The Demon Queen


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"What... what are you doing?" He looked down at the woman's slender body, and the spike that rose outward from each arm above the elbow. She was good at naturally not skewering him with any of her spikes. With her wings spread, they weren't in the way too much either, and the demon was free to press her back against his chest.

Her skin was not only smooth, it was soft. That was very strange. He didn't expect soft.

"You are a fool. An idiot human. A persistent thorn in my side. And... I am curious, as to what this fool human's hands feel like on my body."

"... you can't be serious. We—"

"Be silent, and obey." She reached down with her claws, grabbed his hands, and set them around her stomach.

He froze, as she guided his hands up the corset-like array of metal plates along her stomach. Not metal, but something hard, probably the same bone material as her horns. And then something soft, very soft, and pliable, molding to the shape of his fingers, and spilling over them and his palm with their sheer size and weight. Her breasts.

His pulsing heart kicked in, and he ground his teeth into dust as he felt his shaft start to grow hard.

"Hate me all you like," Pokala said, "but I have seen where your eyes go, when you think I am not looking."

"Most women hate the leers of a man they despise."

"Ha. Who said I despise you?" She turned her head a bit, but the colossal horns sticking out the sides of her skull prevented her from being able to look back at him, lest she hit him with one of them.

Except, she tilted her head and turned it, so one horn went over his head and behind it, so her head was half turned to look at him, and her torso tilted to the side slightly, and quarter turned toward him. But his arms were still around her, with her claws wrapped around his wrists, keeping his palms on the underside of her absurd breasts.

"You did, the last time we met."

"I vowed revenge for the damage you had done, and I declared all hatred for the Blessed Sisters. You killed one of my most powerful warriors, after all. But I never hated you." She nudged her ass back toward him, and chuckled, his cock now resting along the crack of her ass. Fucking damn it, his body was refusing to listen to him. "Relax paladin, and enjoy yourself. Massage my breasts. Squeeze them gently, and do the same for my nipples."

Growling, he looked at the demon creature's obelisk face. She was half resting her right cheek on one of his shoulders, turned so her huge right horn remained behind his head. She wanted to watch him play with her body. Either she was being sadistic, or she genuinely thought this was a way to help him relax. Maybe it was.

He squeezed her breasts as she commanded, gently, and he struggled to contain his groan. Never, ever, had he seen a woman with breasts half this large. Soft, heavy, they covered his hands completely, hiding them underneath her bosom; her being tilted to the side with head by his shoulder allowed him to look down, and see it all. She managed to keep her right wing out of the way too, beneath his chin and snug across his chest, so his arm could reach under it to continue caressing her.

The demon purred.

Jon raised his eyebrows, and looked at the demon's face. Not a face. Her visage, or whatever he could think of it as. He wasn't sure how she could talk through the solid mask of black bone, but she did, and the sound of a purr was unmistakable. Like a house cat's purr, except deeper, with a colored noise of something alien and throaty.

Her nipples swelled, and he gulped as he stared down at the nigh onyx areola slowly sticking out from the red skin of her breasts. Puffy nipples, sitting on utterly massive breasts.

"You are attracted to me," she said. He frowned at her, but all he got from her was another chuckle. "I enjoy those eyes, paladin. Stern, hard. And yet your touch is soft, and practiced." Her claws drifted down his arms, and down onto his legs she sat between, where she kneaded the muscle she found there. "It is a shame you are human. I find only fellow demons attractive, and humans repulsive."

Well fuck her, too. "... you can—"

"I am joking, imbecile. It should be obvious now, that I am attracted to you." Sighing again, she leaned back into his touch, her head still by his shoulder, torso twisted so she could look at him; whatever 'look' meant to something with no eyes. "Do not stop. And, pinch my nipples, gently."

Rolling his eyes, he did as requested. Much as he wanted to be grumpy about it, he was forced to accept that the demoness had an amazing body, one he was drawn to. And surprsingly, the things he'd done to his lovers' bodies in the past, were working well on Pokala; more than well, with how much her nipples had swollen, and how the creature continued to make a strange, purring noise.

Her two hands reached down to her smooth mons, and onto the slit between her legs. The skin of her sex was a bright red, similar to the color of her breasts. Not a hair on her body anywhere, there was nothing to stop Jon from seeing everything as she began to caress her thigh with one set of claws, and her clitoris with another set. The clear water gently rippled around her, tiny waves half hiding what she was doing, but not enough he couldn't see her gently stroking the swelling nub.

She was going to masturbate, in his lap. The very thought was enough to send tingles up his spine, let alone getting to see it, staring down the valley between her massive breasts.

"I did not say stop."

With a groan, a decidedly frustrated one, he started to stroke her nipples, using his hands to offer small squeezes to much of her breasts, while trapping her puffed areola between a couple fingers. A pinch along each nipple earned another purr from her, a moan mixed in, and a shudder through her body.

"Yes. Like that. More." She nudged the side of her smooth, obelisk face against his temple, close enough he could hear her breathing, and feel the heat growing in her voice. Despite himself, her noises were more than enough to quicken his breathing, his heart rate as well, and they caused his cock to pulse against the crack of her large ass, where the two mounds had almost swallowed it in their firm, shapely size.

He caressed a little harder, before growing softer, taking a moment to relax his grip, and massage her breasts from top to bottom with gentle, drifting fingers. After a moment, he resumed playing with her nipples, light pinches with finger and thumb, while his other fingers encircled her engorged areola. The more he tried it, the more he earned guttural moans from her when he tried to milk her, squeezing deeper on the breast before pinching her nipples. Why she—

He gasped, and stared, as a small stream of white liquid shot from her nipples. Pokala stopped caressing her clitoris, and instead set her hands onto his wrists; not to stop him, but to hold on. She pressed her back into the nook of his shoulder, groaning blatantly now, and when he offered her nipples another pinch, earning yet another gush of her fluids into the steamy hot water, she trembled. And another. It slowed when he stopped pinching, and trickled out to roll down over his fingers.


A small whimper from the deadly creature drew his attention back to her, and what he was doing. He made another deeper squeeze, using the whole of each hand to try and encompass as much of each mountainous breast as he could — not much — before sliding his fingers down along the soft skin, back onto her nipples, and squeezed again. More milk, most squirting out of each nipple's center, while a few thinner streams shot out from the tiny dots along her areola.

The moans she made, as he milked her, were carnal.

He stopped, and set his hands lower along her breasts, cupping their heavy weight from underneath, and holding her gently to his body as she recovered. "Have you... given birth, recently?" She certainly didn't look pregnant with her tiny waist, and it wasn't how demons gave birth anyway, as far as he knew. It wasn't exactly a well known concept, how demons reproduced.

"No, you fool." Laughing, voice lighter than he was used to, she stood up, and turned around. "I am Queen Pokala by blood. My kind are... unique, I suppose." Shrugging, she leaned forward toward him, and set her claws against the ledge of the basin. Her enormous breasts dangled beneath her, pulling down like giant teardrops. "Play with them more."

Gulping, audibly at that, he stared at how the enormous pillows swayed and jiggled slightly underneath her, until they came to a standstill, Pokala no longer moving as she waited. He set his hands underneath each breast, and lifted, letting them spill over his palms, fingers, and wrists. Spread fingers squeezed on the mass, gently for now, and earned a small shiver from the demoness, as some of the white fluid trickled into his palms. Warm, so very warm.

"I believe I've changed my mind," she said, standing up.

Oh thank Janavere. "It was... probably not a good—"

"I meant about this location. You are dense beyond my expectations, Jonathan, Knight of Tanderous. We are going to fuck in my sleeping room. And we may chat as we have sex."

Wait, what? This was how the two of them were finally going to start talking? For three weeks, they'd barely said a word to each other, and now they were going to start talking, while having sex?

"I... don't know if—" She grabbed his wrist, and pulled on it as she stepped out of the basin. Much as Jonathan considered himself a strong man, fit and tall, and his wider shoulders meant he weighed a fair amount, Pokala had little trouble pulling on him with greater strength than a blacksmith. "The clothes, they—"

"Leave them." With casual indifference, she walked forward, dragging him behind her, her breasts swaying with each step of her talons. They were larger enough that they were clearly visible, even though he was looking at her from behind.

It wasn't a long walk to her room, but that didn't change that it was a walk down a used hallway, and several succubi and incubi walked past. Each took a long pause to watch the two naked people on the way toward an obvious bout of sex, licking their lips and smiling. The demons and demonesses looked Jon up and down, eyes lingering on his arousal, and he did his best to ignore them as Pokala dragged him along.

Her bedroom was massive, large enough twenty beds could fit comfortably. A cavern with smooth walls sliding into the floor on a gentle, curving slope, and dangling amber crystals above. A red, circular bed sat in the center of the curved room, big enough that it basically was ten beds unto itself. An enormous window, with no glass or barrier of any kind, overlooked the cave below, and through the window, it was easy to see how the cave was peppered with amber crystals as far as his adjusting his eyes could see.

He'd passed the room many times, but had never actually looked in. He dared not.

"My word. This is—ah!"

She threw him onto the bed, literally, and laughed as he bounced on the strange, red texture. It was far softer than he imagined it would be, almost like he was sitting on silk. The demon queen wasted no time pursuing him, and climbed onto his lap facing him.

"It has been a century since a human has touched my body, paladin. But I know I will be able to soothe your sadness, for a moment. Relax, and enjoy the pleasures I bring." Her claws found his shoulders, and she pulled him to sitting, his head reaching her sternum with her sitting on his legs. His cock, standing hard, was trapped underneath her, and raised to fit along the crack of her ass as she pushed her pelvis forward against his abs.

"I didn't... expect... you to want something like this."

"You have defied me at every turn, fought against me, killed my hordes, and resisted my attempts to spread my territory. You fill my thoughts regularly, knight of Tanderous. In many, I am enacting my revenge with torture. In others, I have captured you, tied you to my bed, and am forcing you to enjoy the sexual pleasures I bathe you in." Chuckling, she leaned in close enough to press the forehead of her mask-like face against his. "I never expected you to come to my domain, and offer your life to me. I am now free to indulge in that second scenario, as much as I'd like, without needing to resort to ropes and chains." She almost sounded sad about that.

He frowned up at her, some rage mixing into the arousal he desperately wanted to suppress. "I lost my family, my friends, my everything, Pokala. You may be happy about this, but I'm not." Hopefully his words would slice through her demeanor and ruin the mood for her.

No such luck. She just sighed, rested his arms on his shoulders, and played with the back of his long, dark hair with her claws. "You must think I am delighted at your misery. I am not."

"You just said you wanted to torture me."

"Only in anger over you thwarting my plans, and only as the first option. I have no true desire to see you suffer, once the anger passes; the second option is more appealing. And I have no desire to see you suffer now. Now that you are my knight, I fully intend to keep you happy and satisfied."


"As much as is in my power, fool. Your old world and life is gone, and I cannot replace them, but at least I can make your present circumstances less painful." Chuckling again, she sat up a bit, reached down, and took his hard length into one of her clawed grips. He stopped breathing as she began to lower herself, and her drenched, hot folds found the head of his girth. Instant pleasure, the sensitive skin suddenly enveloped in the bathing heat of her wet depths. The downward motion of her body slid his foreskin down, exposing his engorged glans, and he shivered as her taut insides squeezed on every inch of his length on the way down. So very tight, with more muscular strength to her clenching insides than any woman he'd ever been with before; they'd all been human.

When she at last found the base of him, he felt the head of his cock press against the barrier of her depths, and she groaned as she adjusted herself until she was comfortable. She had a very small entrance, and feeling its tiny size stretch around him was almost painful. Each shift of her weight left and right meant her squeezing insides milked at his length, and with the heat of her demon depths coating him in almost sizzling juices, every motion was a powerful wave of pleasure from his swollen glans, down his length, and into his core. And it only grew worse, or better, as she let her weight rest on that connection, her large ass molding to his thighs as she leaned back, hooking her hands on his neck, with her legs hooked around him.

"Feel better?" she said.

"W-What? No, I... don't..."

"I have many ways to make this new life of yours enjoyable. Sex is but one of them. And, I think, given a little time, you will find it quite effective."

"You can't be serious, Pokala. You can't—"

Her claws pressed to his chest, and her wings flapped. They weren't real wings, more like giant claws in a wing-like shape, but they somehow still commanded wind and inertia, and she used them to push herself forward into his chest. He slammed back down onto the bed, bouncing a little, eyes opening wide to stare up at the demon queen as she laughed.

She adjusted herself again, setting her spiked knees around him against the sheets as she leaned forward. Still with his length completely buried inside her, she wiggled her hypnotic, wide hips left and right, finding new positions for her giant wings to settle, pointed tips sitting upon the oddly resilient red material he lay upon. It took everything he had to not groan, and despite himself, he stared at her heavy, hanging, massive teardrop breasts, and the small trails of milk that ran down from her nipples to their undersides.

"Forget about your pain for tonight at least, Jonathan, and enjoy the moment."


She squeezed on her depths, hard, enough to make him wince, a touch of pain mixed with a flowing wave of pleasure. "I am serious. We can discuss more serious matters later. For now, enjoy yourself, and speak with me. I will extend the same courtesy to your comrades, if that concerns you."

"The... same courtesy?"

"Ha. I will not sleep with them, but there are others demons here who would, gladly, if asked." She leaned down over him, lower, and lower, until she pressed her leaking breasts onto his chest. He flexed, going rigid for a moment as he felt the softness of them bury his chest, and some of the wetness of her warm milk coating his muscles. "Amund would love to gets his cocks inside the knight Vivienne."

"C... Cocks... plural."

"Indeed, two. Far too big to fit inside someone like myself, but humans can stretch their depths more than demons, so I have heard." She pushed herself up for a moment, and held out her hands in front of her, palms facing each other, indicating a length; a foot of length. "He is a brutish sort, but there is a poetic side to him."


"You think us demons nothing more than death-hungry beasts. You are incorrect." Chuckling, she sat up fully again, and began to work her hips back and forth. Jon couldn't help but stare at how her tiny slit, spread to tautness, clenched in sync with her gentle rhythm as she ground her clitoris against his pelvis, her hands on his shoulders so she was leaning forward. And with herself leaning down toward him, her heavy breasts dangled over his chest, and jiggled softly with the motion.

"How could we not think that? Every time you came to the surface, you tried to fight us for resources." Much as he tried to find some anger and grit for his words, the way her body eased itself back and forth, like a gentle tide lapping against the shore, was intoxicating. More intoxicating, was how it caused her massive breasts to sway back and forth underneath her. Each soft thrust from her caused them to ripple ever so lightly, demanding to be touched.

But he didn't touch. Exercise some self control, Jon. Touch if she commands you, but otherwise, don't.

"Demons hunger, Jonathan."

"For death."

"Indeed. We survive on the essence of life, and nothing else. But we have found another source as of late. And do not worry, it is not human. We can discuss it later." Sighing, she squeezed on his shoulders, and let her head fall, causing her giant horns to drift passed and over his head. "Come, play with my breasts once more. To orgasm as you touched them, was terribly enjoyable. I wish to again."

"I... I don't thi—"

"You will be stubborn until the Wastelands freeze over, won't you?" Sighing, she continued to softly rock her body back and forth, each time shifting her hips with the motion to continue grinding her body down against him. As her breasts swayed, she lifted and took one of them into her palm. While her hands were a bit smaller than his, her claws were much longer, and she used the whole of her palm, fingers, and blunt underside of her claws to clutch the enormous pillow of soft flesh, and squeeze on it. It spilled over her hand until her fingers were lost in the silky, supple mass, and a renewed, tiny stream of the white milk leaked out of the swollen nipple. "Does this not entice you?"


"I know it does. I can feel your arousal, so obvious." Laughing again as some moans slipped into her voice, she squeezed her breast a little harder, hand sliding along the mountainous shape until she caught her swollen nipple between finger and thumb. The milking motion earned a squirt of the juice, and it landed onto Jon's chest. Delightfully, and pleasantly warm on his skin.

"Hey, careful."

"Why? You should drink of me."

"... drink... a demon's milk?" If there was any way a human could get corrupted by a demon, he had to assume this was the way.