The Christopher Chronicles Ch. 01

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Is it a dream?
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/02/2016
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Christopher inhaled the scent of laundry soap as he buried his head into his freshly washed pillow. It had been a long day, hell, a long month. Sleep evaded him no matter what time of day he tried to grab hold of it. Between his daft work schedule and living in and out of hotel rooms, he never felt rested. An obnoxious humming noise snapped him awake from mere seconds of sleep. Dammit, I guess I should have set you to silent rather than vibrate, he thought to his phone.

MEET ME IN THE LOBBY, read the text message.

He didn't recognize the number but he didn't always save his client's numbers into his phone. People were supposed to have an assistant for that. He had yet to hire one. He pulled one leg at a time into his jeans and then lazily slipped on leather house shoes while pulling a t shirt over his head. With the room key in his front pocket he turned to walk down the hallway to the elevator. Fog appeared to rise from the floor which made him feel like perhaps he was in a dream. In the elevator, he grasped the rails along the wall to test what he could feel. If this were a dream, he wouldn't be able to feel the coolness of the metal on his hands, or the jump in his stomach when he found the lobby floor. With a ding the doors parted and he meandered to the section of the lobby that held the large comfy chairs and fire place.

A woman was standing in front of the fire, looking into the burning flames. Christopher laughed to himself. Everything felt so out of place and wrong, and he felt like he should be wearing a well tailored suit and fedora as he approached this woman. He imagined that she would turn, her dark locks falling over blue eyes, and half throw herself at him. The tight pencil skirt wrapped around her ample rear wouldn't even bunch. The fitted suit jacket would only allow a slight jiggle of her plump breasts. He would say, "What's a dame like you doing in a seedy hotel like this," or something equally cheesy. To his surprise, she turned around just as he was finishing his thought, and her hair fell over her blue eyes. That's weird, he thought to himself, with a shake of his head.

"Excuse me, Miss. Did you send me a message to meet you here?" Christopher asked, his voice breaking a little from grogginess.

She nodded her head slowly. "I need your assistance." Her voice was like silk wrapped around a wave.

" What can I help you with?" He was having a difficult time taking his eyes off her well placed breasts in the suit jacket. They looked exactly like he had imagined they would before she ever turned around.

"I'm having difficulty opening the door." She cocked her head to the side which seemed like an odd thing to do to Christopher. He wanted to ask her why she was texting him for that reason. He didn't work on doors for a living. The words that came out, however, were, "Of course, let's take a look." She guided him down another hallway, swishing her hips like a cartoon character. He rubbed his bottom lip to make sure he hadn't been drooling. Stopping in front of a room door, she turned to look at him. This door was different than the other room doors. It was dark wood with carvings, as well as twisted metal ribbons that adorned it. She handed him a skeleton key rather than a card key, and he scrunched his eyes at her in confusion.

"Miss, I think the issue is that you're using the wrong key. You need a card not this," he explained. She closed her eyes and shook her head, pointing to the keyhole in the door.

"Oh...excuse me. I'm sorry. This is just very strange. I wonder why they have this kind of lock on a hotel door," he stammered. He pushed the key into the hole and turned. A click rattled the door and he twisted the knob. It opened, and the woman smiled, moving in front of him to push the door open before he even had a chance to remove the key from the hole, causing him to move inside the room with her. He pulled the key out and turned to hand it to her, but the crack of the door closing startled him and he dropped it. Bending to retrieve the key, he looked around for the woman, but she was nowhere in the room that he could see. What in the world is going on, he thought to himself. Taking a better look around, he noticed this was not the normal hotel room set up. There were large hand carved wooden chairs and end tables. The curtains were a deep red and looked to be made of silk.

"MISS!! Miss, I'm leaving the key on the table here. I hope that's all you needed," he called into the room. His voice echoed as if he were in the middle of a field in the mountains. An anxious feeling rose up in his stomach, and he turned to open the door and go back to his own room, but when it opened, all he found was a grassy area surrounded by tall trees. Turning from the door, he looked into the room again, certain he must have found the door to the outside rather than the hallway. Colorado did have some beautiful wooded areas, but not in downtown Denver. He felt so confused to find there were no other doors. I'm having a dream, he convinced himself. There is no way I'm awake right now. Just calm down Chris. This is just a dream. Once he was feeling calm, he walked out the door to explore a bit. If this was a dream, he may as well enjoy it. After all, a dream like this will insure that he wakes exhausted.

Christopher breathed the smell of pine, dirt, and warm sun. A hint of floral played in the warm sun, and his eyes fluttered open. He turned to see what the other side of the door looked like to find it on a stone house rather than a hotel. Smoke billowed from the chimney and female giggles wafted from windows that were framed with wood but had no screens or glass. On the other side of the opening was a tall set of stairs that led up to what looked like a tree house. He climbed the stairs to explore, and found the first level housed a wooden bed frame made from bark and branches. A large blanket of made of animal fur covered it, and a makeshift roof carved into the tree only hung over the bed itself, leaving the rest of the room open to the forest and sky. Every few steps up found the same type of room. Some with one bed, others with up to three. At the top of the house, blankets lie in a small circled area, and flowers in clay bowls of water surrounded the outside of the blankets. A squeal made Christopher jump, and he looked over the bark made wall out to the field of flowers down below. Three golden blonde women were running around in circles, their long hair flowing in the breeze. They were dressed very different from any woman he had ever seen. Thinking back, he could compare it to the way some women at the renaissance fair would dress. A white long sleeved shirt covered by a corset that went under the breasts and was strapped onto the shoulders and made of rawhide, and a full length flowing skirt.

"Atiya!!" one called after the other, and pointed to the sun. With that, they all stopped giggling and scurried off in different directions. One gathering water, the other starting a fire in a pit surrounded by stones. The third pounded fur blankets hanging on a line with a large paddle. A victory scream sounded seconds later from deep in the woods. Not too long after, a group of three women bare-backing wolves came into view. Christopher moved down the stairs to get a better look, and was met with the astonished look of the one called Atiya, her bright blue eyes wide.

"It's fine," he assured her. "This is only a dream." She narrowed her eyes at him, shook her head, and then went back to blowing on the fire.

The closer the three women came into view, Christopher noticed they were also dressed very strangely. The first was a raven haired beauty, and even from far away he could see she had piercing eyes that he couldn't even call blue. They were like a clear light blue sky but they shimmered like a diamond. Her face had swirled red markings that reminded him of the metal ribbons on the door he had opened. A leather baldric wrapped around her shoulder and front, and carried two swords on her back. Her breasts were covered with a rawhide bra lined with gray fur that matched that of her wolf, and a frayed rawhide skirt.

The second had sandy blonde hair with hints of gold weaved through it, bouncing off her shoulders as she rode, and eyes the color of caramel. A rawhide top wrapped around her full breasts and a similar skirt to the raven haired woman covered her bottom. Leather straps wrapped around her waist twice and carried a quiver at her hip, filled with arrows, and a beautiful hand carved longbow was secured around her body like a sash. Around her head, she wore a tan fur band, the same color as her wolf.

The third had long rust colored hair that seemed to light on fire in certain light flowing through the trees, and green eyes that could cause a man an instant erection. As if that weren't bad enough, she had a beautifully curved body covered in a leather corset with intricate designs over her breasts and a fur skirt that matched both her hair color and that of her wolf. A leather belt held a beautiful sword with designs in the blade and a handle that looked to be made of bone at her side.

"Who is this?" the redhead asked in a powerful but beautiful voice. The three blondes shrugged.

"He wandered out of the door and told me not to worry because this was a dream, Lilith. What does that even mean?" Atiya looked confused, but not frightened of the three powerful looking women.

"Excuse me, girls, I think can explain" Christopher announced.

"Girls?" the dark haired woman asked him, clearly annoyed. "We are Lilith, Oriel, and.." she motioned to each woman as she said their name, and pointing to herself, finished, "Zita. We are not girls. We are women. Warriors."

"My apologies, Zita." Christopher felt a little bit unsettled. Why should he? This was HIS dream after all. He needed to take control of this situation. "It seems I am having a dream. You see, I went to bed and received a text message to meet a woman in the lobby. That encounter led me here. So I'm still in my hotel room sleeping right now." All six women gaped at him.

"Ooooo Zita, it's a crazy man!! We had one locked up once when I was married to...him." announced Oriel. She spat the word 'him' like it tasted awful in her mouth.

"No no no, I am not cra.." Christopher tried to protest but the three women were surrounding him, pulling at his clothing and studying his shoes.

"What do you call this material?" Zita asked.

"Uh...cotton? Denim?" Christopher laughed.

"It's getting dark," Lilith snapped, "And I'm starving." She glanced over to a large wild hog on a branch being turned slowly over a fire. He hadn't noticed it there before, but clearly it had been for quite some time as the skin was blackened and the smell of the cooked meat hovered in the air, making his stomach growl.

Zita grabbed his face, getting his attention, "Hey Traveler, do you have a place to stay? Food to eat?"

"No, not in this world I suppose." he answered, still amused. How long would this dream last?

"Fine. You may stay. Whatever world you are from has not prepared you for this. You are under clothed and under armed." Zita disappeared into the stone house and returned with a saddlebag that she handed to him." You'll find proper garments in this bag. They are from they whom we do not speak of. They may be a bit too big but you'll manage. Go change and then meet us over there for food." She pointed to the wild hog where Lilith was already slicing chunks off with a machete. Christopher disappeared and changed into the rawhide pants that were tied at the waist with a leather strap, and a top that felt like burlap. It was itchy and annoying but he didn't want to be rude or upset Zita. He didn't find shoes or socks so he put his house shoes back on and met the six women at the fire. The three warrior's weapons were propped against a tree and they were sitting on the dirt around the fire telling a story that he guessed must be about what adventure they had earlier that day. The wolves they rode in were at their backs gnawing on pieces of the hog. The three golden blondes were gathered around listening intently, playing with each other's hair.

"...and Fenrir showed up and finished him!" Oriel finished. The three blondes, he assumed them to be servants to the three warriors, were fanning themselves giggling. Zita was at his side in seconds, handing him a stick with meat poked around it.

"Here. Eat." she commanded. Without a thought, he popped a bite in his mouth and the meat melted on his tongue. It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted, and he realized he was quite hungry and finished all she had offered quickly.

The stars and moon shone down on them brighter than Christopher had ever seen as they all sat around the fire asking him a million questions about the world he comes from. He explained cars, planes, cell phones, technology, grocery stores, and many other things that he would have never expected to be teaching someone about. They all sat around wide eyed hanging on his every word. When he could think of nothing more to explain, he sat quietly looking at the stars. He's never sat and talked to a group of women this long in his life. One at a time, the three servants raised, rubbing their eyes, and wandered to the tree house. Before long, he and Zita were all that was left by the fire.

"Will you tell me about your life, Zita?" Christopher asked.

"Lilith and I built this." she waved her hand around the circle that housed the tree house and stone house, "Atiya, Bree, and Alana were the first to join us."

"The servants?" asked Christopher.

"Servants? Oh no. They are nothing of the sort. They are sisters and were once married to a warrior who's name we will not say. He would never allow them to do anything aside from serve him. Never allowed to frolic in their surroundings or learn to use a bow or sword. But in order to tell you how they came to us, I would need to tell you about Lilith. Lilith married a King that had a taste for evil things. She has yet to share all the stories from her time with him." She said the words with the same sickening sound as Oriel had earlier. "I gather they are too difficult for her." she continued. "Lilith was thrown into a hell pit for disobeying him. He caught her taking lessons from a local warrior on how to fight. The king threw the warrior into a circle with hungry wolves that ripped him to shreds, and then dropped Lilith in the hell pit guarded by Cerberus."

"Who is Cerberus?" asked Christopher, leaning back on his elbows.

"He is a three headed hell dog. The very same I was challenged to seek out and kill. The warrior that espoused the sisters had challenged me to find Cerberus and kill him. If I did not do so, he would be allowed to kill me himself. He was threatened by a woman warrior and he was growing tired of me showing him up." She laughed at that thought, and seemed to get lost inside her own head for a moment before shaking it off and continuing. "I found Cerberus, shocked by Lilith huddling in the corner of the dark, cold cave. That hell dog was much stronger than I gave him credit for. His attack left me badly scarred." Licking her finger, she rubbed a spot of the red paint that swirled around her beautiful face. Under the paint was a deep scar. Christopher felt anger well up inside of him at a beast he couldn't even imagine in his own mind. "Lilith saved my life. Thanks to her disobeying the King, she knew how to fight. Fenrir helped as well."

Lovingly, she patted the giant wolf next to her. "Together they killed Cerberus. Lilith and I decided to find a place in the middle of the woods to make our own, away from the evil men that tried to ruin women. Before finding our permanent spot, we found the warrior that challenged me. I offered him the head of Cerberus but that wasn't enough for him. He grew angry and held a blade to my neck." Again she offered proof of the act by wiping away the paint where, under, a scar hid. "Fenrir, who had traveled with us, ripped his head off in one bite for attempting to hurt me. Then he disappeared and we didn't see Fenrir for a long time, but I always felt like he was watching me. We traveled to the warrior's clearing to find Atiya, Bree, and Alana working their pretty fingers to the bone. Finding out that they belonged to him, we announced that he was dead with sadness in our hearts. They, however, were not sad at all. They danced and sang in a circle and then asked to join us on our journey for a place of our own. Now they happily do the cooking and gathering because it's their choice rather than their duty. For this reason, I would never call them servants. They are our family."

"Who is Fenrir? Your wolf?" asked Christopher, not ready for the story to be over. He could feel his eyes grow heavy and he knew that soon he would be awoken by an annoying beep on his phone set to 5:45am.

"My wolf's father. The father of this forest. He was once an enemy of all the Gods and banished and bound to hell. He escaped hell when a witch opened the portal. That day is the day he also helped to kill Cerberus. Due to his good deeds, the Gods agreed to allow him to roam earth as long as he continued to do only good. He met his mate not long after and together they brought Aatu," she pointed to her wolf, "Fillin, Oriel's wolf, and Sandalio, Lilith's, into this world. They were offered to us when they grew old enough to run on their own as our protectors." Zita stretched and stifled a yawn before stretching her legs, "I need to sleep. Thank you, time traveler, for offering us information of your time."

"Christopher." he said, holding out his hand to shake hers. Scrunching her eyebrows at him, she reached out and turned his hand over, and then back to the open palm, unsure of what she was supposed to do with an empty hand outstretched to her. Before he could reach out to grasp her hand in his, he heard a faint noise. Zita didn't seem affected by it, but Christopher cocked his head slightly at the sound to get a better listen. Zita dismissed herself to the tree house without another word.

Slowly, Christopher climbed the stairs as the sounds grew louder. Panting, moaning, and giggles bounced off the bark walls of the tree house. He found Atiya lying on the fur blanket of one of the beds, her back arched as a deep moan escaped her pretty pink lips. Her golden hair was a fanned out mess. Her breasts were small with beautiful nipples that were so light on her already alabaster skin that they looked almost translucent. He knew he should probably just find an empty bed and get some sleep but he couldn't tear his eyes away from this beautiful creature. Gazing down her body further, he found Oriel's sandy blonde hair spilling out over Atiya's stomach, her face clearly between Atiya's legs. Oriel flipped her hair back, sitting up on her knees, brushing a finger over her glistening bottom lip. Her skin was a bit darker than Atiya's and her breasts were much larger.

She had tiny pink nipples that jutted out in excitement. Her curves were soft moving down to her wide set hips that made Christopher stir in his new rawhide pants. A small section of sandy colored hair with golden specks lie between her hearty thighs. The two women were kissing passionately, fingers in hair, pulling, roaming. With both girls now on their knees facing one another, Atiya slipped a finger inside Oriel, then two, and Oriel bucked over her fingers, kissing Atiya deeply, Oriel found Atiya's sweet spot and slipping her fingers inside as well. Neither found it necessary to silence themselves in fear someone might hear them. The both shook and reached screaming orgasms. Removing their fingers, they each sucked off the juice leftover, kissed, and then crawled under the blanket together, Atiya's head on Oriel's breasts and Oriel combing her fingers through Atiya's hair.