The Free Trip


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I put my arms around him hugging him intensely. "Thank you. But I really do think that we need to get out of here before we attract more attention." I slipped the dress I wore in over the Teddy and pulled the tag off handing it to Tim. "I hope we can we'll save this for later."

Tim loved the outfits so much that he bought all of them. As we walked out the store he said, I am looking forward to seeing me wear them again."

On the ride home Tim spoke out, "I really love this side of you, it's been a long time since I've seen it, I hope it doesn't disappear again."

"I know she left, but she is back. I love how exhilarating I feel right now. But more than that, I am so horny I really need some of your personal attention." Tim pulled into the driveway and before he could turn the car off, I had my seat belt undone and the door open. I jumped out and ran to the bedroom. Tim was right behind. We were like college students in lust, heading for the bedroom, discarding clothing and throwing them at each other as we went.

I so worked up from what I did in the store, I'm sure Tim was too. Unlike the night before, there was no passion, no intimate touching, no caressing, it was just animal lust. We both focusing on our own needs and wants.

Afterwards Tim took me in his arms and slowly fell asleep. Next morning, I woke. Tim was not in bed; it was a Saturday where could he be. Then I heard some noises coming from the kitchen. A few minutes later he came into the room with a breakfast tray.

Since we didn't eat anything last night, I thought you'd be hungry.

"I'm famished. I still can't believe I expose myself to that couple."

"I know, I can't believe it either, but you were so hot doing it."

"Did you see the look on the woman's face?"

"Ya, but did you see the look on his face when she elbowed him in the ribs." we both chuckled, "I'm sure they'll be telling this story for years to come."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why hasn't she shared the free trip with her husband? Kind off strange.

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Messy and boring.

76fellow4876fellow48about 2 years ago

Re: Grammar, spelling, etc.

I learned a long time ago that a good Dictionary and/or Thesaurus can be a good friend(s) to you.

I did not learn English until I was 8 years old. And Slavic does not translate easily into English.

Bonne chance. (French)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why didn’t you explain the letter and the websites effect on you ? Were you writing another part or what ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A bit above average, I'd like more detail on things other than sex. Maybe I missed it but what was the cause of her odd behavior?

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