The Full Package - Thursday

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The truth is revealed as the vacation from hell concludes
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This is the fifth day in Dave & Lisa (and Cody's) adventures in the Caribbean. You really should read the previous chapters to understand the story line and appreciate the various relationships.

WARNING: This is a long story. Period. For those of you like character build-up, a reasonable amount of realism, and some mystery, I think it will be worth your time.


Sleep came reluctantly to Dave, with recurrent thoughts of Cody and his mixed feelings about her. He wasn't sure what was going on with his wife, but he knew that anything more than brotherly affection for Cody could end up hurting everyone, to put it mildly. He didn't even know if his interest was reciprocated - she hadn't mentioned their 'incident' from the morning and it was very possible she just wanted to pretend that it hadn't happened at all. He finally fell asleep around midnight after firmly deciding that from now on he would treat her strictly as a friend and sister.

He slipped into a disturbing dream where he was the one behind Cody on the pyramid, with one hand holding the knife and the other directing a massive erection into her reluctant vagina. She was looking back at him over her shoulder with a glare of bitter accusation, saying "Just fuck me and get it over with". He tried to stop himself - to stop Pablo's body from taking her - but he didn't seem to have any control. He could only watch her grit her teeth as pushed into her.

The dream shifted suddenly and he was standing in front of her, watching Pablo plunge into her repeatedly. He wanted to yell out that he wasn't Pablo - that it wasn't him fucking her - but his mouth wouldn't open and all he could do was stare in horror as she braced herself against the onslaught, glaring angrily at Dave as if it was his fault.

He glanced up to see that instead of Pablo, it was now Armand behind her grinning at him evilly over her shoulders. Cody yelled breathlessly between Armand's powerful thrusts, "How could you…let him…do this…to me!?" He awoke hearing the sounds of slapping against her buttocks.

As he gradually became aware of his surroundings in the darkened room, he realized that he was actually hearing the waves against the beach outside their room. He also found that his robe had been discarded sometime in the night, his arm was wrapped around Cody's waist, and he had a painful hard-on. In fact, it was sticking straight out through the open fly of his boxers and was pushing Cody's soft nylon panties into the crack between of her ass.

A wave of guilt washed over him both from the dream and his current situation. How could he explain this if she woke up? To make matters worse, he could feel a large wet spot on her panties where his pre-cum had obviously been leaking during the dream.

Dave was just starting to lift his arm and pull away when Cody shifted in her sleep. Unfortunately, her hips shifted backwards and the head of his penis slipped forward through the slick wetness on her panties and lodged deeper between her legs. Despite his grogginess, he could distinctly feel the sensitive tip pressing the gusset of her panties into the folds of her vulva.

He froze, not wanting to move and wake her, but also not wanting to lose the incredible feeling of pleasure suddenly coursing through his body. The velvet touch of her panties against his bare penis, the soft, giving pressure of her feminine flesh, and the knowledge that his erection was wedged between his beautiful sister-in-law's legs all gave him such an intense, erotic rush that he thought he would come right then.

After a long minute, the harsh memories of the day before came back to haunt his conscience and he knew that he had to stop. Accidental or not, he was turned on and enjoying this unwanted intimacy, taking advantage of her vulnerability after a long day of embarrassment and intimate violation.

Dave slowly removed his arm from around her waist and was attempting to slide his hips back without waking her when he suddenly felt fingers touching his penis.

"What are you doing?" Cody asked him in a dangerously quiet voice. Her hand reached further between her legs to feel his bare shaft and balls and he heard a quick intake of breath as it became clear to her what was happening. She scooted her hips forward suddenly before rolling away from him. He saw confusion in her eyes, as well as what he imagined were the beginnings of hatred.

He looked on silently, mortified to his core, as she reached back down between her legs to touch the slick wetness he had left on the crotch of her panties. "Dave?!"

"I am so sorry," he began. "I had this dream…" he definitely didn't want to go down that path. "I mean, I woke up like this. And I didn't want to wake you." He looked down. "I should have pulled away sooner. I'm sorry. I wouldn't blame you if you hate me now." He rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed. "I'll go sleep on the cot."

"Dave!" She grabbed his arm. "Dave," she repeated, "…just wait a second." There was a long pause and he heard her take a deep breath and let it out as he held his. "I was just surprised, you know. I mean… really surprised."

Dave turned back to her, his face mirroring her earlier confusion.

"I know you've had a tough week with Lisa. It's only natural that you would be kind of…" she looked down, "…horny." The only light in the room was from the moonlight through the patio doors, but he was sure he could see her face turn red.

Dave couldn't believe it. After all she had gone through, she was actually thinking about him. He never felt more selfish in his life. "I feel awful, though. After making you cry yesterday, and then especially after what happened…you know, at the pyramid."

"What? When did you make me cry?" Cody sounded genuinely surprised.

"You know - after we were, um… tickling each other. You were crying in the shower," he replied.

Cody laughed. "Dave…I wasn't crying in the shower."

He looked at her again, not comprehending, but then it suddenly hit him and his eyebrows shot up.

"Don't you ever… you know… touch yourself?" she asked. She went on in a rush, not looking him in the eye. Dave felt a tingle of self-consciousness as he realized that his penis was still sticking out of his boxers and her eyes kept glancing down at it. "I mean - it's totally natural, right? Everybody does it. Even John and I…" she trailed off.

Dave didn't know what to say. Lisa hated to talk about masturbation and here Cody was not only admitting that she did it but basically telling him that she had masturbated with her older brother.

"Is that bad?" her quiet voice woke him from his stunned disbelief as she removed her hand from his arm.

He reached out for her hand again, but missed and touched the softness of her breast through her nightgown. He quickly drew his hand away, but his drooping erection jerked upwards again.

"No!" he said, a little too loudly. "I mean, no, it's not bad," he repeated more quietly. "Like you said, it's only natural."

He could see the whiteness of her teeth as she smiled at him in the semi-darkness.

"Good." She paused, pursing her lips for a moment. She suddenly sounded very serious: "We can't have sex, Dave." She said it so bluntly that it almost made him giggle.

He had thought that that was obvious, but then with all that had happened… maybe she needed to solidify their boundaries. He noticed guiltily that a part of him felt twinge of pain and disappointment at hearing her say it.

"You know, though," she went on, "if you wanted, we could, um…" She hesitated and looked down, then touched his hand awkwardly. "We could do what John and I used to do. I mean, only if you wanted to..." He didn't think her face could get any redder.

"What do you mean?" he asked. He thought he could guess, but he almost couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Well…" She hesitated. She lifted her head and he could see her eyes glinting at him in the dim light. Dave got the feeling she was assessing how much she could trust him. She seemed to make a decision and scooted back against the headboard. Bringing her feet up together, she began playfully bouncing her knees apart. Her nighty crept up her thighs at each bounce and soon Dave could see the exposed crotch of her white lacy panties.

"We used to, you know…" she continued haltingly, reaching down to touch herself briefly between her legs, "play with ourselves… in front of each other." She giggled nervously.

Dave was definitely paying attention now. It was hard to believe what he was hearing – or what she was offering – but he certainly wasn't one to criticize, nor was he going to complain. She was obviously ignoring or purposefully forgetting the trauma of the day before, but he decided that it wasn't up to him to be her therapist.

She took his silence as judgment. "You think I'm weird, don't you?" She closed her knees together.

"No, no!" He reached forward to grab her hand. "I'm sorry. I was just surprised – in a good way, though!" He scooted forward to face her, bringing his feet together like she had and pulling his knees open. He smiled at her. "Is this the way you did it?"

She relaxed and smiled in relief, letting her legs fall open again. "Sometimes." She looked down shyly. "And sometimes other ways."

She glanced up again with a startled look, as if she was worried he had misinterpreted her. "But we never touched! And we kept our underwear on… usually. We just, you know, relieved our tension." She stared down between his legs and Dave thought he saw her tongue roll along her upper lip. "Are you ready?"

Dave nodded and reached down to his boxers. He had lost his erection when she pulled away initially, but it had been growing ever since Cody starting talking about masturbation. It was now about half-way erect and his touch, even over his underwear, immediately made it jerk upwards.

Her eyes on his crotch, Cody leaned back against the headboard and brought her hands down to stroke her inner thighs. As if she were warming up the area, she gradually circled closer until her fingers were stroking the hollow between her thigh muscles, then up and down the elastic edge of her panties.

Dave wanted to appreciate this moment as much as he could, so he quickly grabbed some pillows and placed them behind his back, then spread his feet apart as he leaned into them to get comfortable. As he watched Cody zero in on her panties, he used the thin cotton material of his boxers to squeeze the excess skin on the underside of his shaft and began pulling it rhythmically up towards the head.

Cody was now working on the gusset of her white lacy panties, rubbing her fingers around in circles – first down where he could see the outline of her pussy lips, then up higher where he imagined her clit to be. The pre-cum he had left there seemed to make it easier and soon the entire area was nearly transparent through the soaked material. He felt his cock jerk and he gave an involuntary answering gasp when Cody first moaned.

He glanced up at her face and noticed that she seemed equally intent on what he was doing. "Does that feel good – I mean pulling the skin up like that?" she asked.

Dave felt mildly embarrassed even in his excited state. He had never masturbated in front of anyone, much less his sister-in-law, and it was almost surreal discussing it as they did it in front of each other. "Yes," he finally answered. "It's one of my favorite ways to…to prepare it."

"You mean 'to get your cock hard'?" Cody laughed. The words sounded strange on her lips and he guessed that she hadn't used that word or that phrase very often in her life.

"You can say it in front of me," she said. "I know what guys call it. I also know that you call this…" and here she squeezed her outer labia through her panties, pulling them upwards rhythmically almost like Dave had done, "…a pussy.' She gasped and thrust her hips out a bit. "Mmmm… that does feel good."

Dave couldn't help reaching in to his boxers at that point. It was so incredible watching Cody – who after all was a very hot young girl – pleasure herself in front of him, and even wanting to watch him as well! A small flash of guilt passed through him when he thought of Lisa, but it went quickly, washed away by excitement and the knowledge that they weren't really doing anything together.

Cody seemed to like pressure, as she soon grabbed a hold of her panties and was pulling them up tight against the prominent bulge of her clit. Dave could see the pouting outline of her lips on each side of the white strip of panties, but he was desperately wishing for better light.

As if they were thinking together, Cody said, "Not fair. I can't see what you're doing under there!" Her breathing was getting heavier and she seemed to gasp after every few words.

"Do you really want to see it?" Dave asked. He could feel himself breathing heavier and faster as well. Cody nodded.

"If you turn on that light, I'll take it out," he suggested, pointing to a switch near her head. The light he indicated was directly above them and it would give him a great view of the action he could now only dimly see between her legs.

For a moment, Cody paused, and Dave thought she was getting nervous, but then she reached over and flipped the switch. When she sat back and spread her legs again, he could immediately see her engorged outer lips glistening in the light, with the very wet material of her panties pulled up between them. His mouth opened in uncontrolled lust and he had to squeeze his cock just below the head to avoid coming, as he had felt the masseuse doing two days before.

"Well…?" Cody said.

Dave suddenly felt strangely embarrassed, but he braced himself and lifted up his butt to slide his boxers off. He was now completely naked in front of her, his cock sticking straight up, almost touching his belly button as he reached down to grasp it in his palm.

"Oh, my!" Cody breathed, her eyes wide and locked onto his cock. Feeling just a little awkward, he began to slowly stroke it from the balls all the way up to rub the tip before sliding back down again, partly to keep the pace to where he could control himself, partly to make it more dramatic for her. Each time he came to the top, he would gather some of the pre-cum and spread it down the shaft, making it gleam wetly in the overhead light.

"That looks…" Cody moaned as she pulled her panties tighter, "…really good," she finished.

Dave's imagination was going wild in response to his racing hormones, and he barely knew what he was saying when he gasped, "What else did you do with John? Did you ever take your panties off?"

"Yes, but only once," she replied, equally breathless. "Do you want me to?"

Dave smiled at what he thought was a joke, and she smiled back nervously as she lifted her hips and slid her panties up her thighs, over her knees and down past her ankles. Dave watched her panties move as if in slow motion, from the folds of the gusset pulling reluctantly free from her wet, clinging lips to the final drop of the rolled string of damp fabric from her toe to the bed. If he hadn't had a much more exciting prospect in front of him, he would have immediately reached for the panties to smell them, look at them…rub them against his cock.

He wondered for a moment what Cody would think if he did.

He was brought back to the vision between her legs with a wet squishing sound as Cody began rubbing her bare pussy in time to his stroking. He had seen her exposed before him twice now, but never so close and never so intimately. She was sharing herself, as much as she could at least, with him and only him. He suddenly felt extremely close to her.

He noticed that Cody was now occasionally dipping her fingers into her vagina, spreading the juice all over her lips, but especially around her clit.

Dave's mind was still racing with lust and with a need that he knew he couldn't fully satisfy. Knowing of their ad-hoc rule didn't stop his crazed hormones from trying to break it, however.

"Did you and John ever try different positions?" he asked. She looked at him curiously though half-lidded eyes, but didn't answer. "I mean, if you really want to see it up close, we should get in a sixty-nine – you know what that is, right?"

Cody frowned as if insulted. "Of course I do." She seemed to think for a moment. "It's not a real 69 though, right? You can't touch my… you know, my pussy?" For all her bravado earlier, the word came hard to her lips.

"Don't worry. We'll just do what we're doing now – I just want to see you up close, that's all," he replied.

When Cody reluctantly nodded, Dave pushed the pillows off the bed – slowly, so as not to startle her with his eagerness – and lay on his back. Cody crawled over to him and sat back on her knees near his head. She paused there for a moment as if reconsidering, but she kept her fingers working in between her legs and in the end she seemed to convince herself.

Cody awkwardly lifted one leg up and over his face to place her knee on the other side of his head, facing his feet. He was so captivated by the site of her pussy spreading open mere inches above his eyes that he barely noticed her taking off her nightgown. When he finally did, he looked down towards his feet between her full breasts and hard pink nipples to see her smile back at him.

His mind immediately flashed to his dream the night before and his cock threatened to fail him despite the beautiful girl spreading herself just above his nose.

Fortunately, Cody's hair brushed his drooping penis at the same time that she brought her hand back between her legs to slide several fingers over her lips. He could now smell her rising excitement and it positively made him drool. Unable to resist the treble attack on his senses, his erection sprang back to life and he promptly forgot about his dream.

Dave began stroking himself again with one hand while playing with his balls with the other. Cody was forced to go one-handed as she had to brace herself above his waist. Dave wasn't going to complain and he joyfully watched her fingers sliding over her wet lips, occasionally squeezing them together around her clit like she was jerking off a tiny penis.

When she had suggested that they could "touch themselves", he had pictured them lying next to each other with their clothes on – which was erotic enough by itself – but he would never have guessed just how graphic or intimate it would become. Dave wondered if Cody was surprised as well by how far they were going. He certainly wasn't going to say anything, though, as he didn't remember ever being so thoroughly turned on, even when he'd been inside a woman.

All conscious thought was swept away when Cody slid two fingers into the opening of her pussy and fucked herself rapidly with a wet slapping noise. Right above her thrusting fingers he could see the tiny rosebud of her asshole and he felt a very kinky, yet almost irresistible urge to raise his head up and stick his tongue inside.

He could hear her moaning down near his penis and could tell she was getting close to an orgasm. He knew he was groaning quite a bit himself as he thrust his hips up against his pumping hand, and he could feel the tension and pressure building between his legs.

Almost without volition, he lifted his head and started kissing her inner thigh in pure mindless lust. He wanted her so badly right then and seeing her wet open pussy right above him - the sweet yet musky smell of her sex almost overpowering his senses - was driving him crazy with frustration.