The Cop, The Cam, and The Crooks


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"Excuse me," she said, trying to get past the men who were blocking the door. One moved in front of her, blocking her path. She stepped to the other side, but he moved with her.

"No one leaves," he said angrily.

Another man pushed Clive further in to the building. Emily stood still, frozen in place. Her eyes darted around, eyeing up the men.

They were all dressed in dark clothing and two of the men carried large duffel bags.

"That means you, bitch," said one of them, pushing her in the chest.

Emily turned and walked calmly back in to the bank. She caught the eye of one of the tellers and nodded her head, signalling for them to push the silent alarm.


The men had gathered the forty customers and twenty bank staff together in the centre of the expansive room. They sat back to back in four rows and each row had an armed man guarding them. They had been instructed to hand over their phones, wallets, and watches.

An hour had passed since the men had entered the building. Several hostages were crying, others were praying. Emily sat quietly and observed as much as she possibly could. The staff had been trained for this moment and although they had never thought they'd need to put their training in to action, it was important they remembered what was taught. The most important thing was that they, and their customers, survived.

Emily glanced over at the main entry to the bank. The glass doors were closed and an armed man stood on each side. They whispered between themselves and laughed. Emily noted the red and blue flashing lights coming from outside and she felt a small amount of relief knowing that help was just outside those doors.

One of the men randomly selected five hostages, Emily included, and ordered them up off the floor. They were each handed a crudely written sign and told to stand at the windows and display the signs for the people outside to see.

Emily didn't bother to read her sign; She walked calmly to the window and held it against the glass, just below her chin. She looked out at the world outside her fishbowl and was amazed to see the huge swarm of police officers, military vehicles, and news station vans outside. She wondered if Seb was among them.


The SWAT team were sitting solemnly in the lunchroom at the police station two blocks over from the bank, patiently waiting to be called in to action. The television was on in the far corner and the volume was low. Seb sat next to Shaun; Both were silently watching the footage.

The camera slowly panned past the front of the bank showing the hostages holding up the signs. The camera person stilled on the third pane of glass; A beautiful brunette was holding a sign about prisoner release. Shaun leaned forward off the back of his chair and slapped his friend on the shoulder.

"Is that-"


Seb leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. He dropped his head in to his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. He stood up abruptly, almost knocking the chair over. A stir rose up inside him and he let out a pained groan. The memories of her in his arms, in the shower, writhing beneath him came flooding back when he saw her face on the screen.

"What the fuck is she doing in there, man?" Shaun asked, concern heavy his voice.

Seb released a long, shaky breath. "She told me she worked in a bank. I didn't realise it was this one."

"Woods," came a deep voice behind them. Seb turned and approached his team commander.


"You know the woman in window 3?"

Seb knew his boss had overheard his brief discussion with Shaun. "Yes, sir," he replied.

"What is her name?" clipped the commander.

"Emily Andrews, sir."

"And she is?"

Seb drew in a breath and breathed it out slowly. "She's my girl, sir."

"Will this affect your performance today, Woods?" asked the commander, keenly studying Seb's composed face.

"No, sir."

"Carry on then," he instructed.


Emily's arms were tired. She was tired. She had been standing at the window for over an hour. She leaned her forehead against the glass and closed her eyes.

"Wake up, bitch," growled an angry voice next to her.

Emily jumped and lifted her head off the glass. She turned to see who was speaking to her.

"Did I say you could look at me?" the older man said, pointing a handgun at her chest. He took a handful of her hair and yanked it hard, almost causing Emily to collapse backwards. She yelped in pain and dropped to her knees.

The man flicked her name tag with his finger. "Emily," he grinned, his breath stinking and his teeth dirty. "Which one of these assholes is the bank manager, Emily?"

Emily stuttered, afraid for the first time. "He's... he's not here. He was at lunch when you came in." She squeezed her eyes tight, knowing she had not given him the answer he wanted.

"At lunch?" spat the man. He looked around wildly, still holding Emily by the hair. "Hey, dip shit," he called to one of the younger armed men. "It was your job to keep an eye on the bank manager."

The younger man looked terrified. He stumbled over his words. "I was... He went... I thought..."

"You thought wrong," said the man. He fired a single shot at the younger man and he dropped straight to the ground.

The hostages screamed and yelled, and some covered their ears. Emily opened her eyes slowly and surveyed the room. She spotted Doug huddled in with a group of people; Terror clouded his face. She caught his eye and he looked away immediately.

The older man pulled on Emily's hair, dragging her several feet across the polished marble floor. She scrambled to her feet and followed him, hunched over, her scalp screaming in pain, and entirely at his mercy. He tossed her in to a chair behind the counter.

"How much do you know about the vault, Emily?" he asked, spittle hitting her in the face.

Emily shook her head, confused. "Not much," she replied. "Only the bank manager has that information."

The older man slammed his fist against the counter. "Wrong answer. Wrong fucking answer!" he screamed at her. "

Emily's heart froze in her chest. She knew she was in a very dangerous situation. She felt the pressing, dire realisation that the life of every hostage in the room depended on her ability to appease these criminals. She felt panic rising deep within her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

Emily opened her eyes and turned to look at the awful excuse for a human being in front of her.

"But I may be able to open the safe deposit boxes."

"Why the fuck would I want safe deposit boxes?" he hissed, his face an inch from hers. She ignored the urge to gag at the stench of his breath.

"Jewels," she said, raising her eyebrows. "Lots and lots of jewels."

She watched a wave of understanding wash over the man's face. He smiled an ugly, rotten smile.

"What do you have to do?"

"Everything I need is in the manager's office," she replied.

He grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her towards her fate.

"I just need my note pad and pen," she said as they neared her desk. The man released her wrist and she practically dived on top of her desk, grabbing her notepad and sliding it over top of her cell phone. She scooped it up and held it tight against her chest. With shaking hands she took a pen off her desk and walked through in to the office.


Emily tapped away obliviously at her boss's computer, thankful he never locked his screen. She had no idea what she was doing but she hoped this would at least stall these assholes. She was inherently aware of the cellphone burning a hole through her notepad in front of her, but she needed some way to distract the man who was holding a gun to her head so that she could make a call.

She opened a file and wrote down some random numbers and symbols on the notepad.

"What's that?" the man demanded, gesturing to the notepad.

"The safe deposit boxes can be opened with a code," she lied. "I just have to get all the information so that I can key it in."

"How long will it take?" he asked, agitation in his voice.

"I'm not sure. I'm doing my best," she said. "I'm not used to working under such pressure, and never with a gun to my head."

The man seemed to take the hint and lowered the pistol. Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door; Yelling and crying. The man leaped over to the door, leaned his head out, and started screaming at his men. Emily knew this may be the one window of opportunity she would get. She reached a hand under the notepad and held down the home button.

"Siri," she whispered. "Call Seb."


Seb was sitting impatiently, his legs bouncing on the balls of his shoes. It was imperative that they enter the building as soon as possible. He needed to save her. He had to. In his pocket his phone began to vibrate against his thigh. Pulling it out he looked at the screen. He fumbled it, almost dropping it in shock, and slid his finger across the screen.

"Emily!" he greeted urgently. He pressed the phone hard against his ear and listened intently. "Emily, talk to me."

"Is that her?" the commander demanded to know, crossing the room swiftly. Seb changed the phone to speaker mode and turned the volume up as high as it would go. His team surrounded him.


Emily wasn't sure if she had been successful in her call; She didn't dare risk lifting the notepad to look. She spoke clearly and deliberately, hoping to convey as much information as possible in the hopes that Seb, or whoever else was listening, could make sense of it.

"Is everything okay out in the main bank hall?" she asked the man as he stepped back in to the office. "Are the five gunmen and sixty hostages okay?"

"It seems everyone is getting a little anxious, Emily," he replied, sneering. "You'd better hurry up."

"I'm going as fast as I can," she replied. "I'm sorry I couldn't open the vault for you, but hopefully I will have the safe deposit boxes open soon. Please, stop pointing that pistol at me."

Emily opened tabs and files and scribbled down a random formula on the notepad. The man walked around the desk to her side and pressed the cold, hard metal of the pistol against her chest. He slid the barrel down the front of her blouse and lifted it away from her skin, peering down to look at her breasts.

"Nice tits," he leered.

"Please don't," Emily pleaded.

"Oh, Emily," he smiled condescendingly, "We will be bound by this event for the rest of our lives. We should fuck and make it even more special."

Emily closed her eyes and breathed steadily. "What is your name?" she asked, turning her head and looking up at him.

"You can call me Daddy," he grinned grotesquely.

"I won't," she refused.

"You'll do what I say, bitch!" he yelled, slamming the butt of the pistol up against her chin. Emily cried out in pain. "You wouldn't want me to rearrange that beautiful face of yours, would you?"

"Please, just step away from me and let me get back to this task of opening the safe deposit boxes," she pleaded. She prayed silently that her call to Seb was being heard.

"You've got 1 hour," he said, moving to sit in the chair on the opposite side of the desk. He propped his hand up on the desk and aimed the gun directly at her. "After that, you can choose: One hostage with a bullet in their head, or you on the end of my dick."


"How are you holding up?" Shaun asked, his arm going around the shoulder of his best friend. Seb pulled his balaclava over his face. They were suited up, ready to go in to position.

"I'm okay," he said truthfully. This was his job, he was trained to do this, and having Emily in there just made it more important for him to follow protocol and get it done right.

"Brown," called his commander. Seb turned and walked over to him.

"Brown," he repeated when Seb was standing in front of him, "The information Emily has provided has been invaluable. It is because of her we have a clear picture of what we are dealing with. Focus on the job at hand, and worry about the rest later."

Seb nodded, proud. "Yes, sir."


"Time's almost up, Emily. What will it be?"

Emily wrote more notes down on the pad. "I've almost got it," she lied. "I need a little more time."

"Time," he laughed, exasperated. He stood up and paced the room. "All everyone wants is more time. But your time has run out." He turned to face her. "Bring me a hostage!" he yelled. Emily heard a commotion outside the door and watched as Doug fell through the doorway, sprawling on to the floor. She watched as her captor grabbed him by the hair and hauled him to his feet.

"Your choice, Emily," he spat. "Him-" and he placed the gun against Doug's temple, "- or you."

"No, no," Doug pleaded. His eyes met Emily's, tears falling on to his cheeks.

Emily shook her head, despair washing over her. As terrible as Doug had been to her, she could never sacrifice him to save herself. "Let him go. You can have me."

Doug was pushed to the ground heaving and gasping. He looked up at Emily and sobbed.

"I'm sorry, Emily," Doug cried, "I'm so-"

His apology was interrupted by a burst of gun fire outside the door. The man turned and stepped towards the door, granting Emily a reprieve of mere seconds. She reached under the notepad and grabbed her phone then ducked under the desk.

"Seb," she cried in to the phone, the sound of whizzing bullets coming from the next room.

"Where the fuck did she go!" she heard on the other side of the desk. The sound of gunfire got louder.

"If you can hear me, Seb, please don't forget me. Please tell my parents I love them," she yelled, bullets slamming in to the walls surrounding her makeshift shelter. She could hear Doug screaming.

But just as quickly as things had started, it all stopped and silence fell. Emily hardly risked breathing, scared that any sound would notify the man of her hiding place. She heard Doug crying and the sound of heavy, rapid footsteps. She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled her knees up tight to her chest.

"Are you alone in here, sir?" A deep, calm voice said.

"I'm... I'm... I'm not sure," she heard Doug's stuttered reply. She heard the scuff of shoes on the floor and the sound of someone leaving the room. A pair of footsteps grew louder and the chair that was half hiding her was rolled away from the desk. Emily covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from screaming in fear.

"Emily?" she heard. "Emily?" A masked man appeared before her, crouched on the ground. "Emily!" She heard relief and emotion in his voice. He reached up and lifted the mask from his face. Emily burst in to tears at the most beautiful sight she had ever seen; Seb had come to rescue her.


The squad car pulled up outside Emily's apartment. After hours of interviews, statements, and reports, Emily and Seb had been allowed to leave. He had insisted on accompanying her home and although Emily insisted she was okay she was thankful to have him with her.

Seb, looking rough and tired, helped her inside. She walked mindlessly through her apartment and sat silently on the edge of her bed. Seb crouched beside her and undressed her slowly. He led her through to the bathroom and turned the shower on, undressed himself quickly, and pulled her in to the shower with him.

They stood under the hot, soothing water in each other's arms. The stress and emotion of the day suddenly overwhelmed Emily and tears streamed down her face. She sobbed helplessly against Seb's chest as he pulled her against him tighter. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried until she was completely spent.

Seb washed her gently. He lathered her hair and tipped her head back with his fingers to wash the shampoo from her scalp. He ran his wet, soapy hands over her body, caressing and cleaning her, soothing her from the outside. He turned off the water and wrapped her in a big, fluffy towel. She felt like a child cradled against him as he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom.


Dry and naked, they climbed under the bed sheets together. They lay facing each other, saying nothing. After a few minutes he spoke.

"I was so terrified today, Emily." He reached out for her and pulled her towards him. She sidled up next to him and rested her head against his shoulder. "I don't know what I would've done if something had happened to you."

"You saved me, Seb," she said, gazing up in to his eyes. "You came in there and you saved me. You're incredible."

Seb shook his head. "You've got it all wrong, kiddo. You saved yourself. And everyone else. What you did, how you stalled them, it was textbook. I'm so proud of you."

Emily dipped her head down and Seb pressed a kiss in to her damp hair. "All I could think of was you," she whispered.

"When your call came through..." he began.

"I had no idea whether you could hear me," she said.

"Everything you said, every piece of information you gave, helped to save yourself and the other hostages. You did everything right."

"I just needed you to hear me," she said, looking up at him once more, tears spilling over her lower lashes.

"I heard you, babe," he replied, his palm pressed against her cheek. "I heard you."

His mouth pressed against hers tenderly and he tasted the salty tears that had worked their way down her cheeks. His fingers worked their way in to her hair and he tugged gently. Emily moaned and took his face in her hands, her nails scratching lightly at the stubble on his jaw.

She draped her leg over his and ground herself against his thigh. Seb deepened their kiss and looped his strong arm around her waist, pulling her on top of him.

"Help me to forget," she pleaded, her lips resting lightly on his. "Even if it's just for now. I need you." Seb nodded; He understood her need to lose herself. What he had done today was his job, but what he did and saw in the line of duty still got to him after all these years, and right now he needed her just as much as she needed him.

He took her plump, round ass in his hands. He squeezed firmly and pulled her against his thick, hard cock. She mewed quietly as it slipped between her smooth, damp lips. With her hands braced on either side of his head, she propelled herself up and down his rod which was slick with her excitement.

Seb slid his index finger down between her ass cheeks and located her wet pussy. He thrust it deeply inside her making her cry out. He inserted a second finger and, holding her tightly against him, fucked her pussy with his digits. His fingers dripping with her juices, he slid his finger up and pressed it in to her ass.

"Ohhhhh, Seb," she cried, her face buried against the coarse hair on his chest. He withdrew his finger from her ass before plunging it in again and again. She groaned and writhed on top of him, his cock slipping and sliding against her drenched cunt.

"I want your ass," he whispered in her ear, a smile spreading across his face. Emily's heart raced at the thought of her virgin ass being dominated. He pressed his two fingers deeper in to her butt, stretching her eagerly. "What do you say?" he asked, pulling his head back and catching her eye.

"I'm not... I haven't..." she stuttered. "I've never been fucked in the ass," she admitted. A look of fear spread across her face, but her ass and pussy throbbed at the thought.

Seb smiled warmly. "I will be so gentle, babe. I'll go at your speed."

Emily smiled back. She nodded, excited and terrified. "Top drawer," she said, gesturing to the bedside table.

She rolled off him and on to the bed as Seb reached across and pulled a tube of lube from the drawer. He set it on the bed beside him and rolled Emily on to her stomach. Taking her by the hips he lifted her ass in the air so that she was on her knees. Moving to sit behind her, he pressed his mouth to her pussy. He licked and sucked her eagerly, savouring the flavour and smell of her.