The Doctor's Casebook Pt. 01 Ch. 04


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I walked around her, then; stroking her sides, her thighs, her neck, her breasts. She began mewling like a starving animal being teased with food. I stroked her sex with my fingertips again, just once, then stroked her elsewhere, dragging it out as long as I could. And finally, when she least expected it, I lowered my face to her chest and captured her right nipple, sucking hard. "OH!" she screamed. "Oh, sir! Oh, gosh, sir! I feel it! That feeling in my breasts ... like this morning. Oh, doctor!"

And my mouth was suddenly full of warm milk. I strummed her clit with my fingers ... again, just once ... and then reached up and massaged her left breast, kneading roughly with my thumb and fingers, first from the sides and then from the top and bottom. Four little jets of white shot up into the air and splattered wetly onto her lower chest and stomach. I kept stroking her sex every fifteen seconds or so between manipulations of the breast; then, slowly, I strolled around the table and feasted on the left breast, squeezing the right one with my hand. She had been right on the edge of orgasm for many minutes. There was no way now that she could NOT begin associating feelings of being milked with feelings of sex.

She was moaning constantly, and I finally relented and rubbed her prominent little nubbin hard with increasing speed, knowing full well that this would launch her into orgasm. As expected, she began to shake wildly, her stomach muscles spasming violently and rhythmically. After fifteen seconds, I began lessening the frequency and pressure of my rubbing, but I kept it up for a long, long time, more and more gently, until I was barely touching her at all. She began muttering unintelligible words, as if talking in her sleep, and after awhile she said dreamily: "Oh, Justin. You make me do such WONDERFUL things ..."

I left her, walking to the apartment and fetching the bathrobe out of her room. In the bathroom, I let the water run in the sink until it was hot, then I wetted a washcloth and took it back to the exam room, where I swabbed away all traces of the ejected milk from her smooth skin. That caused her to awake fully; but she said nothing, even as I unstrapped her, helped her up, and slipped the robe around her. She followed me docilely back to the apartment, then mechanically began helping me prepare supper. "Are you okay, Ann?" I asked her, finally.

"Yes, sir," she replied, barely above a whisper, letting me know, of course, that she was not; but I didn't press it. I set the table while she finished tossing the salad and added the cut-up pieces of flattened chicken that I had just pan fried. We ate facing each other, and she'd peek up at me from her food from time to time to catch me watching her mildly.

"What is it, Ann?" I asked quietly.

She didn't answer me for a long thirty seconds. Finally: "Doctor, about your experiment ... not the milking thing ... the other one ..."


"Your experiment was to change me, right? To change the way I think. To change the way I am. Right?"

I couldn't keep a small smile from my lips as I studied her. "Yes."

"And ... you think you've done that now, right?"

I smiled and nodded, figuring that, at long last, there was no reason to withhold the truth. "Yes, Ann. You might not realize it, but I HAVE changed you ... significantly."

She looked down at her food and took another bite. I could tell she was thinking hard about this. "In reality," she said somberly, "you have tried to change me into a kind of slave, haven't you?"

Once again, I felt so confident about what had occurred in this apartment during the past two months, that telling her about it now should not alter the outcome. "And it's true, isn't it, Ann? You ARE a slave, in effect. You would do absolutely anything I told you to do, wouldn't you?"

She set down her fork and looked up into my eyes. "Yes, doctor; I would. I am your slave. I really am."

I leaned toward her, my forearms on the table edge. "Does that make you unhappy? That's not my intent. I want very much to make you happy, Ann."

She smiled up at me sadly. "I am happy. Knowing that you are my master, I mean ... knowing that I belong to you." She let that statement hang for a moment. "But ... you're about to give me away, aren't you? This love I have for ... for a man in a picture. YOU put that love into me, didn't you? You're about to give me away to Justin Ardly, aren't you? You're about to try and make me HIS slave, aren't you, doctor?"

I leaned even closer to her. "Try to imagine it. Close your eyes." I waited until she had done so. "Now, try to imagine that you belong to him ... that he owns you ... that he does things to you ... that he orders you to do things. If he was your master ... if you were his slave ... then he would most certainly do many, many things to you. Sexual things. He would use your body for his own pleasure, wouldn't he?" She took a ragged breath; and she shook, as if suddenly chilled. "How do you think you would feel about that, Ann? Would you like belonging to him?"

She opened her eyes. "Would you, doctor?" I was surprised by that, and I wasn't sure what she meant. She saw the confusion in my eyes and clarified. "Would YOU like it if I belonged to Justin Ardly? Is it what YOU want?"

I sat back in my chair and contemplated that. "Yes," I said flatly. "That IS what I want."

She let a long second go by, and then she smiled. "Then, that's what I want, too. I think that belonging to him might be ... wonderful." She sobered suddenly. "Do you think he might ... hurt me? Some men like to beat women. I've read about it. Do you think he would beat me? I mean, if I was truly his slave ... well ... some men beat slaves, right?"

"I would never let anyone beat you, Ann. I think he would be a good master."

The smile was back, broad and expectant. "Then, I want to be a good slave for him. Will you tell me how I can please him? Will you show me what do to make him happy?"

God, it had been so easy! Everything slid right into place, from the very beginning. Sure, there had been a few problems along the way; but it had all come together. It had all clicked. I got up from the table and went to the calendar hanging on the wall. I pulled a pen from my shirt pocket and circled a date: December 7th, seven days from now; then I returned the pen to my pocket and sat back down, facing her.

"So soon?" she asked quietly.

I just nodded.

"We have so much to do," she told me seriously.

(NOTE TO THE READER: Okay, have you figured it out yet? Do you know where I went wrong? I have now disclosed all the clues and told you all the details you need to unravel our little mystery. Patient #20 was supposed to be my first great success ... but she was not at all. It doesn't take a lot of knowledge in psychology to solve it. Anyone who has sat through freshman Psyc 101, should see it. But I was simply too close to the situation to realize it was even there.)


As soon as I heard the doorbell, I knew who it was. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure she was ready, but the curtain has to go up sometime. At some point, you have to declare your masterpiece finished and present it to the world. And so, I sent her to answer the summons and bring our visitor to my office. It took longer than I had anticipated, but eventually, she led him in. She was nervous, and I would guess, more in awe of him than afraid. As for Ardly, he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of her. Maybe awe is contagious.

"Doctor," Ann said anxiously, "Mr. Ardly has come to visit."

"I told you to call me Justin," he chided, smiling at her.

"That wouldn't do," I said flatly. "We have been practicing this past week. What is it you should call him, Ann?"

She turned to face him. "I should call you Master. You ARE my master ... from today on." She fidgeted. "Aren't you?"

He swallowed heavily and rubbed the palms of his hands on his trousers. "I ... um ... need to get used to that idea, I think." He glanced at me. "This is a hell of a way to make introductions, isn't it?"

I grinned. I liked having the upper hand; but he WAS my employer ... at least until payment was received. "Let me really introduce you properly, then. Ann ... please sit in the computer chair and start the program."

"Yes, doctor." She went to "her" seat, which was a secretary's chair in front of the computer in the corner of the office. Ardly drifted closer to her and watched as she clicked the proper icon and started the spiral video, while I began gathering folders from my desk and stuffing them into manila envelopes.

After a minute, I rose and went to her, laid a hand on her shoulder and ordered: "Sleep." She collapsed back in the seat, her chin on her chest, her arms dangling at her sides. Ardly seemed shocked by the suddenness of it. "Sit up, Ann," I said curtly, and she sat up, prim and alert, though her eyes were closed. "And now, Ann. Tell me about Justin Ardly."

"I am in deeply in love with Justin Ardly. I have been ever since I saw his picture on your desk. I know that you will give me to him today. I am his slave now, and I always will be. It is in my nature to be a slave ... it always has been. I am naturally obedient and submissive; and I will surrender to Justin Ardly completely ... my mind and my body. Always. I am deeply in love with Justin Ardly. I have been, ever since I saw his picture on your desk. I know that ..."

"Very good, Ann. Please continue to recite what is true about Mr. Ardly, but think it to yourself instead of saying it out loud. When you feel my hand on your shoulder again, you will stop and await further instructions. You will hear nothing else until you feel my hand." I let go of her, and she remained silent. I then reached into my pocket, removed a small computer dongle and tossed it to Ardly, who fumbled it in both hands for a moment, then held it up and studied it.

"That's a flash drive with detailed notes, observations, information and instructions. It also contains the program that runs that spiral video." I then handed him the five stuffed manila envelopes. "Here's a printout of all the documents. It'll save you a little printer ink. Briefly, you're going to want to hypnotize her every single day. She'll become quite anxious if you don't. I've printed some suggestions concerning what you might make her think and do. Remember, she has been programmed to follow orders ... and that means that she WANTS you to give her orders. She needs to please you ... it's become part of her nature. Don't disappoint her. Next: she's on a four-hour milking cycle. That's going to be sort of a pain in the ass, but it was necessary to get her breasts flowing this quickly. You can drink all you want, but you need to let her bottle and refrigerate at least SOME of it. She's deeply committed to helping those in need of mother's milk. The phone number is on that second envelope." I paused. "You listening to me, Ardly?"

He seemed enthralled, watching her sitting there. "Yes," he muttered. "Phone number. Got it." Then he turned to face me. "God, Herringwick ... she's ... beautiful!"

I issued a grunt of a laugh, thoroughly pleased at his reaction. "Yes, she did turn out nicely, didn't she? If you read through the notes, you'll notice that she was severely anemic when I got her. But you're going to have to keep her on a strict diet and exercise program, which I've outlined. She needs to maintain now, not gain. I'm counting on you to keep her healthy. Understand?"

He nodded, staring at her and seemingly losing focus again. "Yes," he muttered.

"Have you read up on the bondage thing, like I wanted you to do?"

He nodded. "Yes. I'm not really into that stuff; but if it's what she likes, I'll give it to her every now and then. I won't hurt her. And I'll keep her safe, I promise."

"I have no idea how she's going to react to sex," I told him. I'd put off this topic until last. "But I'm guessing that you're about to unleash a wildcat. I've never encountered a woman who is so addicted to sex ... that's never HAD sex! I most strongly suggest that you attempt to regulate her libido through the hypnosis to match your own. Please don't leave her sexually unfulfilled for more than a week or so. I really don't know what would happen if you did that. If nothing else, you can give her perceived orgasms during the hypnosis sessions."

He never looked away from her. "I don't think that's going to be a problem," she said flatly.

I sighed. "Then ... I guess we're about done here."

He tore his eyes off of her and gave me his full attention. "Listen, doctor; I understand how you probably feel about this girl. I truly admire your ... um ... professionalism, here. But please believe me: I intend to give this young woman ... everything. I would never hurt her; or mistreat her in any way. You have my word. Thank you."

He held out his hand, which I regarded for a moment before taking in my own. "And, this building?" I asked.

He took a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. "Here's the bill of sale. I should have the title by next week. Is that sufficient?"

I took the proffered document. "I know where to find you," I said, putting the paper on my desk.

I walked to Ann and placed a hand on her shoulder again. "On the count of three, wide awake and happy. One, two, three."

She opened her eyes and looked at us, smiling broadly when she saw that Ardly was still with us. I helped her to her feet. Still holding her hand, I looked over at him. "There are two suitcases in the hall by the front door."

"I'll have my driver come in and get them," he said.

Ann looked quickly between the two of us. "Then ... this is it?"

"Yes. Goodbye, Ann."

She spun around and threw herself into my arms, clutching me fiercely. "I'm going to miss you!" she exclaimed, and I felt tears on the side of my neck. "Oh, gosh, I'm going to miss you! I have loved you SO much!"

"Goodbye," I whispered in her ear, and I moved my hands down to her narrow waist and pushed her away. She didn't fight me, but instead, surprised us both by sprinting to Ardly and hugging him exactly the way she had been hugging me. She sobbed bitterly into his chest, while his free arm came up tentatively and encircled her body. He spoke softly into her ear so I couldn't hear, and after another minute, he turned her toward the door. With one arm still around her, and clutching the notes that represented all of my efforts, he led her away. A few moments later, I heard the front door open and close.

I sat down heavily in my chair and gazed at the piece of paper on the desk. Then, for the second time in five years, I wept for the loss of a woman.


"Ann!" I exclaimed after opening my office door and seeing her in the waiting room. "YOU are the mysterious 'Mrs. Smith' that paid online, in advance, for two hours of treatment? Why didn't you just call me and talk?"

She stood and rushed to me, hugging me like she had on that last day, two weeks ago. "It was Justin's idea," she told me, her face nuzzled into the side of my neck as she held me. "He thought it would be a grand joke! He's really going to enjoy it when I tell him about the look on your face." She sighed deeply and finally backed away from me.

I held her by the shoulders at arm's length. "You look radiant!" I told her honestly. But I sobered. "Are you happy, Ann? Is he treating you well?" I pulled her into the office and indicated the overstuffed chair in front of my desk; then I pulled my desk chair around so I could sit close to her.

"Oh, yes. Everything's wonderful! It really is." She studied me for a moment. "Before you gave me to him ... did you know he intended to marry me?"

I smiled thoughtfully. "Yes."

"He only told me about it this week. All of a sudden, he was saying something like: 'We need to document the Tinea Pellionellas, Ann. After the wedding, we're going to Ecuador to hunt a new strain.' And I said: 'Whose wedding?' And he said: 'Ours, of course.' And I said: 'But you haven't even asked me to marry you!' And he used a fingertip to lift up my chin so that he could look into my eyes ... he's always doing that in order to kiss me ... but this time, he said: 'Don't be ridiculous. I am your master. If I order you to marry me, you will marry me. Isn't that so?' And I said: 'Yes, Justin.'"

"So ... you call your master Justin."

"Yes, doctor. That first day ... after we left here, I tried to call him 'Master,' but he told me that I must call him by his name. He insisted. And so, of course, I obeyed. But yesterday ... oh, doctor, it was horrible! Yesterday the house was full of lawyers! There were three of them, and they were all arguing with Justin! They'd brought along something called a 'pre-nup.' Do you know what that is?"

I smiled. "Yes."

"I never did find out. I haven't had the chance to look it up on the internet, yet. But whatever it was, Justin held his ground. He absolutely refused. And, after they finally left, he said to me: 'They don't know, you see, Ann. They don't know that you are my slave ... and that you always will be. They don't know that you will be with me forever.' And before I could respond, he kissed me. He kisses me a lot, doctor. And ... well ... kisses generally lead to other things."

"Yes, they generally do."

"So, anyway, I told Justin that I'd really like to see you again ... just to talk. And he told me that it was okay ... that he knew he could trust me with you. And he needed to give you something, anyway. Oh, yes ..." She dug around in her purse and pulled out a legal envelope. "Here." I took it and put it on the desk. It was obviously the deed to my building. "And he told me what I should talk to you about," she continued, "... and what I could do ... and what I couldn't."


"Yes. First, he wanted me to tell you about that first day ... the day we left here."

"About your first sexual experience," I guessed.

"Oh, gosh, doctor. Nobody told me ... I mean, I didn't really understand, did I? I mean, I touched myself, and that was good. And then, you touched me, and that was GREAT! And I knew what would happen ... about his cock in my pussy, I mean. And I was expecting all sorts of things ... like pain ... and there was, but not too much; or maybe pleasure ... and there was LOTS of that. But I didn't know it would feel so ... close! Like our bodies were merging ... like our souls were hugging each other. Like suddenly, there was nobody else in the whole world except the two of us ... but that there weren't really two of us ... there was only one of us. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, Ann. I think you've summed it up nicely."

She looked at me questioningly. "So ... everybody feels that way?"

I smiled. "Only the lucky ones."

She smiled along with me. "Suddenly, I'm the luckiest girl on earth." Her smile faded to a knowing grin. "But it wasn't luck at all, was it, doctor? It was you."

I suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if she was looking into me instead of at me. "Tell me about him, Ann," I ordered gently.

"He is the neediest person I have ever met," she responded, almost matter-of-factly.

This shocked me. "Um ... I'm sorry."

That patient grin turned into something else, and she looked almost pitying. "You still don't know, do you, doctor? You haven't figured it out."

My shock grew. All of a sudden, I felt like the patient instead of the psychiatrist. "Make me understand," I ordered, less firmly than I had intended.

"Alright," she said, standing. "Let me show you something that he makes me do. You will have to play a part ... pretend you are him." She walked over to the couch and sat down on the right side of it, next to the arm. She began unbuttoning her blouse, but paused and patted the seat cushions next to her. "Lie down, please. Right here. On your back, with your head on my lap."