The Conservative Wives

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Conservative wives brief fling and results.
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This is a fantasy erotica story and not meant to be realistic or taken too seriously. I've put a cuck tag on it, hopefully you will see it's not that sort of story and there is a bit more to it than that. There is an affair and response to that, but the tag might help pre-empt some of the angry comment people. Also, I write all sorts of stories and try to mix it up, otherwise we all write the same thing.

Claire and Angie had been friends since forever, or at least it felt like that. They had both been struggling to 'fit in' at a new secondary school when they found each other and quickly became firm friends at the age of 11.

Claire's nick name at school was 'Skinny-Minnie'; glasses did not make school life any easier. Now at 45 her figure had filled out since the birth of her 2 children. By no means a raving beauty, she could look pretty on a good day and make up helped. Her once mousey hair was now a dark glossy sheen, and her glasses now fashionable. Her body however was now outstanding, she was oblivious to this fact; her breasts filled out to a C cup, whilst she retained a perfect peach of a bum and the long thighs of hers 20's. She never dressed to maximise her body and predominantly wore jeans or trousers. The odd times she wore skirts or dresses, her friends would remark on her fantastic figure and killer legs, but those compliments made her uncomfortable. She was a kind and caring person; her small close-knit group of friends and family loved her to bits.

Her best friend Angie had a friendly some would say smiling face because she was usually laughing and joking. Her green eyes were framed by auburn hair, worn in ponytail with a fringe and wisps hanging at the sides. Not a classic beauty but definitely in the pretty category. She had always carried a pound or two more than she was comfortable with, a lot of that was carried on her breasts, she did her best to cover up with loose hanging tops, not always easy during her favourite hobby of dancing. Although marginally better looking than Claire, it was her personality that was her real attraction. She loved meeting people and talking to them, genuinely interested in what they had to say, she had a wide network of friends. She also had 2 children close in age to Claire's, they had grown up together; all four were away at university.

They were both married to nice guys Phil and Steve, not bad looking, very hard working and great partners. As close as the families were, Phil never quite warmed to Steve, so they remained acquaintances through association with their wives. Each would describe their sex life as good and guess that they had sex twice a week. In reality it was closer to once a week and with the pressure of work, family and life in general it wasn't that rare for it to be 2 or even 3 weeks between making love, usually followed by a flurry to make it up. Neither woman experience orgasms during penetrative sex, but thankfully for Claire, her husband Phil wasn't averse to going down on her and that always did the trick.

Despite marriage, neither woman would describe herself as desirable. They had numerous hang ups about their bodies and looks, not helped as their husbands rarely complimented them. It wasn't that they didn't find them attractive, more a reflection of familiarity. At best Claire would admit her bum and legs were ok, whilst Angie accepted she had 'great boobs' and looked 'passable'. They looked like conservative married wives in their mid-40s, because that's exactly what they were. They were never approached by any slick lotharios or handsome studs, much to their relief.

A break from family life was a girl's night out every couple of weeks, and sometimes a weekend trip away usually in the Easter holidays to either a cottage in the country or on a short city break. This usually involved 2 or 3 nights of chatting, laughing and generally catching up with a lot of food and wine involved.


The pub they attended for their nights out started doing a pub quiz. Reluctant to join in at first, they gave it a go to keep the landlord happy. They quickly built up a bit of rivalry with a team of three guys, who they guessed were in their late 20's. A bit of banter built up between the teams, each time it seemed liked the guys were poised for victory, only to be absolutely trounced in the music round. A few weeks later a new and very serious quiz team joined and won by a mile and repeated the feat for the next three weeks.

The following week they were surprised when Jack from their old rivals approached.

"Hi, sorry to disturb but we wondered if you would be interested in joining teams. We're a man down, our mate Andrew who usually comes has just started a contract working away; so that just leaves me and Pete. To be honest we're a bit sick of getting beat and every other team seems to have 5 or 6 people in it. What do think... maybe see if we can give them a run for their money?"

"Ha, you just need help with the music round."

Jack laughed, "That's absolutely true, that and about a hundred other topics."

They weren't competitive but it made sense and they seemed like really good guys, so the girls accepted the offer.

The combination of the guys on sciences, geography and sport and the girls on history, literature, popular culture and music was perfect. Their wider age range helped as well, they won the quiz by a single point, much to everyone's delight. Afterward, Claire and Angie talked about mentioning the guys to her husbands, but both thought it might cause an unnecessary problem and after all there might not be a next time.

There was a next time, and it became a regular thing, the guys were really nice, great company and never tried anything on. They were non-threatening; Claire and Angie didn't feel any sexual element to their relationship whatsoever, if anything they felt like favoured aunts. They chatted easily and tended towards hovering longer after the quiz, so they spent most of the night together.

It was a few weeks later when their first conversation relating to the opposite sex occurred, it was started innocently by Angie.

"So why aren't you guys out looking for Mrs Right?"

"We like your company."

"Very smooth, but we're far too old for you and very much married."

Jack hesitated before continuing, "You're not too old for us, we like you a lot, we've talked about it."

Claire thought it was a joke, "Oh yeah, what exactly have you talked about?"

Jack looked her straight in the eye, "Just how much we REALLY like you, (with the emphasis on the really). You are very attractive ladies, but it's more than that, you are fun, so easy to talk to and seem interested in what we have to say."

Pete continued. "To be honest we are pretty shy but have never felt like that that in your company, you make conversation so easy. We're pretty sick of girls our age; they seem to think guys are trying to trick or manipulate them. We get a bit tired of being lectured on equality, strong independent women and self-realisation."

Angie prickled at that, "There is nothing wrong with any of those things."

"We couldn't agree more, so to get it pushed in your face constantly can be tiring. Look neither of you have mentioned anything like that, but it obvious that you are confident independent women. You don't need to say it all the time, because it's just who you are naturally."

Jack piped in looking at Claire, "It's that confidence I find attractive, you seem so comfortable with who you are, no need to impress, I hope to find a partner like you in the future."

You could have knocked Claire down with a feather. She flushed and looked at Angie instinctively knowing she was appreciating the compliments as well.

Recovering her composure slightly, "That's all very well, but we're just normal conservative wives, nothing special and we certainly don't look or dress like women your age."

"No you're way hotter. Look at each of you tonight, you aren't even trying to look sexy but you are, it's just comes naturally. You even try to cover your assets, and that makes us more curious about what delights might be hidden beneath."

"Oh is that right, and just what do you imagine?" purred Angie definitely now in flirting mode.

Pete jumped in a little too eagerly, "Nice expensive lingerie and maybe stockings covering real voluptuous bodies."

Claire replied laughing, "Sorry to disappoint... we don't wear stockings."

"Speak for yourself!" they all looked at Angie surprised.

"What... it's just practical, I get too hot in tights."

Pete's mouth dropped open, "Wow that's so hot."

Angie laughed and punched him in the arm, "Calm down honey, I never quite got the attraction, doesn't it just look like we've been dipped in black ink."

Claire thought about her own rather plain big knickers and unmatched bra, thinking the guys would be very disappointed to hear about those. Never mind, at least she was comfortable.

Jack reflected, "For me it's not the lingerie, but knowing about what lies beneath, you both you have awesome figures and well ermm nice ermm breasts."

"Well... she certainly does!" Claire laughed at her friend's expense.

Angie decided to roll with in, stuck her tongue out at her friend and then thrust her boobs forward, "What these little things!"

It was meant as a joke, but she could see both guys' eyes on stalks and quickly covered up while blushing profusely.

Angie thought again about mentioning the guys to her husband, but now with the slight flirting it felt uncomfortable, Steve would definitely not understand or accept regular meetings with other guys. She felt a little guilty but then again nothing was going to happen, they were just friends.

They chatted more each week, Claire saw it as pretty innocent flirting and the attention was so unusual for them it was exciting. Also, the guys felt really safe, it was definitely the more mature women who were in control of the situation. That was true until Jack shocked Claire by kissing her goodnight. It was just a quick peck on the cheek but still! Angie saw the move, followed by an awkward pause and decided to do the same with Pete, trying to make light of it.

The following week Claire found herself staring into a full-length mirror re assessing her body. She always thought she had a decent bum but everything else was viewed through the eyes of the skinny girl who got picked on at school. For the first time she could see things though the guy's eyes, her stomach was firm and her thighs long, it was why she always looked a nice shape in a skirt or dress. Looking again at her breasts she realised they were much fuller; she wasn't the flat chested teen of her youth. She decided to try on a knee length pencil skirt for the pub and some mid height heels. Then feeling excited, tried on a pair of stockings with a suspender belt; it was no good, the clasps were clearly visible through the material. She switched to a girdle with lower clasps and found an old slip, this time she was certain the clasps couldn't be seen after checking from all angles; happy, she found the matching bustier. She chose an ivory silk blouse that went well with the black skirt, all helped by the girdle firming up her profile.

She met Angie at the pub and went to the bar to get the first round of drinks. She felt both nervous and sexy, worried that the whole bar would realise what she had on under the skirt. She blushed thinking about it and blushed again feeling a very faint draft on her thighs.

Just then the guys came in, Jack joined her at the bar, "Wow, I see you got your legs out tonight, you look wonderful."

If Claire blushed before she was crimson now. That and her lack of an immediate response got Jack wondering, he decided to push his luck with the flirting.

"Please tell me they are stockings, make my dreams come true."

That broke through her stupor, "Ha, wouldn't you like to know... pervert."

She strode away from the bar with Jack's eyes following her. As she sat and her skirt stretched tightly across her thighs, Jack caught the unmistakable outline of a suspender clasp, making his cock twitch.

Claire noticed her friend had also dressed differently, the usual layers covering her breasts and cleavage were gone in favour of a tighter fitting blouse. Pete had noticed immediately and spent most of the night trying hard not to stare.

In the end Angie pulled him on it. "I can see you are trying so hard not to stare at my cleavage, thank you for that. It's why I started covering up in the first place, men getting all leery."

"I am sorry you noticed; I was trying really hard not to look."

"I appreciate that, listen why don't you have a decent look now and get it out of the way."

"Really, I 'd love that."

Pete looked down as Angie leant forward slightly, it exposed a reasonable about of cleavage and a hint of a lace bra. He was mesmerised, whispering, "Your breasts are wonderful, they are driving me crazy."

Angie leant back feeling surprisingly liberated, "Thank you, now eyes up and keep them there."

They had a great night; Claire was surprised at how good she felt in her new outfit and was loving the attention. There was a definite shift in the atmosphere; Claire no longer felt like a favoured aunt, she actually felt like a desirable woman. They lost the quiz but only just, it didn't matter.

A conversation in the ladies confirmed both friends were in the same position. Neither of them had ever experienced these feelings before. They were both teased about their looks at school and that had left unseen scars, they had also both married their first serious boyfriends.

They saw the guys staring at them as they walked back into the bar. It made Claire feel excited, she sat closer to Jack this time. As the conversation at the table began, Claire reached across and placed Jacks hand on her thigh over the clasp and whispered, "Does that answer your question?"

Jack's mouth fell open and gulped as Claire stifled a laugh at his reaction.

That night, the goodnight kisses were brief but on the lips as their taxi arrived.

Claire knew what she was doing was wrong, but the compulsion to do it seemed to over-ride her common sense. Things repeated the following week; there was no denying the change in their relationship and the distinct edge of flirting and sexuality. Angie mentioned in passing that they would miss the following week's quiz as their long weekend trip to a cottage was due.

The guys asked where it was, commenting that they knew it well and loved that area. They offered to act as guides, describing an absolutely stunning walk through a secluded glade alongside a slate green river.

Claire hesitated, realising the potential implications of such an offer, "You couldn't stay with us, but I guess we could meet you there, and you could show us the walk.

"We'd be delighted."


They met up and did the walk, at various times the guys helped them over fences and styles offering steadying hands. After the most recent style Jack kept hold of Claire and they walked hand in hand. Angie saw this and linked arms with Pete. The sexual tension was now palpable.

"Where are you staying?"

"A pub in the village... the slaughtered lamb, it's a bit grim".

"Would you like to come back to the cottage, just for a drink I mean."

"We'd love to."

The one drink turned into multiple and a meal. They all had a wonderful time enjoying easy conversation interspaced with lots of laughter. Much of this involved tales of the girls in their younger days.

Claire caught Angie alone in the kitchen, "My God what are we doing, this is wrong!"

"Yeah, I know but I haven't felt like this in years, to feel so desired and they are just bloody gorgeous. Jack hangs on your every word."

Claire smiled, "Well Pete can't take his eyes off your tits, bloody show off."

"It's the first time I've ever used them as an asset, I am really enjoying his attention. I actually like him looking and want him to do more than look."

"Jesus Angie really! And what if they do want to go further?"

"Haven't you noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"They both have erections, they are literally straining at the leash, be under no mistake, nice guys or not they want to fuck us. The question is what do we want?"

"OMG, I don't know... what do we want?"

"Well, we are here with them and have been flirting, why don't we just see how the night goes, whatever happens it's a one off, a never to be repeated experience."

For their part, Jack and Pete were mesmerised by the two beautiful mature women as they re-entered the room.


Claire woke with a thudding headache, actually her head was thudding but it wasn't the only thing. She realised the additional noise was the bed in the room next door thudding against the wall.

She turned in her bed to see Jack soundly asleep next to her. The memories of the previous night came flooding back in a panicky hurry. Claire closed her eyes, she didn't... oh yes, she did, shit! Looking under the covers; she was naked as was her bed partner, an impressive and red-looking cock lying across the top of his crotch. She quietly got up passing the other bedroom door where she heard the unmistakeable voice of her friend in the throes of passion. Claire kept walking to the kitchen, 15 minutes later a red-faced Angie joined her friend. Their eyes met as Angie give her shoulders a shrug.

Claire broke the silence, "Fuck, what did we do?"

"We had sex... lots and lots of sex."

"God my head is pounding, how much wine did we drink? No need to ask if you did the deed, I heard as I passed your door."

"Mmm yeah, I couldn't resist another round this morning; anyway, that wasn't anything compared to you last night, you almost shouted the place down."

"Really! was I that loud?"

"Absolutely, it sounded so erotic. How was it?"

Claire thought about it, in her panic she hadn't let herself remember, now it came flooding back.

"It, it was actually... well wonderful."

"Mmm for me too."

"Oh My god I had an orgasm! I never orgasm from... you know, but I did. But before that, it was as if he was worshipping my body, he kissed me everywhere. I didn't know it could be like that. What about you."

"It was great, his body is just so gorgeous, so toned and perfect skin, he felt strong and powerful, Steve is pretty cold in comparison, and the sex was absolutely mind blowing."

"And now?"

"And now I feel incredibly guilty and... and sad I guess."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, what have we done, I'll need to tell Phil."

"Just stay calm and think it through. What if you did confess, how do you think that would play out?"

"He'd certainly be angry; I think he would throw me out or leave. I am not sure if he would ever come back. Even if he did, nothing would be the same... shit! What about Steve?"

"The same I think or probably worse."

Just then the guys came into the room looking decidedly sheepish, they caught the end of the conversation and could feel the tension in the room.

Jack spoke nervously, "I am sorry that we have put you in a difficult position, I never want you to feel bad about what for me was truly a wonderful experience. I hope it isn't something we did to make you feel that way."

Pete joined in "I can never regret last night. Thank you so much for sharing that intimacy with us, it felt really special, however difficult it might seem in the future."

Claire smiled, "It's nothing you did, we put ourselves in this position and enjoyed our time together immensely. But we have to deal with the reality of the situation. In particular what we say to our husbands; they deserve the truth I guess."

"You can blame us if you need to, say we got you drunk and took advantage, whatever helps."

"Be careful what you say, Phil is a big guy, and he might want to take his retribution out on you."