The Drop

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Sex in the middle of a music festival crowd.
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The festival crowd bounced and sang along. Above, the concert's lights lit up the night sky. I glanced behind me: Cooper waved his hands in the air with his eyes closed. Kirk's meaty arms made gestures that hit with the beats. Kirk and I made eye contact, and we smiled, and the drugs swelled the pleasure from that smile into a slow tsunami.

I turned back to the stage and held onto the top of the fence. I was at the front of the crowd. There was only the fence and the row of bored security guards between us and the stage. The giant screens showed exploding, colourful cartoon images. My senses were bombarded: I felt the music, the lights, the heat from the crowd, the bouncing and buffeting of the crowd flow through my body.

Kirk was holding onto my shoulders to continue bouncing. I could hear him shouting the song lyrics in my ear. Six hours ago, I didn't know this crazy straight guy at all, and now I was having more fun with him than the friends I was supposed to be hanging out with.

Kirk stopped bouncing. He reached around and embraced me from behind. His hands grabbed at my bare pecs.

The body contact was incredible. Wherever he touched me, I could feel an outline of pleasure on my skin.

"I'm having so much fun!" He shouted from behind.

"Me too!" I said. I put my hand on his hand and grabbed it.

"These drugs are taking over!" he said. "I've never felt so horny in my life!"

That was unexpected. I mean, I was rock hard, and I had been since about twenty minutes after we took the drugs. But I'm gay and I'm surrounded by sweating, bouncing male flesh. Of course I was turned on. Most of the girls had left the front after the crowd became more mobile. What could be attractive for Kirk up here?

I didn't want to weird him out, but I figured that agreement about the drugs was safe.

"Those drugs have horned me up, too!" I said.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" Kirk said.

Suddenly, I could feel an enormous erection pressed up against my buttcheeks.

"I want to fuck you so bad!" Kirk shouted.


The day at the festival had started with a fight.

I had arrived at the festival with my lesbian friends -- Sarah and Layla -- and our friend, Kyle. Kyle was a fit twink: tight little body, flawless skin, short, buzzed haircut.

When we arrived at our campsite in the late morning, it was raining. This made putting the tents up awkward.

Sarah and Layla were used to this, but Kyle was not. Kyle was supposed to sleep in my tent, so I asked him to help me. But he just kept complaining. Even when it was done, he seemed annoyed.

"I'm supposed to sleep in here?" he said, looking inside.

My tent wasn't that small -- it could fit three people in at a time. But it was old, and it had that musty tent smell.

Sarah and Layla's tent was bigger, but it wasn't better for him. I don't know what Kyle was expecting, but it seemed to be that no option met his requirements. We sat in Sarah and Layla's tent to discuss the situation, the rain still beating down.

"What did you think, Kyle? You always knew it was going to be a tent."

"It just sucks. How are we going to have fun at the festival? I don't want to get rained on and be stuck in a big crowd."

Sarah and Layla looked at each other.

"It's supposed to get better in the afternoon," I said.

"Yeah, I think it's all fucking dumb," Kyle said.

There was a pause, and we just listened to the rain pattering off the roof.

"Is this about Jeremy?" Sarah said.

"NO," Kyle said. "I'm not complaining about Jeremy. This is about the tent."

"I just don't understand what you thought a tent was going to be," I said.

"Ughhh, whatever," Kyle said. He started huffing and looking around the tent. Within a few moments, he had grabbed his knapsack, unzipped the tent, and stormed out.

"Kyle!" Sarah shouted after him. But he was already stomping away through the rain.

It was common for Kyle to have dramatic moments, so we didn't think too much of it.

The rain eventually stopped, and we went out to get some overpriced lunch. After lunch, it began to get hot. We decided to stroll through the clothing and jewelry vendors. That's when we ran into Kyle again.

"Kyle!" I said. "Are you okay?"

He was clearly drunk.

"I'm totally fine. I ran into Jenn. She's going to let me share her yurt."

"There are yurts here?" Layla said.

"Yeah, some of the sponsors get to stay in yurts. It's much more my pace."

"Are you going to hang out with us?" I said. "I want to go to the festival stage later and the girls don't want to go with me."

Kyle leaned over.

"I'm going to the VIP section. Jenn can get me in there, too. No crowds, easy access to washrooms, free drinks."

"Oh fuck, really? Can you get me into the VIP section?"

Kyle shrugged. "Sorry, I can't. Only one free ticket for me."

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I wondered why I was friends with Kyle -- he was always pulling this shit on me.

"So, I'm just going to be alone this whole festival?"

"I'm sure you'll find something to do." He drank the rest of the liquid from his water bottle, which was clearly something alcoholic. "Well, I better be getting back to Jenn -- I think we're going into the VIP section soon."

I stood there after he left. I sighed.

As I said to Kyle, the girls were nice, but it was clear that they had different expectations than I did. They didn't want to go anywhere near the big stage. Everything they wanted to do was very low-key. Like, they wanted to go to a campfire sing-along that was happening that night.

You pay big bucks to go to a music festival, and you just sing-along at a campfire? What was the point?

I had consigned myself to going to the big stage alone when I first encountered the guys. I had been eating an early dinner with the girls when I had to use the porta-potties. As I was waiting in the soggy grass, next to the clanging of the all the porta-potty doors, I noticed the three guys behind me.

One was a slightly short blond meathead: a skin-tight white t-shirt stretched across his giant pectorals, and his big thighs came out of his jean shorts. Next to him was a tall, skinny guy wearing a loose tank top and big shorts. He had floppy chestnut hair. The shortest guy had dark brown hair, and he was wearing a short-sleeved Hawaiian shirt with a pair of light blue jeans. They were talking some bro-nonsense when I saw the blond one eying me. He eventually turned to me.

"Do you have any drugs?" the shorter one whispered to me.

"No," I said. "But if you find any, I'd like to have some."

"Haha," he said. "Yeah, no problem bro."

He kind of looked at me. I think he wanted to keep talking.

"I'll need them. I'm trying to forget the betrayal of my friends," I said.

"What happened?"

"None of them wants to go with the me to the big stage later."

"Oh yeah, 100%. We are going to ditch some of our friends to go there, too."

"It's like, why would you pay all of this money and not go to the big stage?"

"Bro, exactly! Some of them are afraid, which I get. But we have to. We have to."

We paused for a moment.

"So," I said, "if you get any drugs, let me know. I'll buy some off you."

"Sure," he said. "Let me get your text number."

We exchanged text numbers. His name was Kirk. He introduced me to his friends. Cooper was the tall and skinny guy with the Disney prince face. Duncan was shorter than Kirk and was not very fit, but I could tell he was the most popular with the ladies. He was the smoothest in the way he spoke to me, the one with the cockiest smile, and the least interested in me. He was laser-focused on having sex with a woman.

I said goodbye to them and went back to the girls. Later, after dinner, and after the girls went off to their campfire, I got prepared for the big stage. First, I douched in a porta potty. I might be able to find some sex afterwards, and I should be as prepared as possible. There were probably some cruising areas somewhere at this festival.

When I got back to my tent, I changed into my outfit. I knew I'd be hot, so I wanted to wear as little as possible. And I wanted sex... I put on my black wrestling singlet with the zip in the bottom. I put my phone, some water, and some lube in a fanny pack that I slung across my chest.

When I was finished, Kirk texted me to say that they had got some drugs. Score!

It was crazy at their campsite: there were four guys and four girls for two tents. But no one seemed to mind -- most of them were drunk and shouting. I was introduced to everyone, but I almost immediately forgot their names.

Kirk was impressed with my outfit.

"Holy shit that is cool," Kirk said. "And the zipper! It's like you are just asking for sex in that."

"Thanks! I kind of am," I said. "I figure I'll look for some sex after I go to the big stage."

"Wow!" Kirk said. "I wish I could dress like that."

"You can," I said. "I mean, you've got the body for it -- I don't even have abs, and I'm sure you do." I rubbed my furry belly.

"I do have abs," he said, lifting up his t-shirt. "But if I dressed like that, I wouldn't get girls hitting on me. And that's what I want." He laughed. "But here -- let's do this thing."

We walked over to the nearest tree. I exchanged some cash for two little dusty pills.

"Duncan got them for us," Kirk said. "He says they'll blow our minds."

"Okay," I said, popping one. "That's great. Thanks so much!"

We just kind of looked at each other.

"I'm going to head out now," I said.

"Yeah, yeah," Kirk said.

He looked me up and down.

"Well, wait."

He ran off to his friends.

Within a minute, he came back.

"Me and Coop are going to join you."


Kirk's dick ground against the seat of my pants, pushing the zipper on the butt into my buttcrack. The tingles that I would normally feel from dick to ass contact were supercharged by the drugs, and they blasted across my buttocks.

Kirk spoke in my ear: "This feels sooooooo good."

"Holy shit does it."

I thought about how we'd gotten here. We had started fairly far back from the stage, but when an unpopular DJ had played a set, we were able to move forward. As well, we got there early enough that some of the people who had been there all day began to leave for food and washrooms. By the time that DJ had wrapped up, and one of the bigger acts had taken the stage, we had managed to get to the front. And then, the force of the crowd began to pin us against each other -- me in front, Kirk behind me, and Cooper off to one side.

At first, as per usual, I felt like the drugs had been duds. I couldn't notice any difference. If anything, I felt a little nauseous. But as we got closer to the front, I felt my skin get itchy-tingly and the colours around us seemed to bleed a little more.

And then, almost out of the blue, I felt my dick getting hard. Was there Viagra or something in the pills?

It's why it was both surprising and unsurprising when Kirk began shoving his erection into my butt.

After a few minutes of that, he said, "Turn around."

The music was blasting, and lasers were going off around us. People were shouting and dancing and tossing their heads around. But I couldn't really see or feel any of it.

I turned around.

Kirk looked incredible -- his eyes were shining with happiness. He immediately began embracing me. His lips reached out to mine. He kissed me, and then his tongue was deep inside of me.

I embraced him back. His big muscles imprinted against my body, and his monster dick slid up against mine. The shifting of the crowd flowed through us like waves. I closed my eyes because the sound of the pleasure fizzling in my brain was almost audible -- I couldn't pay attention. Each slight movement of our bodies brought another jolt of excitement. How? Why did he want to kiss me? I couldn't figure it out.

Apparently, neither could Cooper.

After a few endless moments of making out with Kirk, he leaned forward and said, "Hey guys, what are you doing?"

We stopped kissing for a moment, but Kirk didn't let go of me.

"We're kissing, what does it look like?" Kirk said. He was smiling as he said this.

"I know," Cooper said. "But why? Kirk, you aren't gay."

"I'm not," Kirk said. "But this pill -- I don't know -- kissing feels good!"

Cooper nodded and looked at me a little nervously.

"Do you want to try it out?" Kirk asked.

"No, I don't want to kiss you, Kirk," Cooper said.

"No, no, kiss our friend."

Cooper shook his head, but he didn't say anything.

"Come on," I said. "You can kiss me, you little Disney Prince."

Cooper opened his mouth and then closed it.

"We're on holiday!" I said.

Cooper looked at me. I took that as my chance to pull his face in.

We began kissing. Kirk let go of my right side so that Cooper could get in closer, but he didn't let go of my left side. I could still feel Kirk's hard dick on my leg.

Cooper's kisses were more tentative at first, but after a few moments, he too began jamming his tongue further and further into my mouth.

And a minute later, I could feel his hard dick against my leg. Both friends were rubbing their cocks against my legs.

I couldn't even hear the music anymore, and the lights were almost non-existent. All I could feel was the ecstatic noisy pleasure flushing through my face.

Kirk pulled my face away from Coopers and I returned to kissing him. After a minute or two, I switched back to Cooper. For what felt like an impossibly long time, we switched back and forth, the pleasure never ebbing in me.

Eventually I was feeling parched. I pulled out the water from my fanny bag, and we all took turns drinking from it until it was done. We looked at each other laughing.

I needed to take a break. I turned back to the stage.

All I could feel was my body vibrating with horniness. I was about to turn back to Kirk and Cooper when I felt Kirk hungrily push his dick into my butt.

Over my shoulder, and into my ear he said, "I want to fuck you."

I nodded. "I want you to fuck me, too."

I just let him grind his dick into me for a moment, letting the tingles flow through me.

"We can go to my tent," I said. "Should we leave?"

"No, no," Kirk said. "I want to fuck you right here."

I could feel the sparks around my asshole alight.

"What? How?"

"You have the perfect outfit for it."

I could feel him tugging at the zipper on my singlet.

My butt began tingling again. I imagined him putting his dick inside me. My dick started leaking cum.

"Uh-hunh, yeah, do it," I said.

He tugged on the zipper a bit, teasing me. And then I could feel him slowly unzipping it. I had had this singlet for a couple of months now, and no one had actually unzipped it yet. The feeling was so intense, I felt like I was going to cum with just this motion.

"Slow, slow," I said. "This feels amazing."

He stopped with half my butt exposed. I took a few breaths. When I felt a little more steady, I nodded.

"Okay, keep going."

He tugged it slowly all the way open. He spread the fabric apart. Having my butt hanging out naked in this crowd felt incredible.

Then he paused. He must have been opening his jean shorts. After a minute or so, I felt his naked surfboard nosing its way between my buttcheeks. I had a big butt, but it felt like a little hot dog bun holding a giant Italian sausage.

I remembered I had the lube in my fanny pack. I squeezed some on my hand and reached around and grabbed his dick. In my hand, it felt like it was as thick as my wrist. I shivered as I ran my hand up and down it. But this didn't dissuade me. In my high state, I felt like I could sit on the Empire State Building and make it vanish. I could take anything up there.

With his dick lubed up, I positioned it near my hole. Fortunately, Kirk was a little shorter than me -- it lined up perfect.

As I could feel his dick pushing his way in my sphincter, I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. No one was. The crowd was all high. Most people had their eyes closed, and their hair was wet and sticking to their faces. Those who had their eyes open had a thousand-yard stare. And next to us was a mountain of a man with curly back hair who was turned away from us.

I closed my eyes. Kirk's dick was pushing its way in. There was some difficulty at first, but it felt so distant and inconsequential. Like, I could tell it hurt a bit, but it felt like nothing I had to pay attention to. It was almost nice that it hurt -- that I could tell it was happening.

After we got past that second sphincter, my butt greeted his dick with open arms. My bussy was ready for anything. I think he slid in faster than he was expecting. He slid completely inside my fuckchute.

"Holy shit," he said.

"Stop," I said. I had to still the fireworks inside me. His dick was throbbing in time with the beat of the music. My own cock was thumping at the fabric of my singlet.

He slowly drew his cock out. I could feel every inch of its silky strength. He pushed it in again. He pulled it out.

All the while, his thick arms were embracing me, grabbing my tits.

I had never felt such pure pleasure in my life.

I didn't know what was happening. Did I have my eyes open or closed? Was it incredibly loud or incredibly silent? Was I surrounded by people or alone with Kirk?

I felt like I was myself, but also watching myself. I could almost see us fucking in my minds' eye, and that made me even hornier.

As he pushed in and out, my addled brain began to imagine that his dick was actually making music -- and not just any music, but the music that was blasting from the speakers above us. The DJ was not playing any music -- Kirk was the DJ, and my asshole was his sequencer.

Not only that, but I felt like his cock was creating colours, too. Like, somehow the seesaw motion of his fucking was sending out jets of colours through my body, and through my eyes, and that's why I couldn't see anything except colours.

I was briefly brought back to reality by Cooper talking to us.

"Hey!" I heard Cooper say, "Are you two...fucking???"

I didn't know how to respond. I didn't know how to form words with my mouth.

"Yeah," Kirk said. "It's fucking amazing. You can fuck him when I'm done."

I nodded because I couldn't say anything at this point. Sweat was pouring out of every pore. My legs trembled and felt slick with liquid.

My brain was sloshing around so much that I couldn't really tell what was going on from moment to moment. But suddenly, I felt a change happening. The crowd stilled slightly and then, immediately after, began roaring in excitement.

I heard it, almost like I had been waiting for it this entire time. The DJ was playing the beginning of his hit song. Everyone knew it. The song was explosive, exciting, and it had a major drop.

Kirk slowed down.

"Watch how it's done, Coop," he said.

The song first moved through the verse. I was battered by pleasure on all sides. I wasn't sure what I was imagining anymore, or what I was seeing. I thought I saw the security guard on the other side of the fence -- the big brawny bald one directly across from me -- staring directly at me and stroking a fat dick through his pants.

The song hit the pre-chorus, and then the build-up. For a second, I thought even though I had been on the edge for so long, I might miss the drop when it happened. I was so deep in pleasure that I couldn't even see how I could find my orgasm.

But I could feel the pulse of the liquid in my blood vessels starting to align with the music. I shivered.

The crescendo came.

The whole crowd began jumping up and down. Kirk slammed into me with the motion of the crowd. And as if finding and lighting a long fuse to a firecracker, I felt my orgasm start its launch.

The crescendo kept going up and up.

Was I imagining things? Had the security guard stepped back a bit? Was that his dick in his hand?