cures that kind of proactive betrayal.

You show what you are under pressure and when opportunities come before you.

Her deserved a loving faithful partner, certainly someone much better than her.

Rocky62Rocky623 months ago

Big balls for our man. Take the slut back and bdsm her good snd hard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I'm a fan of reconcilation with some conditions so for him to decide he's better off without her than with her ruined he story for me. 16 years, 2 kids and her history as mitigating factors would have any reasionable man giving her a chance.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I agree with anonymous 22 days ago.

Kissing the guy New Years Eve would have wrecked most marriages. If not that, her sitting on Gabes lap kissing him would have.

No man would tolerate his wife behaving as she did. Her behavior says, I don't respect you, I don't care of I hurt you, only what I wants counts. You are no longer important.

For her to sit on his porch and tell him he's a nothing man only serves to validate his call to dump her. She truly turned into a vile woman.

The writer should try for more realism. Doing so would not lesson the stories impact and would avoid the readers response of, " Oh come on! This is such bullshit!

eimages911eimages9113 months ago

She comes to apologise and continues to insult him about being an unremarkable man. The woman hasn’t learned her lesson, it is all about love and respect of which she has none. Principals are worth dying for not compromising with.

consulting91consulting913 months ago

Great story. You feel the pain that he is feeling. I would have liked a little more build up with Gabe taunting him. Just to make Gabe an even bigger villain.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It's a pretty good story. I do think that Lyle would have had some consequences for the bridge burning if nothing else though probably there wasn't any evidence he actually did it.

I always hate these wives in these stories who prove how little they love and respect their husbands then act like they're the victim when the husband divorces them instead of owning up to a mistake they made.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I am sorry to disagree with the majority of the posters on this story. This is not a good story. It has so much plot armor it's written like a bad soap opera. Who the hell just stands there while the wife he loves kisses another man? It doesn't matter who the guy is no real man would just stand there. 3 times he caught his wife kissing his boss and didn't do anything. Unless he had an open marriage no guy is going to put up with that. Then the wife telling him she is going to fuck his boss? Who wouldn't have the biggest fight of their marriage and tell her they are going home! Grab their bags and her leaving. Then quit his job on Monday. This whole story is dumb people don't act like this unless they are stoned out of their mind. Burning the bridge at this point is too little to late. A real man would have never allowed his wife the chance after kissing his boss and certainly wouldn't allow her to go upstairs to screw his boss

Next time write a story without so much plot armor that the characters don't act like real people.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Lyle is better off without the bitch, hes not the greatest catch in the world but even he deserves a faithful partner.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It’s always the cheating cunts that never take any responsibility for the harm and damage and suffering they cause. Poor her, she was the fat girl. She never got the prince but she did manage to get a guy that was willing to work his ass off to become a success but she did t want to struggle. I love the bullshit she shoveled about how it hurt her to see him working so hard, about how he never said “no” as she was making out and sitting in Gabe’s lap naked which obviously makes it his fault…g’z what a dumb cunt.

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