The Christmas Elf


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As I ate the simple hearty soup, my mind tumbled. I knew I wanted to help, but I also felt like I needed to know more about Beth and her boys, if I was going to let them stay. One of the things I needed to know was why she stopped staying with her mother. My dad always said the best way to get information is to ask.

"Dinner tastes great Beth... thank you. You've saved me a bunch of money...." I took another big bite. "Why couldn't you stay with your mom?" I looked at her with curiosity.

"Oh, I know I could give you some big sob story, but I won't. In the simplest terms, I can't live by her rules, so I can't live in her house." She shrugged it off like it didn't matter.

"Sweetie... don't let your pride get in the way." I said in the most nonjudgmental tone I could. "I hope you were able to use the washer and dryer..." I added as an afterthought.

"Yes I did... I can't thank you enough. I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't find the boys a bed." She looked shocked for a second, like I was going to tell her to gather her stuff and get out.

"You said something about a fire? I don't want to pry..." I asked trying to get her to engage.

"I guess I owe you the truth..." She sighed.

"You don't owe me anything. I'm in your debt. I thought it was going to cost me a couple of hundred dollars to fix my heater and water again. As you can tell, I'm not the handiest person. My father took care of the house before..." I reached over and touched her arm and felt the zing.

She must have felt it too as she started talking. "I had a small house at one time. But then came the lay-offs. I moved in with my girlfriend, but then her brother... well anyway I got pregnant and that caused a strain. Then one night, there was a fire in an adjacent apartment. It took the whole building. I lost everything I owned. Even all the stuff for the boys. By the time I got there, my car was gone with what was left. I called my mom, and she came and got us. The owner said since I wasn't on the lease, I wasn't entitled to any money or help." I was pretty good at filling in the blanks, but there were some things that confused me.

"Who took your car?" I asked.

"Shelly's brother, I think. He figured that I owed him... I really don't want to get into that right now." She paused, sighed and went on with her story. "I didn't mind living with my mom at first. It gave the boys a stable place, even with her badmouthing their father. She kept pestering me to find him and get child support. The boys were heading toward their third birthday when it hit the fan. I was working as a cashier. When I came home, my mother was pissed. She yelled and screamed at me. At first I didn't know what she was so upset about until she called me a lesbian whore." She flicked her eyes to mine, knowing that it might be enough to send most people off.

"What...? Am I supposed to get all high and mighty and toss you out on your ear now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Are you...?"

"A whore no...." She didn't answer the other. "My mom has some strict rules. I thought I was following them. When she was done yelling at me, she kicked us out. That was two months ago. Of course I lost my job since I didn't have a baby sitter or a constant address. I've been floating between the shelters since. I'll stay at one as long as they let me, then have to find the next. Mr. Quan has been great. Without him, I'd probably had to start stealing to feed Joey and Jacob." She said, holding her head up as she refused to bow down to the pressure.

"So, let me see if I got this straight." I said thoughtfully. "No husband, no boy or girl friend, no job, and no support from your family; and I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't get my heater to work right."

"Momma... Cob and I was talkin and, and, and... we was wondering why Elf Kissty aint got no Christmas tree and stuff?" Joey came in and asked unaware of the intense conversation his mother and I were having.

"Because Elf Christy is Jewish..." I muttered under my breath. I plastered a big elf smile on my face and told the little boy. "Because I've let Santa use all my Christmas stuff. Would you like it if I brought some of it back home?"

"Yeah...!" The boy beamed. "Kay... I'll go tell Cob..." He turned and headed back to the room at a wobbly jog trot.

"You don't have too..." Beth started.

"Hey, it's the least I could do." I said, making up my mind. "You've saved me like five hundred dollars already. I'll tell you what. You and the boys can stay here until after the holidays. It will give you a break so you can figure out what happens next. Okay?"

"How do you figure that?" She asked, with a flash of hope flaring again in her eyes.

"It cost me at least two hundred every time I have to call the repair man and you fixed the water heater, the gas and the furnace. That's two and a half service calls. Just call it my Christmas gift." I smiled.

"Why...?" She asked almost I tears.

"Because, it's the right thing to do." I put my hand over hers on the table. "Besides, I like having people in this big old house. I've been kind of thinking of selling it, but the market sucks right now."

"I can't thank you enough..."

"Hey, I'd hope someone would do this for me if I needed it. Just promise me no wild parties..." I was joking, but she took it seriously.

"I gave that up the day I found out I was pregnant....." She gave me an odd look before blushing and shutting up. "Um, I um, will clean up." She stammered and took my empty bowl and hand washed it as I watched her butt wiggle as she moved.


That night I had disturbingly erotic dreams. Let's just say I'd be in a coma if I ever had that much good sex in one day and we can leave it at that. I didn't want to get up, especially when I found myself undulating against my trusty pillow. But the bills have to be paid and I guess I was going Christmas tree hunting between jobs.

Lucky for me, I got to watch all the children's specials at work. If nothing else, it helped put me in a Christmassy mood. Actually it was the thought of two little boys' eyes when I trudged in with the cute tree and all the decorations and lights. It would be worth the two hundred dollars I'd spent out of my repair money.

It was a lucky thing that I actually had the next night off. It would be my last until Christmas Eve. They had Cindy, the High School student, working instead. I guess it helped that she was the daughter of the events coordinator. I mean it was her picture that was on the posters with Santa at the doors. Anyway it was just getting dark when I pulled in.

I was met with wide eyes from all of my guests. I opened my door to.

"Look it momma... a real tree. See I told you Santa was real. We've been extra nice..." Joey and Jacob smiled at me as I lugged in the tree and bags of decorations. I even splurged on three of the red and white stockings. I did work as an Elf, so I did know some of the quirks of the season.

"Hey, I can use some help here." I giggled... yeah I was laying it on thick, but I had two kids to make happy.

"You didn't have to do that." Beth said with her face shining just as bright as her sons. I could see tears in the blue-grey eyes and she pushed her blond hair behind her ears.

"Well come on, this thing is heavy... Grab and end and let's get this thing set up." I smiled as I shook the tree and wondered how deep her blush went as she held the gap closed on her too large blouse.

We had fun decorating the tree. Once the lights were lit and the bright decorations were put on, we had a hard time getting the boys to settle back down. It's to be expected... even Jacob got into the act, even if I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"So, why aren't you spending you time with your family?" Beth asked as we settled down on my mom's overstuffed floral couch.

"I don't have any around..." I shrugged. "Oh, I know I have some in Israel somewhere, but none in the states." I took a sip of my coco to prevent myself from stroking her face.

"What about your parents?" Beth asked leaning her head back and closing her eyes in exhaustion.

"They passed peacefully a little over a year ago. Everyone knew they couldn't live without the other. So when Daddy got sick, momma followed within a month. They had their plans already made."

"They couldn't have been that old. You're not that old." Beth stretched like a cat, luxuriating in the warmth.

"I was a late in life surprise. Both my parents were well over forty when I came along. Mom carried me hard and never was quite as vigorous after my birth. We got by. I never wanted for anything as I grew up." I shrugged. "We knew the cancer was bad when they found it, so there weren't any surprises. I took over the house in the spring, after the lease was up in the apartment I was living in. I just didn't know what I was getting into. Daddy took care of the house." I sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I wondered why the heater wasn't turned on. I was thinking that maybe you were trying to save money. My dad is a jack of all trades.... I used to knock around with him during my summer breaks. He taught me how to fix a wall, change the oil in the car, and not be a dependant female, as he called it. I guess I was a tomboy, even if I didn't want to admit it." She smiled at the memory. We would've gone on but Jacob came out doing the pee-pee dance, and Beth had to tend to him before he wet in his big boy pants. ***

Over the next few days, it was inevitable. As I got to like Beth and her boys, my mind would wonder what would happen if I made a move towards a more intimate relationship with Beth. Bumping into her naked in the shower didn't help either. I wanted to run my hands up and down her long legs, diving right in that cute strawberry blonde muff. Her breast, even though they had the mommy sag, looked like they were begging to be kissed, licked and sucked as I made her wiggle in delight.

"Down girl...." I had to tell myself and then try to get the picture out of my mind as I went to work. How she felt, I don't know. I know I didn't want to make her feel like I expected something she wasn't willing to give, because she needed a roof over her and the boys' head. Sometimes being a Lesbian Romantic can be a real bitch.

So, in keeping with my moniker, I played the Happy Elf. I went out and bought the boys the stuffed toys they asked Santa for, and a nice size appropriate set of new clothes for Beth. Nothing fancy; just a pair of lined pants, a nice sweater, and a better coat. Something to keep the chill off if she was ever caught out in a storm again. My own special touch was the little red wagon they had on sale. Every boy needs a wagon and it didn't cost that much, so I picked up the box, and tossed it into the trunk of my car.

In some ways it was great, in others, I felt like you cut the tension with a knife. Like all things, it came to a head, the night before Christmas. I lent Beth fifty dollars, so she could go out and buy her boys some things so they would have presents to open in the morning. As she wrapped the gifts in my room, I pulled out mine.

"You shouldn't have..." Beth clouded up.

"I know, that's what makes it so fun." I smiled as I tossed the three boxes with her name on them, where she couldn't see the tags. "You've got to help me with the last one though." I added as I pulled out the big white box with the wagon. "I don't know an Allen wrench from a Crescent wrench and they say I need both." I could see the storm in her eyes, but didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"How can I ever repay you for all this?" She sniffed.

"Don't even try." I smiled at her. "Here you see what you can make of these directions. It's all Greek to me." I tossed her the folded paper.

"Oh, it's not that hard... do you have a hammer?" She asked hopefully.

Famous last words. After hours of shushing each other and giggling, that stupid wagon still wasn't put together. I was ready to pull my hair out. The pull thingy wasn't attaching to the wheel thingy, or if it did; it refused to turn. What good is a wagon if it won't turn? After the fifth time of putting it together, it finally worked.

"WOO-HOO...!" I shouted in victory.

"Shhhh... the boys are sleeping." Beth said, putting her hand over my mouth. Being too tired to fight it anymore, I nipped at her hand and turned.

"There is a better way to keep me quiet." I said and turned into her arms. Without thinking, I lifted up on my tiptoes and silenced her gasp with my lips. I hoped I wouldn't be pushed away, but I wasn't ready for the heat.

As soon as our lips met, the fire ignited. Within seconds, she moaned and pushed her tongue into my mouth. The next thing my brain registered was that I was on my back, holding onto her breast as she ravaged my mouth. I had to open my eyes to make sure it wasn't another dream.

I turned and pushed as I looked into Beth's smoke filled eyes. "I've wanted to do this for a long time." I whispered.

"I thought that you missed everything I was doing to temp you." Beth answered. "I don't usually parade around someone's house naked you know." She smiled, and it was all I needed.

I found her bra clasp and went to work on it as I kissed her again. I took my time as I exposed her skin, not wanting quickie sex, but Full Monty lovemaking, that only two women can share.

I nipped, teased and licked until I got to her extended nipples, and then I feasted. Keeping my hands busy, I found her pants clasp and started working on them as I felt the low moans from the long woman under me. I blew soft, warm, drafts of air on her nipples and I started moving down her ribs to her stomach. When I finally reached her strawberry patch, I kissed around its edges and started down her long legs.

Beth had her hands clasped into my sheets as I took my trip around her luscious body. When the scent of her became too strong for me to ignore anymore, I didn't hesitate as my nose sniffed it way to her center. I took several slow long licks of her core, as she started thrusting her hips up to meet my wandering mouth.

On the last trip up, my mouth found her swollen clit and I kissed it as deeply as I kissed her mouth. Sucking and running my tongue all around it. Finding every fold of blood filled skin and every drop of tangy fluid, as Beth started tensing. Without thinking, I flicked the hard nub twice with the tip of my tongue and felt Beth hands go to my head, holding me in place. Feeling her need for release, I sucked her into my mouth and gave her what she was seeking.

I matched her move for move as she started cresting and taking the long tumble. I would increase and decrease my pressure as her body responded to my mouth. I could feel the warm sticky fluid as it slid down my chin no matter how hard I tried to keep every drop for my enjoyment.

I kept her on the rollercoaster as long as I could before I knew she was ready. I reached up and found both her long nipples and cupped her full breasts as I took her fully into my mouth and sent her into climax. We writhed over my bed like we were one entity. At the time I think we were. There is nothing like being fully connected with your lover. It is a rush you have to experience and you can never explain. With an inarticulate sound Beth clutched, drenched my wet face, and slammed back, panting as her body could take no more right then.

"No more... no more! I can't take it... no touchy... too sensitive. Oh shit... god damn that was great..." Beth panted as I relaxed back to soft kisses and licks. "Please stop I can't... I need a minute... take the gifts out... Oh SHIT...!" She clenched again, throwing her head back into my pillows then curled up into a ball.

"You like?" I asked with a wet grin.

"You have no idea... I've never... I need a minute... take the gifts out before one of the boys catches us.... Please!" Beth panted, stopping my hands from touching her sensitive breasts or core. "I've got to go to my bed..."

"You stay right here!" I told her, as I grabbed my robe. "You're not moving from that bed until they wake us up. This isn't some one nighter." I told her, wagging my finger at her.

"Okay...." She answered in hesitant voice.

I quickly put out the gifts and smiled as I heard her go to the bathroom. At least she was smart enough to use mine. It saved me from having to drag her back if she tried to run. It took me five trips to put everything out.

When I came back in, Beth was snuggled under the covers, her eyes big, as I tossed off my robe and climbed in. As I snuggled close to her, she looked at me and asked.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" I asked, as I rubbed her tummy and kissed her neck.

"That this isn't some kind of one night stand... That there is more to this than sex?" I could hear the fear in her voice.

"Sweetie, um, I'm not easy that way.... I'd never... if I didn't feel... I've been falling in love with you since I first saw you and your sons." I said seriously.

"Please, I beg you, don't say that word unless you're sure.... I've been used before and I lost my heart to you when you took us out of the rain and brought us home." I could hear the tears in her voice.

"Shh love, it's okay." I wiped her tears away. "I never say it, unless I mean it. I didn't want to scare you away, or have you think I expected something for giving you a place to stay. I don't want a duty fuck. I want all of you. Or, we can part as friends after the New Year. The choice is yours. As for me; Yeah, I'd like to see where this love will lead."

"Thank you, thank you, oh God, thank you!' She cried and hugged me. "I thought I was the only one. I fall more in love with you every day, every minute, every second. I just didn't have anything I could offer you. I don't want to be a charity case." She sniffed into my shoulder as we hugged each other.

"Sweetheart, you've earned your way as soon as you fixed my heater. As for charity, you've given me more than I given you." I knew she wouldn't be soothed by words, with the abuse her self-esteem had taken. So, I showed her instead. "You know, I've only had one other lover."I started kissing her neck again

"Really...?" She gasped as I hit that one spot on every woman that makes them tingle from head to toe.

"Um huh, in college... She was my nurse when I caught Scarlet fever." I started nipping and felt her pulse respond.

"Later.... It's my turn." She gasped and turned me over.

I wish I could tell you what she did to me, but all I can remember was the mind shattering climax at the end. I know my nipples were ravished and tender and that we had to get a towel to put under us because of the wet spot. Other than that, all I can tell you, was that I was warm, snuggled, and satisfied; when the boys came busting in a few hours later. We woke up naked in each other arms to.

"Cob...Cob! I found her. She's sleepin with the Elf Kissty.... Guess what mommy... guesses?" He bounced on his toes

"Kissty... Kissty... Santa found us!' Jacob said from my side of the bed, his hands reaching up to me.

"Up momma up...!" Joey started pulling on the blankets.

"Whoa there big guy.... Us girls need a bit of privacy." I smiled from my side, as we clutched the quilt over our breasts.

"Jacob, Joey, can you wait out in the hall so mommy and Miss Christy can get our robes on?" Beth asked the excited boys. "Remember what we talked about being private for Miss Christy?"

"Okay... but hurry... Santa's been here!" Joey insisted as she waved them out of the room.

"Merry Christmas love." I said and gave Beth a soft good morning kiss.

"Merry Christmas! I love you... my personal Elf." Beth smiled back. "But those two won't wait much longer." She said looking around for something to put on.

"Go to the bathroom and I'll grab your robe." I told her as I got up and took mine off the hook. I was met at the door by the boys who were dancing in the hall. "Have you two gone potty yet?" I asked them.