The Dead Zone


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"Rachel, why haven't you married - or have you?" I asked.

"To be honest with you, I haven't met the right man. I've dated a few who are very nice and my mom told me I should grab on to one of these doctors but I was waiting for you. I know that sounds stupid, but like I told you, you were my best friend. I could tell you anything. Now you're back and I guess we'll see what happens next." She leaned across the table and gave me a light kiss.

After we ate, she asked to go to the Bristoe Lounge for a while. I guess it was kind of a doctor/nurse hangout where they wound down. It was amateur night and we listened to a few singers but none could hold a candle to Rachel. They asked Rachel if she was going to sing tonight but she said maybe next week. Tonight she was out with a really good friend.

I sure was wrong when I thought of Rachel as this beautiful but lonely girl. Everyone came to our table and Rachel introduced me as her good friend. A number of people asked if I was her coma guy and she always smiled and nodded her head yes. She seemed to have a lot of friends both male and female. Boy, did I begin to feel stupid! I was wondering all this time if I was doing the right thing by Rachel when she could have dated just about anyone she wanted. How could I be so stupid?

I do have to admit that she was a lot of fun to be with, always smiling and friendly. I was proud to be her date. As the evening ended, I took her back to her apartment. She kissed me goodnight and told me what a wonderful time she had and that she would love to do it again.

I told her I had a busy schedule but I wanted to see her again soon. We didn't make any specific plans but I was hoping to see her the following weekend.

After getting home, I fell asleep. I was dreaming of her singing to me. It was so comforting. I could listen to her forever.

The following Monday at therapy Toby wanted to know if I would be busy Friday. I told him I had exams Friday night. He told me that Rachel was going to be singing at the club and wanted to know if I could make it. A lot of her friends were going to be there to listen to her. I told him I would love to be there but I did have the exams and we weren't able to make them up.

I stopped over to see Rachel at the other building. Again she was smiling and talking to the same young doctor. I wheeled my way up to the two of them and Rachel smiled at me and introduced me to the young doctor. His name was Joel Gray. I didn't like him, not because he wasn't a nice guy but he was hitting on my girlfriend. I thought to myself that I called her my girlfriend. Damn, my feelings for her were real. I acted nice to the good doctor as he went about his rounds.

I explained to Rachel why I couldn't make it Friday to her singing performance. She felt bad about it but said she understood. I promised her I would be there the next time she sang. She smiled at me and gave me a light kiss before she returned to work.

The week went by quickly. Between school, physical therapy and repairing computers my time flew by. On Friday I remembered about Rachel singing and was sad I was going to miss it. After finishing my exams I looked at my watch and figured I could still catch part of her performance. I quickly drove over to the Bristoe lounge. Since I was on crutches, they let me go in ahead of some of the others waiting to get in. The hostess said I could have a seat at the bar. It was a long way from the stage but at least I was there for her.

Up in the front by the stage, I could see a lot of her fellow workers including Toby and his girlfriend. Unfortunately I also saw Doctor Gray. I figured Rachel was backstage waiting to be introduced.

She came out on stage and started singing 'You don't know me' which was one of my favorites. I had tears in my eyes as I listened to her. I knew I was falling in love with this woman for all the right reasons. She sang like a professional, looking over the whole audience while singing. I felt like she was looking at me. As her song ended, she stepped down of the stage and was greeted by all her friends who gave her a standing ovation. She went right into the arms of the good doctor. It brought a sadness to me as I turned to leave the lounge.

I glanced back to take a last look at Rachel as I left the building. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to come after all. I got in my van and headed home, not quite as happy as when I had arrived.

When I arrived home, I grabbed myself and beer and sat at the table and decided to work on one of my repair jobs. I wanted to get my mind off of women. I lost my chance with Kelly and now I was losing Rachel. I was doing some repairs when there was someone beating on my door. As always I left it unlocked and yelled for whoever it was to come in.

It was Rachel, by herself. She stood in front of me with her arms folded. She didn't look very happy.

"You stupid, stupid man! What is the matter with you? Why did you leave the lounge?" she asked.

I was a bit perplexed but tried to give an honest answer. "You were with your date, the doctor guy, and I didn't want to interfere."

"Date? I wasn't with a date. Joel, the one you call 'the doctor guy' is a good friend. He wants to be closer friends but I told him I was in love with someone else. Like most guys, he keeps trying."

"I didn't know you saw me. I was sitting at....."

"You were sitting at the end of the bar. I sang that song for you. I was supposed to sing a different one but when I saw you come in - I was looking through the curtains - I changed the song I was going to sing. I knew that was one of your favorites. When I was finished singing and came off stage, Joel grabbed me to give me a hug. So did a lot of my other friends but by then you were gone."

"I'm sorry; I thought you were on a date. I never knew that I was jealous like this. I made a major mistake and I guess I just always thought you would be there."

"I'm here for you, Jeff, but I have a life too. Until you're able to commit yourself to a one on one relationship I have a life too."

"God, you're right. I am a stupid man," I said.

"Come with me, Jeff." I stood up and she had one arm around me and I had my other arm using a crutch. She walked me into my bedroom.

"What are you doing, Rachel?" I asked.

"Boy, you are petty stupid," she laughed. "I'm going to make love to you. You need to know that I'm your girl and we're about to consummate our friendship."

I sat at the end of the bed as she undid and pulled my jeans off, shortly followed by my underwear. She was quick - after all, she sort of did this for a living. The undressing of patients, I mean.

She quickly stripped off her clothes and lay on the bed beside me. She started kissing me and I was becoming hard very quickly.

"Rach, this is my first time in nearly four and a half years you know. I have no idea how well I'll perform."

She got on top of me and smiled; I finally got a look at her naked body.

"My God, Rach, you are so damn beautiful." I had tears in my eyes. What the hell was wrong with me?

Rachel then straddled my member and slowly lowered herself onto it. I can hardly describe the wonderful warm feeling. I reached up for the first time and gently touched her beasts.

"Go ahead and squeeze them. I won't break, just be gentle."

I was squeezing her breasts and she was going slowly up and down on my very hard member.

"Rach, I'm not going to last. I'm already there, please forgive me," I said as I shot my load deep within her. What I didn't realize is that she was ready also and she squeezed her vaginal muscles tight as I kept coming. I could then feel her spasms leading to her climax.

She didn't scream out but was making a number of different noises. She lay across my chest till her spasms stopped and then rolled off and lay next to me. It was the only time we did it that night. We both fell asleep.

When I awoke the next morning, Rachel was already dressed and made a pot of coffee. She was cleaning up my dirty dishes when I got up. I used my crutches and went into the shower to clean up.

"Hi, Lover," she said as I went into the kitchen. She made me some scrambled eggs and toast. "It was about all the food you have here," she laughed.

"Rach, I'm so sorry about last night. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you," I said.

"Who took advantage of whom? Who walked who into the bedroom? Who took whose clothes off? Who got on top of whom? Who loved it?" She smiled.

"I can answer that last one," I said. "I loved it."

"We both loved it. Listen, I have to be at the hospital today. I want you to promise me that you will come to the lounge next Saturday. I'm doing a special and doing a few songs. I want you there at the head table so I can see you while singing. Will you be there? Promise me!" she asked.

"Yes, unless I'm in a coma, I'll be there," I replied.


The following week was a really busy one. I had physical therapy three times and I asked Toby if he and his girlfriend were going to the lounge on Saturday. He told me they would be there. I called the lounge and told them that I wanted the front table reserved for Rachel's family and friends. I also talked with the manager and told them about a surprise I had for Rachel.

I got a hold of Rachel's parents and told them who I was and asked if they could attend Saturday. Apparently they knew all about me. I called Rachel's sister and she and her husband would also attend. I started on my family and told them all that I needed their support and they all agreed to be there. Mom and Dad, my brother and his wife and new baby. My sister and her husband would be there also.

I made a call to Dave and Kelly. It was Dave I needed to talk to and I got his cell phone number from the police department. I asked him to take Kelly to the performance on Saturday. He asked me if I thought it was a good idea and I told him I thought it was. They wouldn't be sitting with us at the head tables but I did want Kelly there.

I worked extra hard at therapy that week. I had a couple of surprises for Rachel and I just hoped all would go well. I asked everyone not to tell her that they would be there. I wanted it all to be a surprise. I did tell her about Toby and his girlfriend Rhonda would be sitting with me. I told her I didn't want her doctor friend at my table and she just laughed. My jealousy was showing, she told me.


Saturday arrived and Rachel said she had to be at the lounge early and asked if I could ride over with Toby and Rhonda. Then after the show, we could ride home together in her car.

When we got to the lounge, we showed our reservation pass and were led to the head table. The place was filling up quickly. Rachel's parents introduced themselves as well as my parents. I said hi to Rachel's sister Beth and her husband. My brother and sister soon arrived with their families. I looked up at the stage and saw Rachel's face. She looked surprised to see both of our families at the same tables.

A few tables back I could see Kelly with her husband Dave. She looked a bit uneasy when she saw me. I just waved to the two of them.

The show began and Rachel sang, 'I can't stop loving you', a song made famous by Ray Charles. While she sang she kept looking over at me. Her second song was 'It's all in the game', made famous by a lesser known Tommy Edwards.

Her third song was 'Loving You', best known by Elvis Presley.

"I will spend my whole life through,

loving you, loving you,

Winter, Summer, Springtime too,

loving you, loving you.

Makes no difference where you are,

or what I do.

I will spend my whole life through,

Loving you."

I again had tears in my eyes knowing that she was singing to me. I remember her voice during my coma whether anyone else wanted to believe it or not. At the end of her song everyone was applauding her.

The speaker went up to her and said there was someone who had a surprise for her. He looked over at me and I stood up with my crutches. I took two steps toward the stage and dropped the crutches and had a walking stick. I slowly walked up onto the stage. Rachel had tears in her eyes as I slowly walked toward her.

"My God, what a wonderful surprise," replied Rachel.

"Thank you, Rach, but that's only part of the surprise," I said.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a ring. "Rachel, I owe so much to you. I realize how much I really do love you and want to know if you will be my wife? I may not be the best fish in the sea but I promise to do all I can to make you happy."

Rachel had both hands up to her face with tears running down her cheeks. The place was dead silent till she gave her answer.

"Yes, yes, I'll marry you," she said.

The place broke out in applause and whistles of joy. Both of our families were standing up and screaming out. Rachel put her arms around me and gave me a hug and a kiss. I glanced out at Dave and Kelly. I needed Kelly to know that I was moving on. She was crying but Dave had his arm around her. He understood; he was really a decent guy and Kelly was lucky to have him.

After the noise calmed down, Rachel was asked to sing one more song. I slowly made it off the stage using my new cane/walking stick and took my seat. Rachel glanced over at me and said, "This one's for you, Jeff. 'You belong to me', by the Duprees."

"See the pyramids along the Nile,

Watch the sunrise of a tropic Isle,

Just remember, darling, all the while,

"You belong to me."

She stared at me the whole time while singing this song. Her parents and my parents both looked at me. I knew I made the right choice for all the right reasons. I truly loved this woman.


As life went on, we saw a lot of each other. She stayed with her nursing and I finally got my degree in computer science. I didn't know it but Rachel's dad was a unit manager in one of our larger factories. After graduation he got me a position as a computer programmer in the factory. I now had a full time job with all the benefits. I may not become rich but that wasn't our plan.

We got married three months later and started out in Rachel's apartment. We had a nice wedding with a lot of family and friends. We didn't have the gigantic receptions that you normally read about. We all gathered in the church reception hall and had a nice dinner with family and friends. Kelly and Dave even showed up.

I did give Kelly a big hug and she said, "Thank you." We all knew what she meant by it. We remained friends but not in a see you all the time type situation. We weren't going to take that kind of chances.

Rachel and I lived the good life. We both worked our jobs and spent our evenings together. We make love as often as possible. She sings about once a month at the lounge and I am always at the front table. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Rachel came home from the hospital one day and stared at me. As I looked at her, she asked, "Are you ready to be a dad?" She then had this big grin on her face.

I was smiling from ear to ear. We celebrated by making love right then and there. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I asked her.

"Just about every day," she replied.

About seven months later I got a call from the hospital. "Hurry up and get down here; your son is about to arrive," said Rachel.

I rushed down as fast as I could and put on the robe and mask and rushed in to be with Rachel for the birth of our baby. Everything went smoothly and I became a daddy. We named him Jeffery Jr. so we could call him JJ.

I went out to the waiting room and told all the family members the good news. Just then Dave, Kelly's husband, came over to congratulate me. He said he had just brought Kelly down to deliver their second child. It was going to be a little girl. He told me Kelly wanted to name her Rachel. I smiled as he walked away.


Life went on. Rachel and I were different from most couples. We hardly ever argued. We realized how important life really is and didn't want to waste a minute of it being mad at each other. We now have three children, two boys and a little girl who looks just like her mother. One of the nicest things that go on in our house is when I hear Rachel singing. There's just something about her voice.

We did watch the TV series, 'The Dead Zone' together. It was a good show but Rachel and I have a much better life than the fantasy life of a TV program.


Hope you enjoyed my story

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NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Don't accept that a bloke who has been in a coma for four years,can remember everything when he wakes up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It's really sad that Rachel's best friend was a guy in a coma. "I could tell you anything." Well, duh. He was a captive audience. I'm sure he listened to all her opinions and gave great advice, too,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story as usual you are up with the best (jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I loved this story. All the main characters are people of quality, integrity, heart and intelligence. The only one who seems to be more fierce than the other main characters is Rachel especially when she says ""I'm here for you, Jeff, but I have a life too. Until you're able to commit yourself to a one on one relationship I have a life too." She throws this phrase (I have a life too) East and West as if it were a threat: this does NOT sit well with me since she is portrayed as a mellow and helpful character. But this is certainly better than the other cuck/slut bullshit we read in too many other stories.

Overall: 5*


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved it. Jeff is a man of integrity, insight and heart. The main characters were well defined. So very well written. And best of all, no cuck/slut bullshit.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Four years in a coma,but when he is released he can repair computers,get real.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

5 Stars on this Story ..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Where did he get the Dead Zone tapes from to return to Kelly?.Why didn't he get any compensation from the insurance company for the crash?.

Owen4230Owen4230over 6 years ago
Stephen King

Stephen King also wrote about the "Dead Zone" similar type of theme. But as a short story yours is quite good. I like reading some of your stories so keep up the good work. Owen

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