The Captive of a Cougar!

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An older woman punishes a young man for staring at her.
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Immediately as I came-to I knew something was wrong. Firstly I could see absolutely nothing, and I felt the blindfold that covered my eyes, reducing me to this state. But that seemed to be the very least of my problems. Apart from some sort of underpants, I was totally naked, and those were most certainly not my own, they seemed to me to be of a female variety, unsurprisingly because that's precisely what they were. But even that was a comparatively minor matter in my predicament. For I could not move at all when I tried to. I was aware that I'd been placed on some sort of bed or mattress, my hands were firmly behind my back, with my wrists tied securely, and I do mean securely, together, as were my ankles, and my legs just above my knees. Then my bound wrists had been tied to my ankles, leaving me in a "classic" hogtie. I was going nowhere until somebody else, apart than myself, decided otherwise. Presumably the very same person, who had placed me in this completely helpless situation in the first place.

But who was that? And just why had they done so, I wasn't aware of having really upset anybody in the recent past? I didn't owe any large sum of money to anybody, certainly not as I could recall. Panic started to emerge within my head, and I'm sure everyone can understand that emotion. Here I was, the complete utter and total prisoner of somebody, and I had no idea of who my captor, or captors possibly, was. Or what he, she or they wanted from me or why they'd taken me. Not the most comfortable situation to be in, I'm sure you could all agree.

Very shortly after I'd awakened, I received my first clue, as a clearly female voice, one I did think I'd heard before, rang around the room. "Ah, Darling, you're awake at last!" At least one, or possibly the only one, of my abductors was a woman then. And, whether by design or accident, she hadn't gagged me at all.

"Who are you? And what do you want with me?"

"All in good time Darling, just accept the fact that you are totally mine now! And shout out as much as you like by the way, nobody will hear you. That's why I haven't bothered to gag you at all, that and the possibility you might have choked while out cold, I didn't want you choking to death, I've got some real plans for you, and none of them involve you dying on me. Be assured of that."

Well, that's something I guess, she's not planning to murder me. A small consolation, but my blood had frozen at those words 'real plans for you.' I can't deny that expression of hers had frightened the living daylights out of me. And I was still no further in the task of working out just who she was, or why she wanted to exercise those plans.

Then I received another clue, the delicious smell of new leather clothing, and the feel of that material, as she started to rub her gloved hands over my body. I could also feel that her arms were also leather coated, unseen by me of course she wore a really stylish jacket, and a matching short leather skirt. And it started to come back to me, I began to realise that I might have encountered this woman before.

About an hour beforehand, I'd been in a café, having popped in for a quick cup of 'Rosie Lee' ( English slang term for tea ) before going home when I'd first noticed her. Although clearly not in the first phase of youth anymore, I'd guessed, correctly, she was in her late thirties, she made an immediate impression on me. For if age had removed a little of her stunning good looks and sexual allure, there was still plenty left to render her extremely attractive, and, well to be totally honest, stunningly sexy, her golden hair that cascaded and flowed just reinforcing that conclusion. And it was an impression that her current attire did absolutely nothing to diminish, that leather suit was clearly very expensive and even more delightful. It hugged her wonderful slim figure superbly, making her look the real classy Lady that she clearly was. And her long and shapely legs were covered in very sheer black nylon that, I just knew would not be in the form of tights, although her skirt was just long enough for me to be unable to confirm that guess. And at the other end of those shapely legs her feet were also covered in black leather, in the form of some boots that reached to just below her knees, of the same very high quality standard as the suit itself.

I sat there absolutely mesmerised, almost rooted to the spot, just simply staring at this vision of pure natural beauty in front of me. With my mouth almost fully open, something that I fully accept I should not have done. But I thought I'd got away with it, she never once looked in my direction, so as I finally managed to snap myself out of this virtually trance like state, I breathed a sigh of relief, she'd not caught me staring at her in such a rude manner, thank goodness.

But, unknown to me, she had! In the mirror hanging on one of the establishment's walls. And she made up her mind there and then that I needed to be punished for my impunity! Like the idiot that I am, I gave her the perfect opportunity to enact her desire, as I went to answer a call of nature, leaving my still unfinished cup of tea on the table.

Returning to my seat after relieving myself, I picked up my book, one I was fully engrossed in, and resumed the consumption of my beverage. And perhaps I should have paid a little more attention to the fact that it had an, ever so slightly different, taste than before, but the book was so good that I simply dismissed what my taste buds were telling me. And we're not talking about a vast difference, and it didn't render the drink so foul that it was undrinkable. So I finished it off, and just sat there for a little while longer, until I came to the end of a chapter in my book, a convenient place to stop reading.

It's when I tried to stand up that I finally realised that I wasn't quite feeling alright. I started to feel a little faint, no I wasn't about to collapse, but I just felt a little unsteady. I felt a leather clad arm grab mine, and a gentle female voice asked, "Are you alright, Darling?"

Obviously it was HER, and she simply held me for a while before I replied, "No I'm not sure I am Ma'am, my legs seemed to have turned to jelly!"

"Let me help you, then. Let me guide you to your car at least, you can sit down in that for a while."

"I didn't drive here, Ma'am, I was going to catch the bus home." Actually she knew that, she'd seen me step off another bus earlier, another consideration she'd made when deciding to capture me.

"Well in that case, let me drive you home."

"I can't ask you to do that, surely it'll be a great deal of trouble for you."

"It'll be no trouble at all, let me assure you. You don't seem in any state to catch the bus. Don't worry I'll look after you!"

By now I was in no condition to argue, and all I could mumble was a quiet "thank you," as we reached her car and she helped me into the front passenger seat. After she had fitted my seat belt, the full effect of just what substance she'd slipped into my tea hit me and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I recovered I was still sitting in her car, she'd stripped off all of my upper clothing and my wrists were very securely tied together, and using the rest of her black silk tie she'd tied the remainder around my waist. She'd also removed my shoes, shoes and trousers, leaving me in just my underpants. As my eyes adjusted to the light I sensed that she'd parked within a garage, one I knew I'd never been in before. And there she stood. "Welcome back to the land of the living. Can you stand?" A rhetorical question because my mouth had a large red ball-gag shoved into it, so I simply nodded. The mystery woman helped to support me as I struggled to my feet, then asked, "if I help you can you walk?"

"Mmmmmppppppphhhhh!" I tried to communicate, but obviously to no avail.

"Don't worry, Darling, all will be explained to you in due course. But first let's get you to your new 'quarters,' I'm sure you'll find things most agreeable when you're there!"

In no position to argue with her, my strength was nowhere near recovered, I allowed her to guide me, into the house itself, and then down some stairs into a basement, entering the room I now occupied. Once she'd sat me down on the large bed, she removed the gag and then placed a chloroform filled pad over my nose and mouth. I attempted to resist as best I could, but it was useless, there was nothing I could do to prevent the chemical doing it's desired, well for her anyway, job, and once again unconsciousness claimed me. It was during this second spell out cold when my captor carried out all of the actions that I described earlier, naturally.

So that, my friends, is precisely how I came to be utterly helpless in the hands and power of this woman, but I'd still no idea why. Or, more to the point, who she was. Suddenly she lifted the blindfold, you'll note she didn't remove it completely, and as my eyes began to adjust to the light I started to be able to see my captor, in all of her glory. She was still wearing the very same leather gear as in the café, and she now stood in a very provocative pose. "Why don't you take a good look, Darling? After all you couldn't take your eyes off of me beforehand, could you? Go on, you can look at me for as long as you like now, or of course, unless I decide otherwise. For make no mistake Darling, you belong to me now, again until I, and only I, decide otherwise. YOU ARE MINE!"

I couldn't argue with that last statement, and I began to feel a little uncomfortable as part of my body started to almost enjoy the situation. The pair of her panties that she'd put me in, began to become, how shall we put it, 'strength tested' as part of my anatomy began to expand rapidly! And what didn't help me in the comfort stakes was that I was lying on said body part! But another part of my body, my brain, was asking itself, how did you know?

My captor was fully astute and noticed both of these events. She smiled at the first of them, a really dirty and suggestive smile. "Don't worry Darling. That part of you is going to work good and hard, oops pardon the pun, before I'm finished with you! But I can see from your facial expressions that you believed that you'd got away with staring at me, don't you?"

"Yes Ma'am, you never looked at me."

"Can't say the same about the reverse direction, can we young man, eh? Didn't you realise that there's a large mirror on the wall at 'Joe's Café?' I clocked you in that. You need to learn some manners, don't you? And guess just who is going to teach you them?"

In a rather pathetic and submissive voice I responded. "Please Ma'am, I never intended to offend you. It's just that, well," maybe a bit of flattery might work, "you're absolutely gorgeous! You're just utterly beautiful and stunning! And so are your clothes, you're clearly a real Lady of style and class! I accept that I was rude to stare at you like I did, but you're such just a sight for sore eyes. Please Ma'am, the very last thing I intended was to insult you!" All of this completely true of course, I wasn't adding lying to my list of perceived crimes.

"I see." And the smile on her face became a little friendlier, so my attempts to butter her up might not have been completely fruitless after all. "Very nice of you to say so, young man, but I'm afraid that doesn't get you out of my bad books just yet. Because, quite frankly, I could have worked that all out for myself, yes, as you'll obviously agree, I've still 'GOT IT' sexually! So then, despite being considerably older than you, are you saying that you still fancy me then?"

My goodness how do I reply to that? Well the answer would be a clear 'yes,' like I said I considered her stunningly sexy! But if I just blurted out that truth, how would she take it? In the end my dick overruled my head, and I couldn't stop myself. "Yes Ma'am, very much so! And I've always fantasised about having a sexual experience with a sexy cougar, just like you."

"Oh yes? And just why have you carried this desire around in that pretty head of yours?"

"Because a beautiful older Lady, such as yourself Ma'am, would know exactly what they are doing. I'd imagine that such a woman, would be able to take me to places I've never been to before."

"Very clever of you, young man. Yes, I'm going to subject you to a 'sexperience' that'll blow your mind, you are dead right to believe that knowledge can deliver more than mere youth. As you're going to find out. You see Darling I'm going to keep you here as my guest for a few days, or maybe longer if I choose to, while I help myself to some fun, all of it at your expense, of course. Oh, don't you worry there'll be plenty of shagging that I'll subject you to, all of it to my tune you understand, Because you're a good looking lad yourself, and yes, I do fancy you, but first I want to find out just how obedient a slave you're going to be! One thing though, I do actually like the way you address me as 'Ma'am,' so please continue to do so. I was going to order you to call me 'Mistress,' but on reflection 'Ma'am' will do very nicely instead! It is a submissive and respectful expression after all."

"Do you mind if I ask you what your name is, Ma'am?"

"Yes I do, so don't. I'm not going to tell you anyway, so just stick to 'Ma'am,' that's what I've told you to address me as, and so that is what you will call me. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD, SLAVE?"

"Yes Ma'am." As quickly as I could, I sensed that winding her up would not be a smart move on my part.

She fetched a chair, and it occurred to me that I was quite close to the side of the bed, I'd been placed across it, rather than the normal orientation. She sat herself down, lifted one of her legs, so that the boot covering her foot was very close to my mouth. "This boot needs a clean! ATTEND TO IT!"

Horrified I recoiled a little, not that I could move a lot anyway. "How, Ma'am?"

"Are you completely stupid, or are you just trying to annoy me even more?"

"Well the only way I can think of is with my tongue."

"Ah, the penny drops! WELL, GET ON WITH IT! NOW!"

Bloody hell! Talk about humiliating or what? There I was, almost naked except for a pair of her panties, hogtied in such a manner that escape was totally out of the question, being forced to lick a female boot clean. Not that it was actually dirty, thank goodness, this was punishment of my mind rather than my body. And what do you think happened once I'd finished? Of course, Ma'am offered up her other boot!

"Good start Darling, you've obeyed me so far, so I'm satisfied for today," it had been the early evening when I'd been captured after all. "It's time to bed you down for the night." With that the blindfold was replaced over my eyes, the hogtie released and all of my leg bindings removed. Guided onto my feet, and after all that time in bondage and with some lingering effects of the various drugs still present in my system, meaning that I was definitely a little unsteady, she helped me to a bathroom. Having had my, or was that 'her,' knickers removed I found myself plonked on the toilet, where I was ordered to perform my bodily functions, before suffering the ultimate ignominy as Ma'am had to wipe my backside for me, and wash me clean. Then it was back to the bed.

Once she'd placed me onto it, she asked. "Would you prefer to sleep on your back or front, and count yourself lucky that I'm offering you a choice."

"My back, please Ma'am."

With that Ma'am tied my ankles together, and then to the centre of the solid lower bed frame. Now she released my wrists from each other, but if I thought I'd be presented with a chance of escape, that hope was extinguished immediately. For she pulled my arms above my head, rebound my wrists swiftly, and the bondage was completely secure, this woman knew what she was doing, and then bound the 'combination' to the upper bed frame, meaning I was secured to her bed and completely belonged to it.

The blindfold was lifted again, in time for me to see the big red ball-gag in her hand, which was very shortly placed over my mouth. "OPEN!" What was the point of resisting, no of course I didn't want her to insert that, but how could I possibly stop her. So I opened my mouth and soon it was full of red plastic, even more so when, having fitted the strap, she tightened it fully.

"I'm about to leave you so you can get a good night's sleep Darling," as she sat on the bed near to my nether region. But I'm just going to get a feel of what it is I own before I go!" With that she started to play with my tools, rubbing her hands, both clad in soft leather gloves over my balls and totally erect cock. That hand now starting to move up and down on my member, very slowly at first, then gradually accelerating until her movement was very rapid. And the natural effect of this began to occur, with myself squirming in my bonds in real anticipation! Things were building up very nicely, surely it wasn't going to be long now!

When she stopped! "MMmmmmppppphhhhh!" As loudly as I could in real frustration. "Ah, does my little 'toy' want to cum? Well, YOU CAN'T! Not yet anyway, you'll only cum when I say so, and not before!" She repeated the procedure several times, being very careful not to take things beyond the point of no return, leaving me crying and screaming, well as much as I could gagged, with frustration and unfulfilled lust, before she finally stopped this torture.

She removed the gag, and instead of shouting at her, which is what I wanted to do but with the full knowledge it would just annoy her and get me absolutely nowhere, I tried pleading instead. "Please Ma'am, haven't I done everything you've ordered me to? Please let me cum Ma'am, I beg you!"

"NO! You'll cum when I allow it and not before! And not today, I'd advise you to get some sleep you're going to need all of your strength for what I have planned for tomorrow! Oh, and Darling, as I told you before, your 'room' is totally sealed sound wise, so cry out for help all you like, nobody will hear you. Understood?"

With that she replaced the blindfold, and walked out, I heard the door being locked from the outside, as I lay there, tugging uselessly against my bonds and shaking with a mixture of fear, frustration and excitement! For although I was completely frightened there was a part of me, I can't deny a large part, that actually wanted to be utterly helpless and firmly held in this very sexy and intriguing woman's hands and power!

With all of those different emotions running through me, it did take a while before sleep fully claimed me, but in the end I managed to drift off, dreaming of Ma'am dressed in stockings as I did so. As it turned out I obtained a good few hours' sleep, to this day I don't know whether that was because my captor wished to rest herself, or she was ensuring that I was fully replenished.

Eventually I'd just woken when I heard the key turning in the door lock to my quarters, and Ma'am descended the stairs and came into my line of sight, now covered from head to toe in shiny red latex. And when I say head, I'm talking about the top of her head, she was wearing a latex hood, of the same colour and material as the rest of her suit. She came straight over to me, lifted the blindfold, and, standing provocatively again, "well Darling, how do I look?"

I had to blink and compose myself before answering that! True, she looking absolutely beautiful yesterday, dressed in leather, but this just emphasised her stunning figure even more. The latex stuck and stretched over her body just like a second skin, and although the hood hid her lovely golden locks of hair, the mask it presented suggested a certain, 'mischievousness!' together with the delicious smile that formed on her lips.

"Well Darling, I'm waiting! Do I look good or what?"