The Ebony Alpha Ch. 20


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"Let's go, I want to find my mate and have some fun!" Becky headed outside and the other two followed.

"This is great Alisha. Now you can find Stephan and get his attention, accidentally of course." The girls laughed at Becky's joke and stripped off their clothes.

"Go get him Alisha!" Hazel urged.

"Yea girl go find your man." Becky shifted and loped away soon followed by two wolves; one, that was dark ebony with hazel eyes. The other, a deep chocolate brown with light brown eyes reflecting the moonlight.


"Do you think the girls are going to follow us Abe? It's been awhile since we chased each other in the dark."

"I think they will Brose. Hazel loves to run, and her wolf is always frisky, if you know what I mean."

"Yea Abe. Becky's like that too. But what if they bring Alisha they won't want to do anything."

"Maybe they'll let her join in on the fun. It's not unheard of you know."

"Wow! Isn't Hazel enough for you Abe? You haven't even been mated a year yet."

"That not what I meant ass hole. I was just thinking about making Alisha feel more at home."

"Sure you were. Maybe with your dick in her mouth, or is that where you wanted to put it?"

"Fuck you Brose. I wouldn't do anything that you and Becky haven't already done."

"Who told you about that?"

"Who do you think? Those women don't keep secrets from each other."

"Well we were just experimenting. We haven't tried anything like that again. But having another woman in the mix was fun."

"So lay off me will you. I have fantasies just like any other man."

"It's cool Abe. But I think Alisha has other plans. Did you see the way she was looking at Stephan? She is totally into him."

The two red wolves laughed and ran at a slow pace waiting for their mates to catch up. Their scents traveled through the night air and enveloped them in desire.

Alisha's scent didn't go unnoticed either. Stephan suddenly stopped causing Sullivan to come up short.

"What's wrong Stephan? Smell something sweet?"

"Very funny, Sully." But Stephan couldn't deny that Alisha's scent had assaulted him physically.

"I saw you looking at her tonight Bro. isn't she kind of young for you? Her father is Alpha Dupac; do you really want to risk his anger?"

"He won't mind Sully. He knows that she is my mate."

"What! Why didn't you tell me before now?"

"Because you'd already told me how crazy I was for agreeing to wait ten years to mate. I didn't want to admit that you were right."

Sullivan laughed and bumped his brother in the side with his head.

"I think I'm going to find my mate. Do you mind if I tell her about your dilemma?"

"I don't mind as long as you swear her to secrecy. I want to tell Alisha first."

"Don't wait too long Little Brother. She is ripe for the picking. She has really blossomed over the summer."

"I noticed believe me. I plan to make myself known to her before another male starts sniffing around."

"Good luck Bro. Looks like you are going to need it."

Sullivan took off and Stephan froze in place. Alisha was very near her scent was heavy on the night air. He could hear her cautiously heading his way and he turned around in anticipation.

"Hello Stephan."

"Hello Alisha."

"Where is Sullivan? I thought you two were together."

"He suddenly remembered that there was something he needed to do."

"I see. I guess it's just you and me then."

"Yes, I guess so."


Want to run with me?"

"It would be my pleasure."


It was just a few hours later and Joe was awakened by his mates loud groaning.

"What is it Louisa?"

"I don't know Joe, but I feel a lot of pressure underneath my stomach. Maybe the twins are coming early."

Joe looked at his mate as she screwed up her face in pain.

"I'm calling Seth; he'll determine if that's what's happening."

Joe got out of bed and grabbed his cell phone. He called the pack healer and waited for Seth to answer.

"Hello." Seth answered and Joe explained the situation.

"Seth, Joe here. Louisa is in a lot of pain and I think she is having contractions. Can you come to our suite and check her out?"

"Sure Joe. I'll be there in a few minutes; I just need to get dressed."

"Thanks Seth. I know it's late but we need your expertise."

"Joe stay calm, I'm on my way."

Joe put down his phone and climbed back onto the bed. Louisa was rubbing her stomach and taking panting little breaths like she had been taught.

"He's on his way Louisa. We'll know soon if this is it." Joe placed his hand on top of hers and they rubbed her belly together.

Louisa's body suddenly tensed and she squeezed Joe's hand tightly. "He better get here soon Joe. I really think they want out right now!"


Maddie sat straight up in bed and nudged Sullivan in his back.

"What is it baby?" Sullivan mumbled sleepily.

"Did you feel that? Louisa is in labor. I can feel her anxiety and I swear I felt her pain."

"It must be all in your head baby. Our bond is strong, but not that strong."

"Well I'm going to find out if I'm right. It just felt odd to me."

Maddie rose and pulled her curly mane into a messy ponytail. She put on sweats and a pair of sneakers.

"Wait I'm coming with you." Sullivan jumped out of bed and into a pair of sweats and escorted his mate to the main house.

"I'll wait here. Let me know if you need me."

Sullivan plopped down on a sofa in the den and went back to sleep.

Maddie entered the hallway and saw Hazel leaving her room.

"Did you feel it too?" Hazel asked Maddie as she closed her door.

"Yes. I think Louisa's labor has started."

Becky walked down the hallway toward them and asked the same question.

"It felt so weird, like I needed to get up and find my Alphas."

"Let's find them then. All three of us can't be wrong."

The three women made their way to their Alpha's bedroom and knocked on the door.

Joe sensed the females and called for them to enter.

They took one look at Louisa and ran to her side.

"Oh Louisa what can we do? Are you comfortable, do we need to boil some water?"

"What you need to do is step back and let me have a look at my patient."

Seth walked into the room and waited for the three women to follow his orders.

His wavy blond hair fell into his face as he knelt by Louisa's side.

"Is the pain unbearable Louisa?"

"Not yet Seth. Just a lot of pressure right now."

Seth turned to face the small group gathered in the large suite.

"Would you ladies help Louisa sit up? Joe I need you to get an omega to come up and bring a change of bedding."

Everyone rushed to do his bidding and Seth took the time to call his assistant.

"Carline please bring the birthing cart to Alpha Joe's quarters right away. Louisa is in labor. I also need double layette items, she is having twins."

Seth stepped back and observed the situation. Louisa was doing well. She had been listening at her Lamaze classes, and the breathing exercises were coming in handy.

He walked to the bed and lifted Louisa's gown over her stomach. Joe growled loudly to his left and Seth lowered the gown back down.

"Listen Joe, I'm a doctor. I need to see what I'm working with in order to make an informed decision."

"Joe stop it!" Wailed his mate. He stepped back and let Seth do his job. Seth smiled and thought to himself with humor. All males were the same the first time.

"She is dilated about two centimeters, but her water hasn't broken. If I don't see some improvement in a few hours I will do a Caesarian Section."

"What the hell is that Seth?" Joe growled at the healer.

As usual the males weren't paying attention in the classes.

"It means that I will have to do surgery to take them out. Usually in multiples we have to because they are too big for the birth canal."

"I see." Mumbled Joe.

"It will be okay Joe." Louisa said trying to calm her mate.

"I just want this to be over with and meet our pups. A girl for you and a boy for me." Joe couldn't help but smile and he squeezed his mate's hand.

"Do we need to wait for you to do the C-Section Seth? What if I just asked for it?"

"It would stop the pain and agony that's for sure, but I usually don't recommend it. Most mothers want to brag about how many hours they were in labor."

Joe looked at his mates face as she breathed through another contraction. Suddenly a loud swoosh filled the room and water saturated the sheets.

"Her water has broken. Her labor will begin in earnest now." As if on cue another contraction rocked Louisa's body and Joe could feel her anguish.

Becky, Maddie and Hazel came through the door panting and holding their stomachs.

"Louisa is in pain help her doctor!" Becky sat in the nearest chair and the other two women leaned against the wall.

Seth had never seen this type of empathy before and he knew there was something special about these three women.

"Seth do the surgery I don't need to brag!" Louisa pleaded and Joe nodded in agreement.

"Okay I'll do it. Joe pick up Louisa and follow me to the clinic. Ladies I know you want to be near your Alphas, but I think you have severe empathy to her pain."

The three young women looked at each other with wonder and it seemed that everything clicked. This was not the first time they had felt so close to others feelings, but this was just the strongest.

They nodded and felt the pain lesson as the three left the room.

"That was intense." Maddie commented wryly as the three of them rose to go back to their rooms.

"We have to investigate this my friends. It seems that we have a power that we didn't even know about."

"I don't want it if I have to feel everyone's pain. If that's what labor really feels like; I think I can wait to have kids of my own." Hazel looked at her pack mates and they all broke into laughter.

"I'm sure Louisa will be glad to hear that. Now all we have to do is make it through our first heat."

"Drusilla has a potion she can give us to block it. She also has a natural birth control solution that won't be burned off by our high metabolism."

Becky had already broached the subject with her, and Drusilla was a great fount of knowledge.

"Why would we need birth control if she could block out our heat cycle?" asked Hazel.

"I was thinking of going through my heat. Haven't you ever seen mates in heat Hazel?" Becky asked.

"They seem to destroy everything in their path to quench their passion. I want to feel that with Ambrose."

"We will have to discuss this later, but now we need to tell the rest of the pack the news." Maddie waved to the girls as she went downstairs.

"Sully are you awake?" She poked her mate and laughed as he grabbed her, pulling her on top of him.

"I am now." He groaned.

"Well it's official. We will soon have two new members in our little pack."

"Whoo! Hooo!" Sullivan kissed his mate and pulled her out into the night.

"Now that they are on the way, how about we get started on our own addition?"

Sullivan opened the door to their cottage and strode purposefully to their bedroom.

They undressed rapidly and came together almost violently.

Sullivan kissed Maddie passionately. He pulled back to look at her beautiful body and his cock lengthened against her belly.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you Sullivan Murphy?"

"Yes but I never get tired of hearing it." He lowered his mouth back to hers seeking her tongue. He lowered her to the bed never breaking their kiss.

"Ouch!" Sullivan lifted up and looked at his mate questioningly.

"What did I do babe?"

"Nothing. It's Louisa. It seems that I can feel her pain."

"What do you mean you can feel her pain?"

"Seth suggested to Becky, Hazel and I that we may be Empaths. All of us felt Louisa's contractions."

"So that means that as long as she's in labor no fooling around?"

"Don't look so dejected baby. We've made love twice already."

"But that was yesterday. You know how grumpy I get when I'm horny."

"Well get over it. There are other things we need to concentrate on."


"Like how to handle my newly discovered gift. I know there has to be a way to control it. How could others live with it if there wasn't?"

Sullivan looked at his mate with a new found respect and held her close in his arms. Maddie groaned and panted slightly then seemed to pass out completely.

If she wasn't breathing he would have been scared. Instead he kept vigil over his mate and kept his mind alert for news from his Alpha.


Seth had given Louisa an epidural that would level a horse. He knew he had to work quickly before the anesthetic wore off. He stood on her right side and slowly glided the scalpel across her lower abdomen.

"Can you feel that Louisa?" Seth asked.

"Yes, it felt just like you ran your finger over my belly."

"Good now let's bring these pups into the world." In reality Louisa was open to Seth's knowing eyes and he freed both children from their mother's womb.

Louisa squeezed Joe's hand tightly, as she held her breath. It felt like her insides were being shuffled around and pulled apart. Although she felt no pain, the pressure was a bitch.

"Congratulations Joe and Louisa you are the proud parents of a baby boy and a baby girl."

The new parents hadn't heard a peep out of their new children and Louisa had a worried look on her face.

"Seth, why can't I hear them? Is something wrong?" Louisa called out frantic for news.

Joe looked over the partition and smiled. He turned to his mate and his expression of pure joy was enough to calm her fears.

"They are just cleaning them up baby. But they are moving around just fine."

"Here you go Mama. Your very own baby doll." Carline handed the little girl to Louisa and Seth handed the boy to Joe.

"They are perfect Joe just look at their little hands. I feel so wonderful."

"And I feel like I can conquer the world Louisa. All I know is that my wolf is howling with joy in my head and if he could, he would take my place right now."

All at once the two babies began to yell at the top of their lungs. The Chambers Compound awoke knowing that their pack had just increased by two.


Alisha looked up at the moon and howled acknowledging Luna for life and love and family. The Large sandy brown wolf at her side joined in and they lost themselves to the feeling.

In a few hours the sun would rise. She had actually spent the night running around the forest with Stephan. He had been the perfect companion and they had really enjoyed just being wolves.

"Could he possibly want more than friendship?" She wondered and looked at him for the hundredth time. She was glad that she was in wolf form, because she knew that she was blushing.

"Stephan; Louisa has had the babies. I think you should come back to the main house pretty soon. The compound is stirring."

"Thanks Sully. I'm on my way."

"Sullivan just contacted me Alisha. Louisa has had the babies. We need to get back to the compound."

"Already, I thought she had two more weeks? Wow, life sure is unpredictable."

"You are very wise for one so young Alisha. Life is definitely unpredictable. I have seen its many twists and turns."

"Is that because you are so old?"

"Age has its advantages Miss Dupac and I could definitely teach you a few things."

"Really Mr. Murphy, I think I may be willing to learn a few things from you." Alisha was flirting and she hoped that Stephan was catching on.

Stephan turned his large head in her direction and pinned her with his glowing eyes. Eyes that were full of heat and promise.

"Alisha Dupac! Where the hell are you?"

Aphasia's loud and angry voice echoed through Alisha head.

"Damn Stephan! My Mother just called for me. We will have to finish this later."

"I look forward to it. I will see you to the guest quarters. If there is a problem with your parents; I'll take the blame."

The two wolves raced back to the compound and to the place they had left their clothes. Stephan grabbed his and ran behind the nearest tree to give Alisha some privacy.

There was nothing more that he wanted than to see her naked, but he wanted to wait until they had time to act on their attraction.

He smiled as he thought about their conversation. That little pip squeak had called him old! He would show her old.

Shifting, he threw on his clothes and cleared his throat in warning. He walked around the tree and stopped in his tracks.

Alisha had not finished dressing. Her long legs were uncovered with only a scrap of silk between him and her feminine mound.

"Wait, I'm almost done." She bent down and pulled on her tight jeans jumping slightly to pull then into place. This made her breasts jiggle enticingly.

Stephan still hadn't taken a breath. He was a human statue unmoving, in fact afraid to move.

"Alright let's face the music. I'm sure my Dad is going to try to intimidate you. I will protect you though."

She smiled up at him and Stephan let out his breath. His heart pounded in his chest and blood finally entered his brain.

"I will endure his wrath for your sake my fair Alisha. Your knight in shining armor is at your service."

Stephan held out his arm and Alisha placed her hand in the crook of his elbow.

"Its show time." thought Stephan as they walked along the path to the Guest quarters. He just hoped Alpha Dupac was really as accepting as he seemed.

They walked inside the building to find The Dupac family just heading out. Charles and Aphasia were surprised to see them together and hid their joy at the sight.

But no one was as surprised as Stephan when Alisha reached up and kissed him deeply.

"Thank you for a wonderful night Stephan. I will remember it for the rest of my life."


Well folks, the only apology I have is for any errors that you might find. I wanted to get something out to you and here it is. I wasn't sure if I was going to write more, my life is very busy, so please remember patience is a virtue. I will write more when I can.

Love to all


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
goo_neiggoo_neigalmost 2 years ago

Patience is at the right time a virtue.

nxixkxkxinxixkxkxiover 9 years ago

I disagree about the size of twins @lucianlover .My twins were 6 lbs 9 oz and 7 lbs 13 oz i carried them for 37 weeks . btw love the story !!!!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 10 years ago
Great to see you back!

I thought the story was over. I am so glad to be wrong!

SultrychocolatesistaSultrychocolatesistaabout 10 years agoAuthor

Thank you for your comments. It's good to hear from you. I wrote from experience.

I've had 2 c-sections ; the first was necessary the second was by choice.

It was much better than going through 12 hours of labor again.

Also thanks everyone for reading and voting. I appreciate all of your comments.

MSBLING59MSBLING59about 10 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Fantasy Supernatural

You are too sensitive. This story shouldn't adhere to human scenarios.

I hope I didn't get on your nerves.

lucianloverlucianloverover 10 years ago
A few points......

Multiples are usually smaller than singles so they pass the birth canal more easily, however there are more complications associated with their deliveries hence a higher c/s rate.

Epidurals can easily be topped up via catheter if it wears off.

There really was no need for a c/s in this scenario. An epidural could have been easily administered to reduce/stop labour pain thus allowing labour to progress

Sorry but wrong medical details kind of get on my nerves.

SultrychocolatesistaSultrychocolatesistaover 10 years agoAuthor
Thank you?


You scared me a little bit there, but I hear you. (smiling widely). Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
about fucking Time

about fucking time you wrote another chapter in this series I was beginning to think you fell of the face of the earth I love this series so please continue this story and please don't take so long to write the next chapter in this series and I so look forward to more work from you.

MsTaylorMsTaylorover 10 years ago

You have no idea how happy i was to see this popup on the page. I love this story, i hope he decides to claim her

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