The Decoy Princesses Pt. 03


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"Lift those titties up to me in offering and look up at me like a proper slave!" Krudge barked at her. Saygra did as she was told, raising up on her knees more and sliding her hands up underneath of her heavy breasts like he'd ordered. Her eyelids opened up and she looked up at her new master as he continued fucking her mouth until he unleashed a torrent of cum down her gullet with a long, loud, sigh of relief.


Nox woke up to Liliessa chanting while holding her hands overtop of his head. He looked up at her and saw that her eyes were closed and her hands were glowing white. He also noticed that her belly was now flat but she was still naked save for her collar. When he grunted and groaned, shifting to sit upright, her eyes opened up and she smiled at him as she stopped chanting. "Welcome back, Master," she said happily.

"How long was I out?"

"Nearly a week, Master," Liliessa said, helping him sit upright. You were the last one that they pulled from the rubble and they rushed you right to me so that I could start working on you," she explained. Then she placed her hand onto his head and chanted again. Nox's head cleared and he felt good as new.

"I notice that you're still around and that yer belly is flat," he pointed out.

"Yes," Liliessa beamed with pride. "Hiley and I both gave birth while you were out and resting. She's with the babies now in the other room while I attend to you here," she said.

"And... uh... where is 'here' exactly?" Nox asked.

"Your fallback village, Master, just outside of Riverrun," she pulled back the curtain of the nearby window and Nox could see that just down the hill where the human village was at. This village had been situated further up in the foothills of the mountain closer where their little cave tunnel entrance was at. Their fallback village, Nox noted, had been built to human standards and measurements which meant it was a mansion to someone short like a goblin. "Your vision and forethought has given us another place to go when the orcs came for us."

"Yeah, I liked the old place better," Nox grumbled. "More trees."

"We can plant trees here, Master," Liliessa said. "Maybe hire a few druids to help us out in that process."

"Us?" Nox eyed her. "I am kinda surprised that you stuck around instead of making a run for it."

"I made a promise and gave you my words of honor. I am not like Vaeri, who ran for it as soon as she got a chance," she said crossly, lifting her chin up defiantly. "She got away in the confusion and no one has seen her since. Like all elves, she thinks that she's too good for the rest of us."

That hurt more than Nox thought it would as it meant that another goblin child was lost to them with it's fate unknown. "But you don't?" Nox asked, curious.

Liliessa shook her head. "Like I said before when you had me help with the birthings. The goddess gave me a vision and showed me the error of my ways before, Master. My place is here, with you, taking care of the little ones that will come." She pulled back the covers of the bed to bare his body, climbed up next to him, and took his cock into her slender hand. "And, with Master's permission, I'll be more than willing to get started on the next one now," she said, her voice dropping to a husky, seductive tone as she started to stroke him to hardness.

"Ooohhhh... by all means, continue..." Nox moaned, laying back on the bed as she then put her hot little mouth over his manhood and started to suck on him. When he was fully hard, Liliessa pulled her head up and crawled towards the foot of the bed, presenting her hind end to him as she then laid her chest down and kept her ass up. Nox didn't need any further invitation as he hopped up with renewed strength and vigor and drove his cock straight into her wet and waiting pussy. Liliessa moaned with pleasure as she was speared by him and he could feel her pussy fluttering around his cock. He grabbed her hips and started humping away, wondering why he hadn't utilized the half-elf's services before now.

Nox fucked her hard and fast. After all, he had a week to make up for. With a long groan, he shoved his cock into her as far as he could get into her and came hard, a torrent of cum unleashed within her. To his surprise, she moaned and orgasmed right along with him. He kept his cock implanted within her until every last drop was out and only then did he pull out. Liliessa then surprised him again by happily turning around and sucking him of, cleaning him with her mouth with glee. Then she smiled and looked up at him. "Come, Master, it's time to meet your children," she said, taking him by the hand.


A few days later, Nox was out and about. He took turns methodically fucking either Hiley or Liliessa while the other attended to the babies. Both were nursing so the babies didn't want for hunger. He also noticed that Lili, at least, was also serving as a wet nurse to help the goblin mothers within the village who weren't producing as much. Much to his surprise, his half-elf slave was taking to her new role happily so he wasn't going to do anything to upset her.

By the end of the week, the three human women that had came of the own free will had given birth to their babies and turned them over to the goblin families who were hosting them. Lili also went to work nursing these babies as well without a second thought. The only regrets, Nox saw, was in the human women themselves. The redhead, Bridget, turned around and volunteered for another six month stay with her goblin care family while the other two went back home. Two more, however, eagerly took their place as the storied about the goblins in bed had already started to spread.

All was right in Nox's world. His people were safe and they were starting to thrive once again. His only regret was not knowing where the elf ran off to with her unborn goblin baby.



Vaeri was on the run. After she'd been led to the backup goblin village she'd been left alone with the half-elf and the gnome slaves while the goblin men and women were rushing about getting defenses set up and preparing for another attack. She'd taken that opportunity to hop out the window and knock out the only two guards left to guard them. Vaeri had tried to get Liliessa and Hiley to come with her, but to her surprise both of them refused to leave. Instead, they actually started helping the guards that Vaeri had knocked out. "You said that you'd help!" Liliessa said with venom.

"Yeah, well I also swore that I'm going to escape if given the opportunity too!" Vaeri snapped back. "Stay here and live on your knees as slave if you wish, I care not anymore." And with that, Vaeri was gone.

Being a ranger, she lived off the land. That night she'd fashioned herself a bow and arrow set using what little items she could scrounge and by day break she was feasting on a freshly killed deer, tanning it's hide over a fire to use later for clothes, and drinking from a cool mountain stream far away from her captors. She was free!


The growing pain in her belly told her that she had something else to worry about and soon. At first it had seemed so easy: give birth, give the child over to the goblins, and then escape. But since the opportunity to escape came before that time, things were a bit more complicated. She was a good three days away from Riverrun and the goblins before she went into full labor. In the middle of the dark, overcast night, Vaeri laid back against a tree, holding her belly, as she waited for nature to take it's course. Within the hour, there was a bawling, light green skinned baby on the ground with an elven face and pointed ears that were longer than an elf's but shorter than a goblin's.

Even as the afterbirth was sliding from her body, Vaeri rolled to all fours grabbing her nearby stone knife. She already had it up, ready to end the baby's life when she saw the helpless little thing doing nothing more but screaming for it's mother. Vaeri's hand paused and quivered. She knew elven law wouldn't let her keep it and she knew, by law, what she was required to do but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. The Ranger's Code kept ringing in her ears; protect the helpless and the weak from the wild threats beyond. A bawling baby in the woods certainly didn't get any more helpless than this.

Vaeri's determination and composure broke as she looked at the being that just came from her belly. She couldn't do it no matter what her people's law said. Vaeri dropped the knife by the baby's side, hung her head, and cried. Then she looked up again and saw that it was a baby girl and she cried some more right along with the baby. There was no way she could fathom bringing harm to this little one. So, slowly and tenderly, she used animal gut that she had in her makeshift backpack to tie off the cord before using her stone knife to sever it. Then she scooped the baby up into her arms and held her to her breast. The baby immediately latched on and tried to nurse through her deerskin top that Vaeri had fashioned for clothes. Vaeri moved it aside and presented her nipple to the baby, who quieted immediately as it started to suckle. Vaeri sat back against the tree and cried some more, not knowing what to do as there was no one she could turn to for help.

The clouds above the horizon seemed to break to allow the moon to shine full. Vaeri and the nursing baby were bathed in the pale moonlight from the sky and in that instant, she heard a single word whispered into her head.


"No..." Vaeri breathed. There was no way that Prince Ellisar... or was it King Ellisar now... would allow a half-breed into his city. Out of all of the elven kingdoms and cities there were, he had to have been the most hardcore purist of them all. There was no way she could find refuge there.

Seek my followers... Find the shield... Find Sir Darian the Black...

"S-Selune?" Vaeri asked in a tiny voice as her eyes drifted up to the moon. She felt the goddess' warmth and love bathe her. Long ago she'd sworn that the gods and goddesses didn't exist and yet here was the elven moon goddess herself giving her directions.

You have passed my test... you and your child will be safe in Eshhandell...

Vaeri broke into sobs again as she clutched the baby... her baby... to her chest, cradling it protectively now. Selune was on her side and Vaeri had passed some test that she didn't even know that she had been taking. Unable to even speak, Vaeri just nodded her head up and down repeatedly, swearing that she'd do as she was told. Then she fell asleep with the baby snuggled in her arms and in the morning she bathed them both in a nearby brook.

After that, the trek began.

She scrounged for things along the way and what she didn't find in abandoned buildings or homes, she fashioned herself. The first being a sling to carry her baby cradled to her bosom while keeping her arms free. A few weeks later she was approaching the imposing tower gates of the Elven citadel in the deep woods, feeling mighty small in comparison. The challenge came out almost immediately from the elven guards on the ground as bows were pointed her way from the ramparts but not nocked just yet. "Halt! Who goes there?"

"I am Vaeri and I am alone, save for my child here," she called back. "I was told I could seek refuge here."

"Really?" the call came back. "Come, come forward. We grant sanctuary to all but I'm curious as to who sent you our way? We are, after all, out of the way from any of the more civilized societies."

This was going to sound crazy and she knew it, but she didn't have anything else to say, really. Vaeri took a deep breath. "Selune sent me here," she said as evenly as she could. "She told me to seek out Darian the Black."

To her surprise, the guards froze and and looked at her with wide eyed amazement and wonder. Then orders were hastily shouted out to raise the portcullis to let her in while a runner was sent on ahead. The elven guard who challenged her gave her a half bow as she approached. "Welcome to Eshhandell, miss," he said. "I am Rhys, the second-in-command of the Shield of Selune. I'll personally take you to Darian," he said with a smile, straightening up and offering the crook of his arm to her.

"Th-thank you..." Vaeri stuttered out, shocked at the reception she was receiving. Rhys took her through the gates, that then closed behind them. Instead of heading into the town itself towards the castle in the center, they instead took an immediate right hand turn to go to an imposing keep that was just behind the outer walls. There, she saw a half-elf man in black armor stride out with an air of command authority about him. He smiled when he saw her and gave her a half bow as well. "Are you Darian the Black?" Vaeri asked him.

"I am," Darian said with a charming smile. "Usually Selune lets us know when we're going to have visitors but this time she seems to want to keep us on our toes." He then noticed the baby in her sling. "Awwww... and who is this little one?"

Vaeri took a deep breath, bracing herself for a fight to defend her daughter. "This is my daughter, Cuivie," she said. "I named her just after the goddess spoke to me to guide me here."

Darian nodded thoughtfully. "Elven for 'Awakening'. Interesting," he said. Then he took off his gauntlets and held out his bare hands. "May I?" he asked. Against her better judgement and reservations, Vaeri nodded. Darian surprised her by gently picking Cuivie up and cradling her. Cuivie warmed up to him instantly, laughing and cooing in his arms. "Hello there, little Miss Cuivie," he said in a sweet voice. "Know that you and your mama both are very welcomed here."

The way Darian easily handled Cuivie made Vaeri wonder. "Do you have children of your own, Sir Darian?" she asked.

"I do," Darian said proudly. "A half-orc, a half-goblin, and a couple of little elves of my own from three different women. Should you decide to stay here, your daughter will not want for any friends who are just like her," he added, gently easing Cuivie back into Vaeri's arms.

It was just what Vaeri wanted to hear as she cradled Cuivie again. No wonder Darian and Rhys didn't even bat an eye at Cuivie's complexion, they were already used to it. Then she blinked. "I'm sorry... did you say three women?"

"Long story of the man-whore who has three wives," Rhys sighed as he rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous because you decided to stay monogamous," Darian said with a wink and a smirk. He then took Rhys' place on Vaeri's arm as Rhys returned to the front gate. "Come, my dear, I'll show you around and then we'll get you settled in somewhere. You'll see that things are quite different here for people be they humans, elves, dwarfs, orcs, gnomes..."

He made a pointed nod down to the baby, "or even if they be goblins."


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Raides231Raides2316 months ago

This is my favorite story on this site . . . so good.

AlexClaytonAlexClaytonabout 1 year agoAuthor

@Anon Nox Fan

I got a couple in this universe in the works but more higher priority and higher interest stories are ahead of it. Thank you for reading. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I am enjoying this story. At first, I did not like Nox that much but I understand his character and what he is trying to accomplish. So, onward to the next chapter, when you are ready.

BruceWoBruceWoalmost 4 years ago

This has the makings of Lien Geller’s epic The Missing Dragon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Almost perfect

Very hot but if you'll except one suggestion. Introducing the 6 adventurers so fast one after the other was a bit hard on the old imagination.

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