The Deal

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Getting caught searching porn has consequences
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Bob and Annie fell back on their pillows, their bodies partly spent from yet another round of vanilla sex. Sure, it had been good, even mediocre sex is usually good. It had been predictable. It had been satisfying -- at least for Bob. But it had once again been very routine. They had each gotten sex and would now be okay for another week or so before one of them -- usually Bob -- would suggest that it had been a while and that maybe they should do it again -- if they weren't too tired.

The playbook was tried and true, but the corners were getting more than a little tattered. They would kiss for a couple of minutes. Bob would rub Annie's tits. Annie would stroke Bob's dick until he was hard. Bob would use his finger to try to elicit some wetness. Occasionally, Annie would feel a pleasant tingle, but way more often than not, she wouldn't. Then he would climb on top and fuck her until he came. A few tissues and a run to the bathroom, and they were ready to go to sleep. Pretty much the same, every... single... time. Bob was happy that he at least still got laid once in a while, as a lot of his buddies often complained that their wives were done with the whole 'sex' thing. Annie really didn't feel like she had to climax with Bob anymore, but she knew that he still had his needs, and so did her wifely duty about two or three times a month or so. Sure, the orgasms felt fine when she occasionally let them happen, but they really weren't necessary with him. Her vibrator gave her all the relief she needed and, while she loved Bob, he really wasn't much of a lover.

But it was really starting to get boring for both of them.

It's not that they were old. Forty-eight isn't old. It was just that for some reason, they had each stopped putting in the effort to keep things fresh in the bedroom, and their love life had just gotten stale. Very stale. Parched even. They weren't alone. When Annie and the girls got together for their monthly 'book club' night -- actually just an excuse to drink too much wine and gossip -- the conversation often turned to a bitch-session about their husbands and their pitiful sex-lives after the 'grape juice' had loosened up their tongues. It was pretty clear to Annie that she and Bob were doing better than most of her friends between the sheets, as pathetic as that was. At least they still fucked once in a while. Most of her friends had told their husbands to just take care of themselves in the shower when they needed to, and to keep their dicks to themselves when they came to bed. Lingerie had been replaced with flannel, and romantic movies had been replaced by home-remodeling shows and social media late into the evening for all of them.

Ironically, the 'book club' conversation often ended somewhat drunkenly with them reminiscing fondly about their twenties -- back to when they were virile. Back to when they wanted to seduce and be seduced. Back to when sex was new and novel and fun. Each of the women would look a bit melancholy as they shared stories about their sexual exploits with old college boyfriends and from their husbands back in their early days. Annie kept most of her colorful sexual history to herself however, even after the wine had done its job, as she knew that they wouldn't believe her anyway. If Annie was being truly honest, she could sense that she and her friends had all let something go from their lives that they probably wanted to get back, but that none really wanted to expend the energy necessary to do so. It didn't sound like any of their husbands did either.

Annie was busy doing some on-line shopping one Saturday morning after Bob had run to the hardware store, when she noticed an entry in their browser history -- MFF. "MFF? What's that?" she thought. One click later, and Annie had entered a digital world that she certainly knew existed, but hadn't explored since the age of the internet. But a world that, apparently, Bob had. Before her on the computer screen were dozens of images of naked people doing all sorts of things to one another. "He's been searching porn sites!" As she scrolled, Annie saw photo after photo of some random naked guy on a bed, or on a couch, or on a chaise lounge, being serviced in some naughty way by two naked women. Sometimes the guy was just laying there enjoying their talents. Sometimes, the guy was fucking one while she was orally pleasing the other. Or a whole bunch of other combinations, none of which Annie had done since her college days before Bob. Combinations that she had so enthusiastically participated in both in private and in front of a movie camera. A time in her life that she had never shared with Bob. Picture after picture. Annie wasn't sure what to think or feel. One part of her was a little jealous that Bob had been looking at these pictures without her, but the other part of her -- specifically that part at the apex between her thighs -- was clearly experiencing something very different. "Is this what he's thinking about?" she thought. Annie remembered back fondly to the fun of her twenties, but she never really believed that people continued to think about this stuff once they were in their forties, and didn't think that Bob ever had.

The garage door began to clatter as it opened, and soon Bob came walking into the kitchen carrying a couple of bags. He stopped cold. There sat Annie looking directly at the images that he had masturbated to the night before while she was watching her shows in the bedroom. Annie turned and looked at him. "So, is this the kind of thing you want?" she asked, with a measured tone that Bob knew probably meant trouble. Truth be told, Annie really wasn't angry. More... intrigued. She remembered back to her sex life being full. She remembered her sex life being exciting. She remembered back to when she would try nearly anything sexual with enthusiasm! And she certainly knew that at that moment, her sex life with Bob was on life support. She actually wanted to get the life back into it, and now knowing that Bob was exploring as well gave her some hope that there might still be a chance.

There was no denying what was on the screen, and Annie was far too computer savvy to accept that those images had just appeared on their own. Bob was busted. His only option was to be honest with her. He didn't want to hurt his wife, but he was feeling that change just had to happen -- and soon.

"I need more sex, Annie," he slowly began. "I love you, but let's face it, our sex life has gotten pretty monotonous over the last few years." Annie stared at him, but her face softened just a little as his words struck a bit of a nerve. "When we first got together, we were always trying new things, and it seemed like you really wanted me sexually. I haven't felt that desire from you for a very long time. Be honest. When's the last time you tried to seduce me? When's the last time you put on something sexy without me asking for it first? Or the last time that you even initiated sex? We're still young, Annie, but we fuck like a couple of old fogies." Bob let his words hang in the air for a few seconds. "I want some variety again. I want to feel desired again! And yeah, I think having a threesome, just for fun, would be awesome!" He turned to grab a beer from the fridge. "Want one?"

Annie sat motionless as he returned and handed her a beer. Bob opened his, took a long draw from it, and then just waited for the storm to come. Seconds passed, and he was fairly certain that the longer he had to wait to hear words from her, the worse things were going to get.

Finally, "You were searching MFF. Are there MFM pictures out there as well?"

Bob almost fell over! That was NOT what he had expected to hear from his wife at that moment in time. "Uh, yeah. If you search 'MFM' you'll find that too."

Annie turned back to the computer and typed into the search bar. A moment later, the screen filled with a new set of images. Similar, but this time there were at least two cocks in every photo. Annie scrolled through them, noticing that most times both guys were focused on the woman's pleasure, but in some, the guys were enjoying each other as well. Annie just scrolled, and then, turning back to Bob, "So, do you want to bring another woman into bed with us, or do you want two new ones?" Bob knew that the next words out of his mouth were probably the most important that he would speak since saying 'I do.'

"I love YOU, Annie! I don't want two new ones. But if we found someone willing to play with us -- with you AND me, together -- I think it would be amazing!"

Annie pondered for a moment longer. "And what if I wanted that 'someone' to be a guy? You'd be okay with that, too?"

Bob hadn't considered this possibility, as his fantasies had always included extra boobs and multiple pussies. Annie had never expressed any interest in a threesome. Hell, she hadn't expressed any real interest in sex of any kind for a long time. Now, she had just asked the million-dollar question. Bob considered it for more than a few seconds. "Just to play?" He took a deep breath, "Yes. Yes, I would be okay with that if it would bring some passion back for us." Bob doubted that she was at all serious, but on the outside chance that she was, anything that would light a fire back under their bedframe was worth taking the risk.

"Hmm..." Annie vocalized, as she considered Bob's response. "I need to think about this." She handed him her unopened beer can, grabbed a bottle of Cabernet and a glass from the counter and walked into their bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Later that night as they lay quietly in the darkness of their room, Annie began. "You want a threesome with another woman, and I would rather we had one with a second guy. So how is this going to work?" Bob was stunned! Never in his wildest imagination had he ever thought that they would actually be considering this! He was fully expecting to be in big trouble with his wife for looking at porn, not figuring out the logistics of a threesome!

Bob swallowed hard. "I... suppose we could try... both," he stammered.

"Which one first?"

"Flip a coin?" he replied, almost in jest.

"Any limits?"

"Uh... I guess... not?"

"So, I would get to fuck another guy with you right there too, and you would get to fuck another woman right in front of me, along with anything and everything else that might happen, just to be clear."

"Wow! Are you just jerking me around?" Bob asked, his dick betraying him, however, by swelling under the bedsheets.

"No, I'm not. If we're gonna do this, then we need to establish the rules. I'm hearing that anything goes. Anything! Is that really what you want?"

Bob was so taken aback that all he could do was agree. "I guess."

"Okay then. Let's start planning tomorrow. Good night, Bob." Annie rolled to her side facing away from him and fell asleep. Bob stared at the ceiling for a few more hours. What had he just committed to?!?

Sunday morning started early with a loud thunderstorm. Bob was hoping it wasn't an omen. He rolled over and found Annie's side of the bed empty. Looking at the clock, it was only 6:45, and she was usually a late sleeper. After his obligatory stop at the commode, he wandered into the kitchen, where he found Annie sitting in front of the computer.

"Good morning!" he said.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Took me a long time to fall asleep after our conversation, but I guess okay after that. How about you?"

"I slept better than I have in years! I woke up to the storm."

"What have you been reading this morning?" Bob asked apprehensively.

"I've just been doing a little research," she replied. Bob looked toward the table and found an old silver dollar sitting in the middle of it. "I figured we'd better start off the day with a coin toss."

Bob swallowed hard! If she was just playing with him, the game was definitely on. If she wasn't playing but was actually serious, then today was going to be life changing.

Annie picked up the coin. "So, after our talk last night, I think that there's really just one more rule. The MFF experience is all up to you. It's your fantasy. You write the script, pick the time and the date, work out every detail, and I will do everything that you want me to do. Everything. With enthusiasm! The MFM is all mine though, and the same rules will apply to you, no matter what I include in MY script! We each will have three months to get it all ready or forfeit the opportunity. Oh, and once I flip this coin, we're both all-in. No backing out! No changing of minds, especially after one of us gets their fantasy. Wouldn't be fair for the other not to get theirs. Agreed?"

Bob was stunned by her boldness. She had clearly been thinking a lot about this. "I... I want us to agree on who the other M and the other F are together, though. Okay?" he stammered.

"Agreed. Heads, you get to choose if we start with MFM or MFF. Tails, I get to." Annie looked directly into Bob's eyes with a stoic determination that he hadn't ever seen from her before. "Ready?" She tossed the coin spinning into the air and let it fall to the floor below them. "It's tails. I get to choose. We're starting with MFM."

With that, Annie rose from her chair and poured herself another cup of coffee, returning again to the computer. Bob glanced to see what she was looking at, expecting to find naked bodies, but it was just some boring political headlines. His head started to spin at her nonchalance. Not another word was said on the topic, and their day went on as if nothing unusual was going on between them. But Bob knew that sometime within the next three months, their sex life was going to have a major change in direction.

The days passed by with nothing more from Annie on the subject. No discussion. No ideas shared. Nothing. Bob was starting to wonder if it had all been a prank to get back at him for the porn site viewing. Then, two weeks after that fateful Saturday, while the two shared their morning coffee, Annie began. "I've been thinking...."

"Here we go..." Bob thought.

"I'm going to assume that this is not going to become our 'norm,' and that this might be the only time we do this." Bob sat motionless. "If that's the case, then I want my extra 'M' to be someone memorable. Someone special." Bob's gut tightened a bit. "If I'm going to get fucked by another guy, Bob, I want my toes to curl so far that I won't be able to walk for a week!"

"Do you have anyone in mind?" Bob was hoping that she wouldn't suggest anyone that they already knew, or anyone that she worked with, or especially some old boyfriend. Someone anonymous would be a really good thing here, he silently hoped.

"I've been doing some internet research, and I found this website where guys make themselves available for just this kind of thing. Some of them are into humiliating the husbands -- some kind of a fetish thing, I guess - but I don't think I want that. But wow, there are some really hot guys who do this for couples like us, Bob! Want to look at some possibilities with me?"

What could he say? He had basically led them to this, and being part of the decision-making actually made him a bit more relaxed. Seems that 'anonymous' had won too! "Sure, Annie! Let me refill our cups and let's look together."

Fresh coffee in hand, the two sat down on the sofa, and Annie opened up the website that she had been browsing earlier. Bob was more than a little shocked as she scrolled, not just by how universally good looking all of those guys were, but by how direct they were in their bios! These guys were clearly there to be actors in another couple's sexual drama. They knew the role that they would be playing and knew that their job was to serve almost as a living sex-toy for the couple's pleasure. Oh, and then there were the details about that particular part of their anatomies that would definitely be put to use in each scene. Bob was just your normal guy - right about average if the numbers that he had read were correct. Certainly nothing to brag about, but he had finally learned not to be ashamed or self-conscious about what he had either. He had never heard any complaints from the very few women that he had been with in his life, but he hadn't heard any shocked gasping from any of them either when they first saw him naked. But here, if they could really be believed, were some dimensions that he had only seen on the porn sites! Bob could already tell that if Annie picked someone from this site, his new nickname might well become Pee-Wee!

Annie was actually just playing with him. She wasn't going to shop at Rent-a-Cock for this experience! What she really wanted was to gauge just how committed Bob actually was for this, and he had passed her little test. Now to get serious.

Over the next three weeks, Bob and Annie spent more than a little time thinking, browsing, and kicking ideas around about their little planned adventure. It wasn't like this was really that new of an idea -- at least for Annie. Memories from her sexually colorful younger days became front and center in her mind. She recalled the experimentation of college, and those insane days in the commune in the early 70's. Then there were the parties in New York during the hedonistic heydays of the early 80's. Annie's sex life had gone from something worthy of Penthouse Forum, to something more appropriate for Good Housekeeping in just a few years, but this plan had seemed to rekindle the ember of a fire inside of her. A little bit, at least.

All the thinking and planning had done something unexpected for her as well. For the first time in a long while, her mind was focused on sex again for a large part of her day. Looking at photos, watching a few videos -- all for research purposes, of course -- and crafting an awesome sex scenario that was focused predominantly on her own pleasure, seemed to be resurrecting her nearly dormant libido. Bob noticed it too! The first week was fairly subtle, but for the first time in months, Annie finally let herself have an orgasm while he went down on her! The rest of their routine had stayed pretty much the same, but that was refreshing nonetheless! Bob really did enjoy it when she came -- especially when he was helping her to do so.

Another subtle change over the following couple of weeks was that Annie actually initiated having sex on one occasion before he did! His ego was seriously stroked, and he put in more effort that night toward her pleasure than he had in a long time. And judging by the way Annie's body had responded to him, his efforts apparently were well received by her, too! It wasn't like they were fully to where he wanted them to be -- not even close -- but it was a great start!

Spring had arrived, and the calling of the Atlantic was very strong. Bob had booked a few nights for them in a high-rise condo in Myrtle Beach, right on the water. At least their feet were going to get wet, even if their genitals maybe wouldn't, but hope springs eternal! Both Annie and Bob really enjoyed the cathartic sights and sounds of the ocean, and this would be a welcomed break for them both.

The hotel had a beautiful outdoor pool area, complete with a bar, lots of chaise lounges and umbrellas, and three large hot tubs. After their full day of travel, the couple were more than ready for some relaxation, and so headed down to enjoy what was left of the day. After the last of the sunshine faded behind them and the afternoon turned to evening, Bob got a couple of last Mai-Tais from the bar, and they headed to soak in the soothing bubbles of the hot tub.

About ten minutes after settling into the water, another guest walked up and asked if he could climb in. "I don't want to get in the way, but do you mind if I join you?" asked the late-thirtyish guy as he stepped into the water, not really waiting for them to answer. "I'm Daryl."