The Gold Dollar Girls: Lady's Night


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She felt Lenore's hands cupping, then squeezing her ass. Suddenly, Lenore grasped the backs of her thighs and lifted her off her feet.

"Oh my God," Roxanne squealed, her mouth dropping open in surprise. Lenore plunged her tongue back into it, rougher now.

Roxanne wrapped her legs around Lenore's waist and locked her heels together in the small of her back. She draped her arms over her shoulders. Pinned between Lenore's body and the door, she felt totally helpless, yet absolutely safe. Lenore's tongue plunged into her mouth again and again. She sucked on it, moaning with pleasure.

Lenore looked over her shoulder, searching for the chair, then took a step back. Roxanne held on tight while Lenore lowered herself to the seat, holding her on her lap.

Roxanne put her hands on Lenore's shoulders, leaned back and began to grind her ass down against her thighs. She slid her fingers under the waist of her shorts and over the crotch of her thong. It was damp. She'd given hundreds of lap dances. Sometimes she got wet, but she couldn't remember ever getting so wet, so quickly.

"Dance for me, baby," Lenore said.

Roxanne rose up, putting a knee on either arm of the chair. She slowly twirled the lower part of her body around and around. While Lenore dragged her fingernails up and down the sides of her thighs, she gripped the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head.

"Nice, no bra," Lenore said, "I hate bras."

"I never really needed them," Roxanne said, laughing.

Lenore slid her hands up Roxanne sides and took one of her breasts in each hand. She kneaded them gently at first, then more forcefully. She pitched the nipples between her thumbs and fore fingers.

Roxanne gasped as Lenore gave her nipples a hard twist.

Lenore let out a wicked laugh, twisted them again, then released them and rubbed them gently with the palms of her hands.

"Ooh, you're a mean bitch," Roxanne said with a giggle.

Lenore reached between Roxanne's thighs and squeezed the crotch of her cutoffs. "And that makes you wet, doesn't it?"

Roxanne bit her lip and nodded. She slipped off the chair and dropped her head down, letting her long hair dangle over Lenore's breasts. Drawing back, she dragged it slowly down her torso and thighs.

The dance music was mid tempo, just right. She rocked her hips and rolled her shoulders, staring into Lenore's eyes. Lenore's hand drifted down between her legs. Roxanne watched her rub her crotch and ran her own fingertips around her nipples.

"Show me your ass," Lenore said.

Roxanne turned around. She looked over her shoulder and winked at Lenore, then unclamped the waist of her cut offs and let them fall to her ankles.

"That's my naughty girl!" Lenore exclaimed.

Roxanne kicked the shorts aside. Clad only in her thong and sneakers, she leaned forward with her hands on her knees. After a minute or two of twerking, she was not surprised when she felt a sharp slap on her right cheek.

She looked back at Lenore, thrust her ass higher and said, "Spank me, Mommy."

Lenore laughed. "So you're going there, are you?"

She leaned forward, gripped the side of Roxanne's left thigh and delivered six quick slaps in the same spot as the first.

Roxanne closed her eyes and purred. She liked the stinging sensation, but even more, she enjoyed the heat that followed it and seemed to flow down between her legs.

"You see what naughty girls get?" Lenore asked.

"I've been naughtier than that."

"I'm sure you have." Lenore switched hands and spanked Roxanne on the left side.

"I should've brought a paddle," she said.

"No," Roxanne replied, "I like your hands".

Lenore took hold of Roxanne's hips and pulled her into her lap. Roxanne leaned back across her body, laying her head on her muscular shoulder. Lenore kissed her and ran her hands down over her belly.

"You like my hands?" Lenore asked.


Lenore reached between Roxanne's legs and stroked her inner thighs. She cupped her right hand over Roxanne's mound, squeezing and rubbing it.

Roxanne moaned loudly. She kissed Lenore's throat and ran her tongue around the rim of her ear. Feeling Lenore press her legs apart, she lifted them and draped them over the arms of the chair.

When Lenore slipped her fingers under her thong and along her wet slit, Roxanne drew in a deep breath. She felt lightheaded. She'd had only the one drink, and the shot of tequila earlier, but it felt like she'd imbibed much more.

She was overcome by the feeling of vulnerability, of surrender to Lenore. She had experienced a similar feeling now and then with men, but it was always tempered by an underlying awareness of potential danger. But now, with this strong woman, she felt safe in giving herself up completely.

She felt Lenore's finger pressing into her vagina.

"Fuck me," she whimpered.

In response, Lenore stroked her fingers in and out, slowly at first, but with an increasing intensity. Her other hand played with Roxanne's clit, her fingertips circling it, tapping it, flicking it.

Roxanne's breath turned into panting, than gasping. Her hips bucked, randomly at first, then in syncopation with the fingers plunging into her.

"You need to come," Lenore hissed into her ear.


"Go ahead, naughty girl, come for me."

Her voice pushed Roxanne over the edge. It seemed like her whole body spasmed. Her legs shot into the air, the toes of her sneakers pointed at the ceiling.

Waves of sensation coursed through her. She locked her ankles together, and squeezed Lenore's hand tightly between her thighs.

Even with her hand trapped, Lenore's fingers kept moving. Roxanne kept coming. Her back arched. Her legs trembled. Finally, she went limp with exhaustion.

Lenore drew back her hands and wrapped her arms around Roxanne, hugging her tightly. They exchanged soft strokes and light kisses until Roxanne had caught her breath.

"I just noticed that at some point, the music stopped," she said.

"I noticed, but I didn't care."

Roxanne chuckled. She gave Lenore a quick kiss, then sat up and squinted at the dark floor. Her glasses had fogged up and she couldn't see her clothes.

She stood, found her shirt, and slipped it on. "If the music stopped," she said, "Then they are probably all out there waiting for us, so they can close up."

Lenore stood and put her arms around Roxanne, pulling her close.

"Let them wait another minute."

They shared one more deep kiss.

"Are you staying in town tonight?" Roxanne asked, "I mean, you could come to my place..."

Lenore shook her head. "I drove with Astrid. She has to go to her day job in the morning."

"That sucks. What is it, about a two hour drive?"

"Yeah, but we will load up on caffeine and sugar and crank up some beats. It will be okay."

"Maybe we can get together again sometime?"

Lenore smiled. "I'd like that. I still want to see you in that schoolgirl outfit."

"I can make that happen. Meanwhile, can you help me find my shorts? I can't see shit in here."

Lenore found them in the corner. She held them out while Roxanne stepped into them.

"I hate to see you put that away," she said with a grin.

When they came out of the private room, Misty and Clover were sitting at a table with Jo, sharing a bottle of Jagermeister.

As they approached them, Misty caught Roxanne's eye and tapped on her chest.

Roxanne looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"You've got your shirt on inside out, doofus," Clover said.

Roxanne gazed down at her shirt, then pulled it over her head and put it back on the right way. Lenore put her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm going to help Astrid load her gear," she said.

"Okay." They hugged, then Lenore headed to the DJ booth.

Roxanne sat down. Clover looked at her with one eyebrow raised. Misty grinned and winked.

Jo went to the bar and brought back another glass. She filled it with Jager and passed it to Roxanne.

Astrid and Star came out of the dressing room in their street clothes. They came to the table and tipped out Jo.

"How did you lady's do?" Misty asked.

Star shrugged. "Alright. But if you do this again, I don't think we will come. No offense but it's not our kind of place."

"Could have told you that," Clover muttered.

"Yes," Annika said, "I mean, we could have made as much money at Diamonds or the Cheetah Lounge, without having to travel so far."

"I understand," Misty said.

"The Cheetah Club is the place by the federal courthouse?" Clover asked.

Annika nodded.

Clover chuckled, "Can you imagine going to court and then later on, you're giving a lap dance and you realize it's your judge?"

"What the fuck would you be in federal court for?" Roxanne asked, "Interstate stupidity?"

Lenore and Astrid came to the table. "We are all packed," Astrid said. The dancers all tipped the two of them.

"We can help you carry your stuff out," Misty said.

Jo held up the bottle. "There's a little bit left," she said. She took a swig, then passed it to Misty. The bottle went around the table, to Clover, then Astrid and Lenore. By the time it came to Roxanne, there was only a sip remaining. She held it up to Annika.

"You want to finish it?" she asked.

Annika shook her head disdainfully. "No, it's all yours." She and Star turned and walked out.

"See ya," Clover called after them, "Enjoy that lawyer dick."

Lenore and Clover carried out the DJ equipment and helped Astrid load it in her SUV. While Misty was locking the door, Roxanne asked Jo, "We usually go get something to eat at the Finest Kind Diner. You want to come along?"

Jo shook her head. "Thanks for asking," she said, "But I'm staying with some friends in town. They'll be waiting up for me."

"Okay, well thanks for coming."

Jo said her goodbyes and hopped in her car.

"We're ready to go, too," Astrid said. She hugged each of the girls. Lenore did as well, but when she came to Roxanne, the hug lasted a little bit longer than the others.

Astrid and Lenore drove away, and it was just Misty, Roxanne and Clover left.

"Well, Misty, you did it," Roxanne said.

"Nope," Misty replied, "We did it."


Mildred put their food down on the table; a stack of blueberry pancakes for Roxanne, just an order of french fries for Misty, and as always, for Clover, two eggs sunny side up and a double order of white toast.

"You know what, Clover?" Roxanne said, "I'll give you twenty fucking dollars if you eat your egg whites."

Clover shook her head and held up her middle finger.

"I don't need your twenty bucks, Roxy. Besides, that's probably all you earned tonight. Meanwhile, I'm fucking loaded."

"And you're the one who didn't want to do lady's night."

"What can I say? I have broad appeal."

"Not to mention a broad ass."

"You're just jealous because your ass could fit in a shoebox. Tell you what, just to be fair we could have cartoon character night and you can come dressed like a Minion."

"Who are you gonna be, Shrek?"

Misty was typing on her phone, ignoring their bickering.

"What about Misty?" Clover asked.

"Some Disney princess."

When Misty didn't respond, Clover slapped the table in front of her. "Yo, Misty!"

Misty was startled to attention. "Oh, sorry guys," she said, blushing.

"What's got you so distracted?" Roxanne asked.

"It's that girl I mentioned, Maya. I wanted to let her know how the lady's night went. She asked me if I wanted to come over to her place."

"Now?" Roxanne asked.

"Yeah." Misty swiped the phone, then turned the screen so they could see it. "This is her."

The picture was of a beautiful young Black woman with a tumble of dreadlocks and a shining smile.

"Jesus Christ," Roxanne said, "Go!"

"Yeah," Clover said, "What the fuck are you waiting for?"

"Okay, I will." Misty fished a ten dollar bill from her purse and laid it on the table. "You can finish my fries if you want. I'll see you on Wednesday."

She stood and started toward the door. After a few steps, she turned and said, "I love you guys."

"Go!" they shouted in unison.

Clover pulled the plate of french fires closer. She picked one up, dipped it in her egg yolk and ate it.

"That's disgusting," Roxanne said, shivering.

"Uh uh, it's fucking delicious. I might start ordering this. So, let me ask you. What about you and that bouncer?"


"So you know her name at least."

Roxanne shrugged. "I gave her a private dance."

"Off the clock."

"Yeah, I did it for fun."

"How many times did you...have fun?"

"I had several funs."

"Did you..." Clover wiggled her tongue at her.

"No. Why? Are you jealous?"

"I'm not like that."

"You looked like you were like that when you had your tongue down Misty's throat."

"Yeah, but that was different, because it was Misty."

"Okay, tell yourself that."

Clover looked thoughtful for a moment. "I don't know. Maybe I could be like that with the right person."

"Jesus," Roxanne said, taking her last bite of pancake, "What the fuck would she be like?"

"I don't know. She'd have to be cute and funny. We would have to have a lot in common. And she would have to be someone who could take my shit and give back as good as she gets."

"Oh, fuck you."


"If you say she wears glasses, I will stab you in the eye with this fork."

Clover snorted with laughter. "What? You think I was talking about you?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, the grin vanished from her face. "Oh, shit."

Mildred approached them with the coffee pot. "Refills, ladies?"

Roxanne shook her head. "I think we'll get going," she said.

"Yeah, thanks. We're gonna go home. I mean...I'm going to my place and she's going to hers."

"Uh huh," Mildred said, "Well, have a good night."

You might as well go home together, she thought as she walked away from the table, the two of you were made for each other.

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Bluesea00Bluesea002 months ago

Again a wonderfull and very human story this time with an stronger Lesbo spin.

You keep being honest with your characters , congrats

Dome60Dome603 months ago

This chapter is also very nice. I hope there is a sequel. Thanks for your work. Kiss

Victoria14xsVictoria14xs3 months ago

Love these women.

oldsage_1oldsage_13 months ago

Love hearing from the Gold Dollar Girls and this episode was no exception. Well done as always. Always a thrill to see a MelissaBaby story show up in my favorites list. Five stars all the way!

A belated Happy Valentines Day!



Lovecraft_LoreLovecraft_Lore3 months ago

5 stars just because it was a behind the scenes look at what strippers do for fun.

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