The Girl Next Door


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HandsomePrince: oh yeah baby feel me inside you feel me stretching that tight little pussy wide open

SexyPrincess: fuck me fuck me fuck me!!

It didn't take long for her to cum again. Spectacularly! There had never been another night in her life when she felt so sexually charged. It was like she was living in another world, one where she was not some plain dowdy bank teller that no one cared about, but an incredible sex goddess with a ravenous sexual appetite that every man desired. She followed his words, thrusting the dildo wildly up inside her, hard and fast and deep, and then rolling over onto her hands and knees and savagely attacking her greedy cunt from behind. In the throes of another of her countless orgasms, she reached for the keyboard.

SexyPrincess: are you close baby??

HandsomePrince: yeah real close

SexyPrincess: cum baby cum inside my pussy please

HandsomePrince: fuck yeah

She collapsed onto the bedcovers and rolled onto her side. Lifting her leg enough for him to see her rouged, ravaged sex being parted by the thick dildo, Kellie thrust madly and ground her hips against the plastic dick. In her mind, it wasn't some inanimate man-made object, it was a cock, HandsomePrince's cock, ramming deep inside her, swelling up and ready to release its mighty load.

SexyPrincess: cum baby cum baby

She typed frantically, desperately, but for several moments there was no response. She typed again earnestly hoping that her words could do to him what his words did to her.

SexyPrincess: cum for me baby I want to feel it deep inside me cum deep inside my pussy give me all your cum baby!!!!!!

Finally his response flickered onto the window.

HandsomePrince: fuck baby oh fuck

SexyPrincess: are you okay baby?? What's going on??

There was another long pause. She began to gather herself up just in case his private time ran out so that the other viewers wouldn't get a free show.

HandsomePrince: yeah im okay just made a real mess here ... even got some on the monitor

SexyPrincess: lol oh baby wish I was there to clean it up for you

HandsomePrince: would you lick it all up princess?

When she reached for her purple outfit that had fallen to the floor, he quickly shot back.

HandsomePrince: come on princess I'm not going anywhere stay naked for me okay?

SexyPrincess: okay I've got all night, baby

And so it went. Like real lovers cuddling after some mind-blowing sex, she lay on her bed fully naked and drenched with perspiration and cum and let his words of admiration roll over her. Like sweet caresses his poetic words drew her close to him and she felt a degree of intimacy that was almost mocked by the virtual aspects of their encounter. Kellie reveled in the rosy, romantic afterglow, her body reeling with tingling intimations of intimacy. For the first time she wondered, truly wondered what it would be like to actually be nestled beside her HandsomePrince. She shuddered and shivered at the thought of feeling his touch. Her nipples tightened up and grew erect again as her hand drifted down between her breasts.

HandsomePrince: there's something i've been meaning to ask you princess

SexyPrincess: what's that Handsome ... ask me anything

HandsomePrince: i know this is probably against the rules or something

SexyPrincess: what baby??

HandsomePrince: do you think that we might ever meet sometime?

SexyPrincess: What do you mean?? Like in real life??

HandsomePrince: yeah for real

Kellie wasn't sure what to say. There was something in the signup for the website prohibiting meeting customers but that was more to keep the webmasters from getting charged for prostitution or something. She also knew how his words-just his words-made her tingle with arousal. But this was anonymous play. The thought that he might want to actually meet her collided with the fantasy she had been nurturing every since their first chat.

SexyPrincess: anything is possible

HandsomePrince: i didn't mean like tonight or anything ... just sometime

Kellie smiled. Suddenly she wasn't a fantasy sex goddess any more, just a real live girl getting hit on by a handsome passing stranger and she relished the attention.

SexyPrincess: I would want to get to know you a little better ... write me okay??

She keyed in her email address and paused before sending it. What if this was a setup? What if he was some kind of creepy stalker type? What if? What if? What if? She closed her eyes and thought for a second or two. This was anonymous. Her email was anonymous. She knew she would need to know him much better before she would ever meet him in person. But she also felt deep inside that she wanted to meet him. If he was willing to be patient and open up to her then maybe, just maybe. She pressed Enter to send her message.

HandsomePrince: thank you princess

It was nearly two thirty before Kellie had signed off and crawled under the covers. Damp and warm from the shower, her body was still trembling with pleasure. She had masturbated for what, maybe a hundred guys in the past month, maybe more. But even though she had cum several times, none of those encounters were anywhere near the equal of what she had felt with this guy. There was a definite connection between them. She rolled over and embraced one of her pillows, the motion making her aware of her nakedness. She had rarely slept in the nude before, but wanted to tonight; she wanted to be free to dream as wildly and vividly as her imagination allowed.

When a stray thought of Ricky Pratt tumbled into her mind, she laughed. Just like Jerry Kaminski and Ross Byner, if only he knew what he was missing. Neither one of them had been able to look past the plain façade of her every day appearance and see the vibrant sexy woman lurking underneath. After the explosion of passion that she had experienced tonight it would take more than a handsome face and a strong physique to win her over. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the mundane white bra that she had worn earlier hanging off the edge of her dresser. Maybe tomorrow she would wear the scandalously sexy white lace set underneath her stiff woolen business suit. No one else would know. No one else would care. But she would, and that thought sent one last tingle down her spine and sent her off to a pleasant sexy dreamland.

* * *

It was a couple weeks later when Ricky ran into Kellie, The Bank Chick, again. Literally. It was late in the lunch hour and he had just come out of BLT Steak on East 57th with Glenn Murdaugh when he bumped into her as she was exiting the Victoria's Secret, toting a couple of large pink shopping bags. He grinned with surprise having never figured that she had ever purchased even a simple pair of panties there. But when he nearly bowled her over and then caught her arm to help keep her in balance, her stiff white blouse parted just enough to reveal some luscious cleavage supported by the lacy traces of a sexy little bra. Ricky was overtaken by surprise, having never thought before of her in any sort of sexual terms.

"Hey. You okay?" Ricky asked.

"Why, hello," she said looking up at him and trying to straighten her heavy tortoiseshell-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her little nose. "Fancy seeing you here." She straightened her clothes, chastely pulling together the folds of her blouse to cover her décolletage.

"I was thinking the same thing," Ricky said with amusement. With her usual conservative appearance restored, her stiff bulky business suit straightened, her hair pulled back so severely, he wouldn't have imagined that anything other than plain cotton undies had ever embraced her body. But then he didn't have x-ray vision either. "Say, this is one of my associates, Glenn Murdaugh. This is Kellie, The Bank Chick, who lives in my building."

"Nice to meet you," Kellie said with a slightly nervous smile and a nod.

"Same here," replied Glenn with a gentle harmless leer. "Loading up on unmentionables?"

"Oh, just a few things. Nothing special, really," Kellie answered, clearly embarrassed. She turned back to Ricky. "I was talking to Milan last night. She is up for doing our dinner thing. You still interested?"

"Of course. When?"

"She's in town until Saturday. How about Thursday?"

"Hmm, Thursday ... day after tomorrow. Yeah, that could work."

"Then I'll let her know."

"So you still seeing that new guy?" Ricky asked.

"Who?" the Bank Chick asked, her expression a bit puzzled.

"The one you were telling me about on the phone a couple weeks ago. Remember? Some nice, romantic gentleman."

"Oh, him," she replied, her face warming into a smile. "Yes. Yes, I'm still seeing him."

"Great! Maybe you could ask him to join us. You know, just to even out the numbers."

"Sure. Sure," Kellie answered promptly. "I'll ask him tonight. You sure that your new girlfriend won't object to having dinner with Milan and me?"

"My girlfriend? I don't really have a-" Ricky blurted out. His eyes switched between Kellie and Glenn. "Oh, that one I met a while back? She isn't really a girlfriend, just someone I see now and then."

"Oh, okay. I just didn't want to interfere with your love life," Kellie replied. "Well, it's been great seeing you. I'll confirm dinner with Milan."

"Great. Let me know for sure, ok?"

"Sure. I'll call you."

Ricky rubbed his palms together. Oh yes, life is good!

"So that's the Bank Chick, eh?" Glenn remarked as they continued back toward the office. His eyes were cocked for a moment following her before looking back to Ricky. "Not bad at all. Kind of cute, actually."

"Yeah, that's her. Remember, she's the one who's friends with Milan Sanchez."

"Right. So what's her deal?"

"Dunno. Wholesome but a tight-assed little thing."

"Nothing wrong with that. You ever think of giving her a twirl?"

"Are you joking? Me and the Bank Chick?"

"Why not? She might give you one helluva tumble once you peel her out of that monkey suit."

"You're wearing a monkey suit, pal," Ricky replied.

"But underneath I haven't got the right parts ... and she just might."

"I dunno. Don't think so. I'm looking for someone really hot, really sexy, someone that would make you and the rest of my unlucky friends insanely jealous."

"Someone like Veronica Taylor?" Glenn remarked, obviously needling Ricky.

"Or Milan Sanchez."

Glenn laughed loudly. "I gotta give you credit for ambition, Ricky Boy."

It wasn't solely ambition. Ricky wanted something better in life, and after working his way near the top he wasn't about to settle for a safe secure little bet when he had a chance to win the big one.

Part 3

Kellie Andrews trudged into her apartment dejectedly, slamming the door shut behind her and tossing her keys onto the table. They clattered to the floor but she didn't bother picking them up. 'Why do I do this to myself,' she thought. Even Leonard's kind words had been no solace. She was resigned to Ricky Pratt chasing after Milan, and had introduced them like the good friend she thought she was. Watching the two of them together was funny in a strange way. They hit it off really well. Too well. Oh, they both made lame attempts at keeping her involved in the flow of the conversation, but it was easy to tell that the evening was really all about the two of them. Maybe she should have taken Leonard up on his offer so she would have had at least a little attentive company.

After their dreadfully long dinner together, strutting like a god damned rooster, Ricky had escorted the girls back into their building from the cab. Leonard had laughed out loud at the sight of the prancing peacock with a girl on each arm. Then, when Ricky nuzzled up toward Milan in the hallway outside her apartment, Kellie quickly bid them both goodnight and hurried down the hall to her place, their giggles and whispered words chasing her all the way along.

Kellie went straight to her room and fell face first onto her bed. She bound up both hands into tight fists and pounded the bed covers. He's probably inside her apartment now, pouring a couple of drinks. Would they be kissing already? Would his hand crawling up her thigh? Would Milan have his dick in her hand, in her mouth? She shuddered at the thought and rolled over to sit up on the edge of her bed. 'This is so fucking stupid,' she thought. 'Why should I feel this way? I don't care about him! Or her for that matter! They're a pair of vain, superficial nitwits and they deserve each other!'

Kellie stood up and shuffled toward the mirror. With the last steps she let her hips sway a little more than usual, feeling the skirt of her dress swish about her legs. It was a new dress, a light blue slip dress that complimented her eyes perfectly, with a daring neckline that showed off her shoulders and the upper curves of her breasts. She pulled off her glasses and shook her hair free of its pins to tumble about her shoulders. She looked good, not as glamorous as Milan Sanchez, but good, hot even. With trembling hands she reached back and tugged the zipper down her back until the dress fell to her waist. With a deep breath and a slight arching of her back, her breasts stood out proudly, rosy aureoles taut and puckered, nipples fully erect. As she stepped out of the dress, she felt good about herself. Her string bikini panties, a perfect compliment to her dress clung to the tight curves of her ass and cupped her sex appealingly. What was Milan wearing tonight? A scandalous g-string? Would the sight of that be enough to get Ricky all hot and bothered? Probably. 'Fuck, this was no use! It's pointless to compare myself to her,' she thought. 'I am my own woman, with my own needs. I just need my own kind of man.'

A few minutes later, she had transformed herself into SexyPrincess and a hundred guys were slobbering all over their monitors as she swayed and writhed before the camera. Her outfit was sheer and pink and tantalizing. Even though she had something on, every detail of her body was clearly on display. Nothing was hidden.

shyguy: oh bb lukin gud

8long4u: hi sexyprincess how r u?

MilkyBoy: show tits!

UpYours: ass! ass! ass! ass!

8long4u: what a great outfit

GuyHouston: i see london i see france

FootLover: show me your bare feet and i take you private for 20 min

UpYours: ass ass ass ass

MilkyBoy: tits tits tits tits

FootLover: feet feet feet feet

The daze and blur of her emotions had turned the evening surreal. All of the visitors to her virtual room seemed to blend together. One by one they lined up to buy shows and she gave them whatever they wanted. She oiled up her breasts and ran her favorite vibe, Mr. Blue all over them. She got on all fours and poked and probed her pussy and ass with her favorite dildo, Mr. Flesh, who was lucky enough to get a foot job by request of a long-time foot-fetish customer. Kellie showed them what they wanted to see, did exactly what they asked, and gave them their money's worth, but in the back of her mind she knew that she was saving herself. Before getting dressed following a fairly routine private visit, Kellie tapped onto her keyboard.

SexyPrincess: So does anyone else want to have some fun while I'm still naked??

Kellie smiled and waved her wispy pink bra and panties in front of the camera, careful to keep her nakedness out of camera range, although a taut rosy nipple flirted with the camera. There were lots of lurid comments but no takers so she began to get dressed. 'Lover man, oh where can you be?' she thought, her mind flirting with dreams of the man she really wanted. Standing right in front of the camera, she pulled the panties tight against the mound of her sex, feeling them pull taut against her moist folds. Sitting down, she slung the straps of the bra over her shoulders, fit the garment to her breasts, and hooked the closure together in back. As she brushed her hair out of her face and retouched her lip gloss, she kept an eye on the list of guys logging into her virtual room.

SexyPrincess: Somebody must want a hot show ... who's going to be next??

There were several pretenders and beggars and she ignored them all. Then a familiar name appeared in the list of viewers.

HandsomePrince: how about me?

SexyPrincess: it's about time Handsome ... I've been waiting for you

HandsomePrince: so you have missed me

SexyPrincess: I always miss you when you aren't around

HandsomePrince: hang on a sec

It took another minute before he logged in for a private show. She felt a tingle of excitement dance down her spine. Even her nipples grew taut and pressed against the filmy silk of her little pink bra.

SexyPrincess: hi baby

HandsomePrince: hello sweet princess ... how have you been?

SexyPrincess: I'm real good ... just waiting for you Handsome ... what'd you do, have a hot date tonight??

HandsomePrince: nah, just out for a while with a couple of friends

SexyPrincess: guy friends??

HandsomePrince: umm, do i have to answer?

SexyPrincess: nope ... so what are you in the mood for??

HandsomePrince: hmm, do I have a choice?

SexyPrincess: you know the rules ... with me you get anything that you want

HandsomePrince: anything?

SexyPrincess: anything that I can do here in my room

HandsomePrince: mmm, you know that I like a lot of different things

SexyPrincess: I know and I'm here for you ... whatever you want

SexyPrincess: you want to fuck my tits??

SexyPrincess: you want to lick my pussy??

SexyPrincess: you want to fuck it hard and deep??

After typing in each suggestion, she illustrated her intent, running Mr. Flesh up between her breasts and squeezing them together; pulling her panties to the side and running her fingers over the wet slick folds of her sex; thrusting the head of her dildo up into her hungry pussy. A shiver of arousal swept down through her body and lit a strong flame in her belly.

HandsomePrince: you wanna know what i'd like?

SexyPrincess: tell me baby I'm all yours

HandsomePrince: i want to watch you do one of your real slow sexy strips

SexyPrincess: I can do that, Baby

HandsomePrince: i'm ready

SexyPrincess: but there's something I want YOU to do

HandsomePrince: what's that?

SexyPrincess: I want you to strip for me

HandsomePrince: what do you mean?

SexyPrincess: I want you to get naked too

HandsomePrince: really lol

SexyPrincess: get yourself naked and I'll strip for you

HandsomePrince: this is silly -- i can just type in that i'm naked and you won't know the difference

SexyPrincess: maybe not ... but you will and you know that your pecker will fall off if you lie to me

HandsomePrince: lol -- ok

While the chat box fell silent, Kellie got up from her bed and began to dance before the camera. For a moment Kellie remembered in her youth taking dance lessons at Miss Maguire's Studio. She remembered all the things she had been taught. ''If only Miss Maguire could see how I'm using all those moves she taught me,' Kellie thought, bringing a smile to her face. She zoomed the camera back so that he could see her full body, hips swaying back and forth, shoulders undulating, which made her breasts swing and sway sensuously. She lifted up her arms and combed her hands through her unruly auburn tresses. The motion lifted her breasts upward and made them wiggle tantalizingly. Turning her back toward the camera, she thrust her hips back and wiggled her ass, her cheeks jiggling deliciously. When she turned back around, he had typed in some text.

HandsomePrince: i'm all naked princess

SexyPrincess: you sure??

HandsomePrince: sure

SexyPrincess: you're not fibbing to me now are you??

HandsomePrince: no - i'm naked as the day i was born

SexyPrincess: good and here's your reward
