The Day Hell Froze Over


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He was not supposed to know. Never. Then he pulled out another folder and glanced through it. "You took up with him less than three months after you ended it with Charles Goodnight. He claimed he was a direct descendant of the legendary cowboy, even wore that stupid cowboy hat everywhere. What was your favorite position with him? Cowboy? Reverse cowboy, or maybe he did you doggie and rode you like a mare in heat. What ended that affair? It's a little murky there at the end, and I found I didn't care enough to find out."

I felt faint. How much did he know?

He opened yet another folder. "You fucked Yoshi Yamato for the entire time you were in Japan sealing that deal for your fathers' company. It brought international relations to a whole new level. Before that it was Barkley Hughes, but that was the first since we married, so I had the investigators stop looking. no telling how many you fucked while we were dating."

I finally got a spark back. "So then, you only brought me down here to rub my face in my affairs? maybe you hoped we could reconcile?"

His face changed and he looked like he was about to hurl. "Honestly, I don't think that would ever happen, even if hell froze over again. No, now I just feel sorry for you. You've never had a true relationship with anybody except for maybe your father, never known the true love between a man and his wife. Honestly, I don't think you're capable of it. You lied to me, Jasmine, our whole time together, and kept telling me everything was all right. In fact, I made the song by Johnny Lang my ringtone when your number popped up, just to remind me. No, this is a clumsy attempt on my part on an intervention, to maybe, just maybe, see yourself for what you are for the very first time. I don't think it would work, but I made a promise to try."

He paused, and just as I was about to talk, he started again. "I head you're engaged again, to a man you rule unmercifully. Are you fucking around on him yet, or do you have him trained enough not to care? Words to ponder here. Every person has a limit, though sometimes it takes decades to reach it. Sooner or later, he will have had enough and leave you in the dust, not caring whether he gets to touch your money or not. Remember, even bunnies will scratch and claw when they're trapped with no other way out."

His words hit me unexpectedly hard, but I rallied. "Well then, you can write off your promise to yourself. You've talked to me, made your opinion clear of me, given me advice you know I won't take. Can I go now?"

He looked at his phone and sighed. "You still owe me eight minutes, but you're right, we're done. I'd advise you to be a better person, but I'd be wasting my breath. Go back to yourself indulgent world, where only what you wants matters, and enjoy it."

He stood, shoving the folders over to me. "Here, you can have these. I only kept them so you'd know I wasn't quite the mushroom you took me for. One more thing. The promise wasn't to myself, but to someone who meant the world to me. I'd given you up for the lost cause you were a long time ago. If it hadn't been for that, I'd have been more than happy to forget you ever existed."

"Who was the promise to, then?"

His eyes went cold. "Times up. You can go away now."

He turned and walked into the house, leaving me on the porch. It took me a few minutes to gather myself, then I stood, grabbing the folders on the table, and going to my car.

I was halfway to the highway when I saw the young girl in the pasture, riding a horse that looked familiar somehow. I stopped and waited, and she trotted up to me. She just sat, and I finally broke the silence. "That horse looks familiar."

She smiled, lost in a thought. "It should. Sir Prance A Lot was your mother's last horse, and she sent him down here five months before she passed, because she wanted me to have him."

"How did you kn..."

She flicked the reins, and the silver Arabian responded, cantering off instantly. Her parting words were "Don't come back!"

And then she was gone, I watched her fading figure for a second before I got back in my car. Later, on the plane, I was unusually quiet and my entourage left me alone, lost in thought. Mom had loved Shane, and was heartbroken when it came to light he cheated on me. She was very bitter towards him while the divorce was going through, but sometime after the divorce she just stopped talking about him, except to express sadness over the lack of grandchildren.

Now I find she gave a horse to his apparent stepdaughter? The more I pondered it the more I felt I needed to know. When I got home, I found I didn't have his email address, but it was fairly simple to find it for his business, and I sent him a message that we needed another talk.

His lawyer sent me a message, saying his client agreed under the same conditions as the last. "What does that mean, exactly?"

Ben just gave a sad smile. "It means, honey, that you need to wait until hell freezes over again."

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Great story, but it needs a sequel or two.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Great story. But like a lot of others I feel it needs more. I'm guessing what happened with her mother and also that he obviously found someone presumably after the divorce. Still not sure if he actually had an affair or just pretended to. As I said a few too many questions to rate this at a 5 which it would have been if it was more complete. Great writing though. BardnotBard

Busman19639Busman1963916 days ago

A great little story.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Ah i see. Excellent plot twist. Five stars

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Very good story, thanks, Q. I’m like a lot of the other commenters here, I’d really like to have more story, just to answer all the questions the original story left unanswered. Like, who was the girl and how did she know Jasmine’s mom?

And that’s one of several. Gotta give it four stars , one off due to the lack of closure.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

(1) Why would Shane ever possibly forgive her?

(2) How long did Shane know she was cheating before he acted? He seems to have known for a while.

(3) Why would Shane have gotten any money from her trust fund? They are usually written not to be marital property.

kees10kees1025 days ago

Not my cup of tea, but so well written, that I contribute 5 stars to your conto😁

Old_LionOld_Lionabout 1 month ago

meh. I just can't identify with the cheater. Just not in my DNA. But it was well written.

Well done qhml1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please continue this story. It's wonderful and seems it could have been longer.

20482048about 1 month ago

Great writing! I would like see more of these characters.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 month ago

That's good! That was very good! 5*****! I think I would have liked her mother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Would have liked a few paragraphs on his relationship with her mother. How did she react to her daughters cheating and how she obviously adopted his daughter as her granddaughter. Didn’t need a lot just a bit of clarification. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Loved it, excellent!

There is so much more to mine here, shouyld you ever have the desire, Q

I think you know that, but, we, your readers, do also.

Pinto931Pinto931about 2 months ago

A follow up would be nice.

green117green117about 2 months ago
to: My fan amongst the anonymous...

Two previous to this one.

You may want to try reading comprehension.

Okay - go to the post your are complaining about - what I wrote is easily found by putting "green" into your search tool and look at the last, 6th, page of the comments.

Find my post. See the post 2 above it that I referred to.

Parse who I was referring to, and what I actually said in my comment.

Now, read your comment.

Good luck.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This would have been a nice story to have a finish to it. Oh well. As always, it is well worth what I paid to read it.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

For Green117 from 3 months ago bitching about the line with 'cousin loving', Q certainly never started that (I've heard it used looooong before this was written) and I've never noticed any bigotry in ANY of his tales (and I've read them all at least once). I'm guessing that your biggest issue was that it hit to close to home! Thanks for your story Q.

somewhere east of Omaha

chasbo38chasbo382 months ago

Hr seems to smart and together to have married her in the first place. Her father did not like him and she did not respect him. A recipe for divorce.

Btrying2Btrying23 months ago

7.10.24. I drop by often to see if maybe Q's universe has had another hell freeze over. And to read this intriguing tale once more. Very good story. Sad on several levels but also there is hope and healing.

Even if no freeze is coming maybe a prequel might appear with Laurel and Missy's story. The Healing of a Heart.

Obviously, I'm captivated by these characters and hunger for their stories.

Thanks John

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Another great story. That ending line was priceless!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Short but good. When will part 2 be finished?

regulus61regulus613 months ago

Sad story, very well done. The whole point is to make you think. The sequel is scheduled for, you know when...

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

clever but seemed short and unfinished maybe? .4/5

LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa3 months ago

Detecting unfinished business.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

when i was alot younger i had to drive through HELL many times to get where i needed to go in Michigan.. i usually missed it cause it only had 1 street light.. in collage English Comp i wrote a story about it being so an A plus.. i hope when I pass it stays that way...........

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


SignedBTWSignedBTW4 months ago

Boy, I Say Boy

"I can fight it, delay it as long as I can, but sooner or later we're going to run into some old school, Foghorn Leghorn judge, and then it gets ugly." If old Foghorn had known her I suspect is response would have been more along the line of "Bitch, I Say Bitch", or worse.

***** more *'s Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Magnificent. Five superhypernovas are all I am allowed to give. Just brilliant.

SignedBTWSignedBTW4 months ago

It Didn't Need To Take

5 years for Hell to freeze over, Michigan has one and it happens a lot more often than that. For being the person who she thinks she is the smartest person in the room, as so often happens, she wasn't. I'd bet the farm next time he'll teach her that lesson again. *****'s Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Unfinished. Don't think it warrants a sequel tho. Otherwise somewhat mediocre.

PhredDaggPhredDagg4 months ago

PLEASE say there will be a sequel... please... please...please😆😆

MehntalityMehntality4 months ago

Feels like a half-finished story...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Quid pro quo.

silverthorne16silverthorne165 months ago

Liked it, but I'd REALLY like to see a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

any reason a commenter had to add democrap in his little rant ??

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

typical american democrap arrogant entitled feckless shiftless cunt. rk

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

5 Stars from GW on this one .. My ex got nothing from my family . Man she was Dumb . Maybe she didn't know about the small inheritance I received from my Grandmother . I guess i should have told her about it

green117green1175 months ago
To the previous comment

""Cousin loving" is Boston, Massachusetts. Just can't leave your bigotry out of your stories, can you?"

Probably best to distinguish bigotry of characters, especially negative characters, to the characteristics of the author.

About the story? Not my favorite, but quite a competent entertainment.


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

"Cousin loving" is Boston, Massachusetts. Just can't leave your bigotry out of your stories, can you?

kwalankwalan5 months ago

It needs to be finished.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Definitely nowhere near your usual. It is hard to believe the comments of those who gave it a 5. I stretched to a 1.

OlefishermanOlefisherman5 months ago

That last line means about October 20 something that's about the time that the first freeze hits Hell, Michigan. So the author while allowed some poetic license. Shouldn't get carried away. Google it. Oh Hell was established before the Civil War.

StevenJayStevenJay5 months ago

A really well written story.

Like many others I got to the end and was left with lots of quiestions and I re-read it a few hours later to try to glean any details that I might have missed the first time before coming to the conclusion that that was exactly what the author wanted - to leave the reader in the same state as the main character wondering what had happened.

NitpicNitpic5 months ago

Liked it very much.The bit about her mother and the horse would have her wondering about it for months.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Please chalk me up as one more vote for a second part.

Also, she needs to be BURNED... thoroughly.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut6 months ago

Very, very, very clever and a good 4 stars.

Now, normally I despair with the "Finish The Damned Story" brigade. The trick is often finishing a story without a complete resolution.

Oddly, here I yearn for the tale that you have studiously avoided telling.

I guess the best I can take from this tale is a new experience from reading the story.

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