The Carnal Couple: Angels v. 04


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I couldn't speak anymore, only incoherent sounds came out of me. He hit my cervix stroke after stroke and I just took it, whimpering, as tears rolled down my face. This is what I wanted, I remember thinking. Finally, he came, punctuated with primal grunts and groans. It felt amazing, his warm, gooey seed settling in me.

We were both out of breath, panting, trying to get our bearings. He picked me up, cradling me, and carried me over to the couch. He put me down and knelt down next to me, caressing my face, wiping my tears. We kissed and I could feel it was real. I knew. He left the room to go run a bath and I just lay there, a ball of mess, crying and leaking cum. That wasn't how I expected to fall in love.

We spent nearly an hour in the bath, talking and laughing. I was hooked and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was sitting between his legs, while he held me. I couldn't bring myself to face him, so I just said what I needed to say.

"I have something to tell you, but it's kind of weird and I'm scared it's going to ruin everything."

"Shit," he sighed. "What is it? As long as it's not an STD, we're good"

"No, it's nothing like that."

He realized I was serious.

"Look at me, Zoe. What's up?"

I turned around and looked at him. He looked worried.

"I think I love you," I said, firmly.

He looked confused, which wasn't the worst reaction he could have had, so that was a relief. I could see him trying to edit his response, which made me double down.

"No. I know it. Already. I love you. I wanna be with you."

He held my gaze and the confusion on his face slowly turned to a satisfied grin.


"Good," he said. Nothing else. Just "good."

I smiled at him and said "Good."

Then I turned back around and let him hold me. He squeezed me a little tighter and kissed the top of my head. I soaked up the moment, realizing he was the one. My husband. My baby daddy. My person.

My pussy was really sore that night, so I only let him stick the head in and tease me a little. Even that was amazing. His cock is perfectly straight, but that massive rim on the head simulates a curve well enough, and I love a curve. We did a little anal, but neither of us were really in the mood for it. But mostly I played with his cock. I couldn't get enough of it. It was the first of many nights where we'd lie in bed, him watching TV and me curled up next to him like a puppy playing with a bone. He came in my mouth twice that night and I swallowed every drop. I'd never tasted cum that sweet before.

I called my roommate to let her know I'd be staying "with a friend tonight" and she responded with the eggplant and teary-eyed laughing emojis. I started to take a selfie of me holding Cory's cock next to my face, but I decided against it. That's not how I wanted to introduce him to the people in my life. He wasn't just a big black dick.

When I woke up in the morning, I was greeted with coffee, croissants and kisses. He sat on the bed next to me and kissed my cheek.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked, with a smile.

"I'm doing it," I said.

We stayed in his place the entire weekend, talking, laughing, eating, watching TV, listening to music, making love, and falling in love. I ignored all of my friends' calls. My conspicuous absence from social media prompted more than a few calls from my family. I assured everyone that I was fine. They were all dying to know who the guy was. Was it some rich guy who took me out of the country for weekend getaway? Was he famous? How long had this been going on?

I let them all wonder. They'd meet him soon enough.


CORY: After living in a fantasy for a few days, the reality of Monday morning smacked us in the face. Zoe called in sick, not having anything to wear and, quite frankly, still recovering taking me all weekend. I kissed her goodbye and went to work. No one suspected a thing. I was not asked to account for Zoe's absence and no one even mentioned her to me. We were in the clear.

The news of my promotion was made official at our big meeting to start the week. I graciously accepted the well-wishes and congrats from my colleagues, sincere and envious alike. As I started to text Zoe, I saw that she had already texted me, informing me that she was turning in her notice, so that we wouldn't have to sneak around the office, endangering my career. There would be no debating this, she said. This is what we are doing. If I wasn't sure I loved her before, it hit me at that moment. I texted her back a simple "Okay. Love you." She responded with emojis: a heart, a blond woman, a black man, a peach and an eggplant. Classic Zoe.

The next couple of weeks of our relationship was filled with a level of intimacy I never thought possible. We explored each other's bodies with no fear of embarrassment or rejection. Sex became more fun and reckless as she began adjusting to my size. We talked about our dreams and what we want from this life. Everything was perfect. Then, one night in bed, after a round of incredible fucking, we had a coversation that changed everything.

After coming back from the bathroom, Zoe climbed under the sheets and laid her head on my chest. Everything was quiet, except our breathing. This is how we usually fall asleep.

"I don't want you to get tired of me," she said.

I was struck by her melancholy tone. I sighed, because I knew a serious conversation was imminent. I just cut to the chase.

"What's wrong? Be specific."

"Sooner or later, you're going to want to fuck other women, and I don't want that to ruin things with us."

I knew she wasn't lying, but I was still offended. I laughed, incredulously.

"You act like I have no self control. You're accusing me of cheating less than a month into our relationship."

She looked at me and said "It's not about self-control. I'm talking about desire. You're going to want other women and I don't want you to hide that out of some antiquated sense of duty or loyalty to me. Because I don't need that. I know you love me and I want us to be free to fulfill our desires."

I was skeptical.

"It sounds like you want an open relationship."

"Not exactly."

"Well, what exactly? Because I'm not letting you fuck other dudes no matter how much pussy that means for me."

She laughed at me, which made me laugh. I was so jealous. The mere thought of it pissed me off.

"No," she said, her face full of mischief. "I don't want another man. I want to watch you with other women."

I was confused. Before I could respond, she continued.

"Acutally, you wanted me to be specific, so what I want is to fuck other girls with you. I want to watch them suck your big dick and I want to see how they react the moment you slide into them. I want them to eat me out while you fuck them. We could do whatever you want. I just want to do it together, so you don't feel like you have to cheat. Because you don't. Not with me. Don't hide anything."

I was hard. Rock hard. I held my dick down under the sheets. I wanted to fuck. My mind was flooded with images of Zoe and me fucking so women in so many ways.

"What are you thinking?"

I pulled the sheets back to reveal my massive erection and Zoe threw her head back laughing. I was dying. My body was screaming for relief. Sensing my hunger, Zoe slid down my torso and hovered over my dick. She gave the shaft a couple of pecks and licked the head.

"Turning you on, turns me on," she said, stroking my dick. "I can't wait to see you fuck other girls. I want to feed them your big fucking black dick and suck their pussy juice off of it. And make them taste me. I'll do any nasty fucking thing you want with them. Do you know how nasty I can be for you, Cory?"

I could see it in her eyes. This was the other side of Zoe. She'd been hiding this part of herself, but this was her way of telling me she had virtually no limits and wanted to explore.

"Show me," I said.

She proceeded to give the most enthusiastic blowjob I'd ever had. Right before I was about to cum, she hopped on top of me, reverse cowgirl, and bounced her beautiful, tight ass on the tip off my dick until I erupted inside her. She slowly lifted herself off of me and my cum slid out of her gaping hole and onto my pubis.

"Don't move," she insisted, looking down at the mess.

I watched as she licked and slurped it all away. She swallowed slowly, savoring it. I pulled her to me and we kissed. Both of our fluids tasted amazing in her mouth and I could feel myself getting aroused again. I reached down and put myself inside her. She reacted with deep moans that drove me wild as we kissed. I gripped her ass tightly as I spread my legs and gave her long deep, steady strokes until I was fully erect once more. After weeks of stretching, she could take all of me.

"I love you inside me. I'm yours whenever you want me. If I ever tell you no, I want you to take it from me. I mean it. Do you hear me, Cory? I'm yours whenever you want me."

She gripped me tightly as she shivered on top of me, ending her climax with intense grunts. I followed with my own barely audible orgasm. That was our last sexual experience as a "normal" couple.

We talked for more than an hour about how we'd approach our new lifestyle. We made rules: No sex workers. No apps. No sex parties. No swinger shit. No cuckold shit. And, finally, no more sex unless we had a third. Needless to say, I was heavily motivated. Threesomes with my hot girlfriend or no sex at all? Easy choice.

The next morning, before I left for work, I went out to get coffee and pastries for Zoe, which had become our usual morning routine. When I came back, I heard the sound of women laughing, as I exited the elevator. I entered the room and there, on the couch, I found Zoe sitting with Sofia, a cute brunette, and Rylee, a striking blonde. I knew them. They're roommates. They live a couple of floors down. I'd seen them around the building for a few months, in the elevator or the gym, but I never gave them more than a hello or brief conversation. They're fresh out of college, still having bills paid by their parents. I'd met their boyfriends. I never even thought of shooting my shot. But, Zoe had, apparently.

"Baby, I think you should take the day off. We have guests." Zoe said, flashing a knowing smile at me.

It was then I realized I'd been played. Last night's conversation was complete bullshit. Zoe had it all planned. This is what she wanted. It wasn't for me. It was for her. I loved it.

ZOE: Cory takes his sex appeal for granted. His build, his face, that conspicuous bulge in his pants, they all scream "I'll fuck your brains out." Don't misunderstand, the man knows he's attractive, but he doesn't understand just how effortlessly he exudes sex.

A week before, I shared an elevator ride with Sofia and Rylee, as we were all on our way up. I'd only seen them once before, with Cory. We passed them coming out of the building as they entered. They exchanged hellos with us, but Cory didn't introduce us, which I found odd. Their childish giggles and whispers gave them away. They liked him. Of course they did. I asked him if he had fucked them, more out of curiosity than jealously. He said no and I believed him. He never fooled around at the office either, so it would make sense he wouldn't want to complicate things where he lived. The fact that he wasn't a complete manwhore made him even hotter to me. But I wanted him to be a manwhore for me. With me.

When they got in the elevator, I knew they recognized me. But I waited for one of them to say something. It only took a few seconds.

"You're Cory's friend, right?" Rylee asked, with a sweet smile.

They say that women aren't as visual as men, but that's bullshit. Looking at her mouth, I couldn't help but imagine Cory's cock between her lips. I glimpsed at Sofia's pretty eyes and pictured her looking at me while she ate my pussy.

"Yeah, you could say that. I'm Zoe," I answered.

They introduced themselves and I shook their hands. Their touch instantly made me wet. I have a thing for pretty women who come from money. I love watching them eat me out. Between Sofia's YSL clutch and Rylee's Birkin, their daddies spent at least a combined 50K for them to carry around their compacts and lipstick.

"You and Cory look really hot together, if you don't mind me saying," Rylee said.

They laughed and I smiled. This was going to be easy, I thought.

"Well, he's the hot one," I said, playfully.

"He is! He's so put together. We thought he was gay." - Sofia

We all laughed when I conceded I thought the same. I believe "post-gay" was the term I used to describe his style.

"You know I asked him about you two," I said, coolly. They were surprised, but excitedly anticipating more information. They responded almost simultaneously.

"Us? What did he say?" - Sofia

"Oh my God! What about us?" - Rylee

"I asked if he'd hooked up with you. There was a vibe with you all. I could tell you like him."

They started to protest, denying that they'd slept with my boyfriend. I assured them that he denied it as well and that I wasn't accusing them. Once they understood, I went for the kill.

"If you wanted to hook up with him, I wouldn't be opposed. In fact, I could arrange it."

They looked at each other, amused, shocked. The ding of the elevator startled them and they laughed uneasily.

"Wait. Are you, like, joking?" Sofia asked, as they stepped off the elevator.

I held the door open and said "No, I'm not joking. I just Airdropped Rylee my number and a little something to think about. Let me know."

The "little something" was a picture of my hand wrapped around Cory's semi-hard cock, taken while we were brushing our teeth one morning. I let the doors close before I could get their reaction. Rylee texted me before I even got to Cory's door.

Rylee's text read: "WTF! Amazing. Just me or both of us?"

I texted back: "Both. Can't you see I need all the help I can get ;)"

She responded with a bunch of laughing and sexting emojis and that was that. Convincing them was the easy part. The hard part was introducing the idea of finding new women for us both to fuck. It was awkward and uncomfortable. I didn't want to scare him off. Cory knew I was a freak, but to that point he didn't know the depths I'd go for pleasure. After Cory and I had our talk, I texted the girls. They wanted to come up that night, but I convinced them morning would be best.

When Cory walked in the room and saw the three of us sitting there, sizing him up like hungry wolves, I could read his thoughts by the way he looked at me. I knew I had tricked him and I can see the switch had flipped in his head. He had that look in his eye. He emailed the office and then turned his phone off, as I'd instructed. He put the coffee and the bag on the table. Then, he took over.

"You two, don't move." he instructed them, pointing at them, but looking at me.

They looked nervous and confused by his serious tone. He walked straight to me, as if Sofia and Rylee weren't even there. He stood directly in front of me, looming, his crotch was eye-level.

"Open," he demanded.

I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue and hungrily waited. He unzipped, unfurled his long, girthy cock and slowly slid it into my mouth. My eyes were locked with Cory's, so I couldn't see the girls, but I could hear them sighing and gasping.

" fucking hot..."

"...shit, that's a big dick..."

He face-fucked me for no more than 30 seconds, becoming completely engorged in my mouth. I was overcome with passion, ready for anything. I ordered the girls to come closer and they slid over next to me, Rylee on the far end.

"Feel it," I told them.

They both put a hand on his cock and they were awestruck, watching all three of our hands stroke that monstrous tool.

Rylee: "No fucking way!"

Sofia: "That's insane."

I sprang to my feet and got behind Cory. I unbuckled and unfastened him, sliding his pants and underwear down to his ankles. He used the moment to get undressed, kicking off his shoes

stepping out of his pants and tearing off his shirt. They were immediately in love with his body, touching his chest, abs and arms.

"Oh my God, look at you!" Rylee said, lustily, rubbing on his arm and shoulder, as she got up to stand next to him.

Cory grabbed her by the ass and yanked her closer. He kissed her and she melted. Her hand instinctively found its way back to his dick, as they kissed. I looked at Sofia, who looked envious watching her friend's tongue tangle with Cory's. I grabbed the back of her head and held Cory's cock in front of her.

"This is for you."

She looked at me with a devilish grin, biting down on her lip, like I'd just shared a sexy secret. Her mouth opened slowly as she leaned forward and let that juicy meat settle on her tongue. It was surreal, like watching someone try a new drug. Her eyes closed, her breathing was shallow and her body trembled.

"God, Sof, you look so pretty with that big dick in your mouth," Rylee said, sliding down Cory's body to join her friend.

I stood behind Cory, holding his cock while they sucked. Their heads bobbed and they took turns gagging themselves. Ropes of their saliva dropped down from his shaft and balls.

Rylee looked up at Cory and said "We wanted to fuck you so bad. You're so fucking sexy."

Cory, stoically looking down on them, huffed a quick laugh.

"Your little boyfriends not fucking y'all right?"

Sofia, seeming almost embarrassed, laughed and shook her head, before stuffing that dick back in her mouth. Rylee sighed, mockingly.

"They try."

"That's because they don't know what you like, because you don't know what you like," Cory responded, before suddenly reaching down to pick Rylee up and dropping her on the coach.

He ripped her leggings off and her legs opened, revealing her bald, glistening, fat little pussy. She was so wet that when Cory stuck his large fingers inside her it sounded like a sloppy bowl of oatmeal. He pulled his fingers out and put them up to Sofia's face.

She didn't hesitate sucking Rylee's juices off his fingers.

"You taste so good, Ry."

Rylee squirmed as Cory rubbed her clit while still looking at Sofia, somewhat surprised.

"You never tasted her before?"

Sofia laughed softly and said "No. we're like sisters. We've been best friends since middle school."

Cory shot back "That's okay. You'll still be best friends after you eat each other's pussies."

The girls giggled as Sofia lowered her head to Rylee's waiting pussy. I got behind Sofia and started pulling down her cute little gym shorts. She lifted her legs, helping me get them off, and then spread her legs. Her pussy was closely shaved, with a nice bit of stubble. She had meaty lips, which I love. She tasted like all pretty little rich girl's taste: perfect.

Now that we were all in position, Cory got behind me and slipped inside. All I had on was one of his t-shirts and no panties. Easy access. I was in heaven. He gave me deep, long strokes, just to let me know he was there while allowing me to enjoy Sofia's delicious cunt. This is what I wanted, pure uninhibited carnality with the man I love and the beautiful women we could share. It was nirvana. My senses were overloaded. Cory's dick pulsing deep inside me and the taste of Sofia's juices, which completely coated my mouth and chin. I could feel Sofia start to tremble just before she loudly announced that she was cumming. Cory's thrusts became faster and his middle finger plunged deep into my asshole (I know which finger because that's what I told him I like), which sent me into orbit. I came seconds after Sofia, punctuated by a trickle of squirt that ran down my legs. The display didn't satisfy Cory, who had made me gush buckets before. He startled me by picking me up and making me stand on the couch, so that I was squatting right over Sofia. I told him he was going to ruined his suede coach and he growled "Fuck this couch." He told Sofia open her mouth and proceeded to finger fuck me until my juices rained down her pretty little face. She loved it. I looked down at Rylee playing with her pussy, as she watched her friend drink from me.