The Football Bet Pt. 01

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Easy Money, Never Comes Easy.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/11/2016
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"Hurry up," Johnny shouted up at me.

"I am going as fast as I can," I shouted down the stairs. "What's the big deal?"

One of his co-workers was coming to our apartment to watch a football game. I didn't see the big deal.

"He's always on time," Johnny said.

As he looked himself in the mirror for the three-hundredth time, I came down the stairs. Staring at him, I shook my head at him.

"Come here," I said. I always had to straighten his hair, it was always a mess.

"You're wearing that?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said as I looked down at my clothes. "What's wrong?"

I had on a white shirt, black jeans, white sneakers.

"We have a guest, I thought you would... well, you know?" he said and shrugged.

"No, I don't know," I said, hands on my hips.

The doorbell rang, saving him - for now.

"Well?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," he said and ran to the door. I turned to go into the kitchen.

"Hey man," Johnny said. "I see you found the place."

I shook my head. My Johnny was not the smartest person in the world, but he was mine.

"Yeah, I think so."

The deep voice got my attention. I turned down the oven, then stepped into the living room.

"Johnny, invite the poor man in," I smiled.

They were still standing by the door.

"Oh yeah, come in," Johnny said.

He took the man's jacket, hanging it on a peg behind the door, and I watched a giant of a man walk into the apartment. He made Johnny look small.

"Claire," I introduced myself.

"Damien," the giant introduced himself.

I stand five foot four, Johnny is a good six foot, but this man must have been seven foot if not more. Very tall, well built. Black as midnight, with a bald head.

"Claire," Johnny said.

"Oh yeah," I said. I was staring at him. I had never seen a man so tall and muscular. He looked like he could easily pass for someone that played football.

Damien walked right past me and sat on the couch. He wore dark blue jeans and a really tight black shirt. His arms were huge.

"Game should start soon," Johnny said. He sounded nervous for some reason.

"Johnny, can I talk to you?" I said motioning Johnny to join me.

Johnny nodded, then we crept into the kitchen.

"I have seen all of your friends from work. I have never seen him," I whispered.

"He's the new guy I was telling you about," Johnny whispered back. The two of us stood in the kitchen just a few feet away from the living room.

I bent over and picked the baked potato skins out of the oven.

"Why are you so nervous around him?" I asked as I put the snacks onto a serving tray.

"Look at him!" Johnny said. We both peered around the wall. The giant was still looking at the screen, smiling about something. Hopefully, he couldn't hear us talking.

"I just wanted to get to know him before the others do," Johnny said.

I had to nod; he was right there. Johnny was picked on by other workers. He wasn't as strong as they were, not as street smart either, but he knew his shit, so he kept his job. I tried to find him a new job. No matter what Johnny would always find a way to fuck things up. He was always getting into trouble or pissing the wrong person off.

"Here," I said, handing him the tray as well as the cold beers. "Go!"

Johnny walked away. I watched him put the tray down on the small table in front of the couch.

"Thanks," Damien said he picked up one of them up and devoured it whole.

Johnny picked up one of the skins then dropped it straight to the floor as he blew on his fingers.

"Hot, huh?" Damien smiled.

I leaned my back against the wall, shaking my head. I took a deep breath, then brought out some paper towels.

"Here." I offered them some towels.

"No need," Damien said. He picked up another, this time he bit into it.

"Thanks," Johnny said as I took my place next to him.

"So, how long you guys been together?" Damien asked, grabbing a beer.

I was about to show him the bottle opener, but he put his finger under the top and popped it off.

"Well, we have known each other since high school," Johnny said, clearing his throat. "But we have been together for just over three years now."

"That's good," Damien nodded.

I was comfortably safe around Damien. Unlike most of Johnny's friends, he didn't appear to look down or talk down to him. If anything, it sounded like he wanted to be his friend. Plus there was something odd about him. Most of Johnny's friends would be staring at me by now. But he wasn't, which was both pleasant and unsettling at the same time.

I am used to getting looks from men. Some stare because of my bright red hair and green eyes. I've had a few guys say I look like a model named Tessa Fowler. Of course, I had to look her up. I have to say other than the red hair and green eyes but the comparison ends there. I have much bigger boobs. Not to brag but I have always had huge boobs, and I flaunt them as much as possible.

Today was different because of Johnny's guest. Usually, his friends would be trying to sneak a peek at my chest or my ass. The ass and hips I get from my dad's Latin side of the family. The hair, eyes, and boobs, well, they come from my mother's side.

"Well, I will let you guys watch your game," I said, standing. "I have work to do."

"What is it you do?" Damien asked.

I span on my heels. "I am an accountant," I said with pride in my voice.

When people look at me, they usually think I am a dancer or work in the entertainment business. They never figure a busty redhead to be an accountant.

"Nice one," he said and reached behind him to offer me a high five. I took it, smacking his hand with mine.

"Ouch!" I said. His hand was rock hard.

"Sorry," he shrugged.

"No, that was all me," I said as I went upstairs to my desk.

I felt even better about myself for some reason. Even when I told Johnny that I got the job, he didn't give me a high five. Or say anything really, other than it was "nice." That was his exact word: nice. I wanted to hit him.

I had worked hard for this job. I had previously worked in a bar and grill restaurant working long shifts, while taking my courses. I wanted to get out of the food industry, especially being a waitress. I loved the tips especially when I was allowed to show more cleavage than the others. What I hated was the hours. While others complained about the men being too handsy, I loved it, and the more handsy I allowed them to be, the bigger the tips.

Johnny hated coming to see me when there was a big game. I would dress for the occasion. Tight jeans, low cut top, with a smaller bra so that the girls would be nearly popping out. The tips were great. Now I sat behind a desk and count numbers and gave clients feedback on their portfolios. The money was better than what I was used to at the restaurant.

The hours are great, weekends off, holidays off and I get the days off I want, plus I can make my own schedule. Mainly because the boss is a male and I wear buttoned shirts. Sometimes much smaller than I should so the buttons look like they are about to pop any minute.

I got settled in and began to work. The minutes flew by. I heard some cheering and yelling from downstairs. Mostly from Johnny. His team was favorites to win. So I knew he was going to be happy.

After it went quiet, I decided to go back down - just to make sure Johnny hadn't ruined his new friendship.

"What's the score?" I asked, leaning over the couch, giving Johnny a full view of my cleavage. He loved my boobs. Damien turned around but I stood in time to make sure he didn't get a glimpse.

"Twenty-six to fourteen," Johnny said. He was smiling and sitting back in his chair. He looked more relaxed than I'd seen him all day.

"Not over yet," Damien said, shaking his head.

Then it hit me. Johnny must have placed a bet with this man. A big one.

"Johnny?" I said with a bit of anger in my voice.

"It's okay," Johnny replied waving his hand.

Now I was worried. This apartment was killing us, rent wise. Plus the two cars. As well as my student loan. I sat on the couch since Johnny had taken the only single seat.

"How much is the bet?" I asked.

No answer. They looked at each other.

"That big, huh?" I shook my head.

"It's okay, it's the fourth quarter and we have the ball," Johnny said.

I knew enough about football to know that the game was never over. Not until the timer showed zero. I had seen too many games go to the wire and crowds of people lose their minds.

When the game came back from commercial, the timer had just over six minutes left. My heart started to beat. I looked over at Johnny; I could kill him right now. But he was right; his team did have the ball. From what the commentators were saying, Damien's team hadn't done well stopping the run all game.

A few running plays later they were at midfield with just under four minutes to go. Johnny was sitting back with a smile on his face. Then it happened: the running back ran to the side, a linebacker hit him hard and the ball flew out, bouncing on the ground. The corner-back scooped it up. Touchdown!

"Told you it's never over," Damien smiled.

I looked over at Johnny. He was sitting up now. How much were we going to lose? Did we have enough to cover whatever stupid bet he made - and the rent? These questions and more flew into my head.

Judging from the smile on Damien's face, whatever the bet was. It was huge.

I reached forward, picking up a bottle of beer and took a big gulp. Putting it back down, Johnny looked over at me. Then I realized he had his beer next to him. I had just taken Damien's beer.

"No biggie," he said as he took the beer and finished it.

Just under three minutes left. I looked at the score: twenty-six to twenty-one now. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Exciting, huh?" Damien asked.

"Not really," I replied. I was lying, part of me was enjoying this. The other part wanted to call off whatever bet between they had made.

"Not even a little bit?" Damien asked.

I looked at him, then shook my head.

"Okay," he nodded. He looked over at Johnny. "I say we call it off. Obviously, your girlfriend isn't happy about the bet, so call it a draw. We walk away, no harm, no foul."

Johnny looked over at me; I looked at him, hopeful that he was smart enough to call it off. But then the crowd roared. Damien's team had attempted an onside kick but had failed.

"No way," Johnny laughed. "We're already close to field goal range, a few runs, a field goal, the game is over," he shouted.

Damien looked over at me shrugging. "I tried."

I looked at Johnny. I could slap him right now.

"Trust me, babe," he said looking at me. "When this is over, you will not look at me like that."

I looked back at the screen. Johnny was right. His team began to run the ball. Damien's team used all of their timeouts to prevent the clock from running out. The field goal team came out.

"Easy money," Johnny said.

"Shut up," I yelled at him.

My eyes were glued to the screen. The kick went up. It felt like an eternity; then it fell just right of the goal.

"Yes," Damien said. "Told you!"

The game went to commercial.

"Johnny, please," I begged.

"Dude, listen to her," Damien said. "Offer is still on the table until the game comes back."

Johnny came off of his seat and knelt before me. "Their offense hasn't scored a good touchdown all game, one interception, a trick play that was lucky to get all the way, and that fumble you saw. That's it," he said. "Am I right?"

Damien nodded. "He's right, but it's football, anything can happen."

"Trust me, they have no timeouts," Johnny said.

"Dude, look at her," Damien said.

I don't know why but I was beginning to cry. Something told me this was huge. "How much?" I asked.

"Trust me," Johnny said.

"How much?" I asked, this time turning to Damien.

"Three k, I mean three thousand," Damien said.

"What!" I shouted. "We don't have that much money."

As I got up, the game came back on screen. The camera showed the announcers. They were talking about the offense for Damien's team. They said all the things that Johnny had said. Johnny looked at me with a smile. "I told you," he tried to reassure me.

"When it goes to the field, offer is off the table," Damien said.

"Johnny!" I yelled at him.

"Still on," he said, looking at Damien, completely ignoring me.

"Stupid move, bro," Damien said, shaking his head.

"I can't watch," I said, going into the kitchen. I could still hear the television from there.

There was an incomplete pass, then another. The announcers said only a few seconds left. A sack would end the game. Then there was a roar from the crowd, then silence... then an even louder roar. The announcers were saying it was unbelievable.

I came out of the kitchen. Johnny was on the floor staring at the screen; Damien was shaking his head. The play repeated. The quarterback was nearly sacked but got away and launched the ball downfield. It hung up in the air, then it was caught in the end zone. Touchdown.

"Sorry," Damien said, looking over at me. Even though I was mad at him as well, it was Johnny I was furious at, how could he do this to us.

"Who bets for three thousand dollars!" I yelled at Johnny.

"I thought it was easy money," Johnny said. "They had no..."

I slapped him.

"Can I have a moment with him?" I asked Damien, and he nodded and walked upstairs.

"How do you expect to pay him?" I asked. "If you don't, what will happen?"

"I bet him in front of everyone, including our boss," Johnny said shaking his head.

I plummeted to the couch. Even if we took out all the money from the bank, we still didn't have enough.

"I'm sorry," Johnny said. "If I had won then we would be set for three months of rent, we could..."

"Go away," I said. As always, I had to think of a way out of this.

"There was something else," Johnny said. He was sitting in the other chair.

"What?" I said rolling my eyes at him. I hated him right now.

"I told him if I couldn't pay... you would... " he said but stopped when I shook my head.

"You did it before when we were in high school. I thought... " Johnny was stuttering now.

"That was high school," I yelled at him.

Johnny had got himself into trouble with a bunch of the football players and there was no way out. Being the high school slut I was back then; I offered to suck them all off if they would never bother him again.

"Would it wipe the whole bet away?" I asked now.

Johnny looked at me with hope in his eyes. "Yes."

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't even imagine that I was actually thinking about it. I started to think about the choices. We could say no. That might mean Johnny losing his job. His boss already hated him for a variety of reasons, one of which was this same thing, betting and not being able to pay up.

We would lose this apartment if that happened because I couldn't pay for it myself. I could offer to pay him in installments. But we were way over our heads already.

"Call him down," I said as I began to tie my hair back.

"Thank you, Claire," he said, reaching out to hug me.

"I do this. We are over. The moment I find a place I can afford, I'm leaving!" I said looking up at him.

I expected him to say something that would mean that I didn't have to do what he had promised to another man. I thought he would man up and do something. I knew he couldn't beat the guy, but maybe go up there and work out some agreement. But he just walked away.

I took a deep sigh. I began preparing myself. It wasn't like Damien was a bad looking man. And, maybe, under any other circumstances. I heard the footsteps coming down the stairs.

"You don't have to," Damien said as he looked down at me.

"Sadly, yes I do," I said, standing. "You offered to call off the bet, he didn't back down, " I said as I turned to look at him. "We can't afford to pay you outright, and neither of us has the means to pay you in installments. So, not many options. And, for the time being, his word is mine. So..." I took another deep breath.

Damien nodded. He took a seat, and I knelt between his legs.

"Before I do this, I want your word," I said.

"Go ahead," he looked down at me.

"I don't see you ever again."


"You tell everyone at your job. The bet is paid in full."


"You won't tell anyone, and I mean anyone, about this."

"You have my word."

"Okay then," I said and grabbed his zipper. "You go upstairs, you don't deserve to see this," I told Johnny. Like the shell of a man I now knew he was, he took off, running up the stairs.

I reached into Damien's boxers, expecting a reasonable-sized dick. Given his build, I thought he would be using steroids that would make him small or at average at best. My mouth dropped as I pulled it out. Even in its limp state, it was huge. I sat back on my heels, looking at my pale white hands around this monster of a black dick that was getting harder as I worked my hand up and down it.

"As I said, you don't have to," Damien said. "I will tell the guys he will pay in installments and we can work something out."

"Shut up," I replied.

I was mesmerized. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I put one hand at the base and the other hand directly on top of it. And there was still more than a few inches left. Actually, there was a lot more remaining.

"You, sir, should be proud of this fucker," I said.

He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

It wasn't about the bet anymore. I knew I should listen and let the man go. He had given both of us a way out. Johnny had made the decision not to back out, why should I be the one?

Besides, it was already out and hard. The other part of me wanted to rationalize and save my relationship. The other part of me wanted this thing inside my mouth. Positioning myself just above it, I lowered onto it. It stretched my mouth wider than it had ever been. I slowly lowered my head, and his cock slipped beyond my lips into my mouth.

"That's it," he said looking at me.

I knew he was looking at my mouth being stretched to accommodate his dick. This was no dick. This was a fucking monster black cock. I had more than Johnny's length inside my mouth - and I hadn't even reached halfway. I pulled off then began to stroke it, using both hands.

"Damn, that feels good, too," he said leaning back.

"Looks even better," I said, watching both of my hands going up and down his cock.

"I bet those tits look even better," he said.

"These?" I said as I took my hands and bounced them inside my shirt. "They weren't part of the deal," I teased.

"You're right," he nodded.

Who was I kidding? The deal was way off. I couldn't care less. I was beyond horny, it had been a long while since I had let this side of me out. Now all I wanted was this monster dick inside my mouth shooting cum deep down my throat.

It was amazing how things had turned. I was right back to how I was when I was in high school. Anytime one of the jocks would drop their pants I would be on my knees. Even though I had slept with six men including Johnny, the number of men I had given tit jobs, blow jobs and hand jobs to where unfathomable.

I lifted off my shirt, revealing my dark blue bra.

"Holy fuck," Damien said, sitting up.

"Haven't seen anything yet," I said. I unclasped my bra, letting it fall off.

"Holy shit!" he said staring at my huge tits.

"Huge tits for a monster dick," I said excitedly.

I loved when men saw my tits for the first time. Their eyes told it all.

"Should put them together," he smiled.

"You read my mind!"

No dick had ever rivaled my enormous tits before. I sat back up, taking my tits in my hands and wrapping them around his dick.

"Damn!" we said in unison.

I am sure he said it because no pair of tits ever made his dick almost disappear. I said it because no dick had ever come up past them. The head of his dick popped up from between my tits. I slowly bounced them up and down, keeping the head of his dick in my mouth.