The Good Girl


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I was still horny when I got home, and fucked Kathy on the living room couch with an intensity that was highly unusual. After I came down from my high Kathy frowned when she looked at me – apparently she hadn't enjoyed my attack as much as I had.

"What got into you?" she smirked.

"Can't I just be horny for my lovely wife once in a while?"

"Yeah, but you were more like a bull after a cow in estrus," she said, again with a smirk.

"Uh, sorry," I replied, stroking her breast – then realizing that I hadn't even taken her top off in my zeal to pork her.

We had a very unsatisfying chat, but after she pulled up her panties and walked into the kitchen I closed my eyes and fantasized that I had just fucked Angela.

I couldn't believe that I took Angela's last comment to me seriously, but I got on the Internet and found the phone number of the courthouse where the Justice of the Peace that had married Kathy and me worked. Not surprisingly, when I called the courthouse the Justice who married us was no longer there – he had retired ten years earlier – but there was a new Justice who was happy to talk to me.

"Judge Kern," he said when he got on the line.

"Hi, Judge Kern. This is Liam Williams. My wife and I got married at your Courthouse almost thirty years ago. I can't exactly remember the ceremony, but I have some questions about it?"

"You do, huh?" he laughed. "Well once thing that I can tell you is that it is exactly the same now as it was then for heterosexual couples. We have added two new versions for homosexual couples, however."

"Oh; I see," was my brilliant response. "Is there some way that I could get a copy of the heterosexual couple marriage ceremony?"

"Sure. Just give me your email address," Judge Kern responded.

After I gave him my address I thanked him profusely.

I got the email from the Judge just about an hour later. I read it over carefully three times, not that it was so long or complicated. In fact the only relevant portion of the vows read "I (Groom's name), take you (Bride's name), to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forth, to love, honor, and cherish, to comfort and respect, in sorrow or in joy, in hardship or in plenty, as long as we both shall live."

"I'll be damned," I said to myself, then continued "A case could really be made that fucking some other women doesn't violate 'honor,' 'cherish,' or 'respect.' Oh well, I'm still not going to have sex with Angela."

Though resolved not to fuck Angela, I still was turned on by my interaction with her. Kathy was not turned on, though, nor was she happy with my sexual advances every night that week, although she did give in once and seemed to reasonably enjoy it; though apparently not as much as I did. After that week the image in my mind of Angela's bare twat faded a little, and my libido almost returned to normal. "Almost!"

A month passed and I had almost gotten Angela out of my mind when on a Monday I got a call at work. "Mrs. Horton on line 3," my secretary said. I almost told her to tell Mrs. Horton that I was in a meeting – but then a vision of her puffy pussy lips flashed into my mind. "Thanks," I replied, and then pushed the button for line 3.

"Hi, Angela, what a pleasant surprise," I said trying to sound upbeat.

"Thank you for taking my call after the way I behaved the last time that we met," Angela solemnly said. "Can you forgive me?"

"Forgive what?" I replied with a laugh that I hope didn't sound forced.

"Thank you, Liam; you've always been the most gracious of my male friends."

"No problem," was my almost sincere response.

"Liam, I hate to take advantage of your good nature, but – well," then she started to quietly cry.

"What's wrong Angela?" I asked, with real concern in my voice.

"It's Jim again. I know that I – sob, sob – have no right – sniffle, sniffle – to ask for your help, but I have nowhere else to turn. Please – choke, choke, sob, sniffle – help me!"

"Is it the same problem?" I asked.

"No – different, and hopefully not as serious, but I simply can't involve William," she responded, trying to regain her composure.

"What can I do?" I asked.

"Could you please come over tomorrow morning? I promise not to answer the door in my nightgown," she said, completely serious.

"OK – is ten alright?" I inquired.

"Yes, perfect. Thank you Liam, I'll have everything ready when you come," she answered, before hanging up.

I thought her last comment was a little strange – "everything ready" – but I realized that she was under stress.

When I knocked on Angela's door the next day, promptly at ten, part of me hoped that she would answer the door in that skimpy nightie again. She answered it in a business suit, however, and seemed to be all business. "Thank you so much," she gushed, without reaching out to hug me, as she invited me in with her body language.

After some small talk she somberly said, "Well I really need to show you the problem, right away. Can you come with me to Jim's old bedroom?

I wordlessly followed her up the stairs. When we got to what I presumed was Jim's old bedroom she motioned for me to precede her through the doorway. When I looked around the only thing out of the ordinary that I saw were two pairs of handcuffs connected to the headboard, and two more to the footboard, of a sturdy bed. When I started to say something suddenly I was knocked off of my feet by what seemed to be a lightning bolt.

As I lay dazed on the bedroom floor I felt a pin prick in my neck. I woozily got to my feet and saw Angela approach me with a sly smile on her face, and push me backward. I landed on my back on the bed, and tried to get up again but must really have been weak because Angela held me down with just one hand until everything went blank.

When I awoke I saw Angela standing over me, naked, with a syringe in her hand. "I just gave you the wakeup chemical," she said with a smile. "You'll be feeling fine within two minutes."

I looked down at my body, and tried to move my hands and legs. I was naked, except for my socks, and my hands were cuffed to the headboard and my feet to the baseboard, of Jim's bed.

"What are you doing?" I naively asked Angela.

She sat next to me and stroked my head as she purred more than said "I'm sorry, Liam. However, in the last few months sex has become the most important thing in the world to me. Can you imagine, repressed for the first fifty years of my life, and now all I can think about is sex – especially with you."

"Why with me?" I queried.

"Oh, Liam," she giggled. "All your female friends are hot for you. You're always so open and friendly, and such a good listener. Plus, you have a really nice body, although I didn't know it was quite this nice," she giggled again as she stood up and stroked my chest with one hand and my balls with the other.

"You really shouldn't do this," I said, trying to sound cross.

"I know, Liam; but you're the only one who I approached who wouldn't fuck me, and it wasn't as good with the other four guys as I thought that it would be."

"What other four guys?" I asked, curious and perturbed at the same time.

"I won't tell you their names, because you know three of them. They were just guys who were happy to get their rocks off. I was very pleased that they found me very attractive, and all four wanted to continue fucking me. Do you believe that?"

"Well, you are a beautiful and sexy woman, Angela; but weren't you concerned with STDs?"

"Of course, that's why three of them had to be tested before I'd let them fuck me, and the fourth one seemed like he couldn't wait for that so he had to use a condom," she matter-of-factly replied while now stroking my cock.

Trying as hard as I could to suppress an erection – clearly a losing cause – I said "Well you haven't had me tested."

"I know – only you can get yourself tested. However, I'm absolutely certain that you have been true to Kathy and have no diseases. Plus, the aspect ratio, and head, of your cock are optimum," she replied, the last part while licking her lips and stroking a little more vigorously.

By that time I was almost rock hard, but still trying to resist, so I said "What do you mean? I've never heard the phrase 'aspect ratio' with regard to anything except a television screen."

"Well, I've actually consulted with a sex therapist and read up on the subject. 'Aspect ratio' when it comes to a cock is the ratio of the circumference to the length – and yours is 'just right' for optimum pleasure for your partner. When this is combined with the distinctly mushroom-shaped head, as opposed to a bullet shape, it almost guarantees that Kathy – and soon me – are or will be happy campers!" she chortled.

I think that I protested some more, but can't be sure because as soon as the word "campers" got out of her mouth she shoved my dick into it and started sucking like crazy. I got completely hard quickly, and once my dick was to her liking she mounted me in a very deliberate manner, slowly lowered her tight twat over my upright flagpole, and then started bucking.

For someone who was very likely inexperienced, she rode me exquisitely. She was almost a rodeo champ as she twisted, turned, and pumped her ass up and down. Her pussy was so slick, yet snug, that not just my cock was energized, but every nerve ending in my body. She momentarily stopped her bucking when her first orgasm hit, then continued. When her second orgasm hit it was a monster, causing her to involuntarily contract all of her pussy muscles, and her ample tits to smack together. This quickly put me over the edge and I rocketed what seemed like a liter of cum into her cozy cunt.

By the time that my last cum grenade had detonated in her, Angela had collapsed on my chest, groaning loudly and continuously. My head was spinning. If it wasn't the most physically satisfying – and draining – orgasm I had ever had in my life, it was so close that it didn't make a difference.

I don't know how long we lay together, my cock still up her channel, before we both regained full cognizance, and she lifted herself up to move her pussy off of my deflating cock. She snuggled up to me and we exchanged kisses on the lips. She had lots of questions about my pleasure.

"I hope that you enjoyed yourself," she giggled.

I wasn't going to admit how much I liked it, and wanted to play coy, so I simply said "What do you think?"

"Uh, I-I, uh think that you did like it. It was my best fuck ever!"

"Really?" was my terse reply.

"Did you notice how perfectly your cock fit my cunt?" she purred.

Actually, I had noticed, but I wasn't going to tell her. "I guess," I nonchalantly replied.

After another minute or so of these parries and thrusts, with a straight face I said, "I will admit that it was not as bad being raped as I thought that it would be."

Angela got a serious look on her face. "Uh, I'm sorry. I guess that I did rape you, didn't I?"

"Yes, Angela, you did," I said without anger or disgust. "But you don't have to worry, I won't be reporting it to the police. Who would believe me in any event, huh?"

"Uh, thanks," she murmured.

"Well now that you've had your fun you can thank me by releasing me so that I can go to the can – I need to badly!" I chortled.

"Oh, sure – I'm sorry," she stammered, looking around for the handcuff key, and then quickly unlocking both of my wrists, then both of my ankles.

I rubbed my wrists and ankles for a few seconds as she said "Are they hurt?"

"Not really, I just need a little more circulation in them," I said with a half-smile, then got up and went to the can to pee. While there I looked through the cabinets and found just what I was looking for – a container of petroleum jelly.

When I returned to the bedroom, while hiding the petroleum jelly behind my back I said "I'm impressed that you could get my clothes off and handcuff me by yourself. I don't think that you could have also gotten me onto the bed, so it's lucky that I tried to get up and you pushed me on it."

"That was serendipitous," she snickered, now clearly a little bit nervous about what I would do. "I'm sorry that I Tasered you, and then injected you with a knockout drug, but I assure you that they were safe."

When I looked at her sternly she said "You're not going to report me to the police, are you?"

After a pregnant pause I said "No; but I am going to teach you a lesson."

With that I pushed her down on the bed and quickly handcuffed her wrists to the headboard. If she was trying to resist she didn't do a very good job of it, but I couldn't tell for sure because I am eighty pounds heavier and a lot stronger than she is. I didn't shackle her legs.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, not really scared, but a little outside of her comfort zone.

"Well, first, you're going to suck our combined cums off of my cock, and then we'll find a use for this," I said, holding up the petroleum jelly and then laying it next to her. Kathy had never sucked my cock after intercourse, but I sure wanted Angela to.

I straddled Angela then put my mushroom head to her lips. She willingly took it in and did a good job of removing everything caked on off of it. She did an even better job of getting me hard again. Once I was completely hard I redid her handcuffs so that her arms were crossed, then turned her onto her stomach. Once she was in that position I put two pillows under her stomach to lift her ass in the air and then opened up the jar of petroleum jelly.

When my first lubricated finger touched her pucker hole her entire body spasmed.

"What are you doing?" she wailed.

"You had your fun, now I'm going to have mine," I chuckled. "I haven't fucked an ass since I got married almost thirty years ago, and you have a truly beautiful, symmetrical one, that's calling to me."

"No, please don't, I've never done that before," she whined.

"Well I've never been raped before, and I survived," I coldly said. "It's gonna happen so you might as well try to enjoy it."

Angela continued to moan and protest as I lathered up her anus then stuck first one lubricated finger, then a second, and then a third, into her hole, and gently swirled them around. Her moans of protest changed to moans of pleasure after my three fingers had been exploring for about a minute. About a minute after that I lubricated my cock – which was still rock hard in part due to the excellent visual stimulus that her magnificent thighs and inviting pucker hole provided – and slowly inserted it into her anus.

Angela was warmed up enough that I doubt that she experienced any pain as I carefully buried myself completely. Once I started slowly stroking in and out I'm sure that she was enjoying it, and when between moans she started pleading "Oh, God, please fuck me harder, pound my fucking ass..." she obviously loved it. I pounded her hard until I blew my wad. She clearly had a minor orgasm as my man cream scrubbed her intestine walls, and once I withdrew she was almost incoherent and babbling stuff like "Holy shit that felt good!"

After I lay next to Angela until I was sure that we both had recovered I unlocked her cuffs, swept her off the bed, and carried her to the shower in the master bedroom. We fondled and kissed as we cleaned each other up. Once we dressed I held her hands while staring down into her eyes while standing in her vestibule.

"Although I was completely unwilling to admit it before, fucking you today gave me the most physical satisfaction that I can remember. I hope that you want to keep fucking me, because I have every intention of pursuing you. I didn't get a chance today to eat out that magnificent cunt of yours, but you can be sure that I'll be tonguing, fingering, and sucking it next time," I said as I alternately squeezed and released her hands. "Plus your tits are the perfect size and firmness for a titty fuck, and that's gonna happen too!"

"What about Kathy?" she said with a wicked smile.

"I have every intention of honoring, loving, comforting, and respecting her. But you were right – my wedding vows did not say 'forsaking all others,' and, anyway, you're too fantastic of a piece of ass to pass up."

"I can't believe it," she giggled. "A year ago I would have been so insulted if you called me a 'fantastic piece of ass,' and now I am thrilled and overjoyed."

Angela got on her tip toes and passionately kissed me as I moved my hands from hers to one tit and one ass cheek. "When do we swap fluids again?" she asked; "you know that I'm not going to be fucking anyone else besides you unless William gets off his 'sex only for procreation' soapbox."

"And I'll only be fucking you and Angela," I replied. "How about Thursday morning, the same time and place?"

"I'll fuck your brains out," she fake sneered, then gave me one more kiss before I exited.

My initial sexual interaction with Angela was about a year ago. With only minor exceptions we have had sex, of all types, at least twice a week since then. It seems to get better every time, especially if I eat her to two or three orgasms before doggy or wheelbarrow fucking her. We even got to spend one entire weekend together, during which I set my all-time record by busting my nut six times in two days and two nights, while giving Angela more orgasms than she had in her entire life before her "re-commitment" ceremony.

Getting all the physical sexual satisfaction I need from Angela, I don't have to "over-demand" with Kathy anymore. She is as happy as a pig in poop to have vanilla sex every seven to ten days, and to have me love, honor, respect, and cherish her at all times. Our relationship is better than ever.

I'm still not sure what caused Angela to change from a prude to a sex goddess, but instead of looking a gift horse in the mouth, I'll be shoving my cock into hers.

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oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

The idea was a good one, the execution of it wasn’t right, it was rushed, a bit sloppy in how you wrote it, take that little more time to reread and make it last that much longer

WillowghbyWillowghbyover 1 year ago

That was a fun, fiction, erotic story. About as likely as a pig roast at the synagogue picnic on Saturday, but great entertainment nonetheless. Yeah, yeah, yeah - we can all get up on our moral high horse, but shit mon, this is Lit!

Keep 'em comin' (again).

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 2 years ago

Just another cheat.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

I knew where you ere going and it was a little disconnected from the character you presented us in Liam, but still well written. 4*

MightyheartMightyheartalmost 3 years ago

Cheating scoundrel !

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Still a cheating asshole!!!

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Another hapless mess

Like JPB, I don't know what I'll find when I read a story. This one was not good.

MarkT63MarkT63over 4 years ago
Cheating slut

He's a cheating slut also.

JackmoftenJackmoftenover 7 years ago
What a Hypocrite

An ass hole is an ass hole, and he sure is one. It does not matter wether that piece of paper says "to foresake all others", it just make sense to do so, otherwise, why get married in the first place if all you're going to do is fool around on your spouse? You can just be companions, have children or not, and just fu** around with whom ever you want.

GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago
30 Years of BLAH ,+ Opportunity = Straying

The man stayed true to his wife for nearly 30 years despite boring,lousy,infrequent sex despite all of the temptations presented to him all the time at the office. It took a sexy ,slutty sexpot knocking him out and tying him down to get him to stray. And well,he's only human. Maybe if the wife made more of an attempt to give him what she knew he desired,he wouldn't have continued on with the crazy sex-starved bitch.

Yes,cheating is always wrong at least on several serious levels BUT in this case it took the sexual pressure off of his wife while allowing him and Angela to get off often in wild ways. ~ Good to see a CUCK-Reversal story! ~ I gave it 5 dildos,er,I mean stars!

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