The Fallen Celestial Ch. 07

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The War of the Fallen and Shadohinus continues.
7.8k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/29/2013
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Ch. 07 – Preparation

With the betrayal of Esther and Mara, the planned assault on the Black Citadel would have absolutely no positive outcome for Lexington and his Fallen Army. The following Battle of Shantei, though a victory, thinned the already small number of men Lexington had at his disposal.

Following the victory, Lexington and his lieutenants, Aggram and Daniel, decided it return to Shahemein and fortify their position within the giant walls of the great city. Prior to the attempted assault on the Black Citadel, Lexington had Ishmael, the late second-in-command, organize an arrangement with Cresus, the military advisor to Gaous, the Chiefman of the First Quarter of Shahemein who also owned the Shahemein Military.

Lexington hoped that Ishmael's contact with Cresus would at least give Cresus and Gaous the foresight to mobilize the military. He knew that the Shahemein military was spread through out the great city, outskirts, and a few neighboring cities.

Shahemein was the only city in the continent of Shatelos that was fortified and had an established military. Kahemein, the Oceanside city to the south east of Shahemein and Aloantei, the small trade city north east of Shahemein were somewhat fortified and had only militia to protect them.

With all this in mind, Lexington knew that Shahemein was the one place that they needed to defend in order to prevent Shadohinus from taking over the rest of Shatelos.


A week had passed since the Battle of Shantei. Shadohinus had left no inclination as to when or how he would attack, but Lexington knew his only chance was to wait though he would slow Shadohinus down if he could. And with that, Lexington had his army destroy the Luildel River Bridge. Although he knew that Shadowmen had no experience with rivers and oceans prior to the arrival on earth, it was simply a matter of time before Shadohinus found a way to cross the Luildel River.

The remaining 2,500 soldiers of the Fallen Army had created a basecamp just outside Shahemein opposite the side of Shamein, the slums situated on the east sides of the great city. The Fallen were quick to fortify their position outside Shahemein as a precaution. Daniel had arranged sentries throughout the great grasslands that lied between Shahemein and the Luildel River.

After his Fallen were situated, Lexington made sure to stop by and Enama and the rest of his family before heading to Gaous and Cresus.

As he walked along the avenues of Shahemein, he had only just realized how much he missed the city. He missed the organization of the flow of traffic and how efficient everything seemed to run. The large braziers were soon to be lit with the coming nightfall.

Lexington had come up to the tavern where he had remembered seeing two men fucking Mara. It was the first time he had seen her since they arrived in Shahemein. There was a part of him that missed her. She provided the strength he required to get them to Shahemein in the first place, but he regretted every moment of it once he was reunited with Enama. He couldn't help but feel responsible for her betrayal. He shook the notion off. It was her choice to join Shadohinus, but what could the Lord of Avariceal offer a human whore, he wondered.

As he approached the Grand Rotundus, the largest building in Shahemein, he still found the size of the great building breath-taking. What was even more amazing was the fact that Gaous, the Chiefman of the First Quarter of Shahemein, owned the entire top floor of the Grand Rotundus. He began up the flight of stairs and gave polite smiles to the few people that walked down passed him or were awaiting on the several balconies the lined the floors that preceded the very top floor of Gaous' home.

Once again he approached the ornate two door entryway of Gaous's home. One of the doors was quick to open and Gaous' grandson, Galius, stepped out to greet Lexington.

"Good evening, Lexington. It's been a while," Galius spoke first.

Lexington smiled and grasped the arm that Galius had stuck out in greeting. He then replied, "Good evening. How have you been?"

"I've been fine, despite our current situation. Grandfather has me training with Abulati, the Master of Arms."

Lexington patted Galius on the shoulder. The touch was enough for Lexington to notice the growth in Galius' musculature. Galius would make a fine soldier and eventually a great leader.

"That's great news," Lexington replied.

Galius turned to let Lexington in. "I believe you'll be wanting to speak with my grandfather?"

Lexington nodded.

"He's... occupied at the moment. I'll notify him that you're here."

"Many thanks."

Galius motioned for Lexington to sit on one of the couches that lined the hallway that led to other rooms and eventually the main bedroom of Gaous. The hallway was long and decorated with bedazzled and colorful rugs. Large mirrors with golden and silver frames hung on each side of each entryway to other corridors of the long hallway. Lexington felt as he could never grow tired of the beauty of this simple, yet luxuriously place.

It was only a matter of moments before the door to Gaous's bedroom had opened. From the bedroom stepped a young man and two young women. As they made their way toward the exit and passed Lexington, he was quick to notice their features. All three were probably eighteen or twenty years old. The boy was thin, but healthy. He wore only white linen that wrapped around his waist and crotch. The rest of his thin body was exposed. The two young women were also thin, but their dark skin was exquisitely smooth. They also wore nothing but a white linen. The white linen skirt was tied at the top of their narrow waists and draped over their thighs. Both their small breasts were exposed showing large, almost black areolas. Their black hair was cut short, just above their shoulders. It was cut the same way the young man's hair was.

As they finally passed Lexington and were at the entryway, a servant stepped from a corridor beside the entryway and opened the door for them. Lexington noticed that the skirt that the two young women wore clearly exposed one side of their buttocks due to the way it was tied. He was surprised to find just how luscious each of their buttocks looked. He wondered if the women were sisters. The young man couldn't have been related to them, his skin was much too pale plus he looked nothing like them. Both the young women seemed to have the exact body shape, but Lexington didn't get as good a look at their faces.

Lexington's thought was halted once he heard Gaous call out to him.

"My dear friend! Come in, please, come in," he called out with his increasingly frail voice.

Lexington quickly stood from the lavishly decorated bench and made his way towards Gaous. The old man had a brightly polished wooden cane in one hand and appeared to be leaning heavily on it.

He wasn't using a cane the last time he saw him, Lexington thought.

"Gaous, sir, how are you today?"

"Exhausted," the old man replied as hobbled onto another lavishly decorated bench just beside his bedroom chamber door. Gaous patted the space next to him, motioning Lexington to take a seat. "Where is your friend, Ishmael?"

Lexington's expression quickly faded to a solemn glance. Gaous quickly recognized it.

"Forgive me, I did not know."

"No apology necessary," Lexington said while shaking his head slowly. "He fought valiantly. I came to discuss what he spoke to you and Cresus about."

Gaous turned his gaze from Lexington to his balcony window. It was already nighttime and the flames of the torches swayed with the incoming breeze.

"That Ishmael, mighty fine young man," Gaous said.

The remark was enough to make Lexington chuckle. "He wasn't as young as you think."

Gaous returned the chuckle and replied, "Oh, I know. You Celestials and what not. Ishmael had an excellent mind for war."

"As Celestials, it was all we have ever known. To fight and to serve."

"Such an honorable concept," Gaous said. Gaous seemed to slowly trail off as if he had left the room and entered into his mind alone.

Lexington paused for a moment before asking, "Gaous?"

The old man's eyes fluttered seeming to shake off a notion. "Forgive me, dear boy, I am exhausted. As I was saying, Ishmael – an excellent military mind. He asked of Cresus to mobilize the Shahemein Military as soon as possible. He warned us of an impending attack."

He wanted Shahemein to be ready in case we failed, Lexington thought. Lexington was so sure of his plan. He felt comforted knowing that Ishmael had thought preemptively. The comfort faded just as quickly as it had come when he realized he would no longer have Ishmael counsel.

"Cresus departed on that same day with his Captains to collect the military," Gaous continued.

"How long will it take to assemble the military?"

"It shouldn't be more than a week to round the entire band together. Although most of the military men reside in Shahemein, a good portion lives in Aloantei while a small number are in Kahemein. Each of the five Captains were dispatched to collect the outlying forces."

Lexington nodded. Although he so desperately wanted to avoid involving humans in actual warfare, he had no other choice. He was quickly reminded of Mara. How could Shadohinus even begin to influence her?

"Gaous, thank you for your time. But I have one last thing to ask."

Gaous gave a nod with a curious look.

"Mara, one of the survivors of Shantei, betrayed us at the Black Citadel. She somehow warned Shadohinus of our plan to distract him. It may be possible that there is an agent of Avariceal within the walls of Shahemein."

Gaous' curious expression faded into worry. "Is it possible for such a thing to take place? And even so, how would any of us know? We have never seen a 'shadow man.'"

Lexington nodded. Gaous was right. There was no way an agent of Avariceal could hide within the walls of Shahemein. Even during his absence, he made sure that Shahemein was in an alarmed state of security. Shadowmen didn't have the ability to disguise themselves, nor did Shadohinus have the ability to do so for them. Not to his knowledge at least. It all seemed improbable. How did Shadohinus ever contact Mara in the first place?

Lexington's thought was once against interrupted by Gaous when the old man patted his arm. "My good friend, I'll be sure to discuss this with the rest of the Council members at our next meeting. All we can do now is get some rest."

Lexington nodded once again. He bowed his head in thanks as he stood and made his way out of Gaous' bedchamber and to the exit.


"Greetings, stranger," said one of three whores who were standing outside a whorehouse of the First Quarter.

Lexington had seen her before, but never cared to learn her name or any other whore for that matter. The sign on the whorehouse read "Atasha's Brothel." He had never heard of an Atasha either.

"Why don't you spend a moment with us?" asked the other, seductively.

As Lexington passed the whorehouse, he unintentionally slowed down while keeping his glance at them. He wanted to be polite yet passive, but he knew his smile suggested otherwise.

"You know want to," said the third whore.

"I'm sorry, ladies, I can not," Lexington said as sternly as he could.

The three whores giggled. Lexington hadn't realized that he had stopped walking until the three surrounded him with the first whore to speak just in front of him. The other two were stood to his side as they ran their hands up and down his exposed muscular arms.

Lexington felt himself tense.

"Now, now, soldier, we're on your side," the first whore said.

"What is your name?" Lexington asked.

"You can call me what ever you'd like."

"I would like to call you by your name."

"Tanicia," she replied.

The way her name rolled off the tip of her tongue made Lexington hesitate. At this point, Tanicia was within mere inches of Lexington's face. She was almost as tall as he was. Her legs were very long and appeared firm. She wore sleeveless blouse that was tied in a knot at her midback. The blouse was tied so tightly that it clearly showed the firm shape of her full, perky breasts. The skirt she wore was held to her waist by a leather belt that was also tied in a knot at the front of her waist. The skirt was a dark color that Lexington couldn't make out in the dim light, but he did notice a slit that ran mid way up the skirt and exposed one of Tanicia's legs.

Lexington felt himself lost in her bright, seemingly glowing hazel eyes. Her eyes were shaped like almonds and her eyebrows were a darker shade of brown than her long chestnut colored hair that ran down to her buttocks. It was bound loosely in several thick bands. Her tanned and luscious skin looked flawless.

"Well?" Tanicia asked.

Lexington felt himself draw back to reality after being lost thought. "Excuse me?"

"You've been drooling over my body long enough for me to charge you, but if you decide to spend an hour or so I'll neglect the initial charge."

Her thick, pink lips were mesmerizing. The way they formed as she spoke made Lexington want to take her then and there. He felt his penis surge with blood. He finally took a step back and shook his head. He summoned what will power he had and said, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

Tanicia and her two companions had already turned to make their way back to Atasha's Brothel before Lexington was able to finish his response. He felt relieved. As he let out one great sigh, he peered at Tanicia's round ass as it shifted with everyone of her steps. The light from the nearby braziers and the torches that were mounted on the wall of the brothel highlighted every single curve of that luscious ass of hers. It was then, Lexington realized, he had to have her.

He quickly walked towards Tanicia. The three whores still had their backs to him. He reached out, grasped her by the shoulder and turned her quickly. Lexington didn't expect the expression Tanicia had – it was one of satisfaction.

"I knew it would only be..." Tanicia was interrupted by a deep and almost violent kiss Lexington gave her as he force his lips onto hers.

He wrapped his arms around her, almost in desperation. He pressed himself against her as he pressed her against the wall of the brothel. He paid no attention to the other two whores. Though they were beautiful, Tanicia was all Lexington wanted.

Finally, she pressed Lexington's face away from hers for enough time to say, "How about we take this inside?" She smiled seductively.

Lexington slowly shook his head and whispered, "No."

The way Tanicia pursed her lips with her confused expression fueled the growing fire in Lexington. He forcefully grasped her by arm and led her toward the alleyway formed between Atasha's Brothel and the mercantile center. The alleyway was narrow and was lined with crates stacked high on each other.

Lexington found a gap in the line of crates and pulled Tanicia into the gap and pressed her back against the wall. He pressed his hips into hers as he kissed her passionately. With his fully erect cock jutting out, he ground his shaft against Tanicia's crotch.

She moaned in response while he began to kiss and suck at her neck. The taste of her skin was surprisingly sweet. He bit down on shoulder as he began to pull her blouse down off her breasts. Her breasts, being as perky as they were, bounced up as they were freed from her blouse. They were the firmest and fullest breasts Lexington had ever seen or touched. He bent down enough to suck on one of Tanicia's nipples as he grasped the same breast he was sucking on. He used his free hand to slide between Tanicia's hands and began to rub her clitoris.

Tanicia placed her hand on the hand Lexington was using to finger her as if to tell him she never wanted his hand to go anywhere else while she used her other to grasp a handful of Lexington's hair while he continued to lovingly suck on her nipples. Lexington ran his tongue over her nipples and swirled it around her areola. He would gentle bite on her nipple with the front of his teeth.

Once he felt that Tanicia's vaginal juices began to run freely, he inserted a finger into her vagina using his thumb to tease her clit. In and out went his finger and with each motion, Tanicia moaned loudly. She reached for his belt, undid it, and pulled free his cock from his garment. She then pushed him away from her, fell to her knees, and engulfed Lexington engorged cock. She slathered the mushroom head and shaft thick with saliva. She began to slobber on it using her hand to work his shaft while her other fondled his balls. Once she was satisfied with her work, she quickly jumped to her feet, turned towards the wall, and used her hands to prop herself against it.

"Have your way with me," Tanicia demanded.

Lexington smiled. He placed his hands on her firm hips as he pressed the head of his penis against her vaginal lips.

"DO IT!" Tanicia yelled.

Lexington pushed the full length of his penis into Tanicia making her gasp. He pulled out slowly, then pushed back in with the same speed. He began to repeat the process of fucking her slowly. Each entry made Tanicia gasp quietly. Lexington loved how wet Tanicia felt. Though it was easy to slide in, Tanicia's pussy was tight as Lexington had ever experienced.

A few moments later, Lexington began to give to her. The slapping sound of his hip to her ass returned small echoes within the small space they occupied.

"Yes, YES!" Tanicia yelled.

Lexington responded with grunts as he began to mercilessly pound in Tanicia's tight pussy. He could feel her large ass jiggle against his hands with every pound of his hips toward hers. The velvet smoothness and slickness of her vaginal cavity was incredible. Lexington felt himself building up to orgasm, but he didn't want it to end.

He slowed his pace while he tried to catch his breath.

"What's the matter?" Tanicia asked.

"You feel so damn good," Lexington replied.

With that, it was as if Tanicia knew what Lexington needed. She eased herself away from his soaked, hard cock and turned. She pulled Lexington close by his neck and pressed her lips against his while she positioned her back to the wall. She used her hand to stroke Lexington's shaft slowly. She wanted to keep him hard, but she didn't want him to finish.

Her grasp was firm with her pumping slow but constant. Her hands were surprisingly soft and strong. She kissed him lovingly. Tanicia made him feel as if he were the only man for her.

That fire, once again, built in Lexington and he could no longer be out of Tanicia. He crouched down a bit, enough to hook his arms under both her legs and propped her up against the wall.

"If you could assist me," Lexington said playfully.

Tanicia smiled in reply as she reached down under her leg and grasped the head of his penis. She then aimed his cock onto her still soaked vaginal lips. Lexington pressed in as he pressed his lips against hers. As their tongues slid and wrapped themselves within their mouths, Lexington continued his pounding into Tanicia. In and out, faster and faster, Lexington quickly felt himself build to orgasm, but he didn't care.

He wanted to shoot his load into Tanicia. He needed to. She made him feel happy. Powerful. Safe.

"Spend yourself in me," Tanicia whispered into his ear.

With that, Lexington could hold on no longer. He grunted loudly as he dug his cock into Tanicia as deep as he could and shot his load spurt after spurt.

Lexington let Tanicia down onto the floor gently. Once her feet made contact, Lexington's now softening penis slid out of her still wet pussy.

Tanicia pulled her blouse up over her sweaty stomach and breasts. She then turned her back towards Lexington and asked, "could you please?" referring to the knot that needed to be done at her back.