The English Teacher


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To change the subject, "How did you and my mother..." I did not know how to finish the question.

Mrs Vere knew what I was asking. "Slip down the bed so I can be more comfortable." I moved down lying on my back with my head on the pillows. Mrs Vere settled on her side the full length of her body against mine, a breast on my stomach, an arm draped over my chest her head on my shoulder.

"I married Gordon when I was very young, only twenty. He was in his thirties and I was dazzled by his success, as were my parents. He owed his own business, drove a fancy car, lives on the right side of town. My mother said that it was as easy to love a rich man as it was to love a poor man; and here was a rich man I could love.

"As the years passed I found that he was mostly hot air, that his air of gloss and success was a façade. Yes, he was wealthy, owned his own business and belonged to the right clubs, but the rest was a farce, His staff hated him. He drank too much. I got stories of some of his philandering; I'm sure there were many I did not hear about. On top of it all, he was awful in an intimate sense. He would umm... he would finish off in two strokes, roll over and go to sleep stinking of beer and sweat. And I was left to clean up his disgusting mess. Ugh!"

She lay there thinking about it. "You must know, I married as a virgin, and have never ever been with another man; never touched one intimately, never kissed another man on the lips. But I knew, from talk in the staffroom and elsewhere, that there was more to marriage and intimacy with your partner than I was getting. And that there was more to the physical sensations that I could induce with... umm... with my fingers." I could not see her face but I was sure she was blushing.

"Then I met your mother when she took the post of school secretary. We became friends, as did Gordon and your father. I found someone that, for the first time in my life, I could talk to. I mean really talk to. I don't want to bore you with how our wonderful friendship developed, but then something happened that changed the dynamics of that friendship.

"I remember it so clearly. We were sitting drinking tea at The Golden Teacup." An upmarket teahouse near us. "There was a group ladies sitting at a table near us. They were making quite a noise and we could not help but overhear them. They were talking about these two old farts, their words, that they had seen making fools of themselves at some club or other.

"I had almost stopped listening when one woman mentioned their names; Derek and Gordon. That certainly got my attention! I glanced across at your mother and saw she had heard it too. From what we could hear, our husbands had entered the club with two young women in tow and then proceeded to make fools of themselves, kissing and dancing and groping the women. The ladies around the table thought it was hilarious! They were quite graphic in their description of the action.

"It's not like we were totally unaware of their drunken behaviour round town, but to be making such public spectacles of themselves was new. But that's not what caused things to change. I developed an itch, you know, umm... down there. I went to the doctor and found that I had contracted a sexually transmitted disease. I was mortified! So mortified, in fact, that I had to change doctors; I did not think I could ever look the good man in the eyes again!

"After much soul searching I confided in your mother, and we cried in each other's arms. Well, one thing led to another." Silence. "Over time we became lovers and I have never experienced anything like what we have. We could not get enough of each other. In hindsight, we were so into each other that I suppose we became lax and that is how you discovered our dirty little secret."

This last jarred. "I don't think there is anything dirty about it! How can you say that?"


"Fuck society!" I had become quite heated. "What happened after that? Did you confront Gordon?"

"Mary," my Mother, "and I discussed it and decided that we would not confront our husbands, but that we would cut off their supply. Neither of them would ever get to lie between our thighs again. Let them stew over what they had done to precipitate this change. And so it has been ever since. Gordon has moved into the den together with his golf clubs, his stinking cigars and his model cars. Your mom and dad still share a bed but he isn't getting anything."

We lay like that thinking about what she had said, then I felt her hand begin to lightly stroke my stomach from the bottom of my ribs to the start of my pubic hair. "You are only the second man I have ever seen naked, let alone touched. After the years with Gordon I did not believe I would ever see another, nor did I want to. But what I experienced earlier..." She tilted her pelvis against my thigh. "Did you umm... did you climax this last time with me?"

I smiled to myself. Who did she think I was? Superman? "No. I enjoyed watching you, feeling it with you. At that stage I had nothing more to give."

She took my semi-limp member in her warm hand. "You are much larger than Gordon. How do you compare with other men?"

Jeez, what a question! "I don't know; I don't look at other men's equipment, certainly not when they have an erection. We had very little privacy in the army and from what I can remember I'm pretty average, maybe slightly bigger. Maybe. There were guys much bigger than me."

Mrs Vere was now sucking one of my nipples and stroking my cock which was slowly responding to the stimulation. It still felt slightly numb from the two huge climaxes I had experienced earlier. I felt her other hand reach between my legs and cup my testicles. It felt very nice; I could get used to this!

I slid my hand down her back and caressed her arse cheeks where I could reach them. She moved her leg to saddle my thigh. When I moved my fingers between her cheeks I felt her tense. "Don't you like it when I touch you there?"

"No..." A pause. "Actually, I liked the way you touched me earlier but I have been brought up to believe that it is bad, dirty, perverted, I'm not sure which is the right word, to enjoy being touched there."

"But you... my mother..." I was confused.

"She begged me and begged me until I did it. She seemed to enjoy it so much that it became a regular thing even though I thought it was sinful."

"Did you, do you, enjoy do it?"



She hid her face against my chest. "Mmm." I stroked her back. "All the years we were married Gordon tried to take me from behind. You know?" I murmured assent. "I could not bear the thought of that horrible smelly thing of his defiling my most sacred place. Well, that's how I always thought of it. And then with your mother... and now you..." Her hand was more firm on my cock which was now fully erect.

"Did Mom ever do you like that?"

"No. She wanted to, but I never let her."

"Maybe next time?"

She lifted her head to look at me. "Does that mean... I mean, are you sure..." She did not seem to know how to continue. I saw a tear bead on her eyelid.

"I can't think of anything I want more for Mom. She deserves to be loved and cherished."

Mrs Vere leant down and kissed my chest. "Thank you. And I'm sorry, more sorry than you can ever know about what I put you through. I deserve what I got, maybe more, but I would not be able to take that." She rolled onto her back. "Come into me." I hesitated a moment. "Don't make me beg for it. It is really what I want right now."

I moved between her thighs and her warm hand guided my erection to her opening, spreading herself open with the other hand. I felt myself slide in, warm wet, slippery. I pushed in till our pubic bones touched, as deep as I could go. "So big..." Her eyes were closed, a blush spread from her chest to her cheeks.

I raised myself onto my elbows and reached down to take a nipple in my mouth, she arched her chest up towards me. I slobbered over it for a bit, then moved to the other one. Mrs Vere put her hand behind my head and pulled my face tightly to her, so tight that I was having trouble breathing.

I chewed the nub, biting, licking, sucking. I was scared that I was going to hurt her but she held me tight. At the same time I started to stroke into her. She was so wet that the movement was almost frictionless; just her tight sheath gripping my erection.

I forced my head away from her breast and moved up to kiss her. This was a movement without thought and as I was about to touch her lips with mine she turned her head away. I was shocked into inertia, I stopped moving completely. I do not know whether I wanted to kiss her, the master of my unhappy school years, the tyrant friend of my mother.

The denial brought all these emotions streaming back and I was angry, furious. She was not supposed to be enjoying this. This was my punishment. Who did she think she was? I gripped her chin and forced her face back till we were staring into each other's eyes. I held her like that as I started to plunge in and out of her, long brutal strokes, using my cock as a battering ram. Her body shook each time our pubic bones smashed together. In my peripheral vision I could see her tits bouncing up and down.

I let her face go and reached down with both hands and forced both her legs up and over my shoulders, mashing her thighs against her chest, flattening her tits.

I could feel my cock hit her cervix with each plunge. I looked down and watched my cock stroke in and out, the red skin pulling out with each withdrawal, my pubis torturing her clitoris each time I buried myself as deeply as I could. I felt the sweat break out on my chest, my back.

When I looked up, her eyes were wide, staring at me, her mouth open and she grunted with each thrust. I reached between us and grabbed her fat clitoris between my thumb and forefinger and started to pump it like a small cock; Mrs Vere sunk her nails into my shoulders.

I stopped my masturbation of her clitoris and collected as much of her copious juices on my hand and fingers as I could and brought them to her mouth burying them deep before she realised what I was doing. I continued ramming in and out of her. After a period I felt her tongue lick my fingers and I started pumping my digits in and out of her mouth, like I was fucking her face with my fingers. God, this was hot. Lucky I had enjoyed two climaxes earlier and I felt I could go on forever.

Again, I reached down around my cock, into the entrance of her vagina, down the divide between her arse cheeks collecting more thick juice. When I brought my hand back up she opened her mouth in anticipation. I leaned down bringing my face close to hers and started sucking on my fingers as well. I slowly withdrew my fingers, our tongues swirling, touching each other's until we were kissing, tongues exploring deeply.

I became aware of her fingers trying to push into our mouths. I could taste her slightly tart essence and welcomed them in, sucking and licking, both of us sucking and licking. Trip after trip, as fast as we licked her fingers clean so she would dip into her depths and bring more manna to the party. I cannot describe how much of a turn-on it was!

I pulled back and looked again between us. I was no longer pounding into her, but rather stroking deeply. I was tempted to pull out of her pussy and plunge my cock into her exposed and stretched anus, but I thought that would be cruel. Instead, I reached down and circled her puckered hole with my middle finger making sure there was plenty of lubrication before gently pushing it in.

Mrs Vere stopped moving for a moment, then seemed to pull her legs even harder against her chest and started humping me as best she could, restricted as she was in that position. When my finger was fully embedded I could feel my own penis through the thin divide.

Mrs Vere started chanting, "Yes. Yes. Yes..." In time with my thrusts. I started alternating thrusting with my finger with thrusts from my cock, a fast double time movement. "Yes! Yes! Yesssss!" This last more a hiss than a scream, and I felt her muscles tighten, spasming fast and regularly, squeezing both my cock and my finger. Her face was bright red, eyes bulging, muscles quivering with tension. I continued with the same rhythm, Smack-smack. Smack-smack. Smack-smack...

Eventually the fugue passed and I felt her relax, collapse under my weight. I released her legs and let them slide down the bed till she was lying flat. When her breathing sort of returned to normal she asked, "Have you finished?" Her voice was hoarse, a rough whisper.

"Not yet."

"How do you want me?"

"Close your legs, squeeze them together." When we had settled with my legs outside hers, her thighs between my thighs I resumed pumping into her. The pressure she exerted on my cock in this new position was wonderful. I slowly thrust into her; long deep strokes.

Mrs Vere reached and gripped my arse cheeks, pulling me in deeply, her rhythm matching mine. One of her fingers started exploring my crack, my anus; I spread my legs to give her better access. She delved down between my thighs, back to my anus applying some pressure. I could feel myself get closer, a wonderful slow build up. She brought her fingers to her mouth then back, the digits now slick with saliva. Rub, around and around. More pressure. More saliva. More pressure. Then her finger slipped past the muscles guarding the opening and this triggered my orgasm.

I plunged as deeply into her as I could go helped by the pressure from her hands, from the finger deep in my arse. I thrust my hips trying to get deeper, thrusting rather than pumping in and out. Short hard battering strokes. The sensations were not as intense as the earlier ones but they seemed to last much longer. I squeezed her thighs with my thighs, straining hard and this seemed to make the pulses of ecstasy last longer, feel better.

My face was buried in the pillow next to her head and I think I was grunting and howling like an animal, gasping for breath. Mrs Vere kept pulling me into her, finger so deep I could feel the palm of her hand tight against my cheeks. If this was heaven, I was happy to go here!

Eventually the contractions passed, the sensations dulled, my thrusting stopped and I just lay there, the full weight of my body resting on hers. "Wow!" I said into the pillow when my breathing had returned to normal.

"Wow." She answered. I felt her finger slip out of my anus and for a moment I thought I would foul myself and clenched tight. "That was something!"

I did not move, it felt so good just to lie there, her warm body under mine, her arms draped over my lower back, her hands on my buttocks. "Was that a 'wow!' for you too?" I am not sure why I asked the question; some need for affirmation, wanting reassurance?

"Mmmm. I had given up hope of ever experiencing something like that. Long ago. Certainly not with a man. Mary and I..." She left the sentence unfinished. We thought about it. "I don't know what the time is, but I'm sure it's getting late. Gordon..."

Brought back to reality I jerked up onto my elbows. I was still deep in her. "Sshhhh. Don't panic. I actually don't care whether he finds out; it is only my love for your mother that makes me care." She stretched out towards the bedside table and I moved with her still joined. She turned the small clock towards us and I saw in was just past four. God! I had been here for seven hours! Time to be on my bicycle.

I leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips, our mouths soft and relaxed. There was nothing sexual about the kiss, just a warm thank you. I asked, "Do you want to shower first?"

"No, you go ahead. I think I'll stay like this for now, I like the way I feel." I wondered what had changed.

I showered, dressed, ran my fingers through my hair while looking at myself in the mirror. Still me! I shouted, "Do you have a spare toothbrush I can use?"

"In the top right drawer." Her voice floated back.

I sat on the bed and pulled my shoes and socks on. She asked, "Umm... Do you have those pictures with you?" There was a blush on her cheeks and she was staring at the far wall. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the stack, maybe twenty pictures in all. She remained lying on the bed as I had left her, naked and relaxed. When she did not move I placed the stack near her thigh and stood up. "I'll let myself out.

As I reached the door, she asked, "Next Saturday?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a really sweet story a d the sex is great!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved this story 😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If all you're worried about are doorbells then you are as absurd are your review.

Any idiot that writes in capital letter obviously doesn't feel their review will be taken seriously. You really are a moron.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sequel pls

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
he gaver her the photos...

but he still has the negatives.

i want to read about him taking her anal cherry...

and her loving it.

Ironman52Ironman52about 5 years ago

First three comments were spot on. I loved it -> 6*

More please!

BoxcarbillBoxcarbillabout 5 years ago

One of the best I've read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great Story

I hope part 2 is in the works as I would like to read about mother & son fun, keep up the good work.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 5 years ago
I really like this story!

Very well written! And lots of warmth in the end! Thank you!

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