The Dare Ch. 03

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Brandon gets a shocker.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 08/21/2013
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A week went by without any messages or phone calls from Taylor. Every time I saw her in class, she just walked by and kept going. I called after her and she just ignored me and kept walking. I have no idea what went wrong...

Brandon sat down just thinking of everything that could have gone wrong. And nothing came to his mind until he saw that annoying girl he hooked up with three weeks ago coming his way. Her name was Bridgette. She was most guy's dream on the outside - tall with legs like a model, the prettiest green eyes and long brown hair. But she had the worst personality ever. She was clingy, possessive and an airhead. The only reason they ended up hooking up at that party was because Brandon was shit-faced drunk and she couldn't wait to claim him as hers. He'd been ignoring her texts and calls since the night it happened. He regret doing it so bad every time he saw her number come on the screen and now her coming towards him.

"Hey babe, finally you are alone." She said winking.

"My name is Brandon and we are not together...wait, what do you mean alone?"

"You have been with that short little black girl and I told her about us!" She said smiling.

"Why the fuck would you tell her that? We are NOT together! We just hooked up once when I was fucking DRUNK Taylor! I don't want to be with you!" He said steaming. He got up to start walking and she stopped him.

"Wait! Brandon! I have been calling you because I have something to tell you!" She said with the worst sad face act that he has ever seen.

"I don't care what you have to say Bridgette." He said trying to get out of her hold.

"I'm pregnant."

He stopped dead in his tracks.


Taylor was at home reading the messages that Brandon had left for her. She just didn't understand why he would lead her on like this just to break her heart. He was her first date, first kiss, and could have possibly been her first boyfriend. She called her only friend Rhian to talk about everything. Rhian comforted Taylor and said the usual best friend stuff like

"He doesn't deserve you"

"You will find someone else better"

"Don't worry about him"

But that was the only thing that Taylor could do - think of Brandon. She even found herself listening to Kendrick Lamar's album because it reminded her of him.

A few weeks had passed and the calls stopped, the messages stopped and now when she saw him around campus, he looked at her and then turned away like she did something wrong. Taylor was extra confused. All she wanted to do now was confront him and ask why he has been acting like that. Maybe he gave up on her, Taylor thought. She saw him with Robert and started to walk up to them and then turned around once she saw him look into her eyes. She couldn't do it. She couldn't confront him for some reason. She slumped her shoulders and kept on walking to her next class.

"Dude, what happened? I never see you anymore with Taylor!"

"I know, I guess it was just a dare Rob" Brandon looked down.

"Wow, so you don't have any feelings for her anymore bro?"

"Um, nope. Hey, I gotta go!" Brandon said and walked away.

Robert wondered what happened between the two. He just completely stopped talking about her like she disappeared off of earth. Maybe he didn't like her? Robert thought. He ran to catch up with Taylor.


Taylor turned around to see Robert and she was so caught off guard that she ended up dropping her notebooks.

"Let me help you with that!" He said with a smile.

" thanks Robert." She said with a small grin on her face.

"No problem!" He said standing up handing her the books. "So, I noticed that you and Brandon aren't talking anymore?"

"Oh did he say something to you?"

"No, no, he hasn't said anything...I was just wondering because, well...I think it's kind of rude to let a pretty girl like you be forgotten like that." He said moving closer to her with a charming smirk.

Taylor laughed nervously. Did he just call her pretty? "Thank you Robert." She said looking down nervously. "I just don't really know what day things were great and then the next I hear he has a girlfriend?"

"A girlfriend – wait who?"

"Some gorgeous tall brunette...everything I'm not." She whispered that last part to herself.

"Tall? Maybe not. But gorgeous? Definitely!" He said flirting hard with her.

"Haha wow! Thank you Robert, really...I know you are just trying to make me feel better."

"I don't know who you are talking about but I'm just telling the truth."

"He hasn't told you anything about his new girl?"

"Wait - tall, skinny and brunette? Are you talking about Bridgette?"

"Well, I don't know her name!" Taylor said biting her lip and looking down.

Robert noticed her shyness and was immediately engrossed by her cuteness. She was so different from all of the other girls that he had been with. And the best part was that she didn't know how sexy she was. He wanted to take all the pain that he saw in her eyes away. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about him. I know he's my friend but he's been acting weird for weeks now, and I don't think he deserves you to be honest. You are beautiful do you know that?" He said moving her chin up to his face.

Taylor felt his sincerity and looked into his eyes. She never imagined any of this happening today and had the sudden urge to kiss Robert. She quickly shot up to his tall stature for a kiss and bumped into his nose instead.

"Oh my gosh!" She whispered to herself as she looked down and bit her lip again. "I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to do that."

"No, no, there is no reason to apologize for wanting to kiss me."

Robert pulled her chin up to look into his eyes and then went in for a kiss. His lips landed on hers and he felt a spark as his lips crashed into hers. Taylor pulled away and just stared at Robert for a second.

"Wow, um...I think I should go." Taylor said turning to walk away. She was so confused right now.

"Wait!" Robert grabbed her arm and turned her around to kiss her again. She instantly closed her eyes and felt the same spark that she felt the first time. He wanted to invade her mouth with his tongue at that moment but decided to save it for later. Robert pulled away.

"Now, how do you feel about going out with me later?"

"" She stuttered. "Yeah, we can do that. I really have to go now!" She said looking into his eyes again before running away to her next class that she was now late for.

Robert just stood there watching her run away admiring the sway of her hips. He couldn't believe that they kissed just like that. This was bad and he could already tell. He felt something when they kissed and he knew he wasn't alone. This was so wrong, he thought.


Brandon had almost gone into depression when Bridgette told him that he was going to be a father. This was the worst thing that could have happened. He was too young and definitely didn't want to bring anything into the world with Bridgette. He thought about Taylor every second and how bad he messed things up. Their whole relationship started with a lie and now he was avoiding her at all costs because he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone about the pregnancy. Luckily, Bridgette wasn't showing yet but it would only be a matter of time until she did. He felt so much guilt and was scared of telling her everything. He only wanted to be with her ever since the moment he saw her open that door on their first date. Now, he was stuck with a woman that literally trapped him into becoming a parent to their unborn child.

"Babe, my feet hurt can you massage them?" She said in a whiny voice.

"For the last time, I'm not your babe, boo, boyfriend anything."

"I'm pregnant Brandon and it's all your fault! So get down here and rub my feet!" She commanded.

"The fuck you think I am? You better go to a nail shop or some shit. I'm not touching your feet!"

"Look here Brandon. You will cater to me and do whatever I tell you to or I will tell everyone our little news." She said rubbing her belly with a sly grin.

Brandon groaned and started rubbing her feet. He didn't know how this could have possibly happened. He used a condom when they had sex and they only had sex that one time. He had to tell someone soon before he lost it. Robert was the first person on his mind to tell the news to.

After he left Bridgette's apartment, he called Roberts cell phone. He heard noises in the background that sounded like a restaurant.


"Rob, are you busy?"

"Yeah a little, why?"

"I need to talk to you about something, it's really serious!"

"Like what? Tell me!"

"I can't say this over the phone man, can we meet up somewhere?"

"...I'm busy dude." Robert said sounding guilty

And then Brandon heard a familiar female voice in the background ordering some food.

"Hey I have to go, let me call you back!" Robert instantly hung up the phone without waiting back for a response from Brandon.

Where do I know that voice from? Brandon thought to himself.


Taylor looked up at Robert after he finished ordering his food.

"Who was that? You look all tense.."

"Oh it was just Brandon. Ever ate here?" Robert said trying to change the subject.

"Oh, him. And yeah, I love this place. Best pasta in town." She said remembering her last time here.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you kiss me earlier...well try to kiss me?" He said chuckling. She joined him in laughter.

"I don't know Robert...I just felt something I guess?" She said looking at her glass of water.

"So you felt something too...when we kissed?"

"Maybe?" She said with a shy smile.

That was all Robert needed to hear. He didn't understand why he was never attracted to different races before. She was so beautiful to him. Her flawless brown skin felt so smooth and her lips were the softest plump lips that he had ever tasted. He didn't know what it was about her that made him just say 'fuck it' and not care about anything that would happen from this. But how could he tell his best friend that he was into Taylor. Well for one, Brandon did say he didn't feel anything for her anymore and that she was just a dare.

Taylor couldn't believe that she was on a date with Brandon's BEST friend at the same exact restaurant that Brandon took her too just a few months ago. She would have said no but when they kissed...she felt something. Robert wasn't normally her type but there was something that attracted her to him. That red hair and those deep mesmerizing greenish blue eyes caught her attention as he came back from the restroom. He was just as tall as Brandon and had one dimple in his left cheek when he smiled. He strongly resembled the actor, Michael Fassbender.

When he sat down, Taylor inhaled his scent and closed her eyes thinking of how amazing he smelled. Uh oh, she started to feel like a homie-hopper. She giggled just from thinking how ridiculous that sounded. They were just hanging out, she thought to herself. Two people that shared an amazing kiss...just hanging out.


A few months had passed and Taylor and Robert went out more, kissed a little more and were sort of becoming an item. Robert was so amazing to Taylor. He always paid for the movie, he was thoughtful, and his kisses were amazing. When she was with him, she entirely forgot about Brandon. She was happy. But, she wanted a little bit more. She wanted to give herself to him.

Brandon and Robert started to see a lot less of each other and after he hung up the phone that night, Brandon never brought up what he had to tell him again. It was starting to get strange. He thought that Brandon found out about him and Taylor and that's why he was distancing himself but then that thought changed when he saw her. It was Bridgette. She looked as if she gained weight...but only in her belly. She looked pregnant! Robert put two and two together and realized that night; Brandon wanted to tell him that he had gotten Bridgette pregnant. Wow, he really did move on. This news made him feel more comfortable to tell Brandon about Taylor.

Taylor was inside of the music store that Brandon frequently shopped at. She had headphones on and she was dancing to some song. He couldn't help but smile as he saw her. She looked happy and confident. That's how he loved to see her. Taylor glanced up and saw him staring at her. She tried to put her headphones down but ended up knocking some of the CD's over onto the floor. She was so damn clumsy, Brandon thought with that same smile on his face. He walked towards her to help her with the mess but stopped once he saw her bend down. She had on tight blue jeans and you could see her thong when she bent down. He was so turned on by the sight of her and that round ass that she had. He felt something in his pants start to twitch. He couldn't bring himself to stop looking until she said something,

"Ugh! I'm so clumsy!" She said picking up all the CD's and putting them back in their respective spot.

"I see some things haven't changed huh?" He said with a smile.

Taylor tried looking at the CD's to make this less awkward. "Yeah, I guess."

"So...Tay, how have you been?"

"Good! Really good, I have been happy." She said still looking through the CD's.

"Well that's good..."

"And you?" She said finally looking up at him.

"I have been know? With life and all." He said trying not to sound guilty.

"Yeah, well it was nice seeing you Brandon!" She faked a smile and started to walk out.

"Wait!" Brandon called out and Taylor turned around. "I..I don't even know where to begin but to say that I'm sorry Tay. I was so terrible. I shouldn't have ignored you like that. Really Taylor, I'm so sorry." He said with sincerity.

Taylor laughed sarcastically and said, "Hah, well you had a girlfriend you know? It's whatever. Like I said...I'm happy now." She said getting ready to walk away.

"No Tay, listen to me! You don't understand! I didn't have a girlfriend when I met you! She - Bridgette was just a drunk hook up and a crazy possessive one at that."

"You said didn't...meaning that you do have one now?"

"Umm, well it's a bit more complicated then that." He said wiping his forehead.

"Well if you didn't have a girlfriend...then why didn't you try to tell me that? Why did you just ignore me Brandon? I still don't get it!" She almost shouted.

Brandon had never seen this side of Taylor and he was shockingly turned on by it. He walked closer to her and just planted his lips on hers. She tried to push his chest with her small hands and he took her wrists and held them so she would just accept the kiss.

Taylor could not believe that this guy who ignored her for almost 4 months just decided to up and kiss her right now. She didn't want this. She wanted Robert. She tried to push his chest again until his tongue forcibly went into her mouth and his hand into her hair, and she couldn't help but feel the way she felt the first time they kissed. He finally pulled away and saw her eyes still closed. He loved how her lips tasted and how soft they were. He broke the silence and said,

"I had to Tay...I have missed those lips!"

Taylor slapped him and ran out of the store and away from him. She was extremely confused at this moment. All she had was questions at this point. She had to get back to Robert before her mind went crazy. She didn't know how to feel. At first, the kiss did nothing for her and she felt no spark like she did with Rob. But then he put his tongue inside of her mouth and all she could do was reminisce on how good it felt when he first kissed her like that. What did this mean?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What the HELL?

Why did all the interracial love authors from 2012-2014 just QUIT their stories??? It's so RUDE!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please will at least one author finish a story!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Please Finish

This is too good for you not to finish. I feel sorry for Brandon and Taylor because this happens a lot. I hope you will finish and it will be a great ending for them. This should be a lesson for some. If you don't want to suffer the consequences, keep it in your pants. I wonder if the baby is really Brandon's.

Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago

Another good one left unfinished 🙁

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Hate love triangles

I just wanted to say, I really, REALLY hate love triangles. Story would be MUCH better, w/o the love triangle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
It's been a year!

Where is chapter 4?????

ApplejuicexDApplejuicexDalmost 10 years ago

When will you finish this story? I like a lot. Im curios to know what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Where is chapter 4?!

Are you continuing this story or not? Along with California love too!

black_maestrablack_maestraalmost 10 years ago
To last Anon

What? And really could you have saved that comment for the fetish category maybe? How was that info pertinent? So when or of they have sex r u going to submit a pic of the penis for the writer of this story too? That comment was soooo stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Ive Seen It

Ive seen Michael Fassbender's penis and was wondering if Robert's ressmebled it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Chapter 4???

Love this story!

C_frommnC_frommnabout 10 years ago
Good Story

But you have to get with the Tale is it Brandon that wins or Robert. and who is the real father of Bridgette's Baby.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Brandon all the way

I like Brandon better because Robert was kind of making fun of her in the beginning with the bet thing and Brandon always helped her.

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
Update soon

Please, omg this is so good

TalyniaTalyniaover 10 years ago

This chapter was confusing. I do not understand how Taylor is going to ignore Brandon and then turn around and feel hurt and confused because he eventually stopped talking to her. On top of that Robert, his best friend who knew who Bridgette was, decides to "swoop in" to save the day. He knew good and damn well Brandon wasn't seeing anyone but Taylor. I'm going to stop right there because 'friends' like Robert get me going.

Also, if Bridgette is pregnant we know its probably not by Brandon and what is with these college kids who don't seem to know what a pregnancy test is.

london101london101over 10 years ago
i want more!


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love it!!!

Please update soon!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This story is spectacular really but can you make your chapters longer.

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