The Contract Ch. 08


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It would normally take six to eight weeks to recover from knee surgery, but Rose's muscles in her left leg had weakened from lack of use. The doctors expected recovery time would be twice as long. After Sherri came back with some pictures of Rose in therapy, I decided to make a copy of the parallel bars from the clinic out of plumbing pipe. I ended up covering the pipe with foam insulation and duct tape.

Rose was exhausted after going only 20 feet. I had seen her whip around on crutches in the classes we took, but having to learn to use her left leg was taking every ounce of energy she had. She was still hell on wheels in her wheelchair, and beat the rest of us to the dinner table in the apartment.

Motoko made her Pork Tonkatsu again, or, should I say, Ran's Pork Tonkatsu. Everyone enjoyed, and the plum wine flowed. Sherri was on the way to becoming completely blitzed, and started laughing at even the slightest comment. I was somewhat amused by Sherri, but I tried not to show it. I did glance around at the others and noticed that Jason was outright staring at Sherri's chest. When I looked back at Sherri, I saw the two wet spots on Sherri's blouse, and I started to blush. Sherri was leaking, and it was now apparent that she was not wearing a nursing bra. I didn't want to make a scene, but I knew I needed to do something. I tried to distract Jason.

"Jason, how were your grades at school this semester."

Before Jason could speak, Sherri stood up and exclaimed "Can't you tell, he got straight A's!" Sherri then went into a shimmy, and her wet spots grew larger, as her nipples traced circles on her blouse. Mary got up and apologized for Sherri's behavior, and took Sherri to the bathroom. We sent Jason out to the trailer to get one of Rose's blouses.

It was up to Rose and me to inform Motoko about the Sherri's challenge to Jason. Sherri, with the exception of going to work, was going to be braless until New Years Day. I now had a glimpse of what Sherri might be like at the parties that I was going to attend with her. Sherri would be at the Morton Packaging party, and at mine. I needed to pull Mary to the side and tell her to get control of her fiancée.

When Sherri came back in, Motoko started to ask questions about breastfeeding to Sherri. When Sherri talked about wanting a child and wanting to feel what it was like to breastfeed her child, Motoko became all ears. Questions started shooting out of Motoko, and I saw her getting "baby fever" again. I was not about to have this afternoon go south, just like the evening I took Motoko over to my mother. I pulled Motoko out into the workshop, and had a short talk with her.

"Motoko, Career stability first, Marriage second, and Children third. Do you understand?"

Motoko nodded in understanding.

Motoko was about to say something, and Jason interrupted. Jason came out and told me that he was getting a second blouse for Sherri, and her training bra from the van.

We waited for Jason to return with the clothing, and the three of us went back inside to find out that Mary and Sherri had gone into the bathroom again. Jason knocked on the door, and passed the clothes into Mary. Mary then came out with a bottle of milk.

"Paul do you mind if we store this in the refrigerator?"

I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders, "Go ahead."

Motoko quipped in, "Is that from Sherri?"

Mary brought the bottle over and offered it to Motoko, "You may have had mother milk as a baby, but you probably don't remember how it tastes. Would you like to try some?"

Motoko looked up at me, nervously. I heard the bathroom door open and close. Sherri had come out, but I had no idea if she would want Motoko tasting her milk. But, since Mary had offered, I assumed that it was OK with Sherri.

"Go ahead Motoko, try it. I not going to get upset, but I do not have a nursing fetish, so don't even think about doing it yourself."

Motoko cautiously took a sip. "It's warm."

"Yes, it's at body temperature."

"I don't like warm milk."

"Motoko, even baby formula is warmed up; it has to be for the baby."

"But, I'm not a baby. I like cold milk."

"Most people do."

Mary watched the conversation between us, grabbed the bottle, and downed it. "The hell with you two, this was made by my honey with love, and I will not have you two spoil it with analysis."

I figured that Mary did this for Sherri's sake. Motoko stared at Mary, and then looked back at me. I smiled back at her, "We don't have to try this one out, do we?"

Motoko shook her head. I gave Motoko a hug and we embraced each other.

Mary quipped in, "Hey, what's going on? What did I miss? What else have you two tried?"

Motoko's face flushed, and she buried it in my shirt.

Sherri strode over, "Lala, is there something you can tell us about what's going on?"

"This is between them, not us Sherri."

"You know, don't you?"

Rose bit her lip. I came to her rescue.

"A lady doesn't talk about someones private life in public, Mary. So let's just drop it, please."

I hugged Motoko, and continued, "Mary is right you know, Sherri made that milk with love, and it is best to give it to the one she loves. If we get married, and we have a child, I would expect your breast milk to be filled with love too. I can think of no better person to drink it than our child."

"Our child?"

"There was a big 'if" in there, but yes Motoko, our child."

Motoko hugged me even tighter. I gave Mary a firm glance and a head bob to go over to Sherri. Mary, Sherri, and Rose all made knowing glances at each other, and the matter was dropped. I'm sure the fact that Jason was there helped, but I felt that Mary and Sherri now knew about the threesome that Motoko and Rose had with me. I also make is clear to Motoko that I wanted to keep our private life private. I hoped she would get the hint, and keep her mouth shut in the bath from now on.

We all went back the table and finished our meal.

Motoko asked Rose if she would continue to teach her how to make more jewelry. Rose was more than happy to take Motoko under her wing. Then Motoko asked about a junior college in Paris, Texas. This took Rose back.

"It has a very good program, Motoko. How do you know about that college?"

"Well, I went to the supply store in Little Rock to get some tools, and they talked about it. When I showed my parents the online website, they offered to send me to school this summer."

"Motoko, Paris Junior College's TIJT is an intensive two year program. You will end up working your ass off to pass the bench certification test. With that, you could walk into almost any jeweler in the country and get a job in repair. If you go for the whole 4 year program, you would be qualified to grade diamonds and other gemstones, along with watch repair. I'm not sure what they could teach you in only one summer."

"It is four semesters, and the program is set up for someone to start in the summer. I could graduate the following summer. But, if I you could help me learn before I go, I could see if I really want to do this, before my parents pay for summer school."

I was puzzled by Motoko's interst in jewelry. "Motoko, where did this come from?"

"I do not want to keep working at Morton Packaging, because they fired you. I want to help you with your business. I have seen glass jewelry, and I thought I could help your business by finishing the glass into jewelry for you."

I was taken back. I'm sure I needed my jaw closed.

Rose held up her hand. "Paul, she has a good idea. You need to concentrate on your glass work, and Motoko could learn a lot in a few months. In three months, I will know if she has any aptitude in jewelry making, and will be able to give her a recommendation to get her into the school. I have been paid as a guest lecturer at PJC, and my recommendation would guarantee her a workbench. This will also help diversify your business. We should take her to Tucson with us."

Now Mary and Sherri had questions, and soon everyone was planning to go to Tucson in February.

After the others left, Motoko and I had some quiet time. Motoko had figured out that the faster she could make Beckson Glassworks a success, the faster we could get married. She recognized that I would need to be in a position to support her before I would propose. She was committing to me, for an extended courtship, and that made me feel even more confident and comfortable around her.

She had committed to me, and I felt that I had to tell her all.

I told her about finishing my "anger management" courses with the cultural center. She now knew that I could go back to work at Morton Packaging in one month. I could support her, with my old job. We could get married, and start a family. I also told her about learning all four martial arts at the cultural center made it possible for me to switch careers to martial arts. She now knew about all three of my paths. I told her that the glass company may only be part time, and that one of the other two might end up my primary job. Motoko listened, and we snuggled. It felt good, just to snuggle with her for a while.

Her eyes started to glaze over, and she started to mouth words. I could barely hear, but I did make out a name, "Motoko Beckson".

"Remember Motoko, Job stability first, which also includes you now. Marriage and pregnancy is still two years away. Can you wait that long?"

"Yes, Paul-sama."

After kissing and snuggling for a while, Motoko tried to get up to clean up from the celebration. I held her firm. We held each other and kissed on the couch for over an hour, until I had to go to Jujitsu class.

***** *****

After Jujitsu, Mr. Sato wanted to meet with me. I showered and started to go to Mr. Sato's office, but Ran was waiting for me outside the men's locker room in Kimono. She presented me with a fresh Jutitsu workout Gi in white, along with a navy blue Hakama (pleated pants), Tabi (divided toe socks), and a pair of sandals. I went back into the locker room and changed. I had a pair of Hakama with my Kyudo uniform, but they were black. When I returned, Ran put a navy blue Haori (jacket) on me and asked me to follow her.

Ran then escorted me into Mr. Himaki's business office. Ran went in to announce me, and then brought me in to sit next to Mr. Sato. Mr. Himaki was sitting in front of both of us. The decorative bowl that I given Mr. Sato was off to the side of Mr. Himaki, along with Ran's dinner service. Ran went to the side of the room, and poured tea into three cups and served each of us, starting with her father. I sat quietly while all of the formalities were being handled. This was a little more involved than what I was expecting. After pouring Tea, Ran went and sat off to the side, away from the three of us, facing a wall.

I was a little ticked off about how Ran was behaving. She was acting like a servant. It was almost as if she had positioned herself out of the conversation, and was awaiting her next order. It was like she was a robot, and I didn't like it. She was a human, and should have been allowed to face the people in the room conducting business.

"Mr. Sato has said that you are showing a lot of promise, Mr. Beckson."

"He is being very kind to say that. I am trying my best to meet his expectations."

After my dream with Mr. Sato, I really wasn't too sure of where I stood. Ran had told me that I was doing well, but to hear it from Mr. Himaki? Well, that's different...

"I know you have completed all anger management requirements for your company. I was wondering if you were planning on continuing your training."

This was an easy question. I was wondering if it was going to get more difficult.

"In order to return to work, I am still not allowed to practice 'hard' martial arts. In order to maintain my old position, I may not switch back to Kempo, which allows for striking your opponent. I currently plan to continue towards my orange belt, at least until the golden membership paid by Morton has terminated in April." Mr. Himaki gave a glance over at Mr. Sato, and Mr. Sato nodded with approval.

"But you are still allowed to practice Kendo, which is striking with a sword."

"I do not believe Morton Packaging expects a sword fight to spontaneously erupt on the workroom floor, or in the parking lot. As such, they consider my time at Kendo to be a sport, and not a means of self defense."

So, you are still planning on returning to your old position."

Well, he wasn't going to beat around the bush, so to speak. I had always heard that Japanese negotiations were very round about. They would start by seeking intent, and then proceed to solidifying a deal. What I had walked into was the first stage of a contract negotiation. I had no idea what the 'other side' wanted, so I needed to give open ended answers, until l I had a chance to probe myself. I still had a month before I could actually return to Morton, and I would have about eight or nine weeks of vacation and I also had sick leave that I could still use. My real intent was to use this time to start my glassmaking business. I needed to say yes, in such a way that it also said maybe.

"I am keeping my options open. I have started a glassmaking business, and I am looking into methods of financing the business until it can sustain itself." I didn't give away too much, since the glass pieces were sitting right next to Mr. Himaki. I thought I did pretty well.

"This seems to be a great departure from your job at Morton Packaging. Do you feel that you can make such a leap?"

"My degree from the University of Arkansas is in graphic design. I had expected my position at Morton to be to aid clients in designing the products they purchased from the company. I did not expect to end up as a contract negotiator. I feel that my talents in design have not been used to their full potential."

Mr. Himaki glanced over at the pieces, and nodded. "You have made some interesting pieces here. I wish you the best in your endeavor." After the wish for success, he did a slight bow.

I bowed back. "Thank You, for your interest in my business."

That was it? I had been given a fresh martial arts uniform to be wished success in my new business? And the best praise he could give me was that they were 'interesting'? There had to be a lot more to this meeting than this. There had to be a martial arts connection, or something else. At this point, I didn't even have a clue as to the nature of the 'contract' that we had started negotiating on was even about. The only thing I could figure out was to respond in kind to his business. I needed to throw out some bait, and start fishing. I picked up my cup of tea, held out in front of my in a gesture of a toast.

"Mr. Himaki, I wish for you continued success with the cultural center, and I hope others can have the same wonderful experiences that I have experienced."

With this gesture, Mr. Sato and Mr. Himaki both lifted their cups. We all drank a toast to the cultural center. Once again, Mr. Himaki made a glance at Mr. Sato, and received a nod.

So, I had hit. They were setting me up for something, and it had to do with Jujitsu. There was no way that I could be made an instructor with a yellow belt. I knew that I was only two months in on a three year program to obtain a black belt. They also knew that I could not accept a position in Kempo, which I was qualified to teach. I was also able to work as a Kendo instructor, but I would have expected the instructor for Kendo would be present. I still needed more information.

"Mr. Himaki, is there a way that I may help in your continued success?"

"The question should be if we could help you. A position in contract negotiation at Morton would put you away from your new business startup. Is it possible that in the future you might desire a position that would supplement your income instead of a full time position?"

"I am not sure at this time. Maybe in the future, but that will depend on the success of the business. Right now I need to concentrate on product development and gaining marketing experience."

"Then maybe we could give you a pathway in the future. During this present time of product development, would you be interested in some more intense Jujisu training?"

"I may. Is there a common goal that we both would be working towards?"

"An instructor with awards would benefit the instructor and the Dojo he teaches at."

"I am only a yellow belt in Jujitsu, you can't expect awards won by a yellow belt to mean much."

"There is a specific category at the national competition for students with brown belt or lower, that we think you would excel at. An award in this competition would speak well of you as an instructor."

"A national competition?"

"In Branson."

"If I get into a national competition, it is possible that I will lapse into Kenpo during a duel, and I will disqualify myself. I am still far more practiced at a hard martial art form than a soft one. That would not bring favor to the cultural center."

"We would not ask you to enter a competition that would involve duals, but rather a form competition."

"A Kata competition?"

"A competititon stressing form would benefit a person who was intent on becoming a teacher, but you will need an instructor as a partner."

"So, will Mr. Sato will act as my attacker, as I demonstrate drops and locks."


"And this has a chance of giving the cultural center prestige at a national competition, by demonstrating their skill at training a low level belt holder with a high degree of precision."

Mr. Himaki and Mr. Sato were silent. Ran, who was still looking at the wall, stiffened.

"My apologies, but I am used to entering negotiations where one tries to see the benefits for both parties."

Mr. Himaki nodded. "You understand the opportunity that is before us, but you could not be an employee of our center to compete. I can not offer you any monetary compensation. You have to remain a student in order to compete in this competition."

"And that is why you have my glass products next to you. Your plan to offer the cultural center gift shop as a retail outlet for my products. You may even offer a minimum purchase allowance that will compensate for the time spent in training. You would then give these away and use these as a charitable write off for the cultural center."

"Mr. Beckson, you seem to do well at contract negotiations."

"I would have to decline under these conditions."

Mr. Himaki stiffened up. "Why."

"My reasoning is threefold."

"My first reasoning is that I would actually be receiving compensation for training. Even though it is indirect and would probably not be detected, it is a bit dishonest."

"My second reasoning is that I am not producing to a developing market. A minimum allowance means that I need not care if someone actally desires to purchase my products. In order to build a product base, I need a free market that will force me to alter what I produce. I understand that you are offering me a safety net. Three years from now, I could probably be offered a position where I could fill in as an instructor in Kendo, Kempo, Kyudo, and Jujitsu. If I rely on the safety net, and not on my ability to adapt, I am dooming the business to a lackluster start."

"My third reason is marketing. If my product was given as gifts away from my market, or if the product was given to someone who didn't see the value in it, it would end up on the top shelf of someone's closet. This would reduce advertising by word of mouth. I also would not want my product to show up in some goodwill store, as a chartable donation.. This would have the ultimate effect of devaluing my product, for a short term goal. I will have a limited amount of product to sell, and I will need it to go into the hand of people who appreciate it, and these people need to tell others about it."