The Collector and Super Sentai Blue

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A famed hero is mind broken by a villainess.
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The Collector and Super Sentai Blue

Full Story

Chapter 1

His heart beat with trepidation as the lock above him played, echoing in the shallow pit that he was in. As the lid was removed his eyes fell upon his captor and imminent torturer. He knew who she was, Blue was after her when he was captured, but maybe... just maybe, she didn't know who he was.

When all went black, Blue was still in his street clothes, so there was a chance that he was just a random target of The Collector and-

Oh, who am I kidding! The chances of that are almost 0... but I have to play my part. Ever since red disappeared the others have been looking to me for guidance. Plus, she might know what happened to him.

Being naked as he was, there was no way for him to transform, but maybe if he held out long enough and played his cards right, he could turn this into his favor. Not only escape but capture the infamous villainess!

Of course, the figure that was peering down on him with clear satisfaction was a curvaceous woman, dressed in tight red latex. It was clear she had little concern with flaunting her looks, probably to tease the prisoners and to satisfy her ego.

Her shapely legs were encased in shiny black nylon and her feet slipped in patent leather stiletto heels. A red, peplum, latex skirt clutched tightly to her waist, giving way to a matching, zipped, bodice witch vanished beneath a cropped, rubber circus owner jacket. The Collectors red hair fell about an amused visage while her gaze was piercing and sadistic. Both her physical force and the aura commanded respect and obedience.

In her hands she had an elegant riding crop which she used, with a wave of her hand, to command Blue to exit his hole. Instead, he tried to argue and play the part of a lost, confused man.

"P-p-please! I have not done anything wrong, you have the wrong person." He said, trying as hard as he could to whimper. His ego hurt but he needed to do this. If she truly knew who he was, this could get a lot worse.

Thus he imagined a large, iron, room. Utterly empty from the inside and placed his ego and self respect inside of it, tightly locking it and throwing the key. It would all remain there until he had a chance to escape and no one, not even The Collector, would be able to force it open.

"Out, I said.♪" Her tone was much more pleasant than he had originally thought it would be, but it was still the most commanding force he had ever heard. Pretending to cower beneath her, Blue scuttled out of the pit as The Collector closed the lid.

As the woman paced around his naked form, his shackled hands he placed between his legs as he knelt. The Collector eyed her newest prisoner, taking him in.

"Blue." She said with amused tones.


"W-what?" He said in acted fear.

"Blue. You are Super Sentai Blue. I hope you are not going to play the dumb victim. With Red gone, you are the next leader. It would be so disappointing to have to make you confess to who you are. Or... maybe it would be fun, oh! Decisions, decisions!♪" His captor said with an evil glint in his eye.

So she did know where he was!

"I... I honestly do not know what you are talking about!" He said with another fake whimper. "I was going back from work when... when... when it all went black!"

Even he was amazed at how easily his faked tears came to him.

Maybe I should have been an actor.

Reaching down, her fingertips brushed his cheek tenderly before she grabbed his hair. Instinctively his arms went for hers, in a bid to free himself from her grip. Only to feel the hit of her crop for the very first time upon his back.

He had fought many a villain through his heroic career but never had he been hit in such a way. It was even strange and difficult to describe. There was a thin line between pleasure and pain, between a howl of agony and a whimper of bliss. That is what it felt like and that is the sound he let escape from his lips.

"The next time you talk it will be when I allow you to." She said, almost sternly. The Collector produced a leather collar from somewhere and attached it to his neck, as a chained leash ended in her palm. "Now crawl after me. You can even stare at me from behind, I know you will like what you see.♪"

With a sharp pull, he did as he was ordered. He figured that a random person from the street would follow her orders for now, out of fear. Fear that he did not feel... probably.

He knew that if he tried to resist now, naked and exposed, he would accomplish nothing. So he acted as if he were afraid of the consequences and obediently followed at her heel. Or at least that is what he told himself.

Amidst the thoughts of rebellion and escape he could feel his desires burning at the visage of the latex clad woman. He shook his head in dismay and followed at her heels, trying not to look at her latex encased ass and nylon hugged legs. The click of her heels was another thing he tried to block out whilst fighting his desires as the sound seemed to knock on the iron door he had locked within himself.

Finally they entered a large room with a pole in the middle. It was not the only one, there were dozens of others scattered across the chamber and, through the dark he could barely see other people tied to them. All had muffled sounds escaping through their gags but one thing was clear, those were the sounds of people that gave up. Surrendered to their mistress.

The Collector made him crawl to the pole in the middle of the room and began tying him up. Having him lean back against the pole she started by tying thick leathers to his ankles and the feeling of the soft material against his skin might have sent a shiver or two down his back.

Next a rigid leather manacle was tied to his elbows and, with a stern pull they were dragged behind the pole, connecting them with a heavy looking chain. Still not satisfied with his bondage, The Collector tied rope across his body, binding it around and through his cuffs and the leather that held him. Finally, with a hard yank, his body was pressed against the pole as his limbs contorted painfully to hold him. Gasping, he gritted his teeth in pain not allowing himself another howl of pain, or pleasure, deciding not to give her that satisfaction again.

The Collector stood in front of him, hands on hips and a devilish smile over her lips. It was clear she was ready to start his punishment.

"You can't do this I... I'm innocent! I am not this Blue-" He began and her grin widened from ear to ear. It transformed into a howl as her crop landed its first hits upon his chiseled chest. Another followed and another and another with both his torso and his limbs aching in agony. Of course, as before, it was not all pain. Actually... the pain, he understood faded quicker and quicker after every hit, with only strange tingles remaining after the crop would touch his exposed skin.

The flogging ended abruptly and Blue sank into his bonds, being held like a puppet on strings. Through his fogged vision he saw the woman grab something from a nearby table and walk back over to him. By now the click of her heels truly was knocking upon the iron door inside of his soul. But he was resolute not to open it, not even to her.

Though, even he had to admit, that she looked heavenly. Actually, she might have looked even better compared to when he first saw her.

"Ready?" She said in her sing-song voice. Only then did he notice a latex hood that she was holding. His hair was pulled back by The Collector as the hood was placed above his head and he notice that, once placed, he saw nothing. What he found even more frightening was that the first picture that he conjured in his mind's eye, was that of his tormentor. Clad in figure hugging latex and nylon. "Now open your mouth pet.♪"

Rendered obedient by the abuse and the strange hood he had, he did as she ordered. Even he didn't know if he obeyed only because he needed to or because he wanted to. She must not had been satisfied by how he opened his mouth as she grabbed his cheeks with her palm and yanked it open even wider.

Something that he prayed wasn't a dildo, was rammed inside of his mouth and slid almost to the bottom of his throat. The restraints were secured around his head to prevent him from spitting it out, with each buckle being tightly wrapped.

His tongue was ground beneath the rubbery tube and his jaw strained against the straps from the sheer size of the object. Drool started to escape his mouth and stretched down Blue's chin. As she began to speak, he noticed that his whole body was now covered in sweat.

"I am The Collector, as I am sure you know Blue. I am also your mistress. But I do not know why you got it into your head that it is important that you are Super Sentai Blue. I am not here to determine who you are or if you are a hero or not. You are just a slave, as all others in my dungeon. We will make a game out of this since you think yourself important just because you are a hero and to make this a bit more fun for me and painful for you. You will be eventually conditioned to adore me. My training will break you and once you are groveling at my feet in worship, you will confess to who you are. Then and only then, will I sell you.♪"

He gurgled into his gag, clearly trying to fight his restraints and his position at her feet.

But one thing was clear, he was afraid now and even he could not deny the effect her words had upon him.

He was in big trouble.

Chapter 2

The song of metal permeated the latex of the hood as he felt some sort of iron helmet close around his head. It fit tightly against his head, clearly made for human features. The Collector tightly locked the iron helmet at the back of his head and chuckled musically.

The helmet wasn't heavy, yet it was tight enough for him to feel oppressed and dominated. While his helmet as Blue felt uplifting and heroic, this helmet felt constraining and defeating. Yet it was only then that he understood what the damned piece of iron was actually for.

It was like his own mind was talking to him, his own self battering his ego. The voices came from the soft speakers that were installed into the helmet. They felt sweet. Velvety. But the part that chilled him to the bone was the fact that the voices demanded him to submit to this goddess of latex. Not to admit that he was Blue, to surrender like a hero that he was. No. It was talking to him as if he were another person from the street.

I am not anyone. I am not a random person from the street! I am Blue!

But the voices didn't care. They wanted his utter devotion to The Collector.

"I know your lust burns when you look upon me slave.♪" Her melodic voice sang inside of the helmet, yet it was The Collector herself that was talking. "I love how I look darling, but you slaves cannot get enough of me. You will do anything to grovel at my feet, to abase yourself and lick my heels or the fabrics that encase my frame. Endure everything, for your goddess and you might earn meager favor from me. Before I ship you away that is.♪"

Her laughter echoed both outside and inside of his mind, slowly worming its way into every thought. Blue felt shivers of strange bliss down his spine as his breath grew heavier and his bonds tighter.

"The mere fact that I am blessing you right now with my attention shall become gospel to you. Soon you shall obey without pause and you shall never, ever question your love for-"

Blue roared into his gag to shut the woman up. He bit into it, almost drawing blood but the fact that she went silent at his yell made it worthwhile. She replied with only the faintest chuckle. It was almost like a murmur in the background, a seductive weapon that assailed his subconscious.

A cry left his lip as The Collector planted her boot heel upon his cock for only a few seconds. Then, just as suddenly as it had happened, she removed the foot. He let a whimper of disappointment out of his mouth, as he too found out just how much he liked that simple touch.

With just as much forewarning as with the previous touch of his cock, he felt hard metal clamps bite down upon his exposed nipples. It was a jolt that felt much better than it should have.

Gurgling upon the gag to be set free, Blue felt the futility of fighting his restraints for the first time.

By now everything the woman had done to him had become like a soft blaze, a dull heat, that burned somewhere in the back of his psyche. Yet that low flame threatened to turn into a raging inferno. He was blind, mute, all but deaf and completely and utterly at her mercy.

Then, again, the woman planted her boot upon his cock. Under such attention he could just whimper and hope the woman showed some mercy. Squealing and suffering beneath her boot, his thoughts were aimed at surviving this ordeal and then gathering the energy for the next session. Where he would try and escape.

I am Blue! Of the Super Sentai!

His mind reminded him, rather in vain. When she removed her shiny boot from his cock Blue almost gave a sigh of gratitude to the villainess. He heard her click of heels as she stood behind him and whispered into his ear.

"I like your spirit, Blue. I cannot wait to break it.♪" She chuckled [evilly and then his ropes/evilly. His ropes] were cut loose and he fell upon the floor. Of course, the rest of his bondage held him tightly bound. The click of her heels, like an echo of forbidden desires, let him know that she was now standing right next to him. If that wasn't enough, her perfume licked his nose even through the hood and the helmet. She placed her boot upon his back and began speaking. Blue, trembled at anticipation of what was to come.

"I have taken away your movement, your sight and the power to speak. You might as well be deaf. But now, I shall take away your breathing as well." She said enticingly as she moved the boot from his back.

Suddenly, he felt two small tubes enter his nose, far too deeply for comfort. Blue found out that he had to breathe much harder now to get any kind of oxygen inside of his lungs. Then, he felt her boot next to this face... and the airflow stopped. His brain went into overdrive not only because of lack of air, but also because knowing that her boot was so close to his face made him horny.

His body quivered and his legs jerked for oxygen and freedom. Yet his cock was as hard as it had ever been. Stiff and eager to be played with.

"See? You are powerless against me. Remember that." The Collector cooed but did not remove her boot from [his airflows/the tubes]. Blue felt her towering over him, one leg on each side of his body and it made him weak. He felt feeble beneath her.

At sporadic intervals she would allow the slightest gasps of air into his lungs, just to accent just how much power she had over him. All his mind could do, as he cowered beneath her, was [hallow/allow] for it all to end.

If Blue had any hopes of the torture stopping, he had lost it all in a single swing of her crop. A dozen or so strokes across his bound, wriggling form were enough to show him just how impotent his fight against her truly was. Hit after hit made him fight to get free yet for that he needed air. Air that only came when she allowed it.

Even those breathes felt precise and calculated just as much as the hits were.

Finally, The Collector stopped and he felt regular air come back into his nose, yet the tubes were not removed. His tormentor loosened some of his restraints and removed the clamps for his nipples. Even the procedure of his slight release felt unpleasant.

He crumbled into a heap upon the floor when she was done, his muscles aching, his mind filled with defeat. As if reading his mind The Collector chuckled and bound his arms behind his back, folded in an almost painful way.

Then there was a moment of silence that felt like blissful sleep to his beaten mind. Yet words of horror and sadism broke the silence and he whimpered in submission.

"Did you think that was our session for today slave? Oh no, no, no.♪" The Collector laughed.

Chapter 3

The click of heels returned again and again. He listened to other prisoners being tortured and tamed. Considering how hollow and muted the sound of their cries were, he concurred that the gag he was wearing along with his mask wasn't his alone to bear.

Despite himself, several times he had hoped that the click of heels would stop atop his cell, before the keys turned the lock and his tormentor would announce that it was in fact his turn to be played with. The lecherous need for him to be upon his knees before her increased with each day as the soft whispers in his earphones slowly yet surely broke away his sanity. The rest of his body was held under equally heavy bondage, with both his arms and legs tightly held together, preventing any movement.

His cell, on the other hand, was built into the floor so at all times he felt that he was beneath the mistress who appeared in his minds eye constantly. Actually, the vision of his enslaver was at the forefront of his mind even when he was asleep. His insidious mistress had taught him a whole new catalogue of erotic, fetishistic fantasies to dwell upon and yearn for, made all the more difficult to deny because of the assured prospect of their implementation.

Finally, the time of his envy had come to a close, as he heard the heels of his mistress stop right above him and, not a moment later, the echo of the iron hinges being unlocked spread through his cell.

"Out you come slave.♪" She said in enticing tones as the sadistic whispers from his earphones were turned off. "It is time for more lessons in obedience."

The rubber of his bondage creaked as he felt it loosen around his legs. The Collector heard a whimper of satisfaction escape the hooded slave and she smirked to herself.

"Come out Blue. I know you want to." She smiled playfully as the slave slowly got out. "I had almost forgotten I had a superhero as a slave now.♪"

She teased and burned his ego.

As he knelt in front of her, and his erection grew, Blue felt his gag deflate with a quiet hiss. He stretched his tongue, relishing the little freedom he was gifted by his mistress. Finally, his latex hood was peeled off and he finally saw the dominant temptress that was standing over him.

He was left wilting in awe at the sight of her. The illuminated latex ruler towered above him, a divine haze surrounding her. Blue was trapped in darkness for so long that the heavenly sight in front of him left him stupefied.

Blue lifted his gaze across patent leather thigh-high boots. The glossy, hypnotic material hugged her legs, following the weaving contours. His eyes fell next upon the nylon pantyhose, stretched over the firm thighs of The Collector and then slipped beneath the hem of her latex skirt. Held by this intoxicating fabric, her body and chest looked simply delicious to his wilting sanity. Her playful, yet stern visage glared down at him, making Blue feel even more insignificant and humble.

In one latex gloved hand she held the same crop that she had used upon him before and a shiver ran down his trembling spine at the sight of it... but in the other... there was food!.

Actual food!!? Porridge, nothing more but... it was still food...

His mind raced even faster as emotion, hunger and erotic desires blurred into one. The hungry look upon his now exposed face had been too obvious, as The Collector laughed in amusement at the sight.

"Lick my legs slave and I'll allow you to have some food.♪" Commanded The Collector in her jubilant voice. Eager for both, Blue started licking the leather coated legs of his mistress. He ran his tongue upon the smooth panel of her pointed boot. To his astonishment and revolt, he felt aroused by the licks and the kisses he was showering the tip of her boot with. While he worshiped and lapped at the boots, while lingering upon the heel, groveling beneath his captor, he found unexpected pleasure in his toil.