The Goddess Ch. 07

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Becca makes another advance
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Chapter 7


All week, Jeff's comments about pleasing people repeated in my head. I found myself looking for ways to change the way I spoke or acted towards others.

If I was going to be the leader in any kind of dynamic, I needed to be clear about what I wanted, and not let someone convince me to accept anything less than what I deemed was enough. So throughout the week, I looked for chances to allow others to rise to the occasion and please me, rather than me making an effort to bend over backwards for everyone else. And the shift was... truly empowering.

My professor seemed to have a new level of respect for me. The subs I played with at AnchorX said it was the best session they'd ever had with me. Even Reuben commented--though subtly--on my behavior.

I decided I'd give myself another shot with Benny. And this time, I was going to give him an opportunity to please me if he truly wanted to. And if he didn't want to, or if I got the wrong vibe from him, I'd move on and find someone else. Because it wasn't Benny per se who I wanted. It was a submissive like the one I envisioned him to be. And if he wasn't anything like my expectations, I needed to let that idea go, and leave the poor boy alone.

Part of me thought this was a horrible idea. I have so many responsibilities, so many things I need to worry about. I don't need to add training a sub to the list.

But then I remembered Jez's comment. A submissive should make your life easier, not harder. They're supposed to serve you.

And I remembered the look of adoration on Tiama's sub's face after he'd eaten her out on his knees after an hour of suffering. That also contributed to my decision.

I finally had a free afternoon one Saturday. I finished my sessions at the Weston House a little early. Jeff had some buddies over to keep him company and watch the game since I would be home late. I had a few hours before I needed to be at the dungeon, and I wanted to work on my paper... and feel out the cute blonde waiter boy with sparkly blue eyes.

When I got to the restaurant, the hostess showed me to the sunny table by the window that I preferred, although she didn't look happy to see me. I set down my purse and adjusted my blouse. Before I could even reach for the menu, there was a glass of white wine descending to my table.

I looked up in surprise to see Benny, his fingers still delicately holding the stem of the glass, leaning over the table to set it down. He had a guarded look on his face, like he hoped he'd guessed right.

"Thank you," I said, taking the glass.

"Thank you." He straightened and hesitated, and then before I had a chance to say a word, the poor boy sealed his own fate.

"I wanted to thank you for calling me out last time we spoke... I thought a lot about what you said and... it's helped me change the way I think about work, and people, and... well, just about a lot of stuff. So, thank you for that." He dropped his eyes in respect, and then tentatively looked back up at me. "I hope that's not out of line."

Out of line? To thank me for my discipline that I enjoyed giving to you?

I didn't think about shifting my tone of voice or my facial expression. I didn't think about focusing on control. I didn't think about the change of energy I put out when I top. It just happened, all at once, like a switch being flipped. And it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Be careful, Benny. You might just make my day."

His lips twitched and he fought a smile, and I saw a hint of pink in his cheeks. His hands were clasped behind him in the professional manner all the service staff seemed to replicate, and he leaned ever so slightly forward at the hip. Like he was trying not to bow.

I knew I was right about you.

He licked his lips and shifted the conversation to business. "Would you like to order any food today, miss?"

There are a lot of things I would like. I watched him carefully, waiting for any sign of discomfort or displeasure at my behavior. He met my gaze with confidence. I took a sip of the wine he'd brought me. Cold and crisp.

"Yes. I'd like you to pick something you think is excellent. Something you think I'd like."

He looked nervous. He knew this was a test. My lack of satisfaction from our last encounter had clearly affected him enough that he wanted to make up for it.

He rose to the challenge. Straightening and inclining his head slightly he said, "Of course, miss. Any preferences or allergies?"


"As you wish." He gave me a small nod, collected my menu, and strode away.

As I wish indeed.

Thirty minutes later, he reappeared with a perfectly grilled salmon filet, risotto, prosciutto-wrapped asparagus, and grilled summer squash drizzled in a sage butter sauce. It smelled amazing, was plated beautifully, and he didn't wait around for compliments. He simply left me to my meal, checking in only once, and very briefly, while I savored the food and enjoyed my well-deserved free time.

I could get used to this.

I knew I had a very clear choice here. If I thanked Benny profusely for his service, and left him a nice tip, I could expect the same kind of service moving forward. I'd forever be "that woman" who left him too much change in exchange for good service and quiet solitude by a sunny window, and who gave fleeting, playful, seductive looks over my wine glass.


There's no harm in asking, I told myself. He can accept or decline. It's totally up to him. But he can never accept if I never ask. And he certainly wasn't the kind of boy to ask himself.

Benny left me alone while he bussed his other tables. I finished my meal and sipped my wine while I flipped through one of the papers I'd found to back up my research when he cautiously approached. There was a delightful air about him, like he was asking permission to get my attention.

I relished it just a moment before I looked up at him.

"Miss, I hope you've enjoyed your meal."

"I have."

"My shift is ending. Kilynn will take over your service and cash you out whenever you're ready. There's no rush--"

"No, bring the check please."

"Yes miss." He gave me that sweet nod and left to get the check.

While I gathered up my things and dug out my pocketbook, my phone buzzed. The screen lit up and I saw the last name I expected to see.

Jack Bowman.

What on earth, I wondered. I haven't talked to Jack since... I tried not to think about the awkward encounter. Surely we could put it past us.

"Mr. Bowman," I said softly as I answered the call. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"The pleasure is all mine, Becca. How are you?"

Benny returned with the check and set it on the table with a soft smile before disappearing again. I opened the booklet to see my total, and a little note written across. Have a great afternoon, miss.

I smiled. "At the moment? I'm wonderful."

"I'm glad to hear it. I called you for a reason, not just to flirt with you on the phone."

Oh. So we aren't going to put it behind us.

I tried to hold onto the confidence and the stature Benny had given me from simply being sweet and adorable in my proximity, but Jack Bowman did things to me. Things my Master was fully aware of, and refused to let me indulge in.

The last time Jack Bowman had been in town, he'd paid a little more attention to me than he had in the past. He came up a few times a year, spending a week or two depending on his schedule. He'd gone with me, Jeff, and Mike Black to The Underground during his last trip up here, and he'd barely taken his eye--the single one he had--off me the entire time. Perhaps it was the lace bodysuit, perhaps it was my posture towards Jeff, but I knew I had his attention.

And then there had been the weird conversation outside the bathroom. I shook it from my mind.

Later that night when Jeff and I returned home, he stood on his single leg, holding the arm of his chair for balance. He looked me in the eye, snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. I knelt for him immediately. I remembered his words as clear as day.

"You aren't to play with him, my love. Not a scene, not a kiss, not a moment at his feet."

"Yes, Master."

He'd given no explanation and no reasoning, and I didn't ask. When he chose to lay down the law, I chose to accept it. It was our way of doing things. Jeff gave me an incredible amount of freedom, and indulged my desire for independence and domination. But at the end of the day, I was still his, and his word was law.

And I wanted it that way.

Jack's voice drew me back to the moment. "I'm going to be in town for a couple weeks, I'd love to have dinner with you, if you're allowed."

"Well, Jack, it depends on your intention. If you'd like to come over to our place for dinner one night, I'm happy to have you."

"That is not at all my intention."

I didn't think it was. The seductive intense look behind his grey eye came to mind. How I would have loved to accept his advances, but I steadied myself and turned him down. "Then I am afraid I am unable to accept your invitation."

He sighed and then chuckled, the sound like a feather down my spine. Just enough to make me want a little more. "Well, that's a damn shame."

"Sorry, Jack."

"No, I'll respect it. But I will be around for a while... I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable?"

Only in the best ways. "I would love to see you. But if you flirt with me in front of Jeff, he might shoot you."

That got another dark chuckle. "I'll be on my best behavior."

He warned me he'd be at The Underground early next week, and I told him I'd pass on his message to Jeff. As we talked, I counted out the cash and scribbled my own note on the receipt. Jack bade me farewell and I ended the call, turning to glance at Benny before I walked out the door. I caught him staring at me.

I hoped to hell he'd accept my invitation. Jeff didn't allow me to submit to anyone he didn't approve... but he'd let me dominate to my heart's content.

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