The Good Girl


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The one thing I was grateful for? They didn't try to set me up with anyone. Although I was lonely and wanted to meet someone, that type of social situation would have been extremely uncomfortable for me.

However, to my absolute delight, I unofficially became part of her family and not a weekend went by when I wasn't having dinner or attending some little function at Bree's home. Plus, she was my shopping buddy and I rarely went to the mall without her. The girl had an innate sense for fashion and I always deferred to her in such matters.

And, life went on that way for me. I had a host of casual friends but Bree was far and away my closest gal pal. I had sex with three people the entire time; me, myself and I, or my fingers, a dildo and a vibrator.

Unlike Bree, I had no skill at picking-up someone of either sex. Sure I had plenty of acquaintances at the gym and my bod got some very appreciative stares but I was clueless on how to react to the attention. In spite of my hard body, I kept thinking that my age was a deterrent and I would never meet anyone interested in me. Oh, how wrong I was!

**** It was late Spring when Bree invited me to her annual party that she gave for her present and former clients, friends and co-workers. I missed the last one because I wanted to take a long overdue vacation with my daughter's.

Reluctantly, I went to Bree's party. I doubted that I would know anyone there but she usually invited an eclectic mix of people. Sure enough there were some very hunky guys from the gym that I was dying to meet. But, I lacked the confidence to just go up to someone and start a conversation.

It was difficult for me to relax and I drank too much in a vain attempt to calm my nerves. I was trying to blend in with the hedges that lined the pool area when I backed in to someone. I was immediately apologetic,

I'm so sorry...please forgive me..."

I turned and gazed at a very lovely woman about my age.

"You don't seem to be enjoying the party very much," she stated in a lilting voice.

"I'm not good at this sort of..." and my voice trailed off.

"I should introduce myself...Kelly's the name and don't forget it," she said with a chuckle.

"Lori," was my only utterance as I continued to stare at her pretty face.

"So Lori, what brings you to one of Bree's little soirees,"

"Oh, ah...she's my personal trainer and I figured what the hell, maybe I'll meet someone interesting..." the alcohol in my bloodstream was doing the talking.

"Have you met anyone interesting this evening?" she asked with a smirk.

"Nah...but I'd like to meet them..." I stated and pointed in the direction of the hot looking guys, easily ten years younger

Kelly leaned close to my ear and whispered,

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news sweetie but...they're gay."

The look of disappointment on my face made Kelly laugh out loud. I felt like a complete and utter fool, a close to inebriated fool.

But, I was captivated by Kelly too. There was something so familiar about her face but I couldn't put my finger on...

After a few minutes in Kelly's presence, I found her to be utterly charming. My drink glass was empty and she volunteered to get me another.

"What poison are you drinking these days," she asked, taking my arm and leading me to the makeshift bar in the kitchen.

"Vodka and grapefruit juice..." I slurred.

"Vodka and grapefruit it is...heavy on the vodka or juice?"

I leaned against the wall to keep from swaying and Kelly picked up on that right away.

"Looks like heavy on the grapefruit..." she stated with authority.

After Kelly handed me my drink, she guided me to the far side of the pool away from most of the guests. We sat in a couple of chairs along a wood rail fence and suddenly I felt very self-conscious. I sipped my drink nervously and kept my eyes averted from her intense gaze but a question bubbled from my lips.

"I'm curious...why haven't I seen you here before? How long have you known Bree" I enquired.

"Oh...six or seven years, maybe longer. She was my trainer at Harry's Hardcore Gym...we keep in touch but only in a very casual way..."

Then it hit me like a thunderbolt. I remembered where I saw her lovely face...

"Thanks to Bree, I was able to change my body...

"Yeah, I know...I said bashfully, interrupting her in the process

The astonished look on Kelly's face dissolved to one of recognition.

"You mean I'm still in that book of transformations that she shows to clients?"

"Yep!" I replied, looking deep into her gorgeous brown eyes.

"Why that little...I gave her permission but...aren't the photos yellowed by now," she stated sarcastically.

"Not yet...and your story convinced me enough to train with Bree. I mean you looked fantastic and...ah...still look..." The booze in my bloodstream had emboldened me.

"Aw...yer making me blush ..."

"No, that's the truth..." I was positively gushing.

Kelly gazed at me fondly, effectively turning my insides to goo.

"That's very sweet of you to say..."

When Kelly took my hands in hers, the sensation from her touch traveled throughout my entire body. Oh my god! My mind reacted.

"...The part Bree left out was how I divorced my prick of a cheating husband years before I went to see her. Turned me off to men forever...anyway I discovered something about myself..."

Kelly didn't elaborate and although my curiosity was killing me, I let it drop. I finished my drink and was very unsteady when I got up from the chair.

"Whoa there girl...need some help?"

"Nah...I'm...ok..." and promptly slid to the ground on my knees.

I leaned forward with my hands and wondered how in the hell I was going to get up and walk to my car.

"I see you're making progress..." she intoned with sarcasm.

I could just hear the talk, Lori the drunk as I crawled past the guests.

Kelly helped me to my feet and put her arm around me for support.

"I should leave...I warbled drunkenly.

"Why don't I take you's a lot safer..." she suggested, and at the moment I was in no position to argue.

"Ok," I slurred.

The next thing I remember, Kelly was helping me up the steps to my front door and looking through my purse for the keys. Then I smelled coffee and discovered I was lying on the sofa with a moist towel on my head.

Kelly pulled me up to a sitting position and I tasted java on my lips. Slowly, I sobered up and felt like a complete idiot for allowing myself to get so stinking drunk!

"Sorry about this..." I stated apologetically.

"Not to worry, it happens to all of us at one time or another," she said.

I put my arms around Kelly and hugged her.

"'ve been so kind..." I stammered.

Kelly patted my back as I let out a chest rattling yawn.

"I better go and let you get some sleep..." she got up to leave. I was feeling better but I was ready to lose consciousness.

"I'd like to repay you...please...a token of my appreciation...Perhaps dinner?" I asked.

Kelly smiled and appeared to be mulling over my invitation.

"Sure, that would be's my card." and left it on the coffee table.

I never made it to my bed and spent the night on the sofa. The next morning I awoke to a sour cottony taste in my mouth and a colony of bees buzzing in my head. It took me the better part of the day to regain my senses and oh brother did I kick myself in the butt for my behavior.

A vision of Kelly's tall, lanky body swam into my conscious mind but her unflinching act of compassion impressed me even more. Thoughts of her dominated my psyche until my daughter made her usual Sunday afternoon call.

As I sat talking to Rebecca on the phone, I spied Kelly's card and reached for it,

"Kelly Neall, Attorney At Law"

Except for a cell, office phone numbers and email, no mention of a specific law firm.

After I ended my call, I stared at the card again; "Specializing In Family Law" was printed in italics on the bottom. I wonder what that means I mused silently.

A mental image of Kelly slowly paraded across my mind. Vivacious, mature and sexy were linked to her lovely visage. I remembered that she was dressed in a spaghetti strap "T" shirt and Capri pants that looked molded to her body. Her shiny chestnut hair was clipped short but not too short and accentuated her pretty facial features.

One physical attribute that really made an impression on me were her intense brown eyes. Then there was the electric sensation of her hands on mine. All this occurred while I was six sheets to the wind. What would I experience if I was sober? my brain questioned.

Kelly had seen a side of me that rarely surfaced and a feeling of shame washed over me. I was past forty years old and my "good girl" image still haunted me. Although I was apprehensive, I picked up my cell and punched in her number. Kelly answered and my usual self-confidence evaporated.

"'s me Lori...remember me...last night..."

"Of course I remember you..."

"I'm real sorry about...I'm not usually like..."

"Hey...don't sweat looked like you needed a friend," she said warmly. "I was hoping you were free this Friday or Saturday night... "

The way I was speaking it sounded as though I was asking her out on a date. I suggested Del Buono's, a classy bistro in Manayunk.

"Sounds great! What time?" she asked enthusiastically.

Since it was my treat, I volunteered to drive and not consume any alcoholic beverages.

" the ya feelin?" she asked.

"Not bad...a little hungover..." In truth, I was still hurting.

When I ended the call, I lay back on the sofa and sighed. There was something about Kelly that had me intrigued, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Later that night, I lay in bed thinking about Kelly, wondering why I was enthralled by her. Then, it hit me right between the eyes; my car was still at Bree's house!

On Monday, Bree gave me the raised eyebrow look when I showed for our session.

"Have fun Saturday?" she asked in a smarmy voice.

My face grew terribly hot and I knew I was blushing.

"Jeez, I'm sorry..."

Bree held her hand up, stopping me in mid-sentence.

"No apologies necessary...I heard Kelly took control of the situation."

"Yeah...kinda like my guardian angel."

"Ready to sweat all that booze out of your system?" she asked.

Bree worked me extra hard and during a break I mentioned that I was taking Kelly to dinner as repayment for her act of charity.

"Del Buono's is nice, don't ya think?" I asked nervously.

"Hmm...great food...intimate...perfect place to take someone for a romantic dinner," she stated in a matter-of-fact way.

Bree's words thundered through my head. Is that why I'm taking Kelly there? I silently questioned.

" realize that Kelly's gay...she likes girls exclusively..."

I'd had my suspicions from part of the conversation on Saturday night but it never sunk in to my alcohol fuzzed brain

I spent the rest of the week in nervous anticipation. My boss caught me daydreaming at my desk a few times and by Friday was giving me dirty looks.

On "D" day, I went through my closet, trying on every classy outfit I owned. The only one that appealed to me was a black sparkly top and matching skirt with shiny pumps. Too formal? My brain questioned.

Why I was acting like a schoolgirl was beyond my comprehension. I left far too early and drove below the speed limit to make up some time but I was a good fifteen minutes early when I rang the doorbell.

When Kelly opened the door, I just stared at her. She was no spring chicken but damn the woman was lovely. My gaze shifted over her sleek torso and stopped at the long lean legs that grew out of her tasteful skirt.

"I'm sorry...I'm a little early..."

"Hey, no problem girl...come in," she greeted me very warmly.

Kelly's townhouse was an eclectic mix of new and antique furnishings.

"Have you decided on a restaurant?" she asked.

Kelly's intense gaze was withering my resolve to act like a strong, confident female.

"Oh...ah...Del Buono's...if that's ok...or maybe we can try somewhere else..."

"No, No, I've been dying to eat there, just never had a reason."

At the bistro, the maitre d' seated us in a booth along the wall and away from the bustling tables in the center of the room. After we ordered, I gazed at the very pretty woman across from me and inwardly sighed.

While Kelly sipped white wine, she looked around at the elegant interior.

"Come here often?" she asked.

"Nah, first time for me too...I wanted to express my gratitude by taking you someplace special..." I stated shyly.

Kelly's brown eyes held my gaze.

"I couldn't help but notice on your business card that you're an attorney?"

"Yes, I am but don't hold that against me..."

I must have looked confused.

"It's a joke can laugh now..."

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at my attractive companion. We barely knew each other but we had one thing in common, Bree.

Kelly described meeting Bree, who was a fledgling trainer at the time.

"I was overweight, out of shape and very unhappy with my life and physical appearance. But there was something about her that I trusted and lets face it, it's not easy transforming ones body. It does take a lot of hard work and plenty of determination but I was pleased with the results."

Momentarily, Kelly looked lost in thought.

"It gave me renewed self-confidence. I went back and finished law school..."

Kelly looked directly in my eyes.

"Hey, enough about me!

I spoke honestly about my life with my husband and the bitter disappointment of divorce. How difficult it was starting over, the uncertainty of finding someone new.

While I was talking, Kelly covered my hand with hers as a sympathetic gesture and it warmed my heart. Our dinners arrived and we chatted idly until it was time to leave.

When I pulled up in front of her apartment, I felt sad that our "date" was over.

""Come in for a nightcap...I promise I won't take advantage of you...Girl Scouts honor!"

Instead of the usual salute, she held up her right hand with crossed fingers. I loved her sense of humor and readily accepted.

In her living room, I gazed at framed snapshots of her with two young men, obviously her sons as they both looked a lot like Kelly.

"Your boys?" I asked when she entered the room with our drinks.

"Yeah, those are mine," she said wistfully, and handed me a white wine.

"Cheers," we toasted simultaneously.

Kelly pointed to the photograph in my hand,

"That's Michael on the left, he's twenty-three and got married last May. And, that handsome devil on the right is Ryan, he's twenty-one and lives in Saint Louis with his girlfriend...god, I really miss him"

Suddenly, Kelly turned toward me,

"Now take your time and SIP your wine...enjoy the company," and batted an eye at me in an exaggerated but seductive way.

We both laughed and clinked glasses. Kelly was seated at the other end of the sofa facing me with her legs folded under her lithe body. She wore form fitting clothes that accentuated her extraordinary figure. Especially striking was the distinctive "V" shape of her upper torso that bodybuilders get from heavy weight training.

Damn, I wonder what she looks like without her mind wondered. I expelled those thoughts from my head, after all, we barely knew each other.

"Do you still compete?" I blurted out mindlessly.

Kelly was confused momentarily, as my question came out of left field.

"You mean in fitness competitions?"

I nodded my head dumbly.

"Nah, I entered one because Bree wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. I have to admit it was thrilling participating my first time but...I'll just say that Bree and I parted ways when I refused to continue...but it was amicable and we're still friends...I had bigger fish to fry...Law School and..." her voice trailed off.

Then it hit me, did Bree seduce Kelly or vice versa? I dared not ask.

"Bree woke something inside me that I was aware of but denied for many years...I even got married thinking I could repress that part of myself..."

Kelly appeared to be introspective and absentmindedly toyed with her wine glass.

"You ok?" I asked with concern.

Kelly smiled at me and her entire face lit up.

" can be a bitch remembering the past...the only good thing that came out of my marriage was my two sons...I wouldn't trade them for all the tea in China...enough!"

The hour had grown late and I let a light yawn escape my mouth. I set the wine glass on the coffee table and got up.

"Thanks for accepting my invitation, I had a great time..." I gushed.

When Kelly hugged me, I looked deep into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Will I see you again, Lori?

"Yeah...sure thing, I'll call you..."

While in her snug embrace, Kelly brushed her soft lips over mine, I audibly moaned but she pulled back. The sensation sent chills up and down my spine.

"Safe trip're not feelin' the..."

I shook my head and we parted company.

Kelly dominated my thoughts on the ride home, that night in bed and the next day as well. My cell rang interrupting my daydream,

"Hey girl, I thought you were comin' over for a barbeque..." Bree's voice sounded concerned but not angry.

"Shit, I'm sorry Bree...I..."

"No worries'd it go last night...with Kelly?"

I hesitated for a moment.

"Oh...ah...very nice...I'll see ya in half an hour."

I hurriedly changed with Kelly still taking charge of my waking thoughts. Fuck, I never felt this way about anyone in my life except maybe Jerry. But, somehow this felt different and I could see myself falling for her. What about my desire to meet a man and...?

As I sped down the Blue Route, I realized that it didn't make any difference to me, male or female. I reached for my cell and called Kelly but got her voice mail. I was instantly disappointed.

Later, Kelly called as I was getting ready for bed. It was past twelve midnight.

"Hey, I'm sorry I missed yer call earlier but I had my stupid phone on vibrate in my purse. I was at my sons house and well the time flew if it's not too late, what's up?"

I hesitated far too long. Why did I call? And, although I knew the answer, I lost my courage.

"Lori...hello...ya there?"

" are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine but was there a reason that you called me..."

Dear God, the woman must think I'm some kind of nit wit, I thought silently.

"I...ah...would you like to have dinner with me again...ah maybe next week or some...other time..." I sounded like a complete idiot.

Kelly, bless her heart, took charge of the situation.

"That would be lovely, I'd like that. I'll call you mid-week and we can decide on the day and time." she replied.

"Oh...ok, yeah...great," I stammered and lost my voice.

"Lori? You can hang up now. Talk to ya soon."

My phone fell silent and I stared at the opposite wall. Why was I acting this way?

On Wednesday my cell rang as I was taking a load of wash from the dryer. I raced to answer the urgent tone and when I heard Kelly's voice my heart leapt.

"Hey Lori..."

Kelly explained that she was still working but didn't want to call too late.

"Dinners on me this time, my treat and I insist. Would you mind very much if I cooked for us?" she asked.

"No, not at all. Can I bring anything?"

"Yeah, a nice red or white."

The rest of the week dragged along and I thought Saturday would never arrive. I changed outfits several times and finally settled on one that I thought looked chic and highlighted my lean form.

Surprisingly, I wasn't nervous or hyper when I arrived at Kelly's. I realized that I needed to elevate my maturity level and self-confidence if I wanted to be appealing or attractive.