The Crush


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"God, Rory. I don't think I've ever been this turned on in my whole life."

I reached down and undid the clasp on her jeans, and tried to slip them down, over her hips to get them out of the way. But they didn't want to move after the first couple of inches.

"You have no idea how long it took me to get into these jeans," she laughed. She pushed them over her ass while I tugged on the waistband and eventually, the slid down to reveal no underwear and a perfectly smooth pussy that I just wanted to bury my face in. I freed her feet, one after the other, and looked up at the most perfect body I'd ever been with.

She pulled me up, and we kissed some more before she started working on my shirt, undoing the one button, then pulling it up over my head and down my arms.

She put her hands on my biceps.

"Somebody goes to the gym," she said.

I put my hands on her ass. "I'm not alone in that, apparently."

I led her over to the bed, and she laid down, stretching her arms out to me. I joined her and we just held each other for a long while.

She pushed the hair off my face, and looked into my eyes.

"I don't know how we sort out the thing with my parents, or how we break this to our political allies, but this feels so right to me, Rory."

"Me too."

I began sucking on her nipples again, and then worked my way down her belly, kissing every inch until I could finally kiss her pussy. I began by working around her, licking her upper thighs, then the labia, little by little working my way up to her clitoris. As I did, Chantel tightened, the anticipation building until finally, I took it between my lips and sucked it into my mouth. I played with it on the end of my tongue until she exploded in the most intense orgasm I'd ever witnessed. I could literally feel the orgasm ripple through her as I worked my way back up her body to her breasts. I loitered there for a while playing with her nipples, each time evoking another "Ahh" from her as the sensations from her nipple extended her orgasm another few seconds. Once she relaxed back into the bed I came up and kissed her again, and she licked my face, getting the last bit of juices off me.

Then she pushed me onto my back and threw her leg over me, grabbing my cock in her hand and guiding it into her, slowly settling back as it found its way inside her.

We fucked that way, slowly and gently for some time, until I felt the urgency grow inside me, and sensed it was growing in her as well. I rolled her over, put my arms under her thighs and lifted them onto my shoulders, all without slipping out of her. Then I started moving my hips, building to a crescendo. Chantel had her arms around my neck and her legs wrapped around my back as we fucked. She screamed my name when she came and that set me off, shooting rope after rope of cum inside her.

We lay on our backs for a while, coming down from our high, sweat running in rivulets off our bodies, soaking the sheet. After four or five minutes, Chantel got up and grabbed a towel out of her bathroom and came back to the bed and started drying me off. I returned the favor, and as I dabbed the sweat off her forehead, kissed her long and languorously reveling in the feel of our tongues as they danced together.

She propped herself up on one elbow and looked at me, playing with the hair on my chest and occasionally, leaning over to kiss me some more.

"This can't be wrong, Rory. It just can't be."

"It's not, love. Nothing has ever felt this right to me."

She put her head on my chest, letting me kiss it as she lay there.

"So, we're agreed? We're not going to let my parents or the gossip mongers talk us out of this?

I held her tightly.

"Chantel, wild horses couldn't keep me away from you. I've known that since you kissed me in the parking lot on Wednesday."

She picked up her head and looked at me.

"Kissing you in the parking lot and inviting you here for dinner felt like the riskiest thing I've ever done. But I had to know, and we were never going to figure this out at lunch."

"Had to know what?"

"Had to know if you felt about me the way I feel about you."

I laughed. "Have you figured that out, yet?"

We stayed in bed for hours, talking, laughing, trying to sort out how we tell her parents, and how we let all the people who supported us in our campaigns know there had been a merger of sorts.

"Part of me wishes that we could just be together for a while without having to share it with anyone," Chantel told me at one point.

"It would be nice. Isn't that the way normal people do it?" I laughed. "But we've got to tell your parents, eventually. Somebody's going to ask your dad. Someone will see my car in your driveway and figure out what's going on and mention it to Leon."

"Shit. I just thought of something," she said. "One of my dad's best friends lives down the street. He's a nosy fuck, too. He called Leon one morning to report I'd left my garage door open. No way he'll let this pass."

"Would he know my car, though?"

"He works in the city garage. Isn't that where you get it serviced?"

"Christ. He probably already knows I'm here." We lay there quiet for a few minutes. "You know, I'm starving. Weren't we going to have dinner?"

"Shit. It's probably ruined. Let me go see."

She grabbed a robe out of her closet, slipped it on and went out to the kitchen. I head some pots banging around and then she came back in.

"Dinner will be ready in a half hour. I'm going to jump in the shower." She slid the robe off her shoulders and went into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I could hear her start the shower, waiting a few minutes for it to come up to temperature, then I heard the door slide closed.

I couldn't resist, so I joined her.

I slipped into the shower behind her and put my arms around her, slipping my hands up over her slippery abdomen to her slipperier breasts, all the while kissing her neck and shoulders. She must have felt my erection poking into her ass, because she bent slightly at the waist and reached back and took my now rock-hard cock and slipped it into her.

"Fuck," she said as I started to stroke in and out of her again. "Maybe it's just because I haven't had sex in months, but this feels so good. I can't get enough," she said.

As I stoked into her, I reached around her and found her clit with the fingers of my right hand. I played there as I fucked her, rolling my middle finger round and round. In minutes we both came again, collapsing against the tile wall with the water streaming over us.

"Shit. The dinner." She took off, grabbing a towel and dripping water on the floor in a trail out to the kitchen. I toweled off, slipped on my boxers and joined her, bringing her robe with me.

"Thought you might like this," I said, holding it for her to slip her arms through the sleeve. When it was on she pulled the towel off herself and tied up the robe, She flipped her long hair down, expertly winding it around and ended up with one of those towel turbans.

"That must be something they teach you in girl school."

She looked at me over her shoulder and grinned. "You mean leaving the bathroom door open as an invitation?"

"Yeah. That and the towel trick."

She went back to the stove and I came up behind her and slipped my arms around her again, kissing her neck.

She put her head back on my chest and I held her tight.

"I've wanted this for so long," she said. "It seems so unreal that all of a sudden I've got what I wanted. It's like a dream, almost."

"If I wake up and find out this was a dream, I'm going to be pissed."

She turned around and kissed me, then pushed on my chest.

"You sit. Pour us some more wine. I'll get dinner on the table." I went at sat at the kitchen table.

"Not here. In the dining room. That's where I planned to wow you with my culinary skills as a prelude to seducing you. Now go."

I was pouring the wine when she came in with a steaming platter of food.

"Lamb curry and rice. I hope you like spicy..."

We sat at the table until midnight, the conversation never skipping a beat. There were going to be no awkward silences between me and Chantel. We talked like we had known each other for years, even though we had just met again seven or eight months ago. Part of that were all the intersections between our backgrounds and part of it was just that we both were good at making conversation.

At midnight, we cleared the table, put away the food and put the dishes into her dishwasher. We returned to the sofa, where the evening had begun and talked and kissed and talked some more.

"I think we can't talk to your mom and dad too soon," I said. "They'll think it's too early and we don't really know what we want. I don't want them to think they can talk us out of it."

"I don't know that they'll do that. They usually respect my decisions on this sort of thing."

"Yeah, but what if he finds out and gets angry, at you or me or us. What do we do then?"

"You're not a little girl anymore," I said. "He doesn't make those decisions for us."

"I know that. The question is does he?"

"I don't think that's likely, to be honest. But if that happens, we emphasize to him that we're not asking his permission."

"You know in the end, he loves me and he loves you like the son he never had. I think once he gets used to the idea, he'll be happy for us."

"I hope so. But if he doesn't, it doesn't change a thing."

Chantel didn't respond to that, but she pulled me tighter and rested her head on my chest again. We stayed like that for a while.

"So when?"

"Let's play it by ear. But the Mayor's ball is in six weeks, and I'm going to dance with you at the Ball."

"My campaign staff will think I'm a traitor to the cause."

"So how about I give you a bunch of tickets. You call your staff together and give them out, tell them that you think it's important that they go and show support. That it's the classy thing to do." I stifled a yawn, suddenly very tired.

"Then you and I go as a couple. You get the sexiest dress you can find, and we show up and do the things that people who are in love do. We dance all the slow dances, we never separate. Maybe the occasional PDA on the dance floor. I won't be able to keep my hands off you, so that will tell them if nothing else does."

She looked at me with a small, tentative smile on her face.

"People who are in love?" She let it hang there.

I laughed. "You don't miss much, do you? I'm sorry if I'm being premature."

She leaned in for a kiss.

"Doesn't sound premature to me," she said. "You had me at the door."

The next six weeks flew by. We mostly stayed in, though we went out to dinner a couple of times and tried to behave as if we were just friends. But my hands couldn't stay off her for long, so we may have tipped our hands.

By the end of the six weeks, we were mostly living together -- sometimes at her house, sometimes at mine.

"So I told my mom that I was bringing someone special to brunch on Sunday," Chantel told me on Friday night as we shared a pizza. "She was beside herself with curiosity, so I don't think anyone has clued them in yet."

"I still worry about a little about their reaction," I said. "I can't imagine that it wouldn't work out eventually, but I think Leon is going to be shocked."

"You're probably right about that. But in the end, he loves me and he loves you. Having us together and happy can't be bad, right?"

I woke up Sunday around 9 a.m., sun streaming in through the slats of the venetian blinds. Chantel's side of the bed was empty, but I could hear her in the kitchen, making coffee.

I went to find Chantel in the kitchen. We kissed, and I asked her, playfully, "I thought you were going to wake me up this morning and, as you so eloquently put it, 'Fuck my brains out.'"

"That was before I realized how sore I was going to be," she said. "We did have sex like four times last night in the space of what? Six or seven hours?"

"You complaining?"

"No. It was wonderful. But we need to get a move on. My parents are expecting me and my 'mystery man' as my Mom calls it, at 11. Let me get changed, and I'll go with you to your place so you can shave and change. That way we arrive together, in one car. Not a lot of room for argument."

We arrived at Leon's and Lolita's house a few minutes before 11, coming in the back of the house, directly into the kitchen. Chantel and I were holding hands, both of us with huge smiles on our faces that we couldn't seem to shake.

The look on Lolita's face when she saw us coming in the door hand-in-hand was priceless. She rushed over to embrace Chantel and I heard Chantel say, "I love him, Mama. So much."

By the time Lolita turned to me, she was wiping tears from her eyes. "I can't imagine anyone better for my girl," she said, enveloping me in a hug. I heard Leon come into the kitchen, but Lolita must have been blocking his view of me. I heard Chantel greet him, and by the time Lolita let me go, dabbing tears from her face, Chantel was embracing him.

"Now where's this surprise guest you called about?"

About then Leon looked up and saw me, the confusion on his face evident. I went to Chantel, put my arms around her and pulled her close.

"I love him, Daddy. I think I have for a long time."

Leon just stared for a minute, then turned on his heel and retreated to the living room, collapsing into his favorite chair.

"You've given him an awful shock, girl," Lolita said. "Give him a minute, he'll get there."

We had coffee, and five minutes went by and still Leon remained in the living room.

"I think I should go talk to him," I finally said. Lolita nodded.

I went into the living room where I'd spent so many evenings over the years and sat next to Leon. He seemed to be just staring out into space. I just sat there, giving him time to talk if he wanted to.

"You know, Chantel has a lot of trouble meeting men who aren't intimidated by her. She so smart, so beautiful, that lots of men can't handle it. They're afraid that she'll outshine them, and most of their egos are too fragile to even consider that." He reached over and grabbed my hand. "You're the first man she's brought home where I could see it working. Do you love her, son?"

"How could I not, Leon? She's the only daughter of the two people I love the most in this world, outside of my own folks. We share the same values, we hold the same things dear. We've really only been together a few weeks, but I feel like I've known her all my life. And, of course, I have. She always wanted to join in when you and I were talking politics. She'd listen, then join in, never afraid to argue her points. I don't know if you know this, Leon, but when she'd take me to the door to see me out -- you know, when she was 15, 16, 17 -- she'd always give me these big hugs before I left. At the time, I thought maybe she had a little crush on me. I figured it would go away when she grew up. But when I met her last spring for the first time after she came back, it was still there. I could feel this spark between us. I've never felt anything quite like it. And when she kissed me the first time." I just shook my head.

I looked up and saw Chantel, watching us from the doorway. Leon still gripped my hand in his and our heads were inches apart.

"I don't want to jinx things, or rush things in any way," Leon said. "But I'd be damned proud to have you in my family, son."

Chantel came over and sat on the arm of her father's big easy chair and leaned in and hugged him.

"You've made me so happy Daddy."

"Is this why you went so easy on her during the campaign?" Leon asked.

"Truthfully, I think so. My staff kept trying to get me to run an attack ad on her. I kept saying no. How do you run an attack ad against a woman you're in love with? I probably never thought about it in so many words, but that's how I felt."

Sunday night, Chantel stayed at my place, and I cooked some chicken on the grill for our dinner. She was wearing a soft t shirt and sweats and I came up behind her and slid my hands up under the t shirt to play with her breasts. I tweaked her nipples some, and she was responding to it, getting more and more agitated. For my part my cock was tenting my jeans, which she learned when knelt on the floor and unzipped me, pulling my cock out through my fly and engulfing it in her mouth, stopping every so often to lick my balls, sending me into bliss each time.

When I couldn't stand it any longer I pulled her to her feet and kissed her, then turned her around, sliding my hands into her sweats to pull them down. I bent her over the table in the kitchen and entered her building up to a rhythm pounding into her with all the energy I could muster. I came inside her, then held myself there while I softened. When I pulled out, my sperm dripped out of her pussy, a sight so erotic that I wanted to go again, and might have, but Chantel pulled up her sweats and hugged me.

"My roommate in college had this little saying on a card over her bed."

"Oh yeah? What did it say?"

"It said, 'Once a king, always a king. But one a knight is enough."

She gave me a little grin, kissed me and went off to the bathroom to clean up.

On Monday morning I sat in my office between meetings, admittedly daydreaming a little when Bill came into my office. He took one look at me and went back and closed the door.

"Okay, Boss. What's going on? You're in Lala land again. What's her name? And how do we get you back on earth with the rest of us?"

"I told you; you're not going to believe me."

"Try me."

"Okay but you have to keep it under your hat until Saturday. I'm bringing her to the ball, then everybody will know."

"Okay, the suspense is killing me."


"Yes, yes, yes. Now give."

"It's Chantel Blackman-Smith."

He was clearly stunned.

"You're shitting me."

"I shit you not. I'm crazy about her, Bill. I've never felt this way toward anyone."

"But what about her parents?"

"They're totally on board. We went to see them yesterday. I think Leon was pretty shocked, but he's fine now. You know how close I am to them."

"So is she as crazy about you as you are about her?"

"More maybe. She told me she's loved me since she was 15."

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph," he said. "I've seen it all now."

The Mayor's Ball was a black tie extravaganza where somewhere around 2,000 people crowded the Civic Center at $400 a head to dance to live music, partake in the open bar and snatch canapes from an army of roving service staff.

Chantel and I were getting dressed early Friday evening and I got my first look at the new gown she had picked out just for this occasion. It was a cream-colored, floor length backless gown with slits on both legs that went all the way to her hips. You could almost, but not quite, see her ass when she did a little twirl for me.

"You know that there will be close to a thousand men there and pretty much every one of them, with the exception of your father, is going to want to grab you and do unspeakable things to you."

"I hope so. I want them to be green with envy. And I want the women to be envious as well. The most eligible bachelor in the city, and he's mine."

She added, "Do you think there will be people who are still shocked because you're white and I'm black? Like, is that still a thing?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it's a thing. But you know, haters gonna hate. We can't help that. The hate diminishes them and doesn't affect us. Just remember that if you hear something."

"Okay. I doubt I'll hear anything but if I do, it will be from some jealous black dude who thinks that because I'm black, somehow I should belong to him. If I actually hear that, I might get all up in his face and tell him to fuck off."

"That would be fun to watch."

This was one night when I always ordered a limo -- there was just enough resentment in the police department that I'd get pulled over for sure if I drove myself. And I wanted to enjoy myself. I'd only have a couple of glasses of wine, mostly because I didn't want to make a fool of myself.