The Cop in the Bathroom Closet


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Natasha pulled her knickers fully down to her ankles, and sat her skinny teenage arse down onto the toilet seat. Her skinny legs were open at the knees and I could not stop staring at her vagina. While Natasha did not seem to shave on her pubic mound, I could see that she did remove some of her hair between her legs, as her vulva was bald showing that it was a perfect, tight oval shape pink in color. Even as Natasha got herself comfortable on the toilet seat, I saw some menstrual blood seeping out of her pussy, obviously the young girl had quite a heavy flow going on. I saw Natasha wince and rub her abdomen, presumably she had period cramps.

Sitting on the toilet, her knees apart I had a perfect view of Natasha's knickers, her period pad and her pubes and pussy between her legs. The dead silence of the bathroom was soon broken by new sounds, splashing, trickling sounds from inside the toilet bowl as Natasha began to urinate into it, her pee stream going down into the toilet water.

'She's peeing, stop perving on her,' my conscience reprimanded me, but again I couldn't look away from the pretty young Asian girl urinating on the toilet. She obviously was well hydrated, given how long her piss seemed to last.

Finally, the sound of Natasha pissing stopped and the teenager reached for the toilet roll, unwinding herself some sheets of toilet paper, folding them up and applying them to her pussy. I could only watch with wide eyes and a throbbing dick as the soft, floral toilet tissue came away from Tash's teenage vagina wet with her pee and stained with her menses, before she dropped it into the toilet and remained sitting on the loo.

I knew what was coming next, again told myself to look away, but couldn't as Natasha's pretty face took on a look of slight straining. Through the lenses of her glasses her perfect, almond shaped Asian eyes screwed up, and with her mouth slightly open, I saw Tash grit her brace-covered teeth. Natasha's teenage toes curled up against her shoes, and she farted. I couldn't believe that Tash farted at all, but I heard the evidence that she did echoing in the toilet bowl as her anus opened to release her wind. And it wasn't a soft delicate fart, it was a massive fart so loud that I thought Natasha's petite teenage body would be blown off the toilet seat.

Natasha farted again, not as loudly as the first time, but loud enough. She looked to be straining again, and a new sound emerged from the toilet bowl - a massive splash as Natasha pooped. Obviously I couldn't see Tash's bowel movement through the white porcelain of the toilet bowl, but from the sound it must have been a massive log. Natasha's pretty face scrunched up, her toes curled up against her open shoes and in the toilet there came a series of splashes as she defecated again. The feces currently coming out of Natasha's bottom didn't sound as large as her initial bowel movement, but shit there was a lot of them, which finished with another loud fart by Natasha.

Once more not able to look away even though I wanted to, I watched as Natasha reached out for the toilet roll. She unwound herself a few sheets of soft floral toilet paper off the roll, folded them up, lifted her left arse cheek and proceeded to wipe her bottom front to back.

The flowery toilet tissue emerged from Natasha's bum stained red with her period blood and covered with her messy brown poo, which looked to have the same color and consistency of peanut butter. Tash dropped her dirty toilet paper into the bowl, then unwound more sheets and repeated the process, this loo paper also emerging from its rendezvous with Natasha's vagina and anus smeared in menses and poo.

Natasha grimaced and squirmed on the toilet seat, breaking wind and massaging her tummy in an attempt to relieve her menstrual cramps. I couldn't believe this was turning me on, it shouldn't be, no way, not ever. I needed to look away, close my eyes, do anything but stand in the closet staring at a poor teenage girl who was using the loo while on her period, but I could not.

My eyes took in all of Natasha, her pretty face looking so cute each time she had a bowel movement, her pubic hair and pussy on display courtesy of her open knees, her white cotton knickers with a sanitary napkin attached on the panty saddle and her cute teenage toes visible in her sandals. Again, I reprimanded myself for perving on my daughter's BFF while she was pooing on the toilet, yet still I couldn't look away and kept thinking about how I wanted to see Natasha's bare bottom when she finished and stood up from the toilet seat. That and disappointment that I couldn't see Natasha's breasts, although I probably wasn't missing anything there. Natasha did wear a bra, I had on occasion seen the strap come loose on her upper arm and the outline through her clothes, but a brassiere was a garment that was a waste of time and money for young Natasha as she was close to flat chested.

I continued to stare at Natasha's vagina, thinking about an immature and somewhat racist joke that Chinese girls' front bottoms go the other way from the vulvas of non-Asian girls, but young Natasha's front bottom was definitely like any other girl's vagina. Observing Natasha getting more loo paper and wiping her period blood from her pussy, I thought about how dumb it was the way I was thinking about her vagina. I shouldn't have been thinking about her vagina at all, period! Actually not period, not period at all in the current situation. Full stop, but not period.

Then came something that definitely should have cooled me down. Thanks to the slats of the closet door, the smell of Natasha's poo and farts had drifted out of the toilet bowl and throughout the bathroom, soon filling the confined space in which I was concealed.

The odor from Natasha's bowels was very strong, a mixture of rotting cabbages, sulfur dioxide and stagnant lake water. I found it hard that such a pretty and innocent 18-year-old girl could produce such a terrible toilet smell, but rather than my erection going down it only got harder as I inhaled the smell of Natasha's feces. This was weird and sick I told myself, yet at the same time I was mentally chanting for Natasha to defecate more so I could smell even more of her shit.

Young Natasha didn't fail to disappoint me, the pretty 18-year-old farting - both pussy farts from her vagina and proper farts from her anus, the latter signaling even more smelly poo coming out of her rectum and going into the toilet bowl with splashing sounds. Natasha's toes curled up as her anus let out another massive fart, only this time she defecated at the same time, her feces making a squelching noise as they exited her bowels. Obviously she had 'sharted' to borrow the vulgar expression often used by teenagers.

Natasha lifted her butt cheek off the toilet seat, got toilet paper and used it to wipe her bum, the teenager farting on her toilet tissue even as she was wiping, the loo paper covered in her smelly and messy shit when it came away from her back bottom.

If New Zealand held a pooing contest, young Natasha would definitely be a strong chance of winning given what I had observed this morning. I was also amazed that a skinny girl like Natasha could have such a huge quantity of poo inside her body. She was built like a willow branch, so small and skinny that a strong blast of Pacific Ocean air could have blown her off her feet. If she had that much shit inside her digestive system, surely it would have looked like she was pregnant?

Perhaps Tash's period was affecting her bowels, making her windy and produce copious amounts of poo that was sticky, messy and very, very smelly? I knew my wife and daughter had problems with their bowels and went to the toilet more when they were on their periods, but obviously it wasn't a subject that Brooke, Candice, Josh and I sat around the dinner table talking about. Or perhaps it was to do with her many food allergies? Thanks to Mary over-sharing on her daughter's Celiac disease, Brooke and I had learned that even the slightest ingestion of any gluten affected the odor, consistency and frequency of Natasha's bowel movements, not that Brooke and I wanted to know any of this.

With my throbbing erection, I still continued perving on Natasha's pubic hair, her fanny, her lowered knickers and her period pad, wondering just how long she was going to be sitting on the loo. My conscience was still berating me, reminding me that I was the father of an 18-year-old girl. What if some 45-year-old pervert was hiding in a bathroom closet getting his rocks off watching Candice on the toilet, much less when it was her time of the month? Obviously furious and outraged, yet Natasha was somebody's daughter and still I couldn't look away.

I saw Natasha's dark eyes again screw up through the lenses of her glasses, and there was a massive series of splashes in the toilet bowl as even more poop came of Natasha's bum and went into the toilet along with the bowel movements she had already passed, and her soiled toilet paper. Her toilet smell got even stronger, and once again I stared at Natasha's exposed vagina, seeing her period blood on her genitals as her uterus continued to shed its lining.

Natasha's bowel movements finished with another loud fart from the pretty Asian girl, and she sat upright on the toilet, first looking down at her feet, lowered panties and sanitary towel, then turning around to look behind herself into the toilet bowl at her turds.

Natasha reached out for the toilet paper, unwound some and wiped her bottom front to back. She repeated this four times in a row, and when the last piece of loo paper came away from her bum only with blood stains from her box but no poo stains from her butt, Tash was clearly done.

Natasha stood up off the toilet, her legs going even wider as she did so, allowing me to see even more of her pretty pink vagina. Turning around, me getting to see her bare bottom - tight, taught and terrific with perfect Asian skin - as she did so, Natasha stood in front of the toilet, put down the lid and flushed it.

Given how much of Natasha's poo and toilet paper had gone into the bowl, I hoped Natasha hadn't blocked up the toilet but everything seemed fine. With the sound of the toilet cistern refilling Natasha, still with her knickers around her ankles, shuffled the short distance to the adjacent sink and washed her hands, drying them on a small towel.

Picking up her purse, Natasha reached inside and took out two items - a pink and white sanitary disposal bag and a new sanitary napkin, concealed inside a blue plastic packet. Next to the sink was a box of facial tissues and Tash pulled four out before dampening them under the tap.

I watched wide-eyed as Natasha scrunched up three of the tissues, held up her skirt and placed them between her legs, thoroughly cleaning her teenage vagina with them. As to be expected, the three tissues came away from Tash's box covered in her menstrual blood, before she placed them in the sanitary bag.

Taking the fourth tissue, Natasha bent forward with her legs apart. From my position in the closet I had a perfect view of her pretty pink vulva and now something even more private, the tight, star-fish shaped opening of her anus. It was hard to believe such a tight little opening was responsible for Natasha stinking out the toilet, but obviously it was.

Natasha took the fourth tissue, put it between the firm cheeks of her bare bum and used it to wash her bottom, the teenager thoroughly cleaning her anal area and remove the smell of her poo that presumably lingered around her rear opening after such a massive smelly shit.

Tash disposed of the fourth tissue into the sanitary bag along with those she had used to wash her vagina, then took hold of the packet that held her new sanitary napkin, before opening it and placing the plastic packet into the sanitary bag.

I watched as Natasha unfolded her new period pad, the white feminine rectangular object placed face up with wings out awaiting its rendezvous with the teenager's panties and pussy. Natasha leaned forward, again affording me a perfect view of her genitals and anus, and reached down to her knickers, unfastening the soiled pad's wings and peeling it away from her panty saddle. The girl then folded her dirty menstrual pad, looking like a crime scene thanks to her obviously heavy flow in half, wrapped the wings around it so it would stay folded up and put it in the bag.

Taking her new pad, Natasha un-peeled the tabs on the adhesive section of its wings, then the strip on the adhesive underside of the pad. The teenager leaned forward again, pressing her napkin into the double cotton saddle of her panties, securing it into position then wrapping the wings around so the pad was properly adhered to her undies. Taking hold of her knickers, Tash pulled them up and adjusted them around her crotch so her napkin was comfortable around her pussy and securely in place and in right position in her knickers to catch the flow of menstrual blood from her vagina.

Natasha smoothed down her skirt, placed the peel-back strip and wing tabs from her new pad into the sanitary bag along with the tissues and used pad, and folded down the top of the bag, hiding the used feminine hygiene product and associated items from view. Washing and drying her hands again, Natasha took her sanitary disposal bag in one hand and her purse in the other and opened the bathroom door, only to find Candice standing outside. My daughter was attired in a red top that showed way too much of her D-cup breasts for my liking, tight blue jeans and red sandals on her feet.

"I was going to call my Dad to get the missing person's squad to search for you, Tash," said Candice, my daughter stepping into the bathroom. "What took you so long, did you fall in?"

Natasha looked shy and embarrassed. "Sorry I kept you waiting so long Candice, I needed to have a poo."

"No shit, Tash," said Candice. She sniffed the air in the bathroom, the smell of Natasha's poo still very strong from her recent bowel movements. "Actually Tash, in your case 'yes shit' would be more appropriate. What happened in here? Did you eat something with gluten or lactose in it? Phew." Candice waved her hand under her nose and laughed.

Natasha again blushed. "No, I've got my period, you know how it has that effect on me."

"Sorry Tash, I'd forgotten about that, so you get a free pass," Candice joked. "When I've got my period, you do not want to get anywhere near the toilet after I've been to the loo, believe me."

This was information from my daughter I could certainly have done without I thought as I waited for the girls to leave.

"Do you need to go to the toilet too, Candice?" Natasha asked.

A feeling of panic raced through me, my blood turning cold. What if Candice did need to go to the toilet? I would be concealed in the bathroom closet while my teenage daughter was sitting on the toilet with her jeans and knickers around her ankles. This was terrifying and disturbing on so many levels.

To my great relief, Candice shook her head. "No, I just need to clip one of my toenails, it's got a sharp edge that's annoying me."

I watched as Candice took her nail-clippers, removed her left shoe and clipped the offending toenail. "All done," she said to Natasha, as she slid her sandal back on, put her nail clippers away and left the bathroom with Natasha.

"Can I please put this in your wheelie bin?" Natasha asked, holding up her sanitary bag.

"Well I don't want you to put it on the dining room table or on my parents' bed, Tash," joked Candice.

I waited in my hiding spot until I heard Candice locking up, then the doors of my daughter's car opening and closing before she started the engine and drove away. Feeling dizzy and light-headed, I emerged from the closet and into the bathroom, still very smelly courtesy of Natasha's stinky little arse, wondering if I was about to suffer a heart attack or a stroke. Although one reason for feeling light-headed was obvious - my erection was absolutely throbbing, threatening to bust my shorts and undies.

Sitting down on the small bench outside the shower, I tried to justify why I had behaved the way I had. Maybe I was a person who had simply frozen in an unfamiliar situation and acted in a way that was completely at odds with how I thought I would have acted if the situation was presented to me as a hypothetical.

It kind of made sense. As a policeman, I had encountered many people over the years who were distraught because they thought they knew what to do in emergency situations - accidents, crimes, fires, medical situations and the like - but when in that situation for real froze and did nothing or went into panic and took actions that made the situation worse. Like the man who despite first aid training had just stood frozen when a young girl was knocked off her bike by a speeding car in a hit and run, a woman who threw water on a fat fire on a stove top or a young male bank teller who passed out when confronted with gun-wielding back robbers leaving his female colleagues to face the robbers alone. That must have been what happened to me.

But an 18-year-old girl needing to go to the toilet was hardly an emergency - well it was for Natasha otherwise she would have shit her panties - so why hadn't I just stepped out of the closet when I heard the girls talking and left Tash to use the toilet in privacy? Given my time over again, I would have done just this and gone and talked with Candice while Tash went to the toilet, but I hadn't. And why had I frozen? I had never frozen in an emergency situation in all my years as a police officer, yet I had done so in a bizarre and unexpected way.

I wasn't a pervert or a Peeping Tom, I told myself. I wasn't a man who got his rocks off over women using the bathroom, unlike some toilet perverts I had encountered in my years on the force. One was a domestic that I had attended as a young officer fresh out of the academy, where a wife had discovered her husband's porn stash that mainly consisted of explicit pictures of young women performing their bodily functions usually on the toilet, but sometimes out in the open and the two were having a screaming match so loud I think people in Wellington would have heard them.

More recently there was an enterprising young man who sated his toilet fetish by dressing up in a burqa and entering female public lavatories to perve on women using the toilets within. Then there was this fat guy who felt the need to set up a hidden camera in the lavatory at his house, so he could film his stepdaughters and their female friends while they were on the toilet. It was fortunate that these two weirdos liked shit because that's exactly where they ended up - in deep shit up to their necks. Unlike them I hadn't deliberately set out to perve at Natasha while she was on the loo, but I had done just that.

Yet even as I was thinking all this, I stood up off the bench and as though in a trance, walked over to the toilet and lifted up the lid. The seat was still warm thanks to Natasha's bare teenage bottom having sat on it for so long, and the lid had trapped the smells not only of Natasha's excrement, but her menstrual blood too.

Even though I knew it was twisted, sick and just flat out wrong, I looked into the toilet bowl. I had had a pee just before starting work on the shelves and the bowl was clean then. When Natasha had defecated, obviously some of her poo had stained the white porcelain and now there was a big shit stain on one of the sides of the bowl that had failed to clear when she flushed the loo. And while most of Tash's feces, menstrual blood and dirty toilet paper had gone down the drain into the sewer and the toilet water was now clean, one small clot of Natasha's period blood that was dark red in color had failed to go down with the rest of her mess when she flushed and was floating in the toilet water.