The Flight Ch. 3


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"Open the wine Luv." she affectionately told Dave.

"OK." he sleepily replied as she loaded a plate with fresh chicken breast and a crisp green salad. Dave brought out two long stemmed wine glasses and a chilled bottle of chardonnay. He unwrapped the foil and noisily popped the cork. He poured a generous glass and handed it to her for her approval. She sipped it and declared it good. He poured a glass for himself and raised a toast.

"Long live Hong Kong" he smiled at her over the glass.

"Indeed" she replied, clinking the glasses together and sipping her wine.

They ate in silence, filling the hunger they felt. Selena watched as Dave gnawed on a chicken leg, engrossed in the way he chewed on it with his fingers. That wasn't done where she came from, even chicken was eaten with knife and fork. She'd need to give him some etiquette lessons if she was to introduce him to her father.

"So, she asked coyly. "Tell me all about Dave Simpson, the man, not the pilot."

"Not much to tell" he quipped in reply. "I'm a Londoner, public school, grade A student etc, a boring life really." Selena sensed he was holding out on her, and it intrigued her. She wanted to get to know the whole story but didn't want to push the issue too far. She didn't want to drive him off.

She continued eating her chicken and sipping on the wine. She was glad they had arranged this day away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She needed to clear her head for a while. All the pressures of travel over the last few days had taken its toll. She looked across the bay at the skyline. She would love to see it at night, but there was a little man called Jenson who would be worried if she didn't show for dinner. She sighed silently to herself. She really wished at times not to born to such a high society family. Not to always having to mind her manners and be under the watchful eye of a bodyguard. Her brother never had a body guard now, and he was only two years older. Selena's mind clicked into over drive. She needed an out from being the society girl. She resolved to speak to her father. She was sure that if she played this right, her father would be able to arrange a job for her in the LA office and she could stay with her brother Mason in Hollywood.

She stood up and packed away the picnic gear. She strolled off down the beach, lost in her thoughts. Dave caught up and took her hand and together they headed for the rocky outcrop at the far end of the beach in silence. She looked at the tall guy beside her and tried to judge where this friendship could go. Should she pursue this gentle giant of a man, or should she just enjoy the moment and try not to read too much into it?

"We should head back to the car." she said dreamily. "I need to work on some things this afternoon. I need to see my father about something."

"Ok." came Dave’s reply. They turned and headed back towards the car. Neither one wanted the day to end but other matters had to take precedence. They stooped to gather up the picnic stuff and their clothes and made the journey back up the track to the car-park.

Selena unlocked the car and dropped the ragtop while Dave loaded the wicker basket into the trunk. Selena climbed into the drivers seat and fired up the engine as Dave climbed in. She flicked the car around and headed out onto the road, driving at a leisurely pace. She wanted to return to the city, but needed time to work out in her head what she was going to do, how she was going to approach her father. She felt a pressing need to talk to Mason too. Next week would be too late.

They reached the city and she drove into the parking lobby of the Copthorne Plaza. Dave hopped out of the car and she smiled up as he came round to her side .

"I'd like to see you again Selena, please call me tomorrow?" He asked her.

"I'll try," she replied, "But I cant promise anything yet. Thank you for today, it was wonderful and I'll always remember the bay with fond memories." She reached up and kissed him good bye, knowing she may never see him again. A twinge of sadness hit her and she stifled a tear. She watched him walk through the hotel doorway and turn and wave. She drove out into the traffic and headed for the Marriott. She needed solitude and time to think through her plan. And a bath, sand had a way of working into all those little places. A grin crossed her face at the thought of how the sand got there. By the time she reached the Marriott she was humming a tune. Her mind was focused and she had it all sorted in her head. All she needed now was to convince her father she could do this. She opened the suite doors and wandered inside.

"Hello?" she called out. No-one answered her call. She was alone. She crossed the living room and entered the bathroom. She turned on the taps and poured some scented oil into the tub. She walked into her room and grabbed her silk robe and the mobile phone and returned to her bath.

She slipped off the blue dress and her panties and stepped into the king sized tub. The warm water felt good as she stretched out and relaxed. She picked up the mobile and dialled a number. A sleepy male voiced answered.

"Mason, its Sel, how's my big brother?"

"Hey sis!' came the excited voice through the phone. "Hows Hong Kong? And Dad? Hows he doing? Is everything ok?"

"Everything’s fine, Mason. I need a favour. I'm thinking of heading over a few days earlier and I need to see you. I'm going to ask Daddy for a job in the LA office. I'm tired of jet-setting around the world and spending time on planes. I need to do something constructive for a change. Got a sofa I can borrow?" She asked him cheekily.

"Sure Sis, anytime you need it. I'll look forward to seeing you. Can you slip the bodyguard and get here by yourself?"

"I'm sure going to try. I'll let you know tomorrow what’s happening and my travel plans. Right now I'm going to relax and enjoy my bath. Take care Mason and I'll ring you later when I know more. Bye for now. Love You." She disconnected the call and dialled another number.

"Sir Colin Rotheram please, its his daughter Selena." she told the receptionist.

"One moment Miss." came the reply. A mans voice came on the line.

"Selena, my dear. What’s up?"

"Daddy, are you busy? I need to see you. I have a favour to ask you." She crossed her fingers as she spoke. "Can we go out for dinner somewhere?"

"Certainly my dear. I'll pick you up at the hotel at 7. Is that alright?"

"Thank you Daddy, I'll see you at 7. Love you. Bye for now." She dropped the phone to the floor and stretched out in her bath, closing her eyes and planning her next move.

An hour later Selena emerged from the bathroom and made her way to the bedroom. She went to her wardrobe and brought out her favourite black Chanel satin dress. Floor length, plunging neck line and backless, very elegant and very sexy. She felt like a movie star whenever she wore it. She chose her matching suspender belt, lace seamed stockings, g-string and push up bra to round off the outfit. She dressed carefully and did her makeup. Brushing her long red hair, she decided to leave it loose and flowing over her shoulders. She checked her look in the full length mirror. She was pleased with her reflection.

Selena opened the door and crossed out into the living room, Jenson was there in the room and her father was on the balcony smoking a cigar. Jenson smiled as she passed and he nodded his approval. She continued out through the room and onto the balcony to meet her father. His broad silhouette stood against the skyline as he admired the city lights. He turned as she approached and he held out his hands to her.

"Darling," he spoke as he looked her up and down, "You look more like your mother every day. You look beautiful" His voice trailed off as her mentioned his late wife.

"Thank you Daddy" she replied and gave a half curtsey.

"Shall we go?" Sir Colin asked her as he took her arm. She nodded her consent and together they walked toward the doors of the room. He nodded to Jenson as they past him and Da Mai.

"Take the night off , you two."

"Thank you Sir." they replied in unison.

They rode the lift down to the lobby and crossed into the five star restaurant. They looked an elegant couple together, Selena in black satin and Sir Colin in a fine Navy Blue Armani suit. Many people looked up and stared as the walked in, and a few whispered behind their hands. The matre'd led them to a table and held the chair while Selena seated herself.

They ordered drinks, a martini for Sir Colin and Selena had a vodka tall. They made small talk while the waiters fussed around them and they placed their orders. The food arrived and they tucked into their meal. Selena set down her glass and squared her shoulders. She looked into her fathers eyes and spoke.

"Daddy, I want to work for you. I have my B-Com from Geneva University and I feel I'm wasting that by travelling around the world and not doing anything. I want to go to LA and stay with Mason. But I want to work there. I don’t want to be one of the idle rich, lounging in hotels all day. I need to make my way in life and step out from your shadow. I need to do this for Me. I need to prove both to myself and to you I can cope in the real world. Please say yes Daddy, Please?"

Sir Colin dropped his fork in surprise. His little girl wanted to join the stodgy world of international finance. He looked at her and smiled. He thought for several moments then spoke.

"All right. Come up to the office tomorrow at 10 am and I'll introduce you to Derek Andrews, my man in Los Angeles. He's got a daughter a bit younger than you. Abby, I think her name is. Derek's over here for the regional meetings and heading back in a couple of days. We'll put our heads together and we'll see what we come up with."

"Thank you Daddy, you wont regret this." Selena gushed and reached across the table and kissed his cheek.

"But one more favour," she looked into his eyes. “I want to go without Jenson. I want to prove to everyone that I can do this. I can’t do it with Jenson babysitting me along the way."

"I'll consider it and let you know. I'll have to check with Mason that its ok for you to stay. I'm wary about it, but I think this may be good for you. We'll talk tomorrow with Derek and see what he has for you."

"Thank you Daddy. I love you" was all she could reply before the tears choked her.

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