The Corner Pt. 02


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We followed behind her. I admired her firm buttocks, which swayed as she walked. We reached the table and I watched Lisa lower her shorts as she slide into the booth. Master gave me the 'look' and I did the same thing. Lucky the booth was located in the back out of sight of most patrons. Master sat across from us. We sat on our ruffled panties with the hobble chain between our legs.

He motioned for Susan to stand at his side, as he sat near the corner of the table. "Present Missy I did not get a good look when you curtsied. You will hold your skirt up nice and high for me to view," He ordered.

Susan wore a low cut blouse buttoned up the front, a short school girl type skirt, thigh high stockings, low black heels and a pink ribbon tied around her ponytail. She lifted her short skirt over her hip revealing a pair of white colored Spanx. "I can explain." She stammered: she did not expect Master to be at an early brunch.

Master looked at her and said go get the hairbrush I will meet you in the family spanking room. This was a room specifically designed to handle issues while in the restaurant the room had a red light over the door to indicate, if it were in use. He indicated we should follow him into the room, and to leave our shorts at our knees. He turned on the red light to show the room was in use. A minute later Susan knocked on the door and entered on command. I could see she was already sniffling.

The room was a light blue with a straight-backed chair in the center of the room, and other chairs for sitting. Master indicated we should stand at attention and not move or we would be next over his lap. He motioned for Susan to hand him the hairbrush, which was large and made out of oak. It looked like it could cover two cheeks at once. I was happy to be just observing.

She stood to his right side and lifted her short skirt over her hips. He lowered her thigh-high stockings even though they were not in the target area. Next, he grasped the waistband of her Spanx and lowered them inside out revealing a pink colored thong. Master was now furious not only did she wear a pair of Spanx, but also a thong without his permission. I feel sorry for her.

One tug and she flopped over Master's lap looking like a 5 year old over her Daddy's knee. Her buttocks were firm and wide. Her cheeks were nicely formed with the deep separation down the middle. She was in good shape, but had gained a few pounds over the years, which was the reason for the Spanx. Abby her twin daughter knocked on the door to observe her Mother being disciplined.

"Where is your anal plug Young Lady?" Master asked? More trouble for Susan it appeared.

"It was uncomfortable with the Spanx and thong Sir," She said. My guess it is the wrong answer as Master smacked her twice with the hairbrush making her yelp in surprise. "Let's see how comfortable you are after I tan your backside Missy."

Master looked at Lisa and myself as if to say never disobey me. He began spanking her by landing two blows on her right cheek with the hairbrush. They must have stung like a fire ant, as she immediately started to blubber and asked for forgiveness. Master continued with two on the left cheek following a pattern of rapid fire delivery. Her legs were trapped with the Spanx and thong around her knees. Over and over he landed a full smack on her bubble cheeks it seemed to go on forever, as Susan was desperate for it to end. Finally Master landed four hard smacks on her upper thighs right on her sit spot causing Susan to cry and blubber tears running down her cheeks.

Master stood her on her feet, and she started her spanking dance still blubbering and asking for forgiveness. "You are grounded for a week that means no TV, no computer, no phone. You will be in bed by 7:00. Abby or Annie you are responsible. If I find out you have disobeyed me I will do this spanking all over again only with the strap," He said looking at Abby.

"Is that clear girls?" He said to Abby, and Susan, who was holding her backside and hoping up and down.

'Yes Daddy," They both answered quietly.

"Abby I want you to diaper your Mother. She will no longer be wearing big girl panties for the next week. You both report to me when you are finished. Also, place the shame sign around her neck," He commanded in a low voice.

"Elizabeth and Lisa back to the booth for your brunch. Annie can wait on us," He said.

We followed in silence not wanting him to spank us. When we reached our booth Annie was already to take our order for brunch. She knew her Mother had been disciplined. "The girls will have a glass of milk in a sippy cup and grilled cheese cut it in quarters. Bring them applesauce. I will have a cheeseburger, fries and a soda."

"Yes Sir right away," She answered.

Some 10 minutes later Susan exited the family spanking room. Her eyes were puffy and red from sobbing and her nose was running. She walked stiffly. I could see that her short skirt was now bulky underneath. There was a sign around her neck that said 'I have been a naughty little girl so Daddy spanked me.'

Susan stood in front of her Master and said in a low voice: "Daddy please forgive me for disobeying your rules. I am naughty little girl." She knelt and kissed Master's hand.

"Let me see your diaper Missy." He ordered.

"Yes Daddy," She answered and lifted her short blue skirt over her hips. On display are her ruffled plastic toddler panties and her white pamper.

"Okay back to work. Young Lady." He ordered. She turned and walked away very stiff legged and mortified.

The food arrived on two paper plates with a plastic spoon and a sippy cup for Lisa and me. Master's food arrived on a plate with a fork and knife and a glass for his soda. Master supervised like a Daddy watching his 5 year olds. He told us to keep our bibs on and to sit up straight. He wiped our faces when we spilled some applesauce on our face. He watched as we drank from our sippy cup. I am so humiliated. My face is a deep shade of red. We are still better off than Susan, who is still sniffling.

We eat quickly wanting to leave as soon as possible. Finally the bill arrives and Master pays and leaves a generous tip. As we leave Master talks to Abby and Annie, who both rub their backsides. He has told them to behave or he will spank them. He will be checking on them.

We head back home still walking very slow because of the hobble chain between our thighs. I have to go potty. I should have gone at the restaurant. I can feel my bladder filling. I raise my right hand, as ordered when I have to go pee-pee. "Yes, Young Lady, what is your problem."

"Daddy I have to go potty," I say clearly and loudly.

"What do you have to do, Little Girl?" He asks?

"Daddy I have to pee-pee in the potty," I say.

"Have you had a bowel movement yet?" He says using sing song baby talk.

"No Daddy I have not had a bowel movement in two days," I can't believe I am having this conversation in the middle of a busy street and I am ten years older than him.

"Okay Little One as soon as we get home I am going to give you an enema, and then you can start printing your lines," He says.

My frustration at being treated as a child finally escapes and I yell "No way are you giving me an enema I am not 6 years old," I realize my mistake immediately and start to back away. Master says nothing r just holds my wrists and lands two of the loudest slaps I have ever heard on each of my back thighs just below the hobble chain. I know I am in big trouble, as stands in front of me. He towers over me and for the second time in two days he scolds me in a firm no nonsense voice.

My hands rest on my back cheeks expecting a spanking. His voice is low and firm as he says: "I should spank your bare bottom right here in public Missy. I have told you several times you are not to disobey me by back talking. Once I let you go potty and I give you a punishment enema you will be in diapers like Susan tonight. Now go into the house. Lisa will take you to the potty."

I am shamefaced beyond belief as he scolds me in public dressed in toddler shorts and a bonnet. My face is blushing red. I am also jumping from leg to leg and holding myself between my legs. I am doing a typical pee-pee dance that a 4 year old would do. I am hoping I will not wet my ruffled panties. Lisa takes my hand and I waddle slowly into the house because of the hobble chain between my thighs. I can see the small group of people start to walk away now that my shameful scolding is over.

Up the stairs we go until we reach the potty room. "Stand in the center of the room and lower your shorts Missy," Lisa says.

"Yes Ma'am," I answer still trying to hold the pee back by holding my hand in between my leg. I lower my shorts quickly and remove them. I am now standing in my little girl ruffled panties, when suddenly my bladder gives out and I feel myself starting to pee into my little girl panties. My face is a deep crimson and I start to cry from embarrassment and humiliation. I squat over the little girl potty; that Lisa has placed under me, but it is too late my panties are drenched from my losing control of my bladder. This has never happened before. My head and eyes drop as Lisa and Master stand over me.

"Stand up Young Lady," He orders.

"Yes Sir," I say now crying from shame.

"How old are you Missy?" He asks?

I reply: "Thirty Eight Sir."

"Thirty Eight and your still wet your panty like a 4 year old," He says bring a new wail of embarrassment from me.

"You need a spanking Little Girl," Having said that he bends me under his arm and starts spanking my drenched white cotton ruffled panty over and over. The spanking seems to hurt more because of the wet panty. It sounds like thunder to my ear as the wetness is swatted over and over. I am now crying and hiccupping. I can't catch my breath and my nose is running. I am mortified. He stops after some twenty swats and I am doing my spanking dance, as much as I can with the hobble chain between my legs.

He wipes my nose with a tissue and has me blow it like a child. He turns to Lisa and says: "What happens when your sister gets spanked for being naughty?"

She answers holding her shorts covered cheeks: "I get a spanking."

"Correct Missy now lower your shorts to your knees and bend over," He orders.

I watch as she reveals her ruffled panty and bends over. He bends her under his arm begins to spank her. It seems it is not as quite as hard as me, but she is also crying within a few moments. I see why as he has landed several swats on her upper thighs, where it seems to sting twice as much. Again he stops when he has determined she has learned her lesson.

"Okay Missy clean up your sister, strip her bare and have her help you clean the bathroom. It is time for her enema. I will meet you in the bedroom. You both will be diapered tonight," He orders.

"I hear her say: "Yes Daddy."

We both crawl into the bedroom, where Master is seated on the bed, waiting for us. I am nude and Lisa is still in her ruffled panties. He sends her to the nearest corner, where she lowers her panty and faces the wall. Her bottom and upper thighs are red. She places her nose flat against the wall with her hands behind her back. Master scoops me up easily and places me on his lap in a sitting position.

He spreads my legs and places my thumb in my mouth ordering me to suck on it and don't talk. I feel his finger on my clit, which is rock hard and his other finger between my vulva lips rubbing slowly. I hear myself groan as I cuddle into his wide shoulders comforting me.

"Missy I am going to give you a slow enema in a few minutes and then you may go expel it. Have you ever had an enema?" He asks?

I shake my head no dreading what will happen.

"After your enema I will get you and Lisa ready for bedtime even though it is only 4:00. You both will be diapered tonight. You will then be sent to the corner to print lines. You will use the child's desk facing the wall. Is that clear Young Lady?"

I nod yes with tears in my eyes. He is in total in control of me from my bathroom habits to my bedtime and everything in between. Suddenly I feel him flip me over on my tummy in spanking position. My head is almost touching the floor and my legs are straight behind me to his right side.

I feel his fingers around my anus spreading my cheeks and in one quick motion I can feel the anal plug removed from my rectum. I hear the pop and suction as it comes out and he places it on the table. I feel emptiness, as I had become used to the fullness in my rectum hole.

I hear him say: "Okay Missy let's see if you need an enema?" I start to wiggle on his lap not wanting him checking my anus. He lands two sharp slaps to my bare thighs making me wince. He indicates that is to calm me down. I see him reach for the right hand plastic glove and he snaps it on his hand. He dips his middle finger into the Vaseline and spread my cheeks with his thumb and finger of his left hand. I am squirming in anticipation. His middle finger slowly penetrates my rosebud causing me to squeal. He stretches my sphincter muscle with his finger and slowly enters. He feels the impaction as his knuckle reaches the area.

"You do need an enema, Missy," He says.

"No please no enema," I plead.

"Quiet Young Lady, Daddy knows what he is doing," He says as I whimper.

The enema syringe is positioned on the table along with the bowl of warm soapy water. He lubes the tip of the syringe with Vaseline coating it thoroughly. He fills the syringe while holding me across his lap like a child. Taking the enema syringe he places the tip against my anus and slowly squeezes the warm soapy water inside my pucker hole. As he squeezes, he rubs my belly soothing me, as the warm water enters my behind. He lets it settle for a few a minutes before following the same procedure with the bulb syringe. I start to squirm back and forth as the water starts to take effect. I can hear my tummy gurgling from the water.

The last bulb syringe of warm soapy waters adds up to about a quart of water and requires him to hold me firmly across his lap as I plead to 'let me go I need to go badly.'

Finally, He allows me to stand which I do holding my distended tummy and hoping he lets me go potty soon. He instructs me to stand in the corner until given permission to go to the potty room. Into the corner I head hopping up and down. I am holding my tummy and I reach back to my pucker hole to hold it. I look like a child that needs to go to the bathroom.

After ten minutes I hear him say: "Lisa take your sister to the potty room make sure she expels everything then wipe her and bring her back to the bedroom, and leave the door open," Lisa takes me by the hand. I follow like she is my Mommy. I head to the potty room with relieve on my face but totally shamed.

I expel everything in my tummy with Lisa watching closely. I can see Master is watching as well, as the door is wide open. Lisa then wipes me clean and stands me up, flushes the toilet, and washes my hands and hers. We both crawl back to where Master is sitting on the bed.

"Up on the bed you two and get into diaper position quickly," We both do as we are told and are on our backs with our knees bent by our chest. I watch as he strips Lisa I am already nude. He lifts our legs and slips the disposable diaper under our bottoms. "Thumbs in your mouths, girls," He orders.

"Yes Daddy," We both answer and stick our thumbs into our mouth. I hear Lisa slurping loudly and I do the same thing feeling the drool drip down my chin. He pins our diapers around our waist with two safety pins. He follows this by pulling up our pink plastic panties covering the two diapers. Finally, he has us sit and he pulls a short tee-shirt over our heads reaching our belly button. The shirts say 'Bad Baby' in pink on the front.

He takes me by my right ear and marches me over to the far corner, where there is a small kindergarten chair and desk. He sits me down and shows me the pen and sheets of paper. I am facing the corner. Your will print until I tell you to stop the following: 'I am a bad little girl, who requires discipline and obedience training even though I am 38 years old." Print the date, your name and the page number on each sheet of paper, and number the lines. If you make a mistake start the page all over, here is your pacifier for you to suck on. I hear him say to me.

I start to print, as I hear him get Lisa and he brings her over to the opposite corner. He makes her knee in front of a pole with a dildo attached. "Missy you will practice cock sucking until I tell you to stop." He says. I hear her begin to suck on the dildo immediately. The dildo is about 8 inches long and thick. Each time she deep throats the dildo a bell rings indicating she has cock sucked the entire dildo.

My hand is hurting from the printing. It feels like it has been over two hours. He comes over to me and takes the papers. He quickly looks at them and rips them in half. All that work for nothing I am thinking, but say nothing, as he stands me up and walks me to my bed.

He grasps my ear and places me in bed with a bottle of milk for me to drink like a child. "Time for night-night Missy, you have work tomorrow." I see him raise the sides of the bed so it looks like a crib.

He then stops Lisa from her dildo sucking and places her over his wide shoulders her backside in the air. "You will sleep with me tonight, let's see if you have stretched your bottom hole enough to accept me," He says as he swats her bottom.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

to long you say what you did you need to describe what you did

wwepringlewwepringle9 months ago

I am not that old but I have done this and more when i was 18. for a 40 yr. old guy he even made me dress in little girls clothes.

GRUMPY1962GRUMPY1962over 4 years ago

I KNOW if i were her i would have said that i am outta here ,hopefully IT doesnt own the place where she lives and the she can send a formal letter of apology and ask where he wants his piece of junk repaired at!!

I would totally MOVE THE HECK out of that area, he is a tyrant to his GF and to others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Waiting for realistic twist

...and then I realize Tom thinks he is the Übermensch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
fantasy not reality

Fantasy, not reality. We don't know the 38 year old lawyers having inner submission fantasies. Another fantasy will be the bringing up of her racial feelings towards blacks and Master bringing in young black couple,.the man well built and the woman a ferocious domme towards racist whites. Opening her horizons to submission to blacks wluld be a life changer for her.

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